Chapter 8: Confessions Part II
Just a heads up, this will be long.
I wake up in a hospital bed next to Oli and Joey. I sit up and see Tyler crying and Scott holding him. "S-Scott..? T-Tyler..?" I say rubbing my head. "CALLUM!" Tyler says as he gets up and runs over to me. "W-what happened?" I ask as Tyler hugs me and Scott walks over. "You hit your head on the car roof pretty hard. I'm surprised you didn't get amnesia." Tyler said letting go of the hug. "What happens to Joey?" I ask looking beside me at Joey who's just laying there. "After you got your head, Joey got in a fight with James, he managed to knock him out but he fainted a few minutes after James did." Scott said putting a hand on Tyler's shoulder. "How long was I out for?" I ask looking down at where my watch was supposed to be. "3 days." Tyler replied. "The nurse said the Oli and Joey would be out for about a week." Scott said looking down. "We hope it's just a guess, and they'll be waking up any minute now." Tyler said. He then kissed Scott on the cheek and Scott smiled. I try to get up but Tyler stops me. "Get some more rest, Cal. You'll need it to feel better." He said. "F-fine." I say. I lay down and go to sleep. 2 hours later. I wake up and I see Tyler asleep on Scott's shoulder and Scott on his phone. "S-Scott?" I say sitting up and leaning against the wall. "Hey! Your up." He says. "I would come over if I didn't have Tyler on my shoulder." He said and he snickered a little. He then kissed Tyler on the forehead. The nurse walks in. "Great! Your awake! Let's go sign you out and you and your friends can go home." She says motioning me to get up and follow her. I get up and head to the counter and sign the papers. I walk into a bathroom to change into my clothes. I walk back to Scott and Tyler. "Wake up Tyler, Scott." I say peaking into the room. "We're leaving." He wakes up Tyler and Scott drives us home.
2 weeks later
It's been 2 weeks since I left the hospital. I'm starting to get worried about Joey and Oli. I then hear the phone ring. "Hello?" I hear Tyler answer. "Yes, this is Tyler Oakley." He responds into the phone. He then smiles brightly. "Scott!! Callum!! Let's go!" He yells. "What Tyleey?" Scott asks confused. "Let's go! Joey and Oli woke up!" Tyler said grabbing keys. Scott is half-asleep so he just nods and follows Tyler. I run past Scott and get in the car. As soon as Scott gets in, Tyler starts the car, and dive to the hospital. We get to the hospital and go to Joey and Oli's room. "Callum, Scott, Tyler...?" Joey said as he sits up. "Joey!" I run over to him and hug him. He hugs me back, while Tyler goes to y'all to Oli. Scott on the other hand, is basically asleep on the chair. I let go of Joey and headed over to Oli. Tyler goes over to Joey, and Scott is still asleep. "Hey Oli." I said. "Hey Cal. How long has I been out?" He asks. "About 2 weeks, I was knocked out to but only for 3 days." I say sitting on his bed. "Wait when did you and Joey get knocked out?" He asked looking over at Joey. "Oh I hit my head on the car roof and he tried to fight James, he knocked him out but fainted afterwards." I said also looking at Joey. Scott then wakes up startled from Tyler's squeals. "Huh?" Scott says confused, sitting up. "Oh! Joey, Oli your awake." He says standing up and going over to Joey. "Callum, nows your chance...just tell him how you feel." I think to myself. "Hey Cal? You ok over there, you seem worried about something." Oli says looking over at me. "U-Uh yeah..I'm fine.." I look at Joey and Joey looks at me. We have a talk through our eyes. (This is their conversation: C- Should I tell him? J- Yes! It's the perfect time. C- What if it comes out wrong?? J- It's fine Cal, you can do it. C- Ok watch him reject me.) "H-Hey Oli..?" I say as I look over at Oli. "Yes?" He asks looking at me. (Prepare for cringe) Our eyes lock. "I-I..." I say as I try to force my head to just let it out. "You...?" He asks looking very confused. "I like you Oli!" I blurt out. He looks at me shocked. I look at Joey and give him a 'Watch him' look. "I've liked you since the day I met you, I was just to scared to tell you in fear of you rejecting me." I continue to say. "It's ok if you hate me after this and never talk to me again but I just wanted you to-" I was cut off by Oli kissing me. I kissed back. Oli pulled away and I sat there in shock. I could tell Joey and Tyler we're holding back squeals. "Callum, I love you too. It was kinda obvious you liked me but I couldn't tell. I never thought you would share this feeling." He says. "B-But I thought you always like Alexis..." I say looking away. He tilts my head to face his. "I only said that to see how you would react, when you were at my dorm, I got her to say that to see if you would get mad. She has a girlfriend." He says to me. Oli looks me in the eyes. "Callum, will you be my boyfriend?" He says to me turning his whole body to face me. I sit there I shock. "Of course!" I say happily. Oli then kisses me and I kiss him back. After we pull away you can hear Joey and Tyler scream from a mile away. Me and Oli turn around blushing like mad. "TYLER! JOEY!" I yell at them. That's when I hear a voice from outside the room. It sounded like James!
I'll get you one day, Callum.
The End
Writer: Me
Idea from: My brain
Helper: @1DC0meback
Time took: 5 days non-stop
Thank you so much for reading, I worked so hard on this I hope you liked it.
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