Your POV:
My name is (Y/n) (L/n) I'm a shy,nice and also girly 15 year old.I love to draw and everybody that has seen my sketches acualy like them but to be honest I don't think their all that great I mean there just lines on a paper.I used to live in A small town far from here but then my mom got a new job and we ended up having to move to New York.I didn't realy mind going since I didn't have any friends I am way to shy to acualy approach someone and talk to them which makes it very hard to make friends. When we moved to NYC I was amazed at all the lights especialy at night the city looked beautiful,we passed through many different stores and even a beautiful park.I was so happy my life was getting better I went to school and met new friends that acualy liked me for me ,but sadly everything changed My parents were fighting which according to some people could have been the cause of all my shynessI mean sure I was used to them fighting all the time but this,this time was different
I came home from school late at night since I had to stay to finish work for some class.I opened the door and right when I stepped in I saw my mom lying on the ground dead surrounded by a puddle of her own blood I couldn't help but scream at this horrifying scene. "(y/n) is that you?" I heard my dad call from another room. I was to stunned to say anything all I could do was stare at my mom, I heard foot steps coming through the hallway and I looked up and saw my dad his shirt and pants stained with blood and his hands held dried blood."AHHHHHHH" he quickly ran towards me and covered my mouth with his hand it tasted like blood"Shut.It.You.Ungratteful.Brat,you better not say anything about this to anyone understood?!"I just stared into his cold dark eyes and nodded quickly.
He took his hand off my mouth and I spit out all the blood that got into my mouth I looked up at him as he stood over my mom."why" I whisper my voice shaky from all of this he looks up and just grins then he started laughing.i didn't know what to do so I started backing away till my back hit the counter he came closer still laughing but held up a gun in his hands I tried to run but he came closer and trapped me to the point where I couldn't move."Where do you think your going?"he asked with that same grin I couldn't do anything just stare at him then I felt tears running down my face."hmm you've always been a shy one,dought you would tell anyone bout this*he gestured to my mom*or just to make it safer maybe I should get rid of you too"he pointed the gun at me then was about to pull the trigger I turned my head and that's when I heard a loud crash come from the living room window.
"WHAT THE HELL!? WHAT ARE YOU?!" I heard my dad yell "Back.Away.From.The.Girl.NOW!"I heard someone say In a threatening and low voice he sounded male but I was still to afraid to look up "I don't think so she deserves this"my dad says "Oh ya well Then I guess ya deserve this!" I then heard grunting and smacking and banging then it was all quiet besides the loud breathing of the man."Hey you ok?"I heard him ask I force myself to look up and infront of me is a Giant.Turlte!!!!!! With ninja stuff and a red mask and the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen before"I-I-I-um y-ya I'm f-fine""who is that guy anyways?"he points to my dad that is know passed out on top of the living room table."u-um well that m-my d-dad" I tried not to cry but it was getting harder.
"Oh and what about her" I couldn't take it anymore so I started crying like crazy not being able to stop"t-that's my m-m-m-mom"I managed to say.I looked up at his face and he had a mix of anger and sadness sure I was shy but at this point I didn't know what else to do so i said what I was thinking"c-can y-you hold me......p-please"he hesitated a little but hugged me while I cried on his shoulder.After a while of being like this I pulled away and started to blush."s-sorry uhh""Raphael but ya can call me Raph""thank you Raph for everything if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now"I said trying not to break down again"Your welcome it's all part of the job,although I can't leave ya here your gonna have to come with me"I looked up at him and nodded Raph and I left through the window and he carried me to his home away from this horrible place.
~End of Flashback~
Then again this all happened a year ago so I'm feel better about now especialy since I met Raph and his brothers and his sensei my life couldn't get any better they love me like their sister and I love them like the brothers I've never had.But, there's one turtle that caught my eyes since that horrible night,Raphael he has always been there for me no matter what and helps me out when I need it don't get me wrong the others help too but he's been helping me out since the first time we met.i couldn't help but have a little crush on him that after a couple of months turned into love for him.
But,I couldn't tell him that he probably doesn't even feel the same and besides I'm still insanely shy to tell him.Besides I'm nothing like him I'm shy and nice and girly I would rather talk than fight and I hate fighting yet he seems to love it.Why would he go for a girl like me when there are others that are way prettier and acualy his type,but I wonder what if he does?
Im on the living room couch drawing on my sketchbook while Mikey is playing video games which are slightly bothering me from drawing but I didnt want to annoy him so I just kept trying to draw.I then felt like the couch moved a bit and I jumped I looked up to see Raph looking at me with a small smile and I could feel myself blush."hey(Y/n) whatcha drawin?""o-oh u-um nothing!!"I say a little to quickly"ya sure?"i just nod he shrugs and grabs the remote and changes the channel on the tv making Mikey groan"RAAAPH WHAT THE HECK!!!? I was playing that I was so close to the high score" he wined I slightly giggle but good thing he doesn't notice.changing the channel what does it look like I'm doin?"he says as he rolls his eyes."but Raaaaaphhh-""SHUT UP MIKEY!!YOUR ANNOYING AS HELL!"he snapped Mikey ran off to his room and slammed the door.So know it was just me and Raph I just kept drawing while resting my back on the arm rest.I noticed that Raph was starting to fall asleep and couple of seconds later he was now snoring lightly.
I giggled quietly wow he looks so cute when he sleeps.I was getting bored so I decided to try and draw him after about a couple of hours I finished my drawing and just time too cause he was starting to wake up I quickly flipped the page to a blank one I heard him groan a little then he started to sit up he looked around and I tried to act like I didn't even notice he was awake.I could feel him staring at me while my eyes are fixed on the paper.
"Hey (Y/n)?"I look up at him"yes?" "How long have I been out?"I check the time on my phone"um like 3 or 4 hours"his eyes suddenly popped open and he got up fast this scared me a little and I fell of the couch "ow" he turned to me "oh sorry (Y/n) I just gotta get ready or I'll miss patrol""u-um Raph"he didn't listen"Raph" I said a bit louder "RAPH!" I screamed which I rarely do he turned to look at me with a surprised face."what's wrong?""u-um your brothers left a while ago they tried to wake you but you just turned and didn't pay attention so they left""oh" he then went back to sit on the couch you did the same."so what do ya wanna do?"I looked up at him and shrugged"I don't know""well in that case wanna watch a movie?""sure" I smiled "u-um what movie are you going to put?"he turned around and had (insert scary movie here) and was about to put it in the DVD "wait"he turned around again"what?""w-well you know I hate scary m-movies" he just chuckles and puts it in then he comes back and sits next to me but even closer.
"Well ya won't get so scared this time" I look at him confused "why?""Because I'll be here to protect ya"he said putting his arm around me and bringing me closer I blushed like crazy but went with it.The movie isn't as scary as I thought it is was supposed to be but I spoke to soon the killer popped up in to screen and I jumped and screamed a little which only made Raph chuckle and pull me closer to him to where I was now sitting on his lap. I blushed even more and just layed my head on his shoulder and went back to watching the movie.
I was falling asleep right before a huge jump scare I was snuggled up to Raph I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him I put my hands on his plastron and snuggled closer to where my forehead was gently touching his neck. I felt him tense a bit but then calm down and relaxed fully and let me rest comfortably. As I was about to fall asleep I heard him start to whisper something" Your so beautiful (Y/n), I love you so much*sigh*I wish it was this easy to tell ya when your awake." I couldn't belive it Raph my crush loved me?! wow this is amazing but what do I do? Then I felt something on my lips it took me a while to realize it was Raph!! And he was.....KISSING ME!!!!!! I decided to just let him and then he pulled away and hugged me tighter.
I decided to "wake up" and pretended this never happened." R-Raph?" He froze for a second "ya?"I got up from his shoulder and smiled at him then leaned down and kissed his cheek"Raph d-do you love me?"he tensed up and looked into my eyes"w-well.......*sigh*ya I do I do love you and I understand if you don't love me back.......I'm just an ugly mutated freak that nobody will love........*he hides his face in his hands and sits back on the sofa* I'm a monster" he said in a whisper. I couldnt help but gasp at what he said.
"Raph! Your not a monster! Why would you think that?""like I said I'm an ugly mu-""stop" I interrupt him"Raph*i take his hands of his face and gently hold them* your not a monster your not a freak sure your a mutant and your so not ugly your realy handsome*I say with a blush growing on my cheeks*no matter what*i get closer to him* I still love you"I finish. he stared at me with his amazing eyes and leans closer to me and then he kissed me.....again. I am so full of happiness right now as I kiss him back a little nervous he then puts one of his hands on my back while the other gently holds my face mine are around his neck.Hes pulling me closer deepening the kiss and I love it!!!
We then break apart for air and we stare at each other for a while before leaning back on his shoulder with my arms around his neck and his head on mine he lied down on the sofa with me and he hugged me all night we fell asleep holding each other close for the first time in a long time......I'm fully happy.<3
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