Chapter 30
I just stared at her for a few endless seconds, trying to figure out if she was being serious, as she closed her eyes and turned her head up towards the sky.
She was a sight to behold. Raindrops trickled down her face, as she smiled to herself. Her dark curls were now wet and were framing her face.
When she opened her eyes, she caught me staring at her. Caught off guard, I cleared my throat and looked away.
Shit. I must have looked like a creep.
It was raining softly but steadily, as I made my way back and sat down beside her.
"Let me guess, is this another first for you?" she asks referring to our little late-night walk on the beach, which seemed ages ago now.
"Yep. Another first, " I smiled. "You somehow make me do things, I never thought I would."
She chuckled and looked away.
We were quiet for a while, the only sound surrounding us was the steady rhythm of the rain, hitting the lake water.
"Your friends are really worried about you, " I quietly said.
"I know."
"Are you still mad at them?"
"I was never mad at them, " she shook her head and looked at me. "I can never be mad at them."
But I was slightly mad at them. Even when I had no right to be.
"Really? Because the way they handled things today, was not right. So if you were mad at them, nobody would blame you, " I said.
She was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke, "After that night last year with Max, something in me shifted. I pushed myself away from everyone, " she took a shaky breath and continued. "Ashley's parents were luckily out of town for a few days, so she called my parents and told them that I will be staying at her place for a couple of days. I used to be curled up in my bed all day, I didn't talk to anyone. When I refused to eat, she starved herself too. Every time I had nightmares and I couldn't sleep, she was right there by my side to keep me company and make sure I wasn't alone.
"Avi and Neil were pretty much living at her place all day, they would go home just to get some sleep. But they would be back, first thing in the morning. Avi always knew the right things to say, he brought me back from my initial shock and reminded me of who I am. He was the one who used to talk me out of every depressing and self-deprecating thoughts I used to have. He told me I was much stronger than what I believed. And I believed every word he said.
"Neil might have a temper and can act immature at times, but he has been my rock since day one of our friendship. No matter how much we bicker or yell at each other, every time I have any problem, he will be the first one I find standing at my doorstep. Regardless of the time or place, he will drop everything, to just be by my side when I need him."
Her eyes were now filled with unshed tears, and I resisted the urge to pull her into my arms and comfort her.
"They refused to go to school without me. Because they knew I needed them, all of them. Even if I never said it out loud. It wasn't only me who suffered through what had happened, they suffered with me too. They were there for me, every second of every day."
She looked away from me, trying to collect herself. When she looked back at me, she had a small sad smile playing on her lips. "So tell me what would you call such friends?"
"Family, " I quietly said and she nodded.
"How can I ever be mad at them, when I know they always have my best interest in their hearts?"
I could relate to what she was saying. Because I was fortunate enough to be blessed with some friends, who were like brothers to me. Jace, Ryan, and I, have always been inseparable and I don't think anything could ever change that.
The silence stretched between us again, for a long time. Neither of us knew what to say to the other.
After a while, she got up and held out her hand for me. I looked up at her confused and got up. As soon as I took her hand, she led me towards the edge of the water and turned towards me with a mischievous smile and I knew there was something cooking in that brain of hers. I braced myself for what was coming next.
"That grin on your face is making me feel very unsafe, " I said and she chuckled.
"How about a little swim?" she asked and I search her face unable to make out if she is serious or not. She is always full of surprises, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with her tonight.
"Swim? Are you serious?"
"Yeah. We are practically wet, and I know the water is clean and safe, it's not my first time here." She shrugged.
The rain had now slowed down to a soft drizzle and we were both completely drenched.
Before I had a chance to say anything, she suddenly started taking off her hoodie and I quickly turned around.
Good Lord, this girl is going to be the death of me.
I heard her giggling from behind me, before she said, "Relax, I am wearing a top underneath."
I slowly turned around and saw her in a tank top, that was wet and it clung to her body, in all the right ways. Damn!
She took off her shoes, before taking a few steps backward and then took a running start before she jumped into the water. And I just stood there utterly shocked looking at the dark water, glittering in the moonlight, waiting for her to resurface.
She popped out of the water after a few seconds, gasping for air. Her hair wet, and eyes wild. She had the biggest smile plastered onto her face, which made it impossible for me not to smile back.
She looked happy, wild and free. And I fucking loved it.
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