Chapter 1 The Beginning
In Central America in the Present day a group of man were stealing from a village, "monsters!" a lady yell as she's been thrown to the ground "he he he we appreciate the donations for the continue of your protection of your villages he he he he he after all" the man takes a necklace from the woman "the jungle can be a very dangerous place he he ha ha ha" a boy runs to his mom as the men hops on the car and drives away towards the jungle. Not far away by the water falls a family of five turtle iguanas were having a vacation. "Mari! how many times have I told you to stay away from my technology!" the youngest turtle mix yells at her "Im sorry jeremy I was just looking for something-" she quietly reply "as if that stuff works out here genious" the middle child says "you shouldnt be complaning oh wait you've been complaning about leaving your game system since we left" Jeremy yells at Zeq "why I outta-" "Boys! no fighting while on vacation" their mom lectures "yes mom" both boys say at the same time "maybe you three can scout ahead take a look around while your mom and I sort the camp site" All of them three groans but they do what their dad tells them. while in the jungle Zeq glares at Mari "well aint this great miss 'lets go to a jungle for vacation'" Zeq says "well its not my fault you broke mom's favorite book with anger issues" Mari says glaring back "Listen here princess I-" "shhhhh did you guys hear that?" Jeremy says both Mari and Zeq glances at each other and looks at jeremy "hear what doofus?" Zeq asks. Meanwhile Leo had been here in the jungle for his training missing his older sister, brothers, father/sensei, and friends. Though he was determined to not fail them for he had been trailing the goons from the village. He was growling lowly with his brown cloak covering his whole body as he moved swiftly through the trees. He final saw the vehicle screech to a halt from a fallen tree in the middle of the road from a thunderstorm that happened 3 weeks ago. He was secretly moving like a shadow and was taking out the goons. One them was shooting his high-powered gun off as Leo was pulling him up into the tree taking him out. Causing him to land back to the ground. One of the goons was running off in fear while the leader of the goons was staying behind. He was frustrated with this and was going to take him out.
"Show yourself do you realize who you are dealing with," he shouted looking behind him he saw a pair a white eyes and a silhouette of Leo.
The goon jumped in fear running throughout the jungle in random directions until he was near the waterfall. Looking around he was shouting.
"I'm not afraid of a myth! I'm not a afraid of a ghost," he shout.
Leo appeared just a few feet away from him, with his cloak off showing his turtle self. The goon was wide eyed and wasn't knowing what he was looking at though went to chase attack Leo. Though Leo won by taking him out. Leo had his cloak back on and was driving the vehicle back to the village with the villager's happy. The young boy was looking at the ground running over picking up his mother's necklace. He gazed up at Leo and mumble.
"The Ghost of the Jungle," he said in a whisper.
A While after near the water fall "what the shell was that?" Zeq asks while looking at the two "hey dont look at me im no expert of this jungle" Jeremy says "yea well your the geek one, you should know somethin'" Zeq says as he pushes jeremy to a mud spot then Mari tackles zeq "well you should be talking and dont push him around, geek face" "smart mouth" "lizard breath" "dragon brat" they kept on arguing while rolling down towards the waterfalls and ends up falling in. "oh geez why not leave your younger brother why dont ya" jeremy mumbles himself and picks up his compus and follows where his older siblings ended up where he still see them arguing. "look guys its getting dark we should head back or we're dead, I heard about some myth ghost of this jungle i dont think its a good idea to- aaannnddd they're ignoring me again, well that's what i get for being the smart one" Jeremy says then sighs.
Leo was heading back to his hideout, when he saw three mutants walking around. He knew how dangerous the jungle can get at night and wasn't about to let them stay out here. To him in some strange way, the way the three of them fought was like watching his brother's and himself fought. He was mentally laughing that this thinking it was ironic. He jumped down with his cloak covering his face and body. He was walking over to Mari, Jeremy, and Zeq. "guys! come on we have to g-" Jeremy couldnt continue as he sees a shadow hovering him, he gulps and nervously turns around and ends up screaming running towards his siblings knocking them down more. "watch where ya going shell for brainiac" Zeq pushes jeremy to the ground and smirks while Mari glares at zeq "Zeq! knock it off" she growls at him and zeq in return but notices something more like someone in a cloak and steps in front of his siblings grabbing his pocket knife and glares at the stranger "who are ya? what do you want?" Zeq asks as Mari helps jeremy up but also stands in front of him protectively glancing at zeq "I thought i was the questioning one zeq" Mari whispers "shut it lizard face" zeq whispers back but still glares at the stranger.
Leo was looking at him.
"Please relax I mean you three no harm. It's just that it's late the sun is going down. The jungle isn't safe at night believe me I've been here over a year now. You will be safer where I'm going then I'll take you wherever you need to go tomorrow. The more time we waste the more our chances of getting into harms way. Follow me," he said looking at all three of them.
He was starting to walk off in hopes that they would follow him.
All three of the siblings look at each other then jeremy starts walking first following the stranger "wh-Jeremy what are you-?" Mari said, jeremy looks back then at the sky "he's right by now its too late to go back to camp we're too far away and its too dark to see through, i say i trust this guy.. for now" he kept on walking with zeq following "you kidding me, he could be a killer!, guys guys!" Mari yells but looks around at the darkness and starts running behind them "w-wait for me!" when mari reaches she steps in front of the stranger glaring at him "who are you? if you attack my brothers i wont hesitate attacking you, you hear me?" she says trying to look threatening. Leo was looking at her and was entering his home that was a cave.
"Look, I'm not a killer and I'm not wanting to hurt you or your brothers. I came to help, I could've chosen to just live you three there and deal with it yourselves. That's what I do, I'm Leonardo, I live in New York with my three younger brothers, my older sister who happens to be human, and our father/sensei. I've been here for training, my family and I are ninjas," he said starting a fire.
He took off his cloak laying it on the ground. He was a forest green skinned turtle, with a blue ninja mask, golden eyes, double katanas strapped to his back, brown belt around his waist, and brown wrist, knee, and elbow pads. He was sitting with his legs crossed on the ground tending to the fire. Mari looks at him shocked but couldnt help but stare at him in awe and having imaginary hearts form around her while her two brothers look only in awe at him. "y-your like us..w-well not like us but your a mutant arent ya? i mean this is incredible i thought we were the only once in this weird world" jeremy explains still in awe but zeq snaps out of it and turns to his usual self. "yea well i've seen better and ninjas? really? they still exist?" zeq snaps at leo waking mari from her la la land and glares at him giving a growl warning. "that's enough zeq, give him respect!" Mari snaps "and why should I? huh? give me a reason" zeq walks up to her face glaring at her while growling "one he might be older than you and two cuz im the leader of this small group and the oldest so you listen to me!" Mari gets close to zeq's face also
"oh boy here we go again" Jeremy whispers to leo and sits next to him
"HA! you maybe my sis but you aint my leader! besides who wants to listen to some female brat leader anyways?" Zeq smirks and that snap mari, her face turning really red and tackles him to the ground, both fighting with punches, rolling around the ground. Jeremy sighs "dont mind them they're always like this" he tells leo. Leo couldn't help but laugh at this.
"Wow is that how me and Raph fight all the time. I can't believe this, and guys ninja's still exist. Believe me, my family, friends, and I have an archenemy that is a ninja also. He's the leader of the Foot Clan. We have fought many battles against him though it seems no matter how many times we fight him. He always comes back. Though the last time we fought the Shredder it appears that he's gone for good this time," he explained to them. Mari and zeq stop their fight and looks at leo along with jeremy shocked to what they just heard. "shredder?" mari asks "foot clan?" zeq asks as well "you dont mean that japanese story about the hamato clan do you?" Mari and zeq shivers in fear.
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