Birthday girl
Today was your day. It was your birthday today and you was getting ready with one of your best friends, April O'Neil, in your apartment. The plan was to go hang out with the rest of your bestfriends, the turtles also known as Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo, in their lair. Casey Jones who is also a bestfriend of you will also be there. You have known them for 7 months now, and grown very close to all of them. You are so blessed that you met them that one night you went to have a study session with April and suddenly four humanoid turtles was knocking on her window, standing on her fire escape.
April had given you a gift from her and wished you a very happy birthday several times. You got a beautiful crystal blue dress that goes down to you knees. You had some high heels from before that fitted perfectly to your outfit. April helped me do your make up. Your not a big fan of heavy make up, so she just put on some simple make up. About an hour later the door bell rang. It was Casey.
CASEY: Hello there birthday girl! Happy birthday, (h/c)!
YOU: Hi Casey! Aaw thank you Jones! Come on in, I'm ready we're just wating for April.
Casey went in and sat down on the couch, and waited for about 10 minutes. April just finished and all of you were set to go.
APRIL: Alright, let's go have fun in the lair! It's party time!
CASEY: Oh heck yes!
YOU: Wohoooo!
* In the lair *
As we walked in the lair entrance it was surprisingly dark, but suddenly it all lighted up and the Hamato family was there.
TURTLES & M. SPLINTER: Surpriseeeeee!!
Balloons and confetti was thrown all over the place around you and even on top of you. All you could do was stand there and gasp in ave. You had never expected this.
YOU: Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! You guys did this just for me?
MICHELANGELO: Of course, cup cakes! It's your birthday, and all birthday girls and even boys deserves an awesome party! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CUP CAKES!
YOU: Thank you, Mikey. Thank you all for this amazing surprise, I never expected this! I'm so thankful!
M. SPLINTER: [Chuckles] Well my daughter, that is the meaning behind a 'surprise'. Now would you like to open the birthday presents first?
YOU: You guys bought presents for me?
Now it was time for you to open the gifts. From master Splinter you got a meditation matt and some candles to use when you meditate, from Raph you got some new training gear you had been wishing for a while, from Donnie you got a Tpod, from Mikey you got a skateboard and from your long time crush you got some copies of your favorite magazine, your favorite movie that just got out on DVD and a necklace that had a crystal blue turtle on. You was very thankful, but wondering where and how they got all of this things, but that is a story for another day. You hugged everyone after opening each gift, but Leo got the longest hug. You didn't mind because he is your crush, and you also didn't see it, but he did blush and hugged you tightly back and wished to never let you go. He did have a crush on you as well but you didn't know.
YOU: Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, but you guys didn't have to do all this for me, really.
LEONARDO: Of course we did, you are such an amazing girl you deserve all of it. Come here let me help you put that necklace on.
MICHELANGELO: Now let's dance! It's not a party if there's no music or dancing, so get your shells and legs moving!
We went in to the dojo where the guys had fixed it up nicely to be dancing and with a nice stereo. Splinter went to meditate while Mikey put on the music. Everyone danced and had fun. All the boys took their turn to break dance, and you noticed when Leo did he tried to show off to you which made you blush and smile.A few songs later a slow dance song got on, Donnie was quick to ask April before even Casey got a chance, which made him angry, and it made you smile. Then you felt something grab your hand and you turned around to face Leo who was now holding your hand.
LEONARDO: Hey. May I have a dance with the birthday girl?
YOU: [Blushing like crazy and smiles] Of course you can, Fearless.
You and Leo walked closer to eachother, he put his hands around your waist, you put yours around his neck and you rested your head in the corner of his neck and he put his on my shoulder. You was in shock, did really your crush just ask to dance with you and now you are dancing with him? It was like a dream. Even if the song was short and just lasted for a few minutes, this felt like a lifetime in heaven. At some point the song had to end and Leo suddenly pulled back a little bit but then put his forehead on yours. And looked you in your eyes, and you did look in his.
LEONARDO: Did you know that your beautiful?
This made you blush. Did you hear him right? He just called you beautiful, for crying out loud.
LEONARDO: And your even more beautiful when you blush. (y/n), there is something I wanna ask you. Ever since I saw you, I knew there was something about you that made me feel happy and made me smile. I have always had that feeling ever since when I see you. I have by time figured out that the feeling I got was love. I have been in love with you for months, and I love you. So (y/n), would you like to be my girlfriend?
YOU: Aaaw, Leo! I thought you would never ask. I would love to be your girl. I love you too, Leonardo!
Then Leo pulled you in for a long and passionate kiss which both of you had been longing for. It felt so good! Leo and you pulled away when you heard cheering, whistling and someone clearing their throat, even hear the sound of someone taking pictures of you. Both of you blushed but didn't bother, just continued to kiss eachother when Mikey decided he had have enough and pulled you apart so you could go eat some cake and watch movies. This was the best birthday ever and you was the luckiest birthday girl in the world with the boyfriend of your dreams.
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