Four Elemental Powers
Donnie dodged an attack that Shredder tried on him while he swung his blades of his gauntlets at him trying to cut him. Mikey charged at Shredder swinging his Suregama chain at him making it wrap around the human's arm and pulled back as much as he could making his enemy go flying toward him. Mikey made his one hand glow orange and made a giant stone fist hitting Shredder to make him go further and let go of the chain as he watched Shredder completely crash all the way through a wall of an abandoned building dust flying all over after he crashed through. Donnie noticed that Shredder was forcing himself up while his body glowed gray for a second before he dashed out of the building in the form of a black and gray wolf.
"Sewer bunnies!" Donnie muttered to himself. His hands glowed purple and he thrushed his hand towards his enemy while wind began to come out of his hands creating a small swirl looking like a sideways tornado and blasted it at Shredder forcing him sliding backwards while Mikey thrushed his hands upwards and then pressed them together making the ground bend toward the evil wolf as he disappeared underneath the earth his one fore paw still sticking out. When Donnie and Mikey thought that it was over, a silver looking light crackled in the night sky lightening it up for a split second looking like lighting and it struck down from the sky blasting the rocks that Donnie bended on him into dust while Shredder slowly stood up opening both his eyes as they both glowed into a blood red color. It's like he never got hurt! Donnie thought panic surging through him. Every scar and wound that Shredder had on him were there just a second ago but Donnie guessed that he healed himself with his powers because his scarred right eye was healed from the scary red glow. Right at the moment Shredder charged at them, Leo and Raph suddenly appeared jumping down from the rooftop behind Donnie and Mikey and both blasted their powers at Shredder. Leo blasted his ice magic at the wolf while Raph shot fire out of his hands aiming at Shredder. Unfortunately with Shredder's Ninja skills still remembered in his new form, he jumped straight over all four brothers landing behind them and attacked Mikey sinking his teeth into his shoulder making him scream in pain and dragged him to his shell and continued pulling as a low growl sounded from the wolf's throat. Donnie saw Raph charging at Shredder until Leo put his hand up signaling him to stop. Donnie knew what his leader was doing. If they try to attack Shredder they could accidentally get Mikey while their enemy could be using their brother as a shield. What a cowardly master he is though to do that other than fighting back!
"Finally after waiting for the perfect time to strike, my time of getting vengeance has now come!" Shredder said releasing Mikey. Poor Mikey forced himself up and rushed behind Leo for protection. Donnie could see rage glinting in Leo's sapphire blue eyes as he gritted his teeth a dark growl of hate escaping his throat including Raph who's hands were still in flames like he was ready to take down his enemy.
"Do yourself a favor and leave us alone Shredder! Or else you'll suffer the pain of death again!" Leo yelled clearly not afraid of him anymore. Shredder glared at them before turning himself back to his human form and unsheathed the blades of his gauntlets. Of course he wasn't going to back down, but so were the turtles. Leo took out his two katanas while Raph took out his sais, Mikey his nunchucks and Donnie took out his bo staff pushing on the blade button as it came out. This is going to be just like last time, but I sure hope our powers will give us all the energy we'll need or else we're dead Donnie thought. All four turtles charged at Shredder at the same time he did each of them battling hard and fast. Shredder of course took out Mikey and Raph leaving Donnie and Leo still fighting him. Donnie went to strike a blow at Shredder until he grabbed his bo staff and hit him on the head twice with the one end of it like how he did during their first battle and kicked him on the chest sending pain surge through him as his shell banged against a wall. Leo as always was the last one standing. He dodged an attack that Shredder tried on him and whipped behind him grabbing him on his arm twisting to break it a little and flipped him over before Shredder could even move. Leo fights like Splinter, man I wish I could do that Donnie thought feeling hope of winning this battle spark inside him. Raph and Mikey rushed over to Donnie helping him up as Leo handed him his bo staff. The battle wasn't over yet.
"Footclan attack! Don't let them wound the master anymore!" a voice yelled. All four turtles were surrounded by both Foot Soldiers and Foot Bots before any of them could move. The four brothers each attacked the surrounding Footclan as Fishface, Rahzar, Tigerclaw, Bebop, Rocksteady, Baxter Stockman and Karai all joined in the fight.
"Are you kidding me?!" Leo yelled out annoyance in his tone. Donnie felt the same way. Why couldn't just three of the mutants or two with Karai help Shredder instead of every member of the Footclan?! That would've made the fight a little more easy and at least even! Donnie charged at Bebop readying to strike until the mutant warthog turned himself invisible before Donnie could strike any blows on him. Confused out of his mind, Donnie looked around himself feeling his heart thundering in his chest. He tried hard to listen and sense Bebop's presence but with Leo, Raph and Mikey busy fighting the members of the Footclan including Shredder himself, it was really difficult. Suddenly Donnie got hit by Bebop who kicked him on his head causing him to fall down on his chest hard as pain washed over him. Donnie forced himself up and sensed another attack coming from Bebop so he quickly turned around and thrushed the blade part of his bo staff at him hearing a loud groan coming from his enemy. Blood began welling out of Bebop's stomach and he turned himself visible his ears pointing down as thin blood leaked out of his mouth.
"Take that you fruit eating freak!" Donnie insalted. He roughly pulled his deadly weapon out of the warthog's body more of his dark red blood coming out of his wound. Bebop whimpered a little in shock before he fell backwards his body twitching uncontrollably as sharp pants escaped his throat. Donnie glared at Bebop before turning to see Leo being cornered by Shredder and Karai and he quickly dashed through the crowd noticing April and Casey rushing into battle with their weapons out. April sliced up two Foot Bots in half with her small katana that Splinter had given her while Casey swung his one hockey stick at Fishface knocking him down in one shot and both the humans reached Raph and Mikey helping the two surrounded turtles. Donnie could hear a loud scream of pain from Leo and quickly swung his bo staff at Karai knocking her down without warning and tried the same on Shredder. Unfortunately Shredder grabbed Donnie on the front of his shell and swipped his blades on his one gauntlet at Donnie cutting him on the cheek leaving a huge gash as blood immediately sprayed the ground. Leo charged at Shredder managing to cut him a little on his neck and kicked him hard on his chest causing the evil human to release Donnie while he fell down landing on his back. Yes he's weakening, we're going to take him out! Donnie thought feeling as excited as a kid who's getting dessert. He looked over seeing Raph attacking Karai hearing a slight sound of flesh being ripped off as blood splattered the ground and Raph kicked Karai on her forehead knocking the Kunoeach out.
"There's too many here, we'll have to fight again later! Mikey smoke!" Leo yelled over the raging battle noise. Mikey stood in front of everyone including Raph, April and Casey who followed and Mikey threw down a Ninja smoke bomb making purple smoke come out creating thick fog as all the turtles with their two human friends disappeared heading back to the lair. The battle still wasn't over yet. But the turtles will take down the Footclan some other time.
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