Chapter 3 Surprise! and Going Back
Morning came and Mari wakes up at sunrise then yawns and stretches looking around for Leo. "hm? Leo?" Leo was wake and was looking over at Mari. "What's wrong Mari," he asked walking over to her. He Couldn't help but think that she was beautiful. Mari smiles "oh thought you run off somewhere" she walks up to him. "your friend sounded worried last night, maybe you should go back to your family leo." she says smiling softly at him and looks over her still sleeping brothers. Leo was looking at her and whispering because the boys were still sleeping. "I promised that I would help you three and I'm not going to break it Mari. I've been thinking about it, going back and I'm going back today once you are taken back to where you need to go," he said. Mari smiles "your sweet, though is there a chance that maybe we can come with you?" she asks shyly. Leo was smiling at her. "That depends on if you, your folks don't mind," he said. Mari gets excitedly "Of course, you should meet them they're wonderful, let me get my bros and we can go on our way now!" Mari runs towards her brothers waking them up. Zeq groans "what do you want mari?" "we have to go back Leo wants to meet mom and dad" Mari yells making zeq growl "you dont have to yell!" he yells at her making her flinch. Zeq looks at her eyes widen and his eyes softens "Im sorry, I-I'll get up" He gets up and carries Jeremy who is still asleep. "Let's go then" Zeq says walking away towards the water fall. Mari sighs frowning but then fakely smiles looks at Leo "s-sorry..." she runs away the opposite way with tears running down her face. Leo was following her and was making sure that she was really alright. "Mari, what's wrong," he asked her concerned.Mari stops near a lake and is crying "E-ever since m-my twin die I was always pressure to become a better leader to my brothers but its just too much already" Mari falls to her knees and cries more. Leo was looking at her and was sighing. "Know I'm the leader of my brothers. It's hard I have to deal with that pain and fear of failing the team and losing my sister and brothers. But I live my fear everyday and face it everyday. So do you Mari, you just don't realize it. You're a good hearted sister. You don't have to worry, I mediate all the time to help clear my mind. You should try do this and I can teach you," he said smiling wiping her tears away. Mari looks at him "I never thought of that before, how do you meditate?" she smiles softly Leo was looking at her. "Well I can teach you once we get back to my home. Because your brothers are probably wondering what happened to us," he said smiling getting up. Mari smiles "Right" gets up but hears a voice "I Found them!" Jeremy came in running and smiles, behind him was Zeq and two adults. "oh my goodness your alright mari" the Female Iguana hugs Mari while a sea Turtle male sighs in relief and sees leo "Thank you for keeping our daughter safe" he says as he nods to leo. Leo was nodding and smiling. "It's not a problem, I found them wondering around and I saw they needed to help. Mainly, because of how dangerous it can be here during night time. I've been staying here for year now training. I told them about my adopted father who is a rat but was the pet of Hamato Yoshi. The stories about my family aren't true. Though they were wondering if you all would like to come and see my home which is in New York," he explained. The Older Turtle chuckles "Just call me James and my wife here is Cloud, and funny we were gonna surprise the kids visiting there next" Cloud smirks while Mari, Zeq and Jeremy were shocked "what?!" all three of them said at the same time. "well surprised indeed then" Mari says smiling at leo. Leo was nodding and smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you James and Cloud. I'll be more than happy to show you all around New York. Though we get there you must follow my lead because I know good hiding places and please I must let you know. That my adopted older sister Jess, she's human. I have two other friends April and Casey who have helped us out are family friends. Mari, Jeremy, and Zeq had the pleasure to a surprise visit from her yesterday. I just wanted to run this by you both now," he explained. Cloud chuckles amused "its alright dear im sure not all humans are monsters as they say" she then glances at her three kids who look away awkwardly. "well lets get packing im sure Leonardo here knows how to get there, am I right son?" James slaps leo's shoulder with a big smile making Mari giggle. Leo was nodding and smiling. "Yes I do know the way to the airport and it shouldn't take long for us to get there on time," he explained. "well than what are we waiting for shell for brains" Zeq says but flinches after Cloud glares at him "erm hehe" Mari walks up to Leo "so show us the way leo" she says while a warmly smile making James and Cloud look at each other with a knowing look. Leo nodded and smiled. "Come on let's move," he said pulling his hood over his head sprinting off towards the airport making sure that the others were keeping up with him. The Iguana Turtle family were on his trail, as jeremy looks down at his shellphone "we have apparently 2 minutes till the flight to New York takes flight" he tells everyone. Leo was climbing over the fence to the airport helping the Iguana turtle Family over the fence. He was running over to the airplane that was going to take off in less than minute. "we have to hurry!" Jeremy yells "we know that you shell head" Zeq yells back as everyone races towards the back of the airplane. James and Cloud runs in first the zeq and jeremy, not to far behind was mari getting too tired and out of breath, it look like she was going to pass out any moment. Leo lifted Mari up bridal style running into the back of the plane just as the back end of the plane was closing up. He laid her down inside the plane. "Is everyone accounted for," asked Leo looking at everyone. All of them nodded, mari looks up at leo with a tired smile on her face "thanks leo, if it weren't for you i wouldn't have made it" Leo was glad that everyone had made it on the plane safely. He was smiling at Mari nodding. "It's no problem Mari," he said to her. "so how long till we get to New york city?" asks mari while she tilts her head to one side. Leo was shrugging and thinking. "Hours though I'm not sure on the time though," he said. Mari chuckles "what's it like over there, new york i mean" Leo was thinking about how to describe what it was like in New York. He was sighing. "It's huge, bright lights that at a distance look like little stars, and gigantic buildings. That's the best I can do for a description it's just better to see it for yourself," he said smiling. "it's alright, I guess we'll see it ourselves" Mari smiles but sadly sighs "I just wish my sis were here she would of love to come to new york" Leo was nodding looking over at her and sighed."If you want to answer this you don't have to, but what happened to your sister," he asked. Mari flinches "w-well happened a long time but I always see it in my nightmares... a couple of scientists, humans at that kidnapped me, my sister and brothers just to get to my parents, but my sister Nita, she was more braver than me, more leader wise" Mari starts to tear up and sighs sadly "one night she had enough on the torture that the humans were doing to us that she started to attack them, I remember the lab was on fire and soon was the whole building, we were finally free and our parents came to the rescue and we escape successfully but.." Mari looks up at leo with teary eyes "several gun shots went off and i felt a push, of course I fell but when I looked back is what scared me the most, my sister was on the ground all bloody and not moving...that was the last time I saw her alive..." she says facing the ground covering her wet face with her hands as she starts to shake and cry softly. Leo was looking at her and held her in his arms gently rubbing her back. He couldn't imagine what that feeling would be like. To lose someone close to you. "I'm sorry to hear that about your sister Mari, no one has the right to undergo pain like that. It's not right but we can't let the past conflict with what's happening now. We let the past consume our life then we would miss out on things that are important," he explained to her. Mari felt something that she never felt before, she felt for once safe and comfort in leo's arms "I wish it's that easy to forget the past but its so hard...its one of the reasons I'm so overly protective of my brothers..If anything ever happened to them...I-I.." she couldnt continue on as the thought of her one of her brother's death or both, she began to shake in fear as once more tears appeared on her face. Not to far away from them Zeq and Jeremy lays down behind a huge box frowning on what they just heard. Leo was looking at her and nodding understanding her pain for that reason. He knows what it's like being the oldest four brothers and an adopted sister. "I understand what it's like being the oldest, having to be the leader of your brothers and sister. It's difficult knowing that your greatest fear is losing and failing the people who are the closest to us. Though knowing that, I face my fears everyday it knowing there's always going to be dangers but I can't allow that to cloud my mind while on a mission. I always train and mediate," Leo said smiling at her softly. Mari chuckles and looks up at him "right, meditate, I hope you can show me that when we get to your home" Leo was smiling at her and nodding. "Of course I can show you how I do it. It does help please we're are actually close now get ready to hold on to the airplane wheels. We're going to jump out of the plane," he said to them. Zeq's face pales "w-wait we're actually sky diving?!" he starts to freak out while Jeremy snickers as everyone else gets ready. Mari hold Leo's hand tightly smiling at him nervously and a bit scared "and how are suppose to land?" zeq said still freaking out but tries not to show it. Leo looks over at Zeq seeing he was terrified and goes over to him. "We're going to dive in water below us, my family and I live in the sewers and there's a sewer drain," he said getting everyone set up. Everyone gets ready but zeq still skeptical about jumping off "If I die I will come back and kill you myself!" he snaps at leo hiding his fear making Mari and Jeremy chuckle. Leo was looking at them knowing it was better if they went now. He had strapped the same gliders to their backs like his. He would have for Mari if wasn't holding onto him. He took off the plane holding onto Mari.Mari squeals as she holds onto Leo tightly, not far behind her family follow what leo did and despised that zeq was afraid he had to admit it was fun. They were getting ready to jump as they were getting closer of NYC shores. As they jump, Leo pushes the button on his chest causing a glider to pop out. He used his free hand to glide while still holding Mari in the other.Mari begins to laugh as she held on tightly on leo "This is so much fun leo!" she yells through the wind, not far behind her family are also gliding down making Zeq and Jeremy show off of each other while laughing in excitement.
Leo nodded, "Everyone get ready to dive into the water." He hit button on his chest causing him to dive swimming towards the sewer pipe. Mari scared, hides her face on leo's neck. Her family follows what leo just did and follows him underwater towards the sewers.
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