Chapter 2
I woke up to my mom banging on my door at six in the morning.
When I finally managed to roll out of my bed, I groaned and got to the door. She simply glared at me and handed me her phone before stalking off.
What the hell?
I looked at the phone and it was Ash calling. "What are you. . ." I was interrupted by her yelling.
"Veronica D'costa! If you want us to wake you up in the morning, the least you could do is NOT keep your cell on silent."
Oh shit.
"Shit I am sorry, I just... sorry I forgot," I mumbled an apology while I looked around for my cell.
8 missed calls from Neil Avi and Ash. Great. RIP Veronica- murdered by Ashley Wilson.
"I had to call your mom and wake her up to get to you!"
"Whoa, calm down, I am sorry, okay? I promise it won't happen again," I mumbled, rushing around my room.
"You have exactly forty-five minutes left, don't be late, you know how Mr. Anderson is."
"Yes, Mom! I won't be late, I'll see you soon, bye." I hung up before she could say another word and quickly typed in a text on our group chat to let the others know I'm up before rushing to the bathroom.
It was one of those days again where I would have to brush my teeth while I was in the shower and pull off other such weird stunts to save time. An oversized tee and a messy bun saved my day again.
I yelled goodbye to my parents as I ran out of the house, towards my car, and probably drove faster than my guardian angel could fly but I got to school just in time.
I made a mad dash to my first class, muttering an insincere apology to everyone I shoved in the process and hoped onto a seat Avi had saved me, just a second before Mr. Andreson entered the class.
"Nailed it," I whispered, before letting out a sigh and Avi shook his head with a chuckle.
At lunch, we were just casually sprawled out on the lawn under a huge tree just beside our playground. Neil was with his team planning some game-related strategies and was supposed to join us later.
"Hey, Ash, what's up with Ian these days? " Avi asked.
"He is busy with college, so he's hardly around." She pouted. Ian was a year older than us, so graduated from our school and started college this year.
"You miss him?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.
"Of course I do."
Of course, she does. I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Does he miss you?"
They were never in a relationship officially, but they did everything a couple does. A toxic couple, I might add. One minute he made her the happiest girl in the world, and then with a flip of a switch their relationship would turn nuclear.
I hated Ian.
"Of course he does," Ash said. "I know you're not much of his fan but we do have a connection."
"Then why aren't you in a relationship?"
"He is in college. He is busy and wants to focus on his career first, he doesn't have time for a relationship...neither do I." She sounded like she was convincing herself.
I sighed and shook my head. He was an ass who used her, but there was no point in arguing. She would never believe that.
Just then I spotted Neil making his way towards us with one of the only few people on this planet who could wear a plaid shirt and still look hot. Tyler.
Freaking Tyler Crosby. With tufts of dark curls falling over his forehead, a slightly crooked nose, a kind smile that brought out his uneven dimples, and what was undoubtedly the heaviest were those eyes, rich brown and striking- he was a massive distraction.
"Hey, V. Love the t-shirt," Tyler's voice snapped me out of my strange inner musings.
I looked down at my HP Tee with 'Dumbledore's Army' written on it. Tyler was also a Harry Potter fan like me (which was one of the few things I really liked about him).
Okay, who was I kidding, it was one of the many things I liked about him. His likable personality was borderline annoying.
"Thanks, Ty. How's the prep going for the big game tonight?"
"So far so good," he replied. "You guys are coming right?"
"Yeah, I guess," Ash mumbled.
"You guess?" I asked, but before she could come up with an excuse, I answered on her behalf, "We are coming Ty, so you guys better not let us down." I grinned.
"Oh no, we won't." He smiled.
"Tyler! Come on, man." One of Tyler's best friends, Ryan, called out. "Neil, you joining us?"
"Nah, I'll catch up with you guys later," Neil answered.
"Alright, guys, I'll see you after the game tonight." With that Tyler jogged off towards the training ground.
I caught myself staring at his retreating figure and I shook my head with a sigh. Stop being weird.
I looked down at my lunch box to finish my sandwich, only to find it suddenly empty.
How did that happen?
I looked around and saw Neil happily munching on it.
"What? I'm hungry," he said when he noticed my death glare.
"Then get your own food," I snapped, trying to grab my sandwich back but he was too quick to stuff the entire thing in.
"Gross," Ash made a face, while Avi just laughed.
"That's your last warning Neil, next time you take my sandwich, I take your life!" I hissed, to which he grinned like an idiot, unfazed.
Later that evening when Avi, Ash, and I got to school for the match, I realized we were a little late. Neil and Sam had gotten here much earlier for the pre-game traditions.
"Hey! You guys get some good seats, I'll just say quick good luck to Neil and get Sam to sit with us," I said.
Unlike Neil, Sam was really shy and introverted. I tried my best to make her comfortable around us so that she'd be willing to hang out with us sometimes. Which in turn helped Neil out as he could spend time with both his girlfriend and friends, without feeling guilty of giving any one of us more or less of his time.
I went looking for the boy's locker room. When I reached there, I frowned when I noticed the unusual silence, it was rare to find the locker room so quiet. I pushed the door open slightly and called out for Neil from outside.
No answer.
I tried calling Sam but she wouldn't answer her cellphone and Neil kept his cellphone switched off before and during the game, so there was no use of trying there.
I took a deep breath and decided to step inside.
"Hello, if anyone is naked or half-dressed, don't tell me I didn't warn you," I announced myself.
Once I was inside, I counted to five before opening my eyes.
Weird, where was everyone?
Just as I was about to leave, I heard a door opening from afar and footsteps coming closer. "Hey?"
I turned around and was greeted by the pleasant sight of a toned body, just out of a shower.
I took my time to take him in, and raked my eyes up, from his toned legs to his V-shaped muscles at his lower abdomen, to his abs, that perfectly sculpted chest, neck and.....Face
Holy shit.
Shit shit shit.
I just blinked at him utterly surprised. I couldn't believe I stood there checking him out for a good 20 seconds, while he just stood there, smirking and watching me do so.
Holy mother of God, this was awkward.
"I'm s- sorry, I just...I was looking for Neil," I stammered.
He chuckled and I lost my train of thought for a second.
His hotness had its own force. It had its own gravity. It had its own zip code. I was miles past the neighborhood of stop staring and deep in the religious- experience- of -beauty zone.
"Hey!" he waved his hand in front of me and I blinked at him.
"Uh, sorry, what did you say?" I mentally slapped myself.
He still wore an amused expression when he said, "They are in the sports room down the hall, I came in late so I'm gonna head there now."
I cocked my head to the side in question. Nobody was ever late, nevermind Tyler who was usually in extra early to go over his game plan with the team. But I didn't question it, desperate to get out of this awkward situation.
"Oh alright. Thanks." I hastily turned on my heels and rushed for the door, before I turned around to face him again. "Good luck with the game!"
"Thanks." He flashed me a dimpled smile and I almost bolted from there.
Why do such things always happen to me?
"Arghh," I groaned while I reached the sports room, to find Sam already waiting in the hallway for me.
"What's up with you?" She asked, eyeing me.
"Nothing. Just the same old cursing my luck and having a 'why me?' moment," I answered, looking up at the hallway ceiling.
"The usual." She laughed.
I nodded, laughing with her. Sam was very easy to get along with. She was a simple beauty. Nothing extravagant about her, and I liked her for it.
"Where's Neil?"
"Oh, he is in there with the guys, they were discussing strategies and... all things football, so I got bored and thought I'd wait outside for you."
"Oh alright, I'll just wish him good luck and we can get going," I said and she nodded.
I quickly spotted Neil leaning at a table talking to Jace. He was one of the teammates, another one of Tyler's two best friends. I made my way through the packed sports room, full of testosterone, to them.
"Boys! Good luck for the game," I called out, as I reached them.
"D'costa!! Thank you." Jace grinned, giving me a high five.
"Thanks, V," Neil said, slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"I'd love to chat and give you tips on how to ace the game, but I've got to go. Although my blessings are always with you," I teased.
Both of them bowed down to me, making me chuckle and I had just turned around to leave when I smacked my head against someone. I looked up and...winced. It was Tyler.
Talk about rotten luck.
"Uh, sorry again," I muttered, shaking my head.
"I don't mind." He grinned.
"Okay. Right, so... bye," I stuttered an awkward reply and slipped out of the room, red-faced.
"Seriously though, what's wrong with you?" Sam asked again.
"I told you. It's nothing important," I answered and practically pulled her out of the building.
Avi and Ash were already seated and we quickly made our way to them, before settling down.
The game went in our favor. Tyler was the star of the match, with the most goals. Neil had scored us the winning goal at which we had all leaped up from our seats, cheering our heads off. After the game, we started making our way out of the bleachers when Neil, Tyler, and Jace jogged over to us.
"Great game guys," Avi called out to the three of them.
"Thanks, man," Tyler said, while Neil was giving us his trademark ear-to-ear smile.
"Hey, you guys are coming for the party, right?" Jace asked.
"We didn't know there was one," Avi mumbled, looking at Neil.
"There wasn't, but we won so there is one." Neil shrugged.
Avi looked at me, and I shook my head. "Parties are not really my scene, and also I'm really tired... so I'll just head home. You guys carry on."
"Oh come on V, football is not really my scene too, but I did come, so you gotta do this for me," Ash whined and Sam shot me a pleading look.
God, I hated being put on a spot.
"Alright." I sighed, giving up. "But once I'm bored, I'm out."
"Fair," Jace agreed.
"Where is it anyway?" Avi asked.
"My place," Tyler answered. "Parents are out of town."
"Cool." Avi nodded and we headed out to the parking lot while we waited for, Jace, Tyler, and Neil to take a quick shower and join us.
Parties didn't really sit well with me, we had a bad history. Also, I was not a fan of pointless moves, too much noise, and mass intimacy.
Don't be a party pooper.
Maybe I'd have fun, this time.
Author's note -- okay, okay, I know that half naked show from Tyler was cliche af, but sue me, I love a good cliche. That and a constant dose of light humour makes a rom-com a hit for me.
Also, not much has happened yet and I'm keeping things a little slow-paced on purpose, so hang on and I promise it will be worth the wait :)
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