Chapter 4: Asking them out.
I wake up the next morning and groan. " must school exist." I say to myself. I get up and get dressed. I grab my keys and get in my car. 10 minutes later I get to school. "Hey Callum!" I see Oli sitting with Joey and Scott. I walk over and sit down with them. Joey gives me a 'ship' look and I look away. "Callum, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to ask out Alexis today!" Oli says with excitement. "Oh....Go get her tiger.." I say disappointed. Scott pats me on the shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better Scott's going to ask out Tyler today too." Joey whispers in my ear. (Tyler Oakley and Scott, why is that going through a 10 year olds brain-) I giggle and Scott punches Joey blushing. (He knows what Joey said apparently) Oli looks confused and just shrugs it off. I giggle and the bell rings. "Well bye guys! Also, good luck Oli and Scott!" I say as I get up and wave goodbye. Scott blushes and starts punching Joey playfully but not. (I don't understand either.) I head to class and drown out the teacher *Time skip to after school* I walk up to Joey. He starring at Tyler and Scott. "So do you know how it went?" I ask. "It's happening right now." Joey said. We watch as Scott ask Tyler out. Tyler hugs Scott and I assume say 'Yes'. "EEEEEE!!" Joey squeals. Tyler stops hugging Scott our of shock. "JOEY!" Tyler tells as he starts to chase Joey. He eventually tackles him to the ground. Joey starts trying to push Tyler off of him. Scott pulls Tyler off of Joey. "Tyler calm down." I hear Scott say. Tyler kisses Scott on the cheek, grabs his hand, and drags him to Scott's car. "Bye lovebirds!" I yell. Tyler and Scott blush and get in Scott's car. "Tyler is strong!" Joey says getting up. "Just saying, Scott looked a bit jealous when Tyler tackled you." I tell Joey. He laughs and gets up just as Oli comes around the corner. "Hey Callum, hey Joey!" Oli said. "Hey Oli." I say as he walks over. "Where did Scott and Tyler go? I saw them earlier." He asked looking around. "Oooh, they're going on a date~" Joey said in a sing-songy voice. "Really!? I knew Tyler liked him." He said laughing. Joey elbowed me in the ribs and I knew what he was thinking. I gave him a 'Are you serious' look. "Hey Oli, how'd it go when you asked Alexis out?" I ask him kinda upset. "Oh....she said she had a boyfriend.." he said looking down. "Huh, I thought for sure she liked him.." I thought. "It's ok Oli, I'm sure you'll find someone who likes you." I say trying to hint there is but he doesn't realize. (I don't understand what younger me is thinking but ok.) We all walk to Joey and Scott's dorm and we all hang out. Tyler and Scott are at Tyler's dorm so we don't have to listen to them. (First, I don't know why I had them keep going to each other's place. Second, listen to them as in listen to them talk about their feelings to each other in case you were wondering.) Me and Oli head home. (They go to their SEPARATE houses.) I get home only to see my place a mess. "That strange..I always leave my place clean..." Then when I go to start cleaning, I get hit in the back of the head and blackout.
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