Never Say Xever( Part 1)
The turtles were sneaking around the city. Careful of people that might see them. Leo looked aroung the corner to see April and Vixen walking down the street like norml people.
April: You guys want to speed it up a little?
Donnie: Are you saying turtles are slow?
Mikey: That's a hurtful stereotype.
Vixen: You know she didnt mean it like that.
Leo: Trust us, April. We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they dont know we exist.
April: Sorry. I'm just excited to get you out of the sewer for a change.
Raph: What are you talking about? We go out all the time.
April: Yeah, but tonight you're gonna do something besides hitting people.
Raph: Aww
April: Dont worry. You're going to love this noodle place I found.
Donnie: And you're sure we'll be welcome?
April: Mr. Murakami doesn't care waht you look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind.
Mikey: Awsome! Ow!
Raph hit Mikey on the head.
Mikey: I mean for us obviously.
When they got there they could see silhouettes of people trashing the place. They were throwing punches to another man.
April: Oh no.
Donnie: Who are those creeps?
April: The purple drangons. They think they own the strrets around here.
In the shop the skinniest of the 3 tapped Mr. Murakami on the shoulder. Mr. Murakami picked up a chopping block. He put it up to his face and felt around it. Then he japped the skinny one with the block and he flew back. The other 2 started laughing at him. The one thrown back was man, he glared at Mirakami. He swung his hand and Mirakami fell to the ground. Then the purple gragon grapped his ear and threw him to he other side of the counter.
Vixen: Why are we still standing here, watching?
Leo: So much for not hitting people tonight.
Raph: Oh well.
The turtles ran into the shop.
Mikey: Booyakasha!
Leo: Alright let him go. You dont want any trouble.
Raph: We, on the other hand, do.
PD #1: Whoa, those guys were serious. There really are giant turtles
Mikey: You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous.
Donnie: That's bad.
Mikey: Oh, right.
PD #1: Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours.
Vixen: Did you buy it?
PD #1: No.
Vixen: Did you build it?
PD #1: N-no.
Vixen: Did the person who actually owned it give possesion to you?
PD #1:
Vixen: And you obviously didnt take it over. Or else the cops wouldn't be on your tail. So you dont "own" this neighbor hood.
PD #1: W-well, uh, um, y-you see, whatever why dont you tell your friends to slither back to the ocean where they came from.
Donnie: Actually, we're fresh water turtles. I suspect that we're derived from the diamondback terrapin, but it's possible we're a common box-
PD #1: Get 'em!
The purple dragons advanced. One ran across the counter and tried to hit Leo. But Leo ducked and Mikey jumped over him and kicked the man in the face and chest with a spining kick flip. The man got back up and grabbed his sledge hammer. He tried to hit Mikey but he moved out the way and switched with Raph. Raph ducked under a swing and slid out the way for another. Raph hit him in the face with his...finger? And he flew back, holding his face. One the side, Mikey and Donnie were taking down the big guy. Mikey kicked the guy in the face. He tried to punch Donnie after that, but the purple clad turtle ducked and sweeped the leg, knocking him down. Mikey turned around and saw a bowl of something on the counter. Donnie kicked the PD to Mikey. Even with his back turned Mikey punched the dude's face. The dude fell forward and was kneed in the gut by Donnie. Only to walk back and get kicked in the back by Mikey, who was still looking at the soup. The man fell forward and got punched in the gut by Donnie. The wind was knocked out of the PD. He fell to the ground while holding his stomach.
One the other side of the shop, April and Vixen were crawling to Murakami. When they reached him April started shaking him to get him up. Vixen looked over the counter, on look out. She saw the guy with the sledge hammer get up and move towards Mikey. Mikey was too distracted with the soup. Vixen threw a pan a the guy's head and he fell unconscious. Mikey looked at the man and then back at Vixen.
Mikey: Thanks Vixen.
Vixen: Anything for my best friend.
April had finally got Murakami up. Vixen and April helped the blind man walk, They were almost out the door when a plate was flying towards them.
April: Duck!
Vixen caught the plate and threw it at the guy who tried to get Mikey. He was up again and Mikey was eating the soup. The man got knocked out for the third time this fight.
Vixen: Mikey! Put down the soup!
Mikey: Sorry V!
Mikey gulped down the rest and join the fight again. Vixen, April and Murakami left the shop to let the boys finish the fight. Donnie was fighting the big guy again. He had a plan. He swung left, and Donnie dodged right. He swung right and Donnie dodged left. The PD sung tho the left again. Donnie dodged downwards and kicked him away. Leo was fighting the skinny one. He had a large butcher knife in his hand. You know, the square one. Anyway, the PD tried to slice Leo, but Leo flicked it out of his hands. Leo started punching the gang leader. He was literally beating him with one hand behind his back...Shell...WHATEVER! Then he side kicked him onto the counter. He rolled onto the wall. Leo picked him up by the jacket and pulled his hand back, ready to punch. The PD looked so scared. Leo's face softened and he dropped the gang leader.
Leo: Get out of here.
The purple dragon smirked and pushed him out the way. He jumped off the counter and walked out to the other two who were sitting in pain by the door.
PD #1: Come on! Let's go! This aint over greeny!
Donnie: "Greeny"? Really? I wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that.
Raph: You just let him go? What the heck was that?
Leo: They weren't exactly a threat. They'd had enough.
Raph: Dude! They were beating up a blind guy! There is no enough! Now they'll think we're wimps and we dont have the guts to finish the job.
Vixen: What the heck Raph!
Raph: Me? What did I do?
Vixen: I mean yeah, they beat up a blind guy. That doesnt mean you have to finish the job. Do you really wanna kill someone Raph? Do you really? Cause you gotta remember, even bad guys have some kind of family. And killing them can really hurt their family. Do you wanna be a reason why a little girl or boy doesnt have a mom or dad any more. Or why a lady doesnt have a son any more? Because what your saying is there bad guys. We need to finish the job. Their families will be fine without them. Leo just did something only a real hero would do. And, who knows, maybe somewhere in the future, he will be rewarded for doing the right thing.
Everyone was silent after what Vixen just said. She was right. April came in carring Murakami, unaware of the serious atmosphere.
April: Wow. That was great, you guys.
Donnie: Thanks April. Did you see when I caught the one guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet it looked cool.
April: ...the coolest...
Donnie: You didnt see it did you?
April: No I did not.
Vixen: Dont worry. I got the whole fight on video. You can see it later.
Murakami: My friends, I'm indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal. Free of charge.
Raph: I think we can allow that.
Murakami: What is you favorite dish?
Vixen: In 3...2...1-
Turtles: PIZZA!
************************************************************************************************************The pots boiled with the fire burning under it. Murakami rushed from pot to pot. Adding spices, flipping food. At one point he flung a piece of dough into the air and chopped it with the large knife the gang leader used against Leo. The dough fell onto the board right back in place. The turtles and girls watched in awe. (They sat in this order: April, Donnie, Vixen, Mikey, Leo, Raph)
Donnie: Murakami-san that was awesome!
Mikey: You're like a ninja, but for food.
Murakami finished the dishes and placed them infront of the turtles and Vixen. April hand some egg-soup-thing. It didnt matter.
Murakami: Pizza gyoza!
April: Pizza gyoza?
The turtles and Vixen all tried the dish at the same time. It was so good.
Donnie: It's like I got a one-way ticket to flavorville.
April: This is really good too, you know.
The 5 looked at April and then started inhaling the food.
Leo: Uh, Murakami-san, do the purple dragons come around a lot?
Murakami: Yes. They demand protection money but I refuse to pay. They will surely return.
Raph: Well, they wouldnt if somebody hadn't wimped out.
Vixen: Raph, I swear. If you dont shut your mouth I will hurt you in ways that haven't been invented yet!
While Leo was thinking, Mikey snatched the last 3 pizza gyozas off his plate. Leo notices the absence of food immediately and looked to Mikey who was still chewing. Mikey saw his older brother's glare and swallowed to food quickly. Mikey also noticed that Vixen was still staring at Raph. With the fastest reflexes he could muster he tried to grab the 5 gyozas but then a large knife chopped his chop-sticks. Mikey jumped back in surprise. He looked up to see that it was Vixen who stopped him. She took 3 gyozas and gave then to Leo, who excepted them quickly. She eat one and gave the other to Mikey.
Vixen: Next time, just ask. I might say yes.
Back at the lair the turtles were doing their own thing. April and Vixen went home, because it was so late. Mikey playing on his t-phone. Donnie was reading a comic. The T.V. was on for some reason. No one was watching. Raph was no where to be found and Leo was at the punching bag. Leo was punching the stuffing out of it.
Raph: Whoa, whoa, Leo. I think he's had enough. You better let him go.
Leo: I get it. Your making fun of me for not mercilessly pummeling a helpless man.
Raph: Yes, I am. You showed weakness. Those guys only under stand one language.
Mikey: Chinese?
Raph: No. Fists.
Mikey: What about feet?
Raph: They understand feet.
Donnie: That would make them bilingual.
Raph: The point is we cant go soft on them.
MS: To show mercy is not soft. It is a sign of true strength.
Raph: But, Sensei, they're criminals. This is war.
MS: A daimyo of the 16th century once said, "In times of peace, never forget the possibility of war. In times of war, never forget compassion."
Raph: I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars.
Sensei flipped his staff and stopped right infront of Raph's face.
MS: You see? Mercy.
Then he hit Raph on the arm.
Raph: OW! Okay, look. Compassion is great. But the purple dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone.
Leo: So we'll track down the dragons and make sure they got the message. And if they didnt we'll send one. Special delivery.
Raph: Was that meant to sound tough or stupid?
Donnie: How are we gonna track someone down when we cant talk to anybody.
Mikey: Dont worry. Vixen is coming over right now.
Leo: Why?
Mikey: I was playing call of duty and Vixen was partner. She had headphone mode on so she heard everything we said. So nobody should worry. Except Raph. You should have seen the look on her face when she heard whet you said to Leo.
Suddenly the sound of pounding feet filled the sewers.
************************************************************************************************************A man was out side sweeping the side walk of his store, when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to see two girls. April started to look around, being extra.
April: We're looking for the purple dragons.
Man: I dont know what you're talking about.
April started to look around again.
April: Dont worry, we can protect you. We are undercover cops
Man: You look like your 16. She looks like she belongs on Fashion Model Weekly.
April: I know. I'm really good at this.
Vixen: And I'm just this beautiful.
April knocked down all the fish on his stand.
Man: Let me see your badges.
April: Are you crazy? We cant carry badges. It'll blow our cover.
Man: I suppose that makes sense.
************************************************************************************************************The turtles stood on the building that April and Vixen told then about. The turtles looked around. You could clearly see the bruise on the side of Raph's face.
Leo: April and Vixen said this was the place.
Mikey: Cool. Can we get tattoos? I wanna get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask and the mask is me. I just blew your minds right.
Donnie: You know they use needles for that.
Raph: Can it dorks. There he is.
The turtles followed the leader to his hideout.
************************************************************************************************************Inside the warehouse
The leader walked past the other Purple Dragons who were playing a game of some sort to pass the time. The leader walked up to Bradford and Xever.
PD #1: We saw the gang of turtles you were looking for. And I'll tell you where for a price.
Suddenly the turtles crashed through the window. Eyes white and weapons a blazing. The purple dragons all stood up, getting ready for a fight.
Leo: Freeze dirt-bags. Uh oh.
Xever and Bradford walked up.
Xever: I think we can find them our selves.
Mikey: Aw man this is awkward. It's Christ Bradford, my ex-friend. And that other guy.
Xever: The name is Xever. So you dont forget, I'll write it on your shells...with these.
Xever took out foldable knifes and spun them around his fingers, like he was some kind of boss or something.
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