Chapter 23
I drove to the only place I could think of, hoping that my gut feeling was right and I would find him there. After about 15 minutes I was parked outside an old park across the town, which was now deserted.
As soon as I walked in I spotted him sitting on one of the swings with his head hung low. The relief that washed over me was quickly replaced by sorrow. This is not the first time he had to go through this, and this is not the first time he had felt the need to push himself away from me and mom to deal with his shit alone.
I wished he'd come to me every time he was sad or heartbroken over something, but he never did. So I always went the extra mile to show him he was never alone.
"Hey, " I said and sat down on the swing beside him.
He looked up at me and stared in confusion. "Why did you come here?"
"To find my brother and make sure he was okay."
He snorted out a laugh and looked away. "I'm okay. I have always been okay. But it isn't enough sometimes."
"I'm sorry for what dad said to you."
"I'm over it."
We sat there in silence for a while until I couldn't take it any longer. "What's on your mind?"
"Murder, " he quietly said.
After a few seconds, he turned to look at me and burst out laughing, after looking at my stunned expression.
"Not funny, " I murmured.
"It definitely was, " he chuckled. "I hate dad, but not so much Tyler. The asshole is still my father."
"You know, whatever he said is not true right?"
"Which one of it? That I was a mistake? A dirty spot on his reputation? A burden?" he asked, his expression unreadable.
"All of it, " I firmly said. "And it's ridiculous that you are even dwelling on whatever he said. We both know what he is, what the truth is. He is a piece of shit, and he has no right to treat you the way he does. Mom and I are here for you, we love you. I just wish that you would stop pushing us away when things get rough. You have a family now, you don't have to go through everything alone like you used to."
"I know. It's just hard for me to get used to all of this. And it's even worse that I have to face dad every day, now." He sighed. "I am sorry."
"I understand. It's okay, take your time. Let's go home now, mom is worried sick."
"You go ahead. I'll come home in some time, I'm waiting for someone."
"Someone?" I raised an eyebrow in question.
"Yeah. A friend."
"A friend? Do I know this friend?"
"No. She's one of the only real friends I've had in a long time. I don't know much about her, neither does she, but it works. I have been avoiding her for a few days because of everything that was going on at home, but today everything felt too much for me to handle alone."
"So your friend is a she huh?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes. "She must be something, for you to actually willingly open up to her. I am glad you have someone, but can you trust her?"
"She doesn't know much, and she doesn't go to Edgewood high. Besides I do trust her, she is one of the only ones I do," he smiled.
"I'll take your word for it, " I nodded. "How long have you known her for?"
"Two weeks I think. It's a long story, but we got talking and both of us were dealing with some shit we were running away from. It was easier to vent to each other, to have someone who knows nothing about you. No judgments, just a listening ear."
I felt a little hurt to hear that my own brother wasn't comfortable enough to come and talk to me. Since day one, both mom and I have been trying to make him feel comfortable at home, to break down those walls he has built to protect himself. And here we are four months after, and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface.
But I knew that I needed to give him time. Time to recover and adjust. It's true, that it was sometimes easier to open up to a stranger than someone you know, but still, I wish he didn't need to seek comfort from some stranger when he could always come to me or Mom.
But the good thing was at least he was talking to someone, and not bottling up everything as he did before. It's a start.
"I am glad to hear that junior. I will get going then and give you some time with your friend, " I smiled and got up to leave. Just then my phone started to buzz and I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID.
"It's mom. She is really worried about you. Talk to her, she'll feel better," I said and handed him my phone.
He got up from the swing he was sitting on and took the phone. "Hey, mom. Calm down, I'm sorry..." I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as he started pacing around, a nervous habit he had developed. Judging from his expression, mom must be blowing up at him.
After a moment, I saw a pair of headlights come down the street and a second later a car pulled up in front of the park's gate. From the dim light cast by the street light across the street, I could make out the silhouette of a girl walking towards us in the dark. Assuming that it must be the friend my brother was talking about, I turned around to call him from where he was now standing and talking to mom.
"Is everything okay? You freaked me out for a second, " the girl said as she came up to me.
I turned around to face her and she froze in her tracks. I gasped as I took her in.
"Veronica?" I asked utterly confused.
"What are you doing here?" we asked at the same time.
"Are you the friend my brother was talking about?" I asked.
"Brother? He is your brother?" her eyes widened in shock.
"Why don't you answer my question?"
"Why don't you answer my question?" she shot back in return.
Just then my brother walked up to us, and she turned to face him.
"Julian? Do you know him?" she asked.
"Is she the friend you were talking about?" I asked, turning to look at him.
"So you both know each other?" he questioned us in return.
A/n - sooooooo?
I know that some of you had already guessed it and some of you hadn't.
To those who had already guessed it, tell me what gave it away?
And to those who didn't, tell me what did you think of it?
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