Chapter 12 - Battle of Arendelle part 3
"Anna ... Anna ....." the voices of the king and the queen of Arendelle echoed like a distant echo, as their silhouettes gradually receded, disappearing into infinite darkness. Anna, standing a hundred yards away, ran towards them in tears, trying to catch up with them, their hands outstretched. Time seemed to slow down.
- "Mother ...... Father...... Wait, do not go!" Anna shouted, her voice echoing far away as well. All of a sudden, Anna saw with horror the silhouettes of her parents engulfed by an immense wave of seawater, swallowing them in a second, and suddenly taking the scarlet hue of the blood. Anna screamed in horror and pain, and suddenly saw the huge stature of Leatherback rise out of the bloody water, roaring furiously and without warning, thrusting his giant hand over her to crush her.
Anna felt numb, her mouth was dry and her eyes were sticky. Black, black everywhere, that was all she saw. Grimacing and moaning, as if waking from a bad dream, she gently opened the pupils, her vision being a little blurry, had to put a few moments before returning to normal. Once she did, she saw the stone trolls, including Pabbie, all around her and watching her awakening. Anna was lying on some kind of big canvas bags, in what appeared to be a small, dusty and abandoned grain warehouse. Outside, she could hear the powerful roars of the monsters as well as the sounds of combat and destruction. Anna wanted to stand up, but her arms still numb by the sleep magic, she could not.
- "Princess Anna, stay lie, please, it's for your good." Pabbie wisely intimidated him, patting his hand. Suddenly, everything came back in Anna's memory, like a flash..... She and Elsa hugging each other ... Elsa asking her to forgive her, and that little floating cloud of magic appearing around her.... then ..... the black hole ..... It did not take long for Anna to understand and for the first time in her life, launch a dark eye at Grand Pabbie.
- "How could you do that?" she said, raising her voice, angry and sad at the same time. Pabbie felt sorry and showed it sincerely, rubbing the back of his hands with a certain shame.
- "Your sister has ordered it ..." said Pabbie in all sincerity "... It was to save your life."
Anna felt the tears rise and flow down her already red cheeks. All around, the trolls did not say a word, also affected by this feeling of shame. "Elsa ..... Why? ..." Anna sighed, kneeling on the floor and running her hand over her face. What she felt during the space of a second towards her sister, she would never think to feel it one day .... anger, almost rancor ..... No, it was not her kind ..... it could not be her.... For a moment the young princess had not recognized herself, as if another person had taken her place .... Anna sighed heavily, then got back on her feet, despite the exhaustion and the magic still having a little effect on her limbs.
- "No, princess, you do not have to ...." Pabbie insisted insistently, but Anna pushed him aside, determined to go out. Pabbie could still use his magic to calm her, but he could not, the princess's forces having already been well diminished by this first spell, another could be fatal.
- "No way ... I'm leaving ..... without my sister ...." Anna said with her remaining strength, under the impressed glances of stone trolls.
The city of Arendelle, known throughout the world for its history, architecture and flourishing trade. Its glorious past and ancestors, as well as its fascinating mythology ..... Now, smoke and ash had invaded the place, floating among the rubble and ruins of many houses and buildings, around a lot of destroyed cobblestone streets. The discussions and the laughter of the inhabitants were silent, to give place to the roars of monsters and the sound of destructive fights. On the ground lay corpses of guards and some unfortunate inhabitants who had not managed to escape in time, most of whom had fallen victim to collapsing buildings.
On what was left of the main market square, King Caesar and Leatherback had started their fight. Caesar avoided a Leatherback strike, and struck one in turn, which hit his enemy in the face. Caesar continued on his run, with another blow in the stomach, then a third in the lower jaw. Surprised by these blows, Leatherback fell back, shaking his head to regain his wits, and growling in fury, grabbed the remains of a house in his hand, and used it to slap Caesar violently on the shoulder, which roared with pain and fell to the side. King Caesar tried to get up after that bad move, but Otachi burst out of the smoke behind him and closed his jaw on the already bruised shoulder of the king. Caesar still roars in pain, the teeth of the sea dragon piercing his fur and flesh. Leatherback got back on his feet, and seeing Caesar held to the ground by his ally, had a carnivorous smile, and approached.
Elsa got closer to the Titans fight and was now a hundred yards away from them. Godzilla still had not reappeared from the fog over the bay, and that worried her. Was he dead? Had he succumbed to his injuries? No, it could not be ...... In horror, Elsa could see King Caesar in great trouble, the shoulder bitten and held by Otachi, and Leatherback giving him, without mercy, violent punches in the ribs and chest. Caesar wanted to use his free arm, but was stuck by Otachi's clawed hand, which blocked him on the ground. Leatherback seemed to look around him, then picked up some house debris to hit Caesar's face with. If she did not intervene very quickly, he would be beaten to death before his eyes. Leatherback and Otachi seemed to rejoice and groaned under Caesar's grunts of suffering. It gave Elsa shivers of anguish. Ishiro was right. The titans destroyers took pleasure in inflicting pain, just like some humans.
Suddenly, sounds of tremors sound, coming from the mist covering the bay ...... Then another sound, very loud, began to resonate .... An indescribable noise for Elsa ..... Leatherback and Otachi were also attracted by the noise and looked .... In front of them, in the mist, a strange bluish glow appeared, blinking, and another, then another, rising higher and higher along what looked like with a tail and a huge back and... Elsa opened her mouth with astonishment and also relief. Slowly emerging from the mist, Godzilla stepped forward, looking very dark, clenched fists and thorns on his back shining with that blue glow. He was alive! Elsa was sure of that. Leatherback and Otachi were less pleased to see that. Leatherback roared ferociously and wanted to rush to Godzilla to finish it. But Godzilla, groaning with fury, was not going to let himself go and seemed to take a deep breath.
ZZZRRRRAAAAAOOOAAAR! From Godzilla's jaw a powerful stream of blue flames burst, like a destroying breath, striking Leatherback's chest and shoulder. The gorilla-turtle beast was pushed back, roaring with excruciating pain as the flames burned his skin. Leatherback's back hit the cliff near the castle. King Caesar takes the opportunity to punch Otachi's face and free himself from his grip. Leatherback, in spite of the pain, wanted to attack again, but Godzilla spewed a new jet of fire, shorter but equally devastating for the enemy kaiju, once again pushed by the breath against the cliff.
Otachi also crashed against the cliff violently next to Leatherback. Caesar threw it like a bag after standing up. The two kaijus looked bad. Elsa was impressed by this new power shown by Godzilla. All of a sudden Godzilla's and King Caesar's eyes met. Both seemed to know each other but emitted only small grunts, as if they were talking each other. Elsa was suddenly worried. Were they enemies or allies? She was relieved when Caesar kneeled down, his hand on his wounded chest, as a sign of salvation and respect for Godzilla, who nodded his salutation. Elsa was even more impressed, even admiring. The guardian titans had a hierarchy, like a gigantic kingdom of which Godzilla was the king of kings. But this reunion was short-lived, interrupted brutally by the roars of Leatherback and Otachi, still alive despite the wounds and standing again, side by side, ready for battle. Godzilla and Caesar looked at each other, agreeing with each other, and teamed up. Two destroyers against two guardians. Godzilla and Caesar have a chance to win, but Elsa wanted to put all the chances on their side ..... She had to intervene...
Elsa took a deep breath, ignoring fear and other thoughts. Eyes closed, her face slightly bent, she concentrated with all her strength. Her hands were surrounded by the ice energy, more and more bright and present, extending along her arms like ice snakes, and gradually, covering her entire body. At her feet, the paved ground was gradually covered with ice and snow began to fall from the sky. She felt her blood shuddering in her veins, just like this magic more and more powerful running through her.
While they were going to fight, the four titans were intrigued by this sudden change of climate and snow falling from the sky. Godzilla looked towards the sky, admiring almost with curiosity. Then, the attention of the four monsters was drawn behind Godzilla and Caesar, on the ruins of the market place. A blizzard had completely covered it. While Leatherback and Otachi were grumbling, Godzilla and Caesar looked less worried, more curious. Godzilla, deep inside him, felt again this sensation and this particular magic .... His golden iris shone.... It was her....
Suddenly, from the cloud of snow rose an immense and majestic white and blue shape. from a height of 147 feet, a length of 229 feet, the form spread wide angel-like wings, consisting of hundreds of shiny crystalline feathers, an impressive wingspan of 295 feet. A tall, slender and graceful reptile body, covered with thousands of ice scales, and ending in a wavy tail like a snake, covered with some fur at the end like a feline. Four clawed paws, a long reptile neck, and an dragon head with a thin, elongated snout and crystal blue eyes, and six horns, almost like a crown, on the top of the head, and a fine mane of white fur running down the neck.
Otachi and Leatherback had a back forward move, surprised. Godzilla and Caesar were too, but did not retreat, and looked almost fascinated by the beauty of this new creature. With a simple and powerful flapping of wings, like a powerful cyclone, the dragon spread the cloud of snow that dissipated in the air. The great ice dragon stepped forward, silent, in front of Godzilla and Caesar. Godzilla then saw this new monster lowing the head, as a sign of respect. He could feel it..... She was there, inside that ice monster ..... She was that ice dragon ..... Her magic was decidedly much more powerful than it was thought. Godzilla then raised his big arm, and with his large clawed hand, gently touched the cheek of the ice dragon, feeling that pleasant cold spread in his veins. The dragon let herself be touched and made a small, friendly grunt towards the monster king, who answered her with another groan. He could see in the dragon's eye. Let me help you, she was saying by this gaze. Godzilla nodded, as a sign of acceptance of this new ally. King Caesar seemed to accept her too. Elsa, in her dragon form, joined them. Caesar on the left, Elsa in the middle and Godzilla on the right, side by side, all three were now facing Leatherback and Otachi, who were inferior in numbers, but were not determined to give up.
Several hundred yards back, Anna, escorted by Pabbie and the trolls, finally reached the ruins of the market square, to see the face to face of all the titans. She was very surprised to see this giant ice dragon, who was not there before. Then, she saw all the ice covering the paved ground, and the snow falling gently.... For Anna, it was like a click.
- "Elsa ....." she sighed softly, her face saddened, contemplating what her sister had done and she had become. She saw the ice dragon turn her head slightly over her shoulder, staring at her as if she had felt her presence. In the ice eyes of the dragon, Anna could understand this: I have to do it, Anna. For Arendelle, and for you.
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