A new Person
Cc: what were those guys and was that Mandy and Rayne? No it couldn't be, I better go see *goes through the sewers* eww this stinks*cover up nose* Mandy: well how was there experience? Raph: what do you think? Donnie: I just think it's too crowded. Leo: well no duh 🙄! We could've got caught! Luna: well you wouldn't be ninjas of you got caught Casey: true *fist bumps Luna* CC: so it's not just me..... I better take a closer l- Elizabeth: AHA! WHO ARE YOU *Pins him down* Raph: WHAT THE HELL Leo: this is exactly why I didn't agree with this!!!!!! Mikey: Leo chill! Mandy: CC that's you? Elizabeth: wait Cc I'm sorry I didn't notice it was you Me: yeah and we have alot of questions, Cc: YOU HAVE ALOT OF QUESTIONS WHAT ABOUT YOU! YOUR DOWN HERE WITH MONSTER TURTLE THINGY MUTANTS ARMED WITH NINGAGO WEAPONS! Donnie: correction Teenage mutant ninja turtles. Raph: 🙄😒 you gotta be kidding me Jesse: come in the room with me I'll explain it to him let's go in the lab Cc: the lab like a science lab? Raph: no it's a lab were we kill humans and eat them for breakfast. All: RAPH Cc: wait what! Jesse: he's kidding but let's go *takes him to the lab* 30 min later* Cc: walks out with a smile*hey guys Makayla: well well you look like your in a better mood Cc: well you could say a little explanation goes along way! Me: ok now that that's settled who has another dare Mandy: I just want to sit down Cc: yeah me too. Raph: wait he can stay Jesse: yep! Cc: better get used to it! Casey: *glares at Cc* whatever let's just sit down and watch tv Mandy sits on the end of the couch Mikey sits by her Luna sits my mikey Casey site by Luna Raph sat by Casey Donnie sat by raph and April sat by Donnie I sat by April the rest sat on the floor laughing Me: hey guys I got all the stuff we like in one cd so all you have to do is click the play button Leo: ok *clicks it* *starts playing*
Cc: *looks at watch* I have to go soon so maybe just on more music video? Mandy: or two Cc: I don't have enough time today. Maybe tomorrow *looks at watch* Me: that's ok! So snitching on my mind aka murder on my mind or Mama Mood or aka mood Bishop: how about Brielle: Mama Mood Cc: uggh Luna: you hate when they do that too Cc: tell me about it Casey:*glares at him*
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