dares and new joiner
Julie- *walks into the lair with a friend and sees the girls in the living room part of the lair* hey guys we have a new joiner her name is jayden call her jay and she likes swag Donnie
Jay- hey girls
Luna- sup jay i'm Luna
Cheyenne- hey i'm Cheyenne
Kristen-hey i'm Kristen
Rosey- hello I'm Rosey
Roxy-hi I'm roxy
Lelo- sup names lelo
Ash- I'm ash
Sabrina- sup names Sabrina
Jewel- names jewel
Jessie- names Jessie
April- April
Karai- names karai if you want you can call me miwa that's my original name
Jay- ok
Luna- hi I'm Luna I'm Julie's sis we are part of a quad
Lilly- Lilly
Midnight moon- names midnight moon but you can call me midnight if you want
Rose- name's rose
Julie- so the boys should be coming home from work so....ahhhhhhg *the boys fall on her* what the fuck were did you all come from and get of your crushing me
*Boys get off of her*
Leo- sorry sis
Donnie- ya sorry sis
Julie- Jay these are my brother's so their is me, Luna, *points to the a purple masked turtle* that's Donnie, *please points to the Blue masked turtle* and thats Leo *pulls Luna beside me* and together we are the Homoto quadruplets
Julie-well here are the others
Ceaser- ceaser
Swift- I'm swift
Julie- *whispers to Jay* watch out he's the perverted one
Jay- *whispers back* ok
Swift- i heard that julie
Casey- I'm casey
Raph- I'm raph and that's my lil bro mikey *points to a orange masked turtle*
Rebel- I'm rebel and that's M.C. *points to M.C.* my lil bro and that is ghost * points to ghost* my second oldest bro
M.C.- *Waves*
Ghost- *nods a bit*
Street punk M.C.- street punk M.C. call me sp M.C.
Street punk rebel- Street punk rebel call me sp rebel
Swag Leo- I'm swag Leo call me SL
Street punk swift- hey I'm street punk swift call me sp swift
Julie- * whispers to Jay* also perverted
Jay- ok
Swag punk ghost- call me SP Ghost
Swag mikey- call my SM
Swag raph- call me SR
Swag Donnie- sup names swag Donnie call me SD
Jay- *blushes a bit*
Julie-so we have two dares the first one is from total_mikeyfan27 she dares us to play chicken and not the pool kind
Swift,sp swift- what is the not pool kind
Julie- the same as the pool kind just not in the pool *finally revels her powers and puts mats on the floor made of soft snow*
Swag Leo- did you know he could do that
Leo- ya only Donnie,luna and I knew cause we were ya know kinda born with her
Swag raph- miss something here
Raph- were you even listening
Swag raph- nope
Mikey- julie,luna,leo and Donnie are quadruplets
Swag raph- oh
Jay- shall we begin
Julie- ya we shall ok pick your partners
Raph- Julie
M.C.- Sabrina
Sp M.c.- April
Sp rebel- karai
Swag leo- Luna
Sp swift-lilly
Sp ghost-midnight moon
Swag mikey-Rose
Swag Donnie- Jay
*They do the chicken*
Julie- comment and truth or dare us bye
I am so sorry for not updating I had no wifi so so sorry
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