Episode 12: Brothers
Leonardo fought the minions left and right. He didn't feel anything, it was like his whole body went numb.
"Donnie what is it? What's wrong?"
Leo tried to keep it together and get back to the others.
"Leo, It's Mikey."
Karai was confused why Leo switched course, he was running back to them. Did something happen?
"What happened? Is he okay!?" Donnie grunted, "No! It's Mikey! It's him, he's Nightshade! I repeat Michelangelo is Nightshade!"
Karai approached Leo, "Leo! What's wrong?" Leo's breathing was shaky. "This better not be some sick prank Donnie!" Leo said over the Tee Phone in front of everyone. "I'm sorry Leo, the Radar was alerting to him but I didn't want to say anything till I knew for sure. Then it all starting making sense. His behavior changes. He was never there when we fought Nightshade, and he agreed with the same ideology. You'd think I'd get a hint but, the consideration that Mikey would..." Donnie breathing got harder. "I never considered it a possibility." "Possibility of what?" April asked coming over closer to the group. "What's Donnie saying?" Leo stays silent for a moment. "Mikey was Nightshade... this whole time." Everyone gasps. "Mikey!?" April held her hands against her face. "That's impossible. He couldn't." Donnie continues over the call, "Leo, where is Raph?" "He is with Casey and Slash on the other side, but I can't get a hold of his Tee Phone." "Listen Leo, you know as well as I that of everyone, Raph is going to be the first one he goes after. And now that I know...I don't know how far he's willing to go." Leo sighs deeply. "Copy that." He turns to the team. "We need to find Raph, NOW!"
Raph, Casey and Slash finish fighting another wave of people. Casey falls to the ground. "Man... this... is... a lot..." He said catching his breath. Raph helped Casey up. "I'd be able to call for backup if SOMEONE didn't crush my TEE Phone!" Slash lifted his foot and saw remnants and metal stuck to the bottom. "Excuse me for not watching my steps while getting ambushed by four bandits!" Raph laughs, "Only four? You've gotten soft." Slash playfully punches Raph in the shoulder and it actually hurts him a lot, but Raph wasn't gonna show that it did. They finally made their way to the main room where the crater was. They could see Nightshade and Tiger Claw at the floor level which was actually many floors down from them. The main room was huge and many floors tall with no ceiling. It was where machines collected stuff from the ground. All the main crew of Nightshade were around him which included Fishface. Raph sighed, "I thought that guy skipped town. Huh?" He saw Nightshade messing with the crystals. "Oh no you don't!" Raph jumped down without thinking. "Raph!" Casey yelled, but it was too late. Raph was already down there and was flanked by Tiger Claw and the others. Casey and Slash backed them up and they all started fighting. Nightshade grabbed a crystal and pointed it at Casey but out of nowhere Raph sprang on him and tackled him to the ground, making him drop the crystal. Nightshade kicked Raph in the face and went for the crystal again but Raph threw his Si at it to move it out of his reach. "Quit cheating with all that magic stuff and just come at me already!" Nightshade jumped to his feet, "Fine." Raph came at him and they began fighting hand to hand.
Leo and the other make there way to the large open room, they too start from many floors from the ground. "Raph!" He yells. But no one can hear him over the fighting.
Raph started to get worn out, but he kept going. "What is that thing in the ground? Why are you after it?" He says charging again, but Nightshade uses him momentum to throw him against the wall. Nightshade is acting more erratic then normal. Casey comes to help Raph but Nightshade grabs him and palm strikes Casey in the chest. "CASEY!!" Raph yells. "This is all your fault!" Nightshade yells kicking Raph into the wall more. "What the heck are you going on about?!" Raph yells, seeing Slash run over to him. "I don't know what you want with that stuff," Raph kicks Nightshade with all the strength he has and Slash grabs him. Raph continues, "But you're not gonna hurt..." Raph jumps at him, and looks to Casey lying on the ground. "My friends!" Raph kicks Nightshade right in the face in pure anger. The helmet pops off and Nightshade goes flying. "Raph!" Leo yells approaching the scene. Raph quickly goes over to Casey. "Casey! Are you OK?!" Raph grunts in anger and stands up to approach Nightshade again. "How dare-" "Raph wait!" Leo yelled, Raph freezes. Everyone else in the room pauses as well, Nightshade slowly gets up from the ground. Raph can't mutter a word. "W...w...what?" Leo walks over, "I was trying to tell you, but..." Raph falls to his knees. Mikey stares back at him with no expression. "HOW COULD YOU!?" Raph yelled. "WHY?!" Mikey shakes his head. "You wouldn't understand!" "Try me!" Raph yells. Casey manages to sit up enough at to look at Raph. "He's...crying."
"Understand?! I'm your brother! Try me!" "I have tried!" Mikey yelled back. "You don't agree with me! I think we should have killed Shredder way before we did. Heck Splinter should have dealt with him in the first place! I'm sick and tired of everyone mocking me I'm so tired, of Sensei judging me over my shoulder this whole flipping process. I'm so tired, of bad guys sitting their big fat asses in huge mansions and as living in a literal sewer just because we are different! I'm so tired of being happy! I want to live! I want to be more then happy smiley Mikey all the f****** time. I want to for once and my life be angry at someone and not put my blade away for the final blow! I want to kill someone that deserves it, and not feel like I'm going to throw up, no matter how many times I've almost been killed over, and over, and over, and over, AND OVER, AND OVER AGAIN! I want to be allowed to be angry, but no." Mikey pulls out a crystal, "YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO FEEL THAT WAY!!!" The vines from the pit glow and Mikey creates shards that shoot every way throughout the building. Everyone runs or continues fighting not knowing what to do, and Mikey runs up a crystal and charges at Raph. Leo tries to stop him but Mikey uses Vines to trap Leo. Karai tries next and uses her snake heads to bite the vines as they come, but Mikey stabs one of the snakes with a crystal into the wall. He approaches Raph expecting him to put up a fight, but Raph doesn't do anything when Mikey kicks him back against the wall and raises his blade above his head. "I'm tired... OF YOU RAPH!!!" Mikey goes to swing down but Tiger Claw grabs his arm. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Mikey snaps back for a moment, and look down at Raph. Raph looks at Mikey. He eyes are completely black, and his expression is one he has never seen before on Mikey, but he can read him. It was always hard to read Mikey, to know what he was thinking. But this time, he knew exactly what he felt. Pure rage and hate, then it was gone. Mikey breathed heavy and jolted back a step. Now his face read only fear. But before Raph could say anything, the entire ground began to shake beneath them. The crater began cracking the ground more. Everyone began to panic. Mikey ran and grabbed his helmet. Tiger Claw yelled to the others, "Fall back! Everyone needs to leave this place!" Leo ran to Raph. "Raph we need to leave!" "But Leo! W-What about Mikey?!" Leo scowled, "He made his choice, there's nothing we can do right now." Leo and the other Mutanimals helped each other out to escape the building before it collapsed. The two groups went their separate ways.
The turtles and the Mutanimals say around the TV area treating their wounds. No one spoke a word since they arrived. Leo saw Donnie's shoulder, "Did he...?" Donnie felt his shoulder. "It a little torn, but nothing permanent. Him strangling me hurt worse to be honest." Leo clenched his fist, before slamming it into leg and getting up. "How did we not see it!?" Leo blurted. "Because he was your brother." April piped in. "I was blinded by that creature that looked like my mom. You don't want to consider those things when..." She stops. "He still is our brother." Raph says assertively.
"Yoshi and Saki were brothers and that didn't stop Shredder."
Raph stands up quickly. "So you're just giving up on him now?! You're going to compare him to Shredder!?"
Raph didn't respond, and after a moment Leo hugged him. "I'm sorry Raph. I-I just-" "I don't want to give up on him Leo." Raph sat back down. "What Mikey said, I get it. I have similar feelings. I guess I... just never considered the fact that these things have been bothering him like it has the rest of course. Gosh I'm stupid, of course it does. He just, never acted like it did. He never brought it up."
Casey sat up wincing a little. "Some people's form of coping is just ignoring pain, or masking it up with a happy attitude. I had a friend like that once. We got bullied from 5th to 8th grade by these same people. He was always the most happy kid and was one of those people that 'killed others with kindness', no matter how much they constantly harassed us. One day in the lunch room, they called him a loser in front of someone he really liked. I thought he was gonna joke it off like every other time, but this time, by the time the teachers broke up the fight the one kid had 3 teeth knocked out, a broken nose, two black eyes and a serious head injury. I never once saw that kid get even upset before, but that day he was a completely different person. It builds up over time, and one day you just snap."
Raph thought for a moment. "Our fight." He said quietly. "The day he yelled at me that he hated me for the first time." Casey sighed, "He finally snapped." Karai cuts in, "But Snapping doesn't make you want to kill people and create a new justice system. We are forgetting a really important element." She sets down one of the crystal shards in the middle of the table. "Where did he find this?"
Tiger Claw and the others sit on the steps of the lair. Mikey sits with his helmet on leaning up against the side of the chair. "Well this was unexpected." Rahzar says. Fishface nudges him. People start to enter the room, Nightshade gets up on the balcony. A crowd form like before when they first started. "We heard your an imposter from the turtles! You've tricked us!" Nightshade uses his shard to stab the man in the gut. "Nothing has changed." Nightshade yells down, the voice scrambler still functioning. "We are on that path of purging this world, do as you're told." People afraid don't say much as they leave with what they've been told. Mikey goes to leave but Tiger Claw grabs his shoulder and doesn't say anything. Mikey shrugs him off. "Why'd you stop me?" Mikey asked staring at the wall. Tiger Claw turns to leave the room. "To stop you from doing something you'd regret."
Hey y'all! This has been a hassle. Do you know how hard it is to motivate yourself to continue a story you started when you were very cringe? My brain is literally melting. I'm not the happiest with the way this chapter ended it felt very rushed, but eh, its better to be then not be I guess? I don't know. When I have the brain capacity to continue everyone will be a little less tired. I've literally been none stop writing for about 10 hours to get these 3 chapters out so your welcome I guess. But hey, It'd be nice to say it's finished. The part I was excited for is done so that's nice. I was gonna do a QNA but I only got one question. That being, "How many chapter do I plan on writing" and honestly, how ever many work to finish. We have been through 2 Arcs in my opinion and we are on to the last Arc and ending. How many will that be? I have no idea. Will it take me another 4 years? I sure hope not. But like I said, going from Freshman year of Highschool to second year of college, I want to throw up reading the first few chapters. Maybe I'll re-do parts someday. I've honestly had to go and re-watch some TMNT 2012 today because I kept forgetting stuff that happened. Anyways, I have to days to finish 2 oil transfer paintings and I spent all day doing this is I'm gonna go now and do that OK bye! :)
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