- Chapter 1
- Prologue
Michael's P.O.V
6 months... 10 days...5 hours and twenty seven minutes. That's how long i've been here... how long i've been stuck in this place. This big white room of mine I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna be somewhere else. I want to be normal and free like i used to be. But i have to stay in this big white room. White walls... white floors ... white bed... why covers... white clothes... white. The only thing that stands out is my pink candyfloss hair , which was once a neon pink that stood out.
Sorry , let me introduce myself. My names Michael... Michael Clifford. Lead guitarist for 5 seconds of summer... well was. Until the incident... you'll find out about that later. But this is my story from how i went from big time rock star too a guy living in a psychiatric hospital and this is about how one person ... if its the right person. Can change you ... make you who you were meant to be.
This is how some girl called Charlotte managed to ... save me?
- Chapter 1.
- 3rd person P.O.V -
Once upon a time lived a beautiful young girl named Charlotte Mai Thomas. She was happy smiling , Innocent and confused with what life was. She didn't understand what death meant , she didn't understand anything.
But then came her teenage years. Creeping up and stealing her innocence. Breaking her down and messing up everything. No longer could she be herself without being tormented and judged. She was bullied and harassed.
Family... strangers... classmates...The media... Society made her this way.
They corrupted her innocent mind , she started to care about things she never cared about as a young girl. Once she grew up and got old she wasn't so innocent anymore. She started to understand everything. She was stereotyped and labeled. Forever marked as a target for somebody to torment. She tried to fit in and be 'popular' she acted out to be known.
She started to worry about what she looked like , what clothes she wore. She worried about everything she did. Because deep down she knew somebody was always going to judge her.
She started crying more and more each day and night. She felt alone , lost and confused. She wondered by she had to grow up an reminisced about her younger years. She missed being so carefree. As she got older she learned to fake it all. Put on a happy mask to fool everyone around her. She learned to keep her emotions locked away , learned to lie when somebody asked if she was 'okay'. She learned how to come off as brave when in reality she was scared. She noticed everyone around her was the same...
She learned to be the happiest person ever and smile. She learned not to let anyone in because they wouldn't understand. She learned to act like judgments didn't hurt her like she was made of bulletproof glass when really she was already cracked.
She never blamed anyone for what happened to her in high school... she never blamed anyone for bullying her or insulting her because she knew thats what they had to do.
Her sister was miss popular. She learned her sister had to be rude and hurtful to people that were different , she had to gossip and spread nasty , hateful things. She had to bully those who were below in the social status because that is how she could fit in.
She never blamed her brother for being smart and perfect for always putting her down because he had bigger brains then her.
Her brother was the smart kid everybody knew the kid that behind the glasses was the brain. She learned he would gvie up pretty much everything that wouldn't help him succeed in the future. She learned he would roll his eyes at those who were less intelligent and mature. She learned he had to live like a robot to please everybody around him except for himself.
Charlotte started caring more about what people thought about her then what she wanted. She started being terrified for being herself. She started to loose friends because she wasn't the same anymore. She started losing herself because she couldn't handle it anymore. Thats when the voices started. The negative voices that screamed into her mind controlling her in every way possible. She got help from her parents they got her a therapist. Therapy worked for awhile but they would just come back. She was sick of the medicine she had to take three times a day and just decided to not take them. Some nights were better then others. Some nights were worst but again she plastered on a fake smile to hide away the pain. She wanted to be like everyone else again she wanted to just be normal , Scared of life and the world around her , afraid of people finding out about her.
Charlotte and Michael were just kids trying to survive in a messed up world.
They were both teenagers and society had killed them.
Charlotte's P.O.V
Walking through the front door of my house and dropping my school bag by my feet was pretty much my daily routine. I would get home , be greeted by my mother have an hour conversation , discussion , debate with her about my grades slipping or my attitude. I would then storm up to my room and sit in there for the rest of the night until my dad got home. In which he would yell at me and call me all the names in the book and i would just wait for him to stop. After that i would grab my blade from under my bed place the blade on my wrist and slowly drag it from left to right until i felt the burning sensation and saw the trickle of blood drip down my arm. Yeah i self harm... so what? It helps me. It's my drug and i'm addicted to it.
The only difference with today was... nobody was home. Mum was at some board meeting and my father well he worked late hours so god knows where he is right now. My older sister is probably making out with one of the many boys she knows and my brother... well he's probably doing something extraordinary and perfect like he is.
At school it was like any other day , getting told off. Being told i could do so much better then what i think i can... blah blah blah. Teachers are forever comparing me to my older siblings either my smart ass of a brother or my dumb blonde of a sister. I was the odd one out in my family my siblings always teasing how i was adopted... oh how i wish that was true.
My father had jet black hair , my mother had bleach blonde. Both Jackson and Hannah had inherited the blonde locks from my mother whereas i had inherited my grandma pat's brunette hair. Well apparently so... never even met the women.
What are you waiting for?
Your home alone now...
I know what your thinking
You know where they are
''Shut up!'' i cursed , covering my hands over my ears. Trying to block the voices inside my head , i knew they wasn't real. I've been told by my parents , siblings , doctors , therapists , everybody. That they are not real but i can't control them. Why can't i control them!?
Don't be such a fucking pussy.!!
Ignore them Charlotte , just ignore them. Think of something else...Anything!!
Just go upstairs
Turn into the bathroom
Open up the cabinets
Get out the pills
Swallow them
Swallow them all.
You'll be free
I found myself moving , i was screaming inside to stop but my legs and arms had other plans. I was inside the bathroom opening the cabinets and grabbing the bottle of sleeping pills from the top shelf. I stared at it for a little while and placed it on the windowsill taking a deep breathe.
So close but so far away..
you'll get away from us
we'll be gone
you'll have full control
Lets go to wonderland...
Grabbing the bottle and shaking listening to the noise that was made by the pills moving around. I opened up my palm and in fell... one ...two...three pills. Four...five...six pills. Seven ...eight...nine pills. Ten for luck i suppose as i popped another in my hand. Was i really going to do this? Was i really going to be one of those people? Was i really going to commit Suicide?
I think about it all the fucking time. It would be so easy to just end all of the pain , suffering and self hate that i feel on a daily basis. No more depression , no more cutting , just ignorant bliss. I don't know what will happen , but what i do know is that it will be better than the way i'm living now. I can't live with who i am. I am living in constant hell, and its killing me; it's actually slowly driving me insane.
So the real question is; how will i do it? There has been so many options to choose from hanging,suffocation , drowning , slitting my wrists , overdose , jumping , electrocution and so many more. But never in my life has there been nothing in the way of me doing it. I've written so many suicide notes in the past years, and i've never actually gone through with it. Suicide is NOT the cowards way out.
A person has to be going through the worst physical and emotional pain imaginable to even think about ending his or her life. And i've finally gotten to that point. No , i've never been brave enough to do it. Maybe i've built up all the courage from past events for now... to end my life right now. I know right now at this moment in time i'm ready... i'm ready to do what i've planned for so many fucking years.
The last thing i remember before i blacked out was the contact of my body falling too the floor and a loud ringing in my ear. A loud noise i didn't know what it was but now i realize that horrible screeching noise. It was the noise of my screaming.
I'm going to die and nobody is here to Save me?
- 3rd person P.O.V
Charlotte and Michael were just kids trying to survive in a messed up world.
They were both teenagers and society had killed them.
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Hi new story :)
This will probably be a story i'll update when i'm free or bored. Just because i have another book on high priorty at the moment (FALLING APART - CALUM HOOD).
I have such amazing ideas for this story and i can't wait to write more :-)
Hope you enjoy.
Feel free to comment if you do.
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