Chapter 16
At 8 am the next morning, I was sitting at the front porch. All packed and ready, waiting for Avi and Ash to pick me up. My mom packed us some breakfast to go and I also had a small pillow with me, as I planned to have a mini sleep fest at the back seat of Avi's car.
Just as I was beginning to get impatient from waiting, Avi pulled up at my driveway with an over-excited Ash in the passenger seat. I collected my things and walked over to his car.
"Good morning!" Ash chirped from the passenger seat. I just nodded at her and got into the back seat.
As Avi was pulling out of the driveway, I took off my shoes and made myself comfortable. I placed my pillow at one end and my backpack at the other end to prop my legs up.
Satisfied with my cozy set up, I laid down.
Avi eyed me in the rearview mirror and chuckled, "Seriously?"
"Seriously, " I said closing my eyes.
"Oh come on V, it's going to be a beautiful drive up to the beach house and if you roll down the windows the cool morning air feels so fresh against your skin," Ash said. She slightly stuck her head out of the window and took a deep breath then looked back at me.
"You are a morning person, I get it. Stop advertising it and leave me alone, " I groaned.
"You could at least try it, " she said rolling her eyes.
"I would be a morning person if morning happened at around 12 pm."
After that, they didn't bother me the rest of the way and I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I woke up with a jump when I felt water droplets trickling down into my ear. When I looked up I found Avi with a water bottle standing outside the car and the door to the back seat wide open.
"You're a monster, " I said and started putting my shoes on.
"What was I supposed to do? It's been fifteen minutes, and I already got all of our bags inside too. You literally can sleep through a storm, " he grumbled.
"It's a gift. Besides, you could wake me up as any normal person would. By calling out my name or something," I glared at him.
"I did. TWICE!"
"Well, you didn't do it loud enough!"
Just then Ashley came towards us and hit us both with some towel-like thing she had in her hand, "Will you both stop bickering and help me clean!"
"Sorry, " I mumbled and we walked towards the house.
Out front, the house had an old rustic feel to it. There was an old slightly creaky porch, with a bench just as old and creaky. The wood was old and discolored. There was about a three feet tall, white fence running around the house with bushes of wildflowers and creepers around it. The beams going from the floor up to the canopied roof were a little chipped.
It had four rooms, one small kitchen with a dining table and a laundry room. It was a cozy place and held so many memories for the four of us since the beginning of our friendship.
Though we came here almost every summer, this was the first time we were here without Avi's parents babysitting us.
"I'll clean up the rooms, Veronica will do all the dusting and cleaning the kitchen requires. And Avi will take care of the living room area and front porch, " Ash quickly delegates all our jobs.
"Where are the cleaning supplies?" I asked
"It's in kitchen, " Ash called out and disappeared into the room.
1 hour into it, and I was almost done with all the dusting, mopping and scrubbing. I walked out of the kitchen and got my backpack when I heard a few voices in the front yard.
The living room area and front porch were already clean and spotless. Outside Avi and a few boys were unloading huge bags out of a jeep. Tyler's Jeep. When I looked closer, I spotted Jace Tyler and Ryan standing around.
As all the boys started walking towards the house with their arms full of bags, Avi spotted me, "Done with the kitchen?"
"Yeah," I called out and met them halfway to help them with the bags, "How did you finish so fast though?"
"I had help," he said looking at Ryan. Who just smiled at me. He was always the silent one among the three of them.
"Cheat," I mumbled and my eyes widened when I noticed what Jace and Tyler were carrying, "Is that a beer Keg?"
"Yep," Jace answered.
"Wait. How many people are coming over tonight? Give me an approximate number," I said.
"Fifty-ish," Avi said.
"What? How is that a small party? How are we going to manage that? Do we have enough food and other stuff for all of them?" I said, my voice got more and more hysterical with every sentence.
I knew for a fact that the numbers could easily grow from fifty, once the word got out. Would we be able to handle that? I had never thrown a party before, so this was all very new for me.
Tyler must have noticed my discomfort and anxiety, because he bumped his shoulder into mine and said, "I can practically see the wheels turning in your mind," he chuckled. "Relax, we'll take care of it all."
I knew he could handle it because he had thrown a number of great parties at his place, which was mostly after scoring a big win in a football game. Which happened very often. So he was much more experienced than most of us here.
I gave him a grateful smile and nodded.
We stocked up the fridge with the food the guys had brought along with them. I was thankful that it was in running condition, it would pose a huge problem otherwise. When the guys began to move the furniture around to make some extra space around the living room, I decided to go check up on Ashley. The first two rooms down the hallway were empty and clean. When I went upstairs I heard the shower in one of the rooms running.
I sighed when I realized that she had already cleaned up all the rooms, had neatly unpacked her stuff, and was probably taking a shower. That girl had mad skills and super speed.
I went into the next room, which was identical to the other one, with huge windows and a balcony with a breathtaking view of the seaside. It also had a small attached bathroom to it. Though the room was spacious it had no other furniture except a bed and a dresser.
I just turned my bag upside down on the bed, which was my way of unpacking, and took a quick shower before changing into a comfy pair of black shorts and a red tank top.
I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my phone when I heard a knock on the door. I immediately knew it was neither Ash nor Avi because they never really would bother to knock, they would just barge in.
"Come in!" I yelled.
The door opened and I saw Tyler with a plate full of food. And two cans of soda.
"I come bearing food and drinks," he announced as he carefully crossed the room and placed the plate on the dresser before cracking open a can of soda for himself.
"Awesome! Thanks."
"I see you've already unpacked," he said eyeing the mess on my bed with a smirk.
"Yep." I grinned at him. I took a bite of the cheesy burger and moaned. It was heavenly.
"That good, huh?"
"I think my mouth just had an orgasm," I said taking another bite and he chuckled.
"You should say that to Ryan. He made them, he's a great cook."
"Oh, I will. These are amazing," I said with my mouth full. "Did you guys finish everything downstairs? Anything I can help with?"
"No, we are done. Jace and Avi are setting up the speakers, and Ashley is helping Ryan with the lunch prep," he said and I nodded.
As we ate in silence I noticed that he kept glancing at the mess on my bed with a small frown and I chuckled before finally asking him, "Is the mess bothering you?"
He had a sheepish smile on his face when he nodded and admitted, "It's making me really anxious. Doesn't it bother you? Not even a little bit?"
"Nope. I'm used to chaos and...weirdly comfortable with it. I don't think my brain works in straight lines." I shrugged, before getting up and pulling the comforter over all my stuff over the bed and effectively hiding it from him. "There. Better?"
"Uh...not really, but I appreciate the gesture." He chuckled. "So, do you guys come here often? This place is really nice."
"Yeah, we come here every summer for a few days with Avi's parents. It's been around ten years since we've all been friends and we were here for almost all summers except the one where Ash got her leg fractured."
"Maybe you can show me around after you finish eating up."
"Sure. I'll meet you downstairs in 5?"
"Alright," he said and left the room, but not before he shot another lingering glance at the mess hidden under the comforter.
After I finished eating, I brushed my hair so that it looked like a tolerable mess and headed downstairs.
Tyler was already waiting for me, on the front porch. He was wearing a white and red striped wifebeater and denim shorts. Good god, this guy must have an intense workout regime. Gosh, look at that body!
"Damn he looks fine!" Ash said staring at Tyler too and breaking my trance.
"Careful Ash, you've got a little bit of drool here." I laughed pointing at her face.
"Oh please! Like you weren't just ogling him a minute ago."
Guilty as charged.
"Whatever, we are heading down the beach right now. Wanna come?"
"You guys go ahead, I'll join you in a while. I'm helping Ryan in the kitchen."
"Sure, see you later," I said and walked past her and towards the front porch.
"Hey! Ready to go?" I asked.
"Sure, lead the way m'lady."
I led him down the familiar, sandy, beaten down path which led us to the beach. After a few minutes of walking in silence, we came into a full view of the sea. The salty air and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore made me downright giddy.
"I love the sea," I blurted out all of a sudden, with a goofy smile on my face.
"I can see that."
I turned to look at him and he was already staring at me with a small smile on his face.
"You've been smiling to yourself ever since we left the house. You look...happy. It's nice."
"I'm happy. It's good to be back," I said.
We stopped at a spot where the sand was fine and soft, right before it turned harder and damper near the shore. I carefully put down the towel I brought with me and plopped down on it. I scooted over to make some space for him and he sat down.
We spoke for a long time about everything and nothing in particular. I was beginning to see why everyone he met and everyone in school liked him so much. He listened to you, made you feel important. And when he laughed, everything just seemed a little brighter.
But one thing I had always noticed was he never really spoke about himself. He always deflected any personal questions you asked him. I could never forget his breakdown that I witnessed the other day near the woods, which seemed like ages ago now.
No matter how friendly and easy-going he seemed, he was still a mystery to me. A mystery I was dying to solve.
After a while, all the other guys and Ashley joined us. Armed with loads of food and towels. The guys and Ash had a quick dip in the sea, but I didn't have my bathing suit on, so I stayed back and sunbathed. We all had an absolutely delicious, late lunch at the beachside and at around 3:30 pm we headed back to the house, exhausted.
"Guys take a quick nap if you must, but we have to be ready by 5:30. Sam and Neil are coming over at 6," Ash instructed.
"Yes ma'am," I said already walking up the stairs, stifling a yawn.
I set an alarm for 4:30, changed into the clothes I was wearing before and fell on my bed face first. A power nap is all I need and I'm good to go.
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