Chapter 2: Jealousy
I wake up in a bed. "Who's bed is this, it's not mine." I thought to myself. I get up and walk out to see Oli and some girl on the couch. "Who's that girl?" I said to myself. "Oh hey Callum! I see you're up." He says to me. "What happened last night?" I ask him. "You fell asleep while I was getting popcorn and so I put you in the bed, so I slept on the couch." He tells me. "Oh...Ok." I reply. The girl looks at me disgusted and then drags Oli's attention away from me. "Anyways Oli, keep telling me that story!" She said. I get a little angry. "I'm going to head home. Cya Oli and..." "Alexis." She says glaring at me. "Bye Callum!" Oli says as I walk out the door with my stuff. I get in my car and start to drive home. "Why did she look at me like that? Did I do something wrong?" I think. "Wait...she likes Oli doesn't she. How dare she! He's supposed to be mine!" I say to myself. I get home and get in the shower. When I get out I get my onesie on and sit down on my bed and scrolled on YouTube. I hear a knock on my door suddenly. I go to the door and answer it. It was Scott and Joey. "CALLUM I JUST HEARD THE NEWS!" Joey squeals as he hugs me. "Huh?!" I say. "He means he found out you were in the Gay Club. He's so happy cause we're the only ones in the Gay Club right now." He tells me and Joey hugs me tighter. "Tyler is in the club but he couldn't make it." Joey says to me. "That's nice and all but Joey you are choking me." I say as I try and get air. "Ha...sorry Callum." He says as he let's go of my neck. "It's fine." I tell him. "Well we aren't going home any time soon so, what's for breakfast?" Scott asks. "No idea, what do you want?" I ask them as I walk to the kitchen. "RAINBOW PANCAKES!" Joey yells from across the room. "Ok Joey! I get it, I'm gay! Now what do you really want for breakfast?" I yell to Joey. "Just make bacon and eggs." Scott yells to me. "Alright!" I say. *Time skip to 1:00 PM* "Bye Joey! Bye Scott!" I say to Joey and Scott as they wave and leave. Then I go to my room and change into my sweatshirt. I sigh and go sit on my couch. I turn on Netflix and watch Pretty Little Liars. I spend the next 2 hours watching Netflix when I hear another knock on my door. I get up and open the door. I see Oli. "Hey Callum!" He says "Oli what are you doing here!?" I ask him confused. "I just wanted to come over and hang out." He said. "Well I didn't expect anyone over today." I said. Oli then pushes past me and walks into my house. "Wow, I didn't even say you could come in." I said playfully as we go to sit on the couch. "Callum...can I tell you something?" Oli said after a few minutes of silence. I blushed. "Sure. What is it?" I said. "I....I think I like someone..." He said as he started to blush a little. "Who?" I said, getting my hopes up. "Alexis..she's just so nice and pretty." He said blushing more. "Oh!....Well, good luck..." I say a little disappointed. "I pretty sure she likes me but I don't know. What do you think?" He asks me. "I think she's a crazy lady and you should be with me instead.." I mumbled. "What was that Callum?" He asks. "Oh! Nothing..." I say with a bit of sadness in my voice. "Anyways, how should I tell her?" He said scooting closer. I blushed. "I don't know...maybe some flowers?" I tell him in confusion. "That sounds nice!" He says as he takes his phone out and writes it down on notes. "What else?" He asks. "Hmm... maybe, like, a teddy bear or something." I said still wondering why I'm giving him advice on how to ask this girl out. "Great! Thanks Callum. Now what do we do?" He asks. "I don't know, maybe we can just watch Netflix." I say to him. He lays down on my lap. "So what are we gonna watch?" He says starring at the blank T.V. screen. I grab the remote and turn on Vampire Diaries. "Yay! I love this show! Thanks Callum!" He says looking up at me. I blush more. "No problem, Oli." We watch Vampire Diaries for about 30 minutes when Oli falls alseep on my lap. I blush and try to lift him off my lap. "Why is he so heavy!" I think to myself. I drag him to the guest room and lay him on the bed. I turn off the lights and head to my room to go to bed.
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