- Chapter 4
- Chapter 4
''Nights where you break down crying , realizing how lonely you are ,and that nobody even cares.''
- Charlotte's P.O.V -
It's been a week here and i'm already tempted to rip my fucking hair out. I haven't attended any of my counseling sessions since i found out it was a group activity not a one on one session. I don't want these mental people all up in my business. The little event with me and Michael was a few days ago now but we haven't spoken since. He's ignored me whenever i tried to have a decent conversation with him , i've spoken to the other guys but kept my distance because its kinda awkward with Michael being there and scoffing , rolling his eyes and making stupid comments at everything i do or say. So i keep myself to myself and so does he. I really want to find out why he's in here and why he flipped out on me but i guess that won't happen for awhile.
The nurse came inside with a small smile and handed me over two tablets and a cup of water, rolling my eyes i took the pills with the water and handed it back to her. She thanked me silently , then did the same to Michael. I jumped down from the bunk and looked over at Michael who was staring up at the top of the bunk above him. I opened my mouth to invite him to get some food but remembered he didn't want to talk to me so i just turned around and walked out.
I walked into the canteen and took a banana and a doughnut i looked around for a seat , my eyes scanning around the room. Maybe i could sit with the other guys since Michael was still in the room? Just as i'm about to approach the table and body barges past me and i shuffle back a bit. I let out a frustrated puff of air when my eyes come in contact with the pink haired boy making his way to the table and sitting down. I sigh heavily , and then hear my name being called. I turned around and am greeted my a girl around my age with short obviously dyed blonde hair , her skin is very pale and she is very very very skinny , she starts to wave her hand over gesturing me over to her table. I point at myself and she nods. I make my way over to her slowly and take a seat next to her , i've never seen this girl before.
''Sorry ,i just saw you standing there and just thought i'd offer you a seat.''
''Thank you.'' i smile and take a seat next to her.
''Are you new?'' i ask
''Nope. I got let out for a week.''
''My dad died , you see.'' she chuckled shaking her head , i coughed awkwardly.
''Oh i'm sorry for your loss?'' i said , it sounded more of a question but i wasn't so sure by her response if it was even a bad thing.
''Don't be , he was a alcoholic. Left me when i was 9 and took all my mothers money.'' she shrugs , i nodded and took a bite out of my doughnut looking elsewhere.
''So... what are you in here for?.'' she asked.
''It's okay you don't have to tell me.'' she shook her head , taking a sip of her water. I noticed that's all she had on her tray and her story of her being in here became more clear to me.
''I.. Are you ?...''
''Anorexic ? Yeah. Well i'm bulimic...'' she shrugs like it didn't even bother her
''You say Oh alot you know.''
''Oh do i , i never notic-'' she interrupted me with a small laugh and i had to think for a moment then realized i just used oh in another sentence i laughed with her. Some guy sitting on the opposite side of the table started laughing hysterically making us laugh more. The guy didn't even know what we were laughing at.
''I'm Anastasia by the way.'' she says
''Charlotte'' i reply with a short smile
''Pleasure to meet you Char.'' she nicknames me
''You too Ana'' i joke back , making us both laugh again.
We carry on talking for the rest of lunch , i eventually told her about myself and she didn't seem to judge me at all. I felt the need to tell her because 1. she was the only person who wanted to befriend me 2. she didn't seem that weird and 3. i knew so much about her it was only fair she knew about me. I found out she's actually been staying here for 6 months... 7 months next monday. She knew everyone and everyone knew her , it made me wonder if the guys knew her... well they probably did but if she was friends with th-.. interrupting me from my thoughts a deep voice greeted Ana.
''ANASTASIA... WHERE THE FLUFF HAVE YOU BEEN?'' we both turned around and a smile grew on Ana's face. It was Calum... that answered my thoughts she clearly did know them. Ana got up and wrapped her arms around his neck , his arms wrapping around her back squeezing her tightly.
''I got back this lunch time , Cal.'' she smiled
''Why didn't you come sit with us?''
''Well... you wasn't in here when i arrived then i noticed this newbie just standing around so i thought i'd be so nice to ya know befriend her... i think shes my friend anyway.'' she chuckled , turning back to me and smiling , i smiled back at her. She stepped out of the way and began to introduce us even though i didn't need to be introduced
''Calum this i-..''
''Ah you've met Charlotte.'' he said waving to me , i waved back and stared down at my feet.
''Oh. you know her.'' she said , i giggled and Ana threw her hand over her mouth laughing also.
''Look you've got me saying it now.'' she laughed harder, Calum stood there a confused expression on his face.
''I don't get you girls.'' he said
''I know you don't get any girls. You can't blame us.'' Ana winked laughing even harder. Calum rolled his eyes and chuckled.
''Anyway... how do you know each other?'' she asked wiggling her eyebrows
''Michael.'' me and Calum said at the same time. I blushed lightly and glued my eyes back to the floor.
''I'm Michael's room mate.'' i said , she made a o'shape with her mouth and nodded slowly.
''They actually let someone room with him finally?'' she mumbled to Calum and he nodded. She turned back around to me and smiled widely.
''Well you must be a very special young lady.'' she giggled
''Uh I.. wouldn't say th-''
''Yeah she is , he laughed the other day... and smiled an-''
''Whoa whoa whoa... he smiled? he laughed? What kind of voodoo shit are you using Charlotte?'' she said shocked , i blushed even harder and tried to look anywhere but them.
''He doesn't even like me... anymore.' i rolled my eyes , Calum scoffed and Ana hummed a response.
''Don't pretend he doesn't Calum. You saw what happend the other day.'' i spat
''Yeah but that's because yo-''
''I told him about myself. Which i clearly am not confident in telling people and he threw it back in my face.'' i said through gritted teeth.
''Shit i forgot you tried to kill yourself so when you told Michael he flipped out bec-'' Calum slapped his hand over Anastasias mouth to stop her from spilling the beans.
''Because what?!'' i yelled , Calum whispered into Ana's ear and she nodded. Him removing his hand and her biting her lip.
''I can't tell you. He has to tell you. It's not my business.'' she muttered
''But this is to do with m-''
''No its nothing to do with you. Not everything is about fucking you.'' a voice aproached the scene , turning around i find Michael standing there his pupils dilated and his breathing heavy.
''Michael nice to see you again.'' Anastasia nods
''Fuck off.'' he spits at her
''Don't tell her to fuck off , she was being nice.'' i said.
''Char it's fi-''
''Don't tell me what to do.'' he growled
''Or what? Your gonna hit me?'' i stood up closer to him , Calum grabbed my hand to try and pull me away.
''Char sto-''
''No. He can't bully everyone.'' i said
''What are you going to do then?''
''Nothing.'' he breathed out and began to walk away.
''WHAT WAS THAT? YEAH YOU WALK THE FUCK AWAY!!'' i yelled , he turned back around locking eyes with me. I swallowed hard as he took a step closer to me , Luke and Ashton joining the conversation. Luke stood in front of me blocking me from moving even though i tried. I didn't need protecting. Ashton and Calum walked over to Michael and tried to calm him down. It all went so fast next thing i know Ashton is on the floor and Michael has Calum by the throat up against the wall. A gasp left my mouth. All heads in the direction of the situation.
''DO SOMETHING!'' i yelled. Nurses were running all over the place and everyone else either didn't pay attention , ran out the room or chanting the fight on. I ran around Luke and tried to grab Michaels arm being pulled back by Ashton. I kicked my legs in the air.
''HE'S GONNA KILL HIM!'' I screamed , Luke ran over trying to pry Michael's arms from around Calum's face earning a punch to the eye. Calum was turning purple and he was literally choking. I elbowed Ashton in the chest , he let out a yelp and released his grip on me. I charged over to the scene , now Anastasia stopping me.
''Ana stop!'' i said trying to move her but she wouldn't budge
'Leave him the doctors and security will be here in a minute'' she said ,
''No it will be too late.''
''Please just let me try something.'' i breathed out , she let go and sighed nodding. I walked over to Michael my hands shaking as they raised to grab his forearm.
'Michael let go.'' i said
''Michael please.'' i begged , Anastasia came over and grabbed his other arm trying to pull him with me. Okay... next step i ducked in between Calum and Michael and looked at him in the eyes.
''Michael stop your hurting him.'' i bit my lip tears forming in my eyes. His eyes seem to flash and get a shade lighter , i brought my hand to his cheek.
''Let go.'' i whispered. He's hand dropped from Calum's neck and he fell to the floor. Wow that actually worked? how strange yet cliche. We kept staring at each other until Michael fell to the floor making me jump back a little. A injecting in his back making me gasp and i knelt down.
''What the hell?'' i yelled reaching for the needle but being pulled up and away by Anastasia.
''What the heck was that?'' Ana said
''I don't know it just shot into his ar-''
''No not that. I know what that was , that's medicine to put the patients to sleep.'' she said
''What?! They drug you here'' i panicked
''No , just if you know in a dangerous situation.''
''But he was fine ''
''Yeah after you... what did you even do out there to calm him down?''
''I don't know , i told him to stop and looked into his eyes.'' i shrugged.
''You really are Jesus i swear.'' she laughed , i rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders again
''I really didn't do anything.''
''Sureeee.'' she winked and walked off leaving me ultra confused. I didn't do anything that special did i?
I walked out of the bathroom and went and sat down in the quiet room which consisted of a book shelf , a few chairs and a ping pong table. In which a elderly man just stood in front of the ping pong table with a paddle in his hand staring into the distance. Yeah that would be freaky to me if i just came here but during my first week i've spent most of my days here.
I am lost inside this book. The Help by Katherine Stockette. I've seen the film plenty of times , in and out of school but the book is so much more descriptive and interesting. I'm up to the bit where Minny is teaching Miss Celia how to cook an-.
''Thank you.'' a voice sounds , i look up from my book and turn to the tanned boy.
''For what?'' i ask , folding the page of the book and placing it on the table in front of me. He looks too the seat next to me and i nod. He sits down and places his hands in his lap staring at them.
''For kinda saving my ass.'' he chuckled looking up at me and smiling
''Your welcome?'' i question and bubble out a laugh.
''No really , i could of probably died.''
''Nah you wouldn't of.''
''How'd you know?'' he sighs
''Because Michael's one of your best mates.'' i smiled
''Yeah but i dont think he would of. H-He looked so angry... i-i-.''
''It's okay.'' i whispered placing my hand on his and rubbing slow soft circles across it.
- Calum's P.O.V -
I can't believe Michael. I can't believe he nearly killed me just because of what i said to him. All i said was that he shouldn't blame Charlotte for how she feels just because of his past. The fact he wont even tell her the reason is mad because she thinks he's a absolute judgmental jerk now which he isn't. Anyway if it wasn't for Charlotte i would probably be laying in a body bag right now. I had to go thank her because she just saved my sorry ass. How she managed to control him and get him out of that dark episode is beyond me. She must be a wizard or something.
I walked into the quiet room and nodded a hello to George. Not that he responded he just stood there with his ping pong paddle in the air waiting for a miracle i suppose. I turned and soon my eyes landed on the brown wavy head girl sitting down on one of the sofas her face almost inside the book. The Help. Never heard of it.
''Thank you.'' i said , Charlotte look up from her book
''For what?'' s ,he asked folding a page of her book and placing it on the table in front of her. I bit my lip and looked down at the seat next to her debating whether to sit with her or not , she nodded and gestured me for to sit so i did.
''For kinda saving my ass.'' i said , a small laugh leaving my lips as i think about it. A small girl like Charlotte saving a grown man(ish).
''Your welcome?'' she said , with her eyebrows raised making it sound like a question as she giggled silently.
''No really , i could of probably died.''
''Nah you wouldn't of.''
''How'd you know?'' i sighed. I still can't get over my best mate doing something s-.
''Because Michael's one of your best mates.'' she smiled... she had really beautiful eyes. A shade between green and brown... hazel perhaps.
''Yeah but i dont think he would of. H-He looked so angry... i-i-.'' i choked up on my words and looked down at my hands that were shaking. I guess the shock was kicking in
''It's okay.'' i whispered placing my hand on his and rubbing slow soft circles across it. A smile grew on to my face and i looked up at Charlotte , she gave me a sympathetic smile. I don't know what was going on but i was feeling rather attracted to Charlotte. I began leaning in she followed my lead. I really shouldn't be doing this... i know Michael likes her. I really shouldn't be fucking doing this.
''You don't expect the girl to make the first move do you?'' she whispered into my ear seductively , making me groan and place my right hand on her cheek and connect my lips to hers. Our lips moved in sync her hands making there way to the back of my head and running her hands through my hair making me gasp and slip her tongue into my mouth. Whoa she was a great kisser.
- Charlotte's P.O.V -
I don't now how it happened. But it did. I felt myself leaning into Calum and him leaning into me. He paused about halfway our eyes staring into each others.
'You don't expect the girl to make the first move do you?'' I whispered into his ear.
The next thing i know is our lips touch but... there was no sparks? Maybe that's just a myth.
What are you doing bitch?
Stop kissing you its disgusting?
Why would he want to kiss such a ugly girl like you?
So disgusting
I ignore the thoughts in my head that are screaming at me and carry on kissing him. The kiss lasts for a long time we break apart as we hear the door slam our heads moving there way to the door. Calum looks back at me and grins. I blush and look down at my hands in my lap.
'' I should go.'' he said
''Oh alright...'' i said pushing a loose peice of hair around the back of my ear.
you're a freak
he dont want you
EW ,
I looked down at my hands again and i felt him lean over and place a small kiss on my cheek making my heart flatter. He smiled a little and got up walking out of the room. I grabbed my book once again and opened it up figuring i couldn't concentrate after what just happened. I got up and walked out of the room , i turned down the halls to find Michael talking with Calum. It didn't look like an apology conversation it looked like he was shouted at him. I stared and observed the conversation for awhile them being to far away for me to hear. Michael turned around and locked eyes with me dropping his hands from Calum's t-shirt and pushing past him speeding off down the halls.
What just happened?
Hiii sorry haven't updated but guess what
I'm off for Easter break ... 2 weeks off to update ALL my stories <3
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