To Be or Not To Be
I looked up to find a pair of concern-filled eyes watching me intently.
"Bro, where are you lost?" Avi asked me gravely. I didn't respond to him, and continued staring at the half-filled glass of whiskey that resembled my life; one part that I was aware of, that I could control and another part, that ruled my body, and I couldn't do anything about it, that did things that affected me in ways I cannot fathom.
It was 11:58 in the night, just two minutes were left before a new day: a day where yet again I'd have done things that would hurt everyone around me, but I'd have no clue, and I'd again drown in whiskey, angry at God for being so cruel to me.
"Vikram, control yourself! Would she want you to be shattered like this? Forget about it, those moments are long gone, you are your own man now, don't let those memories get to you, especially with him around," Avi's voice faded as the memories returned. How could I simply forget my own mother and those memories that crawl their way in as my brain cries out in pain? The ones that leave me this dark cage filled with black soot that dives down my nose, leaving a burning sensation in my throat, as it sinisterly hollows out my stomach, that pit feeling that everyone hates.
I looked around blankly before my eyes met Avi's golden ones that reflect his compassion; Avinash Singh has been my closest friend since college and presently my psychiatrist, and right now we were at his place, sitting outside in the garden with the radio on. I took in my surroundings once again, for who knows how long this tranquillity would last. We sat down on his bench, as cold air gushed around us. It was a cloudless night freckled with the fairy lights that were strung around in the garden. Meera, Avi's wife, loved those as it "illuminated the trees that were silhouetted against the deep velvety sky at night, building this positivity that blew with the breeze".
"Are you purposely trying to avoid talking about what happened?" Meera asked, tossing a newspaper on the table.
Writer Vikram Malhotra accused of kidnapping Politician's Daughter
"Do you remember what happened on the eve of the 4th of July?" Meera sat down next to me, her hand perched on my shoulder.
But that's the problem. I don't remember anything. I'm sure Raghav must have done something. Avi knew about Raghav Roy, the boy who grew up with me since 3rd grade, the part of me that brought out violence, that sought revenge for all those days my mother went to bed after arguments with my father. My monster of a father who filled his gut with beer, completely blurring his senses. Mr Malhotra wasn't always like that, five-year-old me knew him as the dad who always came for school functions, built sandcastles with me on the beach and most of all the man who promised to be there for mom and I...always. Keyword...ALWAYS. But what happened? He turned into a monster all because of those bottles of beer. Meera shook me from my trance, her eyes motioning me to tell her, and so I told her everything, the despair of my mother and how she died in my arms...all because of my drunk excuse of a father and most of all, who Raghav was.
"So wait, you are suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, and Raghav is your alter? But how did you know about this?" Meera took my glass of whiskey away so that it wouldn't fall as she carefully pondered over my story.
"It started back in college when I first met Avi, one night we had gone to a club for the first time. The memory is still a little hazy, but all I remember is the next morning, I found myself in the hospital with a fractured arm and a black eye, and Avi just looked at me with anger. He kept calling me Raghav and demanded the reason I punched him in the gut. Truth be told I didn't know. I mean I had met people earlier who called me Raghav, and I brushed it off, thinking it was a misunderstanding, but something like this had never happened before. Of course, Avinash helped me come through," I looked down at my reflection on the glass table. The man who looked back looked scruffy: his hair downright messy, dark circles under his eyes and a small stubble on his chin, making him look older.
"Vikram, I think Raghav must be acting out of rage but what does that advocate Raman Rao's daughter have to do with all of this? Was Rao related to your dad by any chance?" Avinash stood up, gesturing for me to enter the house. It was getting chilly, and my shirt was too thin to help as the hair on my arms stood up. Delhi's reputation when it came to winter was well known; the chattering of teeth, the call for warmth that came from the small cup of tea with freshly fried potato fritters with men, women and children hidden within the snug looking shawls and sweaters.
I went up to the guest bedroom on the first floor of the villa, waiting for Avinash. I sat down on the bed, feeling the velvety duvet under my fingers. Raman Rao. The name sounds awfully familiar for some reason, why? Who was this strange man? Mr Malhotra's friend or mom's? No. never had a friend whose name was Raman...or at least she never told me. What about Mr Malhotra? He did have a friend whose surname was Rao...but there are so many do we know it was explicitly Raman Rao?
The door creaked slightly, as it opened to reveal Avinash holding a pair of shorts and a tee, along with a towel.
"Go freshen up, the water heater was on, and listen...just relax, we'll figure it out," He strode out of the room leaving me alone, in my mind palace, rummaging for the key to why Raghav kidnapped Rao's daughter. I sat down on the floor of the bathroom, right under the showerhead as each drop of water that fell on me, washed away this unknown fear in me, as if to tell me that Raghav and all these problems would go away, that everything would be alright.
Brrring! Brrring!
I sat down on the bed, scrolling through my phone for new updates on Facebook. Facebook. That's right! If Raman Rao is related to Mr Malhotra...then...He may have followed him on FB, right–
"Bro, have you had your meds yet?" I shook my head at Avi, as he pushed the sleeping pills into my palm, I swear if anything helped in keeping me sane, it was those pearly white drops that erased my worries temporarily. "FB huh? It's been long since I've gone on that thing. What's new? Any new people you've found?"
"No man, just checking if Mr Malhotra followed Rao...Aha, I knew it...There he is..." I tilted the screen so Avi could see.
"Wait! There's a pic where he's tagged...Yeah...Yeah...That one! Batch of 1979 College Reunion...And there's uncle with Rao...So they're college buds...But what does that have to do with Raghav?" My eyes followed to where Avinash's finger had pointed. Raman Rao...Mr Malhotra...Raghav...
"Should we maybe visit Uncle? I know you don't want to do anything with him, but I feel not just you, but Raghav will also get the closure he needs..."
"It's been ten years since Mr Malhotra's been in jail and I haven't even contacted him, but if you think it'll give me closure, then sure."
The morning is as assured as the tides and just as unstoppable. I need a few more hours of blackness. Not to sleep, but to prepare to meet the man who now holds this empty space in my heart, who bears the label of 'The Murderer of My Mother'. I put on a crisp white shirt, with these navy blue trousers that almost screamed out my nervousness. I walked downstairs only to be greeted by the warm and comforting smile on Meera's face. She was honestly the sister I've never had, as her advice and words worked wonders.
"Vick, Don't worry, Avi and I are there for you...You just need to get done with Raghav," I sat down as she passed my plate, in front of me was an array of dishes, from aloo parathas and idlis with chutneys, to pancakes. "Meera, What was the need for all this?"
"I didn't know what you'd like so I made some basic dishes, do you want an omelette or anything else? Also, I hope you like orange juice, I'll just bring a glass for you.
"Good morning shona*, Vikram!" Avi walked in shining his pearly whites at us, "Are you ready Vikram? Woah...Where am I? At my own house or some buffet at a hotel?"
After breakfast, we headed to the car and made our way to the Central Jail where Mr Malhotra was held up. As soon as we finished the necessary paperwork, a police officer led us to Mr Malhotra's cell. All the cells were similarly painful to look at; barely six feet by four. The walls were the same thick grey stone, there was a mean barred opening with thick metal bars and no glass...even though I wasn't captive I felt this suffocation as the scene around me was either painfully quiet or pierced with the silent screams of tortured inmates. As I stood in front of the bars that separated us, I observed him sleeping on a stone-hard bench. The man looked very scruffy with a bushy beard and messy hair. There were wrinkles on his face that spoke of his torment and hardships, and he seemed very frail. He looked so different from the person I knew; a clean-shaven, well-groomed, strong man whose heart was much bigger than anyone else's. My heart almost went out to him, but NO! I can't betray my mother.
"O' Old man, How much are you going to sleep? You have visitors! GET UP! What is this? You still didn't finish your meal. What do you think, this is some hotel or what? You don't feel like eating, so you waste food? NO FOOD FOR–"
"That's enough! Please leave, we need to talk to him immediately," Avinash's voice boomed as the officer's head drooped apologetically and he went away.
"Vikram? Is that you? Hai Ram!" His voice croaked out, "How are you, my son? These old eyes have been waiting to see you in so long, and here you are!"
"No need for all this emotional talk... I've come to ask you one question...How is Raman Rao related to Mom's death?"
"Uncle, why do you say that? Wasn't he, your best friend in college?" Avinash was clearly appalled by his behaviour.
"Rao is the reason why I'm here today suffering, Sit down, I'll tell you what happened on the night of 2nd September 2001, when your mother died...
Even at that time, Rao was shrewd, only looking for ways to earn money, very cunning. "You remember how I worked at that real estate company, Amarnath and Sons? It was also partially responsible for the government properties, and as a VP Head, I had direct access to those confidential files. A week before the 2nd, he bribed me into forging those property deals and giving him the authentic papers. He said he'd give me 40% of the shares and that if I didn't do the job, I'd be counting your days, you were only 9 years old, and I didn't want you to get involved in this, so I agreed. At the same time, under all the stress and workload, beer became my sweet release, and while I thought I had it all under control, I guess I was completely wrong.
When Radhika came to know of this, she was furious, she even threatened Rao of lodging a complaint in the high court since she was a lawyer herself and had many connections with senior lawyers. On the night of 2nd September, The time was half-past nine, and it was raining heavily, you were sleeping since it was past your bedtime, and Radhika and I were arguing about my drinking problem. I was drunk as usual and wasn't in my senses so naturally I thought she didn't understand me and my issues and just didn't want me to be happy.
Like you said Rao was my best bud, so I trusted him to not get us in trouble, in fact, now that I'm saying all this, It was Rao who introduced me to beer at his place when he threatened me. Raman came home that night and threatened Radhika not to tell anyone, but she resisted. With great desperation, Raman took out his gun and shot her straight in the head. I was shocked and scared beyond my wits, but couldn't do anything. I had this throbbing in my head, and everything around me got blurry. Before I knew it, I passed out. In the morning, as soon as I regained consciousness, the police barged into the house accusing me of murder. I told them to check the evidence, but Rao was sly enough to direct everything towards me and, the cherry on the top of all this, was the fact that I was drunk beyond the advisable levels.
Till date I've wanted to take revenge on him, Oh, To just see the man suffer!" Mr Malhotra had tears in his eyes as I felt guilt ride up my shoulders, How easily I judged him to be the murderer? I didn't even listen to his side of the story.
The fact that Avi and I were shocked was an understatement. This man suffered so much while the real murderer was out there enjoying the fame and luxury. No wonder Raghav wanted revenge and kidnapping Rao's daughter was the perfect plan, since she was the apple of his eye.
We walked out of Central Jail, as I vowed to avenge my parents. As we drove back home, Avi asked, "Vikram, what are we going to do now? This case was closed long ago..."
I looked at him and replied in the most solemn tone, "Rao started this battle, and now Raghav will end it, we'll bring out Raghav and end this, let Raghav take his revenge for all of us."
We reached home, and I immediately rushed to the garden with Avi behind me.
"Avi, listen, There's only one way to bring out Raghav, that is if you punch me hard."
Avi hesitated, but the stern look on my face erased it as he punched me hard in the gut. My jaw clenched as I told him to continue. After the third round, my ears started ringing as my vision slowly faded into darkness...Raghav has come...
I opened my eyes slowly and looked at myself. Avinash stood before me, Vikram's friend.
"Raghav, where is Rao's daughter?" He asked, clearly unsure how to behave around me. This fool actually thinks I'm going to tell him where I hid her. God knows how he became a psychologist. Raghav Roy is his own man and will do whatever he wants whenever some stupid psycho doctor doesn't get to boss him around. I rushed out of the garden, and got into the car; This idiot forgot to take his keys with him, Gosh!
Aahhh...I missed the fresh air and the joy of claiming Vikram's body, I should do it more often. I soon reached the old textile factory, where Rao's daughter is held.
"STOP SCREAMING, No one can help you here except your father...So let's call him up, shall we?"
I called up her father, "Rao, I've kidnapped your daughter, if you want to see her safe and sound, Come to the textile factory and don't you dare bring the police...come alone."
"Hey! Whoever you are, Don't lay a finger on my daughter. How much money do you want? 1 crore? 5?"
"It's not about the money, Confess to your crime and your daughter will be with you... otherwise...expect to never see her again."
"I'll do whatever you say, just spare that young girl she didn't do anything."
I waited patiently, repeatedly glancing at the girl crying, She truly hasn't done anything...but someone has to pay the price for Rao's crime, and the only way to make him suffer is to make his daughter suffer.
I trudged behind him as quietly, and when the moment was right, I grabbed his hands behind his back and quickly tied them with a rope. As he struggled, an absurd feeling of pleasure ran through my veins. Aah..the joy to see him in pain, but it only lasted for so long as the bastard just had to open his mouth again.
"Please tell me where my daughter is, keep me instead but spare her, she hasn't done anything."
"You fool, where's the fun in that? Talk to me...So, do you remember what you did on the night of 2nd September or do you need some clue?"
He shook his head in denial, and immediately my palm reached forward to his cheek for a slap. Bastard doesn't remember, does he?
"What about this? BANG! BANG!" I yelled as my hands clutched onto an air gun pointed right at him, "Anything clicked in that peanut-sized brain of yours?" To elicit him, I removed the loaded gun in the pocket of my jacket, directly pointing at him.
"Wait! Wait! I'll tell you everything..."
And so he confessed to everything, how he got into a deal with Dad, barged into the house that night, and most of all how he shot my mother in the head without mercy. What he didn't know was that all of this was recorded by a camera hidden in the top button of my jacket, and soon everyone would know that Dad was innocent.
I texted Avinash my location before calling the police after which I released the young girl. I'm sorry she had to go through this, but now that the truth is out, she doesn't have to suffer.
Avinash rushed in with the police as Rao was arrested. "Raghav, did he confess? Have you freed his daughter?" He asked, looking at me for answers.
"Hey, Freak! I'm not that bad of a person. Yes, he confessed, and it's all recorded, soon the tape will go to court, and yes, I let her go, she was innocent and didn't deserve to go through this."
Over the next two days, a lot of things happened. Freak and I presented the confession tape to the judge in court, of course, I had to do it under the name of Vikram Malhotra, not Raghav Roy. Anyways, the world greeted Dad, a hello as he left jail and his position was given to Raman Rao, once a politician, now a full-time jail time server. We went back to Freak's home and were sitting in the garden, when all of a sudden, my head started hurting...
Man I had just started to enjoy being in control, but now I have to go. Until next time folks! Signing off, this is Raghav Roy!
Darkness enveloped me, taking me away from everything.
The bright sun rays pierced into my eyes, causing them to squint. A bunch of people were crouching down around me. Underneath my body, I felt the softness of grass as I slowly sat up. Once my eyes were adjusted entirely to the light, I saw everyone; Meera, Avi and Dad...Wait, What? How did Dad come here? Wasn't he in jail? Why does my head hurt so much?
"Raghav freed me...He recorded Rao's confession and submitted it in court, Rao's gone forever, my son," He hugged me tightly, "Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay...We'll find a way to deal with Raghav,"
All of a sudden, my head started throbbing, as my hands cradled it for comfort.
"Vikram, What happened? Are you okay?" I could hear the concern in Avi's voice, but I lacked the power to say anything. The pain felt like someone had dug a knife in my skull. Squeezing my eyes shut, I prayed for the pain to go. My ears ached, all I could concentrate on was the pain. "Vikram, listen to me carefully, this pain you're feeling will go, you just have to be strong, It'll be over soon, just hold on." Avi's words struck a chord in me as I held still and before I knew it, the pain was gone just like he had said, but for some reason, my body went numb, and I felt empty.
I looked into his eyes as tears slowly made their way down my face, I couldn't handle this hopeless feeling anymore. Meera sat down, holding me in her arms as Dad helped me drink water. Why was I feeling so empty? Every minute that passed felt like an hour as everyone sat still, until Avinash spoke, breaking the thick wall of silence, "Vikram, I think Raghav has left for good, if he didn't, your reaction to this pain would've meant his arrival, and you wouldn't have been here still. My friend, It's over. Raghav got his revenge and had no reason to stay, so he left. You're free now."
I guess, finally, the door to Raghav has slammed shut, never to be opened again.
Thank you so much guys for checking my story out! It really means a lot to me! I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings about the story! Constructive feedback is always welcomed :)
Take care and have a fabulous day/night ahead! :)
Until next time,
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