Chapter 7 - Defences Preparation
Ding! Ding! Ding! From the top of the guard tower not far from the main square, a royal soldier was busy ringing a bell to alert the attention of all citizens. In the streets of the city, people of all ranks and professions had come out of their homes or had stopped their activities, wondering what was going on. Another soldier was standing high on a box, speaking out loud the orders given by the queen not long ago.
- "By order of Queen Elsa, the city must be evacuated. Take only the strict necessary and leave the rest on the spot. The villages inland will welcome us some time."
These orders had surprised more than one citizen, and the soldiers remained silent when the reason for such an order was asked of them, which reinforced the feeling of anxiety reigning among the population. If Elsa had asked her guards not to say anything, it was for a good reason and to avoid a general panic movement of the inhabitants. Messengers had been sent to all garrisons closest to the fjord, and some had returned, with confirmation of reinforcements being sent.
In the midst of the discussions and a heavy atmosphere, the inhabitants took business and provisions and loaded them into trolleys made available by some soldiers, who came to help people to store their luggage. From the sky, the flakes continued to fall and already a thin layer of snow covered the paved streets and roofs of the houses. Some residents feared that there was only another crisis of the powers of the queen. Perhaps she ordered evacuation to protect people from herself?
A little girl, anxious, had begun to cry in the arms of her mother, who was trying to comfort her. Kristoff, who had come with Sven and Olaf to help the soldiers, came to the mother, and gently patted the little girl's head.
- "Do not cry, everything will be fine." he said reassuringly. But deep down inside, he was shaking with fear just at the idea that these "creatures" are coming to Arendelle. He had witnessed their power, and only one of them could destroy the whole country. Kristoff had not dared to say that he doubted the effectiveness of the defences put in place. On the port docks, as well as on the ramparts and streets facing the bay, all available guns had been placed in line, and the cannonball reserves had been completely emptied. All available soldiers were armed with rifles, bows and crossbows, ready for use. In the bay, all the military ships of the fleet had been requisitioned, and placed in such a way as to form a real rampart to block access to the harbor entrance. With her powers, Elsa had created several defences that had required a little time and energy. Huge ice spikes, sharp, stood on the docks around cannons and soldiers, like the pits of spikes around the castles. A large ice harrow, nearly 90 meters high, with a very sharp summit and sparsely-dotted walls, stood at the entrance to the harbor as the last rampart, extending in the length of the bay and leaving only no space to pass. This creation had exhausted Elsa, who had made sure of the strength and thickness of her giant harrow.
In the castle, the atmosphere was just as tense. Kai, and the other servants, went from room to room to gather the necessary belongings and prepare to evacuate. For Kai, leaving the castle was like a treason in his heart. He who served so many years in this place. Anna walked in the corridors, and seeing the servants preparing for the evacuation of the castle, she too felt strange, like a feeling of abandonment of her house. The thoughtful face, she went to join her big sister.
Elsa was left alone for a few moments, standing on the small stone balcony of the castle tower facing the bay. Silent, thoughtful, her hands on the cold stone of the railing, the young queen contemplated her defences put in place, with some doubt gnawing her. Would that be enough to stop such powerful and giant creatures? Unlikely, but she doesn't see what else she could do. Confront all these titans, alone, with her power? She had no chance, having noted that her power against the strength and resistance of Leatherback had been inadequate. And against Godzilla? Do not even think about it. He would not even feel the effects of power, Elsa thought. The young queen was in an impasse, and that annoyed him to the highest degree. She felt cornered like an animal trapped, unable to defend herself or defend her people.
-"Elsa, are you alright?"
Anna's little voice was heard behind her. Elsa, despite her sad look, forced herself to smile at her little sister when she turned to her. Anna noticed that her older sister was not well, and she understood her. The weight of all these responsibilities on her shoulders, it must have been horrible to bear. Anna joined Elsa on the balcony, and put her hand on her shoulder as a sign of support.
- "Anna? Do you think I made the right decisions? I mean .... Do we have a chance to get the victory?" Elsa asked, in a moment of doubt. Anna felt it, and tried to reassure her sister by hugging her arm.
- "You are the queen of Arendelle, but above all you are my sister, in whom I have absolute trust. You don't have to prove yourself, Elsa. Our people is standing, thanks to you, and he will remain, thanks to you."
Elsa felt a little better with her little sister's encouragement, always ready to help and keep hope in the darkest moments. Sometimes Elsa wondered where Anna was going to look for that positive force that made her character so unique. As a sign of thanks, Elsa tenderly hugged her sister, who hugged her back. After the hug, Elsa seemed thoughtful again, but on another point she had not dared to mention until now.
- "Anna ....." said Elsa in a somewhat reserved tone "... When we were at the ruins of the coastal village, after the fight of the two titans ..... I ..... I'm not really sure about what I saw and maybe I'm wrong, but ..... I think Godzilla was looking at me, just before he left in pursuit of Leatherback."
Anna looked a little confused at such a thing, and tried to think about it.
- "He was looking at you?" answered Anna "... you mean, look straight in the eyes?"
- "Yes ..." said Elsa, looking towards the entrance to the bay "... I ... I felt his gaze in mine .... I felt it deep inside me. .... It was an overwhelming aura, powerful, but devoid of any aggressive or evil feeling...."
Increasingly puzzled by the description of her older sister, Anna reflected.
- "Maybe ....." the young princess began to say, without really being sure of what she was saying "... maybe he felt something attractive in you?"
- "What do you mean by "attractive?" Elsa said in raising an eyebrow.
- "Yes, well I mean, not attractive like a man is attracted to a woman, not that kind of attraction, because let's be realistic, you are a human woman and he is a giant monster, but it doesn't mean that you are not attractive Elsa, you are very beautiful, but .... "
Elsa giggled a little. Anna was lost once again in her words and preferred to stop, a little embarrassed and hit her head mentally. Elsa had understood what her little sister meant and rested her hands on the balcony railing. Was Anna right? And what if Godzilla had felt something in her that had attracted him? But what? Her power? Perhaps. If he had taken her for a threat, he would have attacked her... A feeling of love? No, it's completely absurd. As Anna had pointed out, she was a human and he was a monster as big as a mountain and having lived millennia. A love was simply impossible. But then, what could he be? These questions raised another important point in the mind of the young queen, namely the real goal of Godzilla. And if, after all, Ishiro was right? Godzilla was perhaps the guardian of this balance of the world as he had described it, wanting to protect the world and his life forms against the evil titans...
- "I don't really know what to think ..." Elsa sighed heavily "... So many things are jostling in my head right now. I'm surprising myself to not have gone crazy with all this."
- "You're stronger than you think, Elsa .... I never doubted that." Anna answered with a smile, which Elsa returned to her, thanking her with her sincere look. On this, and seeing that her sister still needed to think, Anna left the room, not without having before giving a kiss of encouragement on the cheek of Elsa. The young queen appreciated this gesture and watched her leave, smiling for one last time before looking back at the bay.
Anna descended the spiral staircase to the ground floor, where she looked towards one of the walls, where a large picture of the worthy and proud king and queen stood in the royal salon. The queen was sitting on a chair, carrying a baby wrapped in a white sheet, in her arms. At her side, the king, standing and straight, hands behind his back, and in front of him, Elsa, being child and shy. Anna remembered watching this family portrait often after the death of her parents. To see herself in her mother's arms, probably a few weeks after her birth, made her smile, but at the same time tore her heart. Under the painting, a small golden plaque, bearing the inscription "Royal Family of Arendelle - Birth of Princess Anna". The hand of the young princess touched the plate with the tips of her fingers.
- "Mother ..... Father ..... If only you were still here..." she sighed, a lump in her throat and a feeling of moisture in the corner of her eyes. But it was not time to cry. Breathing, she went into the entrance hall to go out into the courtyard. Scarcely had she go outside than she saw Kristoff coming into the middle of the courtyard, his face closed, and followed by Sven and Olaf. Anna joined them in the middle of the courtyard.
- "How does it look?" asked Anna, concerned.
- "The evacuation takes time ..." Kristoff answered frankly "... And these creatures that can arise at any moment ..... To tell you everything, I don't know if we have a chance."
Anna understood her fiance's point of view, but she refused to give up, not now.
- "I'm not sure a warm hug will be enough to reassure people this time." Olaf said in a simple remark. Sven looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Anna had only half listened, and seemed lost in thought again. Kristoff noticed it.
- "Anna?" he asked, before being softly nudged on the leg by Olaf.
- "Shhh, she's thinking." whispered the snowman. Anna was silent for a moment, scratching her chin nonchalantly.
- "The problem ...." she begins to say "... Is that despite the explanations of Ishiro, we know very little about these titans ..... If only we could know their points weak, but hey, a weak point doesn't appear like that, by magic... "
She stopped suddenly, the word "magic" having made like an electroshock in her head. She turned to Kristoff, who after a few seconds seemed to understand his fiancee's thoughts and smiled. Olaf and Sven watched it all, perplexed.
- "Do you think of the same thing as me?" Anna said with a smile on the corner of her lip and bright eyes of hope. Kristoff nodded.
- "I think so ..." he replied with the same look. Sven and Olaf still did not understand, looking at each other and the snowman shrugging his shoulders. Catching her winter cape and hat, Anna went immediately to the royal stables to pick up her horse. Once in the saddle, and joined Kristoff, sitting on Sven's back, and Olaf standing behind him. Anna took a last look at the tower where her sister was now, alone and pensive. The princess felt almost like a hooligan, even if it was not the case.
- "We should warn Elsa, no?" said Kristoff.
- "We do not have time ...." answered Anna ".... We must go and come back as soon as possible."
Kristoff nodded a little reluctantly. Side by side, the horse and the reindeer galloped, carrying their respective riders, crossing the bridge of the castle and starting to gallop on the paved street towards the exit of the city, under the eyes of the population and the guards, intrigued.
- "But it's Princess Anna ...."
- "Where is she going?"
- "Princess Anna, what are you doing?!"
Several voices of citizens and guards called, but only saw the two horsemen move more and more galloping towards the mountains inland.
-"Forgive me, Elsa...." Anna was thinking as she was on her horse, running out Arendelle.
But what Anna did not know was that Elsa had seen her leave. Standing in the shadows of the front door of the castle, she had watched the departure of her sister and Kristoff, without choosing intervene. Even though she had not been able to hear their conversation, she had guessed, in the look, that her sister had an idea .... Although very protective of Anna, Elsa had this time chosen to leave her instinct too protective back and decided to let her sister, in whom she has complete trust. Elsa took a few steps on the steps in front of the front door, saying nothing and mentally wishing Anna good luck. Several guards arrived, confused, having seen too the precipitate departure of the princess.
- "Why did the princess leave?" asked one of the youngest guards.
- "She's leaving because there's no hope ... Because she knows we can not beat these things." answered an older guard, having be part of the convoy that had accompanied the queen to the coastal village. At this answer, Elsa stepped forward to her men.
- "She's leaving because she has to leave." she retorted firmly. The guards turned to her.
- "Majesty ..... Despite the reinforcements, despite the canons and your power.... With all due respect, we can not win."
- "Maybe ....." said Elsa without being discouraged, having already made her choice ".... But we will face fight, anyway."
Without her noticing, Ishiro was standing behind the door of the castle, watching in silence, smiling at the queen's strength and determination, but still worried about how the situation might turn out.
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