Raphaelxreader ~I understand you~
*Your POV*
"I can't believe that my mom told me to act more like my sister again for the freakin hundred or thousandnth time!" You say remembering the fight.
"Why can't you be more like your sister!" Your mom screamed at you after getting in trouble in school for punching a girl in the face hey she deserved it.So you are currently getting yelled at by your mom."Answer me now!""Well what do ya want I'm not like her,AND I'LL NEVER BE!!!!!""How hard is it to get decent grades in school and to not get into these pointless fights sometimes I wish I never had you!!""Ya know what?!IF YOU THINK SHES SO PERFECT AND IM NOT, THEN DEAL WITH HER AND STOP F****** ANNOYING ME!!!!!!!"You then ran out of the apartment and went to the only place where you know You'd be welcomed.
~End of flashback~
You are currently walking to the lair to hang with the turtles.You still remember when they rescued you from the purple dragons but not before you kicked some serious butt they've all been there for you since then and you met them like about a year ago so You were used to going to the lair it was like your second home.They were also like your second family you love them all and you know that they love you too.
They are basically the family you've always wanted to have. Master Splinter was basically your father figure since your mom and dad are divorced You don't exactly see him that much but you do miss him.The boys are basically the brothers you've always wanted since You only have a sister that everybody loves,basically the popular one in school while Your always in her shadow where ever You go.
You love them all as brothers and they sometimes call you sis especialy Mikey. But,there's one turtle that caught your eye since the first time you met him.That turtle is Raphael,sure he could be a jerk or a hot head and mean but,he has a soft side that he rarely shows yet with you he does it's like he has a soft spot for you.
You just love his amazing and beautiful green eyes,and his smile is just so perfect his persinality is way different from his brothers he's basically the rebel of the team or as You like to call him the bad boy.But, You dought that he would like you like that but for now your best friends and for who knows how long after that.
You finaly make it to the lair and Mikey's on the floor playing video games as always.Donnies probably in his lab working on his next awesome invention and Leo might be in his room or meditating with master splinter.You go in and Mikey still hasn't noticed you
You sit on the couch"hey Mikey" you most likely startled him cause he jumped and the remote flew out of his hands and landed on the bowl of popcorn sitting right next to him.You couldn't help but giggle a little he then turned around and smiled his famous Mikey smile"(Y/N)"!!he said while running to you he tackled you down in a bear hug or better yet a turtle hug.You hugged him back trying to sound happy as usual"Hey Mikey glad to see ya""you too dudette"he kept smiling then stopped once he noticed your red eyes.
"(Y/n),are you ok" he asked a little worried."huh o-oh ya I'm fine,why wouldn't I be"?you asked trying to act like you had not idea what he was talking about. He just kept staring at you"well your eyes are red and puffy have you been crying? Are you sad?""M-mike-""Oh I know what will make you feel better PIZZA!!!"you couldn't help but giggle a little "Mikey I'm fine just got dirt in my eyes while getting here.
Seems like he believed it"ok dudette what ever you say"he started walking back to the tv"oh hey Mikey have ya seen Raph"?"Raph? Oh ya he's in the dojo""cool thanks"you were almost getting there when you heard Mikey say"Dont have to much fun in there"you just blushed a little knowing what he ment.
You walk in the dojo and surely enough there's Raph doing push ups.You stayed a while in the corner of the room admiring his concentration.You decided to let him know your here, you decided to stay hidden in the corner and call him"Hey Raph"you said"Hey (y/-"he started saying but then noticed you weren't there he looked around.Then when he turned around you were right in front of him.
He screamed a little and fell while u sat there laughing your butt off"haha t-that was h-hilarious hahahahahahaha"you said during laughter"you should have seen your face hahaha"he looked up at you and smirked.He jumped on you tackling you and stradling your hips"Oh realy"?he asked smirking
You then stop laughing cause you notice that he's smirking"um R-Raph what ya doing"you ask cautiously.Then he started to tickle your sides this made you laugh like a crazy person while Raph was laughing too but way less than you"R-Raph hahahahahahahahahahaha
S-Stop hahahahahahahahahahaha P-Please"you kept laughing while he started smirking again."No way ya need to be punished for that"he started noticing your eyes getting watery he decided to let you go.
You sit up trying to catch your breath while Raph is just sitting there with a big grin"w-what........t-the heck.........w-was that?"you ask lookin at him"I could ask you the same thing"What I was in the mood to scare someone"you shrug, he just grinned again"well then I was in the mood to torture someone".
"Ugh whatever,so hey could I punch the bag for a while"?you ask while getting up with the help of Raph"ya sure knock yourself out"he says while going back to do push ups."thanks"you say as you walk up to it you start to punch it like you would always punch it but then that fight you had earlier with your mom came back into your thoughts getting you angrier.~why can't you be like your sister!!~ you punched it harder~Why do you always get into fights~you punched even harder making Raph look up from his position.
His eyes widened at how hard you were punching it.You didn't notice cause you were to busy beating the crap out of the bag.~This is exactly why no one likes you you ungrateful brat!!"you punched even harder than the last one.Making Raph get up and walk towards you but you still don't notice him.~I WISH I NEVER HAD YOU~!!!!!that echoed through your head for a while before you landed one last blow on the bag.
It fell from the hook onto the floor and ripped some sand fell out of it.You couldn't take it anymore and just fell to your knees and started crying into your hands.Raph was behind you shocked at what you did he didn't know what to do but he went towards you and kneeled next to you."Hey (y/n) are you ok why are you crying"you didn't say anything and kept crying.
Raph sighed and sat on the floor and put his arms around you.
You were still crying when you felt arms wrap around you,you knew it was Raph and you let him sit you on his lap and you cried on his plastron."shhh (y/n) it's ok shhhhh calm down"you started to calm down as you heard Raphs voice.
You looked up at him and he hugged you tighter"R-Raph""ya"he said while kissing your head."N-nobody underSTANDS ME!!!"you started crying again he kept hugging you"(y/n),what happened why are saying that"you look up at him and sit up a little still in his lap.
You sniff a little and he wipes some tears from your cheeks with his thumb while looking into your eyes."m-my m-mom always wants me to be like my sister,*sniff* but I can't,I'm nothing like her,I'm not girly I'm not popular I'm not sweet many people don't like me I'm not as pretty as her,IM NOT PERFECT!!"
You started crying again causing Raph to hold you tighter while rocking you a little bit"s-she also said that she wishes*sniff*she never had me" you kept crying after that for a few minutes before Raph spoke"(y/n), what are you talkin about don't believe her,so what if your not like your sister I'm glad your not your stronger and tougher and could take out anybody in one punch"you giggled a little "and so what if your mom wants you to be like her,she shouldn't control your life it's yours live it how ya want and even when everyone else doesn't understand you I understand you oh and (y/n)*he lifted up your chin with his fingers and you stopped crying and noticed that your faces were only inches apart.
You stared at his eyes*your perfect just the way you are never forget that,(y/n) I love you". He said you gasped at what he said Raph, your long time crush and best friend,........loves you back!!!!!!! You smile and bring him closer to you by his plastron, as he wraps his arms around your waist. You two finaly kiss...the kiss started off gentle and sweet
but became more passionate as you pulled him closer now wrapping your arms around his neck and and him pulling you closer by your waist.Since you were on his lap you just moved your legs so you could be facing Raph kissing him more and more with all the love you had for him,he doing the same.
You two finally pull apart for air and look at each other"Raph thanks you always know how to make me feel better and no matter what I could always count on you I love you Raph""I love you too (y/n)"he said while kissing your cheek"oh one more thing want to be my girl"you smiled"yes Raph yes I will"you said then you kissed his lips gently.
You two got up and went to his room to watch a movie and cuddle.
Ya so what if you weren't like your sister,so what if your mom wasn't proud of you you didn't care anymore cause if you had listened to them you wouldn't be the girlfriend of a strong and tough yet caring and protective Raphael.
You snuggled closer to him and he held you right and kissed your forehead"I love you"he said"I love you too" you snuggled and kept watching the movie totally forgetting about the fight.
~time skip next morning~
After everyone heard what happened with you and your mom they insisted that you moved in with them and of course you said yes.You were now finaly happy you had the best family you could ask for and the best boyfriend ever.
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