Kingdom of Tabor, Poland
_ "Mirror... magic mirror on the wall, who is the most fairest in the land?"
Dressed in her large black dress, her blond hair in a bun and proudly wearing her crown with iron thorns on her head, Queen Ravenna was again facing her mirror, in the private room of her castle, at the top of the largest tower.
From the large golden mirror hanging on the stone wall and surrounded by candles, a large form emerged, crawling on the ground like a puddle of liquid gold, to come and form a humanoid and ghostly silhouette, facing the queen, in no way intimidated, but smiling with maleficence.
_ "You are the most beautiful, queen of queens ..." proclaimed the deep and deep voice of the magic mirror "... since the death of Princess Snow-White by your hand, no one can challenge your eternal youth."
Satisfied by the words of her clairvoyant mirror, Ravenna smiled with her sharp white teeth, but had another question for her mirror as she came to take a sip of wine at her table.
_ "And tell me, my dear mirror, who is the most powerful of all?"
_ "You are very powerful, my queen, that is an undeniable fact ... but however beware ..." then warned the mirror, which made Ravenna lose her smile which immediately turned to her mirror. "... somewhere in this world, there is a queen, of great beauty, but also possessing immense power, which over time could overtake you ..."
_ "Who .... who can still stand in my way?" hissed Ravenna between her lips "... show it to me."
The mirror obeyed and on its shiny, golden surface made a vision appear, then showing a young woman with blond-silver hair in a ponytail, dressed in a long sparkling blue dress and her hands sparking an energy of nature ice Magic. Ravenna watched with disgust and anger.
_ "Queen Elsa d'Arendelle .... I should have suspected ...." sighed Ravenna heavily, having lost the smile and her satisfaction. The mirror spoke again to warn him.
_ "Be careful, my queen ... if you want to confront Elsa, know that she is under the protection of the most powerful being in this world ... a god among mortals ... Godzilla."
Like everyone now, Ravenna had heard of the king of monsters and what he embodied. Although very powerful, Ravenna knew that she could not compete with the destructive power of Godzilla. But as she reflected, pacing, a guard burst into the room, kneeling respectfully before the queen.
_ "I had order to be not bothered! Do you want to die?!" the queen openly threatened her guard.
_ "Forgive me, my queen, but our Arendelle spies are back, and have something for you."
The guard then handed the object in question to the queen, who immediately lost her anger and again showed a machiavellian smile while taking the object in her hand: a glass vial containing blood, as well as a box containing some black scales...
Paris, Kingdom of France
The sound of bells was repeated endlessly on this shady evening in the capital of the kingdom of France. The sky was literally devoured by the columns of black smoke rising from the multiple fires ravaging several districts of the city. Cries of panic were heard everywhere and crowds of citizens of all ages, frightened, crying, some wounded, ran in a group while the soldiers of the city garrison did everything they could to guide the inhabitants to the places of evacuation. On the docks of the Seine river, countless boats had been set up to take as many refugees as possible and take them to a safe place. But fear prevailed, and many citizens jostled others without the slightest hesitation to obtain a place on board, giving rise to multiple conflicts, under the eyes of hundred children in tears.
Outside the city, at the top of a large green hill usually offering a magnificent view of Paris, the evacuation was also underway. Prince Adam came running down the marble steps from the main entrance and came to the aid of his servants and friends, Lumiere and Big Ben, to put luggage in the cart.
_ "Thank you, majesty." said Lumiere breathless, but also frightened by the situation. Mrs. Samovar and her son Zip also hastily arrived with other things, while the coachman took care of the terrified horses. Prince Adam then looked frantically around him, and seemed worried.
_ "Where is Belle?" he asked immediately, grabbing Lumiere by the shoulder.
_ "She's still in the castle, prince. She told me she has something important to recover." Big Ben intervened, sorry to say it only now. Hearing this, Adam turned around and ran as fast as he could to return to the castle. A new and sudden tremor shook the ground, frightening and making almost everyone fall, while a deafening and bestial roar covered the region with its wave.
Belle, dressed in her long and elegant yellow dress, as princess of France, was running down the corridor of the top floor of the castle. The whole building was shaking violently, and she avoided a chandelier which crashed and exploded into pieces right behind her. Breathless, she entered her personal library, her favorite room in the castle and which had been given to her by her husband as a wedding present. But not having time to take a last look at her books, the young princess ran up to a painting, which she pushed aside to let glimpse the door of a chest. Opening it with the key, she took three very special manuscripts from it and put them in a bag. These same manuscripts that she had written following the numerous letters sent by her friend Rapunzel, since this one had returned from a strange trip, on an island called Skull Island, and had revealed to Belle the existence of giant and allmighty entities: the titans.
_"BELLE!!" the prince also came into the room, trying to keep his balance despite the increasingly violent earthquakes. "What are you doing?! We have to go!!"
_ "These mansucrits are more than important!" she replied with conviction. "We must keep them, so that Monarch's work can continue."
The prince understood completely, but took his wife by the arm and the couple started to run as fast as they could to descend and leave the castle collapsing on itself.
Finally, a few moments later, Belle and Adam got into the cart, with their servants. The horses immediately started their race. Belle and the prince, side by side, then looked sadly at their castle moving away from them, knowing that perhaps they could never return. A new monstrous roar made them shudder and drew their attention to the city of Paris. Belle remained frozen by what she contemplated.
In the middle of the buildings of the city center on fire, two colossal creatures faced each other, separated by a hundred meters. Although at a distance, they appeared as tall as mountains. Both had marks and wounds on their bodies, testifying to the confrontation of brutal violence taking place, and neither seemed ready to give up.
The first was 90 meters high. The top and chin of his head formed curved blades, giving him an air of crescent, as well as six yellow eyes. He was bipedal, reptilian, and ax-shaped growths stood out from his back. His hands had long, sharp claws and yellow veins ran down his body. His name was Mutavore.
His opponent was taller, more than 100 meters tall, and was also more massive. A humanoid reptilian body, with black scales, golden and furious eyes, a short muzzle, a back covered with rocky points .... he was the king of ancient times, but probably of the present time and the times to come ... .Godzilla.
Godzilla roared furiously and advanced to his adversary, who did the same. The two giant monsters collided, Mutavore striking Godzilla's head, which immediately responded with a deep bite in the shoulder, making Mutavore roar in pain as he was gradually pushed back. Around the titans, the buildings were shattered and collapsing and the ground was shaking and cracking. Mutavore, struggling, managed to make Godzilla let go, but the latter, in his surge of fury, threw himself ahead of all his weight and force against Mutavore, hitting him and causing him to fall violently through a large building , Notre Dame cathedral, which flew in thousands of shards following the shock and collapsed in a cloud of debris and smoke, from which Mutavore stood up, shaking his head, half knocked out, while Godzilla looked at him with anger and superiority.
After a frantic and difficult race through the devastated streets of Paris, the cart of Belle and the prince reached the Seine, where their personal ship awaited them. Without losing a moment, the princess and her prince, as well as the servants, all boarded without exception. From the deck of the ship, Belle could see with horror the tumult and chaos reigning among the crowd of citizens wanting to flee for their lives.
_"Time to leave!!" ordered the captain of the royal ship, who was immediately arrested by Belle.
_ "Can't we take a few persons with us?!" the princess insisted, but the captain looked at her, sorry.
_ "Forgive me, princess, but have you seen the chaos reigning? I wouldn't risk the ship."
Belle was internally revolted, but in another sense, the captain was not totally wrong, especially when he saw a ship further away, sunk by its own occupants because of the incessant conflicts. Holding her precious manuscripts in her hands, Belle then contemplated the fight of the titans, who unfortunately had come closer. After a violent blow, Godzilla fell heavily, half into the Seine, crushing two ships under his body and raising huge waves which rocked the royal ship and caused everyone to lose their balance. Adam helped Belle get up, and the couple stared in horror. Godzilla, about fifty yards from the ship, looked up with a groan, and as he got up, turned his head gently toward the royal ship.
Belle shuddered when she saw the titan's monstrous gaze land in hers. She saw in his golden eye, the flame of unprecedented anger, impossible to imagine for a human mind. And this flame grew in him, as the fight continued, but also for something else, she knew it. Since the beginning of the confrontation, the cannons of the city's defenses had not stopped pounding the two creatures without stopping, although causing them no physical damage. However, all of these attacks, insignificant as they were to him, were visibly beginning to seriously annoy the king of the monsters.
Mutavore roared in triumph on approaching, but was surprised when Godzilla got him with a violent blow of tail in the ribs, causing Mutavore to fall backwards on a row of buildings. Godzilla got back to his feet and came to grab Mutavore by the head without giving him time to get up. Godzilla, enraged, then crushed the head of Mutavore against the ground, several times, and finally, bit deeply at the level of the throat, and in a tearing of bloody flesh and bone, tore off the head of Mutavore with an unbearable violence, so much so that Belle had to look away and cover her mouth with dread. Decapitated, Mutavore's body collapsed amid the rubble and flames, and it was on their ship taking them to a safe place outside Paris, that Belle and her prince contemplated in silence the king of the monsters, putting his foot on the corpse of his vanquished enemy, and uttering a long and mighty roar of victory.
But suddenly, powerful detonations of cannons were heard and explosions were created on the body of Godzilla, by dozen. Roaring more annoyance than pain because not being affected by the shots, Godzilla turned his angry gaze on the origins of the shots. From the ramparts, soldiers had fired, and others began to do the same from other parts of the city. The cannons continued to fire, hitting Godzilla from all sides and making him growl more and more. Seeing this, Belle feared the worst.
_ "Oh no ...." she sighed, guessing in horror what was going to happen.
Raising his head, gritting his teeth, Godzilla showed unparalleled fury in the iris of his eyes, growling more and more. He had saved these humans again, but one more time, he was seen as the threat to be eliminated ... he would never get their gratitude, moreover why would he want it .... that was too much .. .. His eyes and backbones lit up, becoming brighter and brighter ...
Taking a deep breath, Godzilla roared with all his might, spitting out his breath of devastating blue flames which in a flash struck the ramparts, which exploded in thousands of fragments, pulverizing the cannons and all the soldiers, like insects. Belle gasped in terror at this destructive power. Groaning in rage, Godzilla spat his blue flames over and over, destroying the groups of cannons one by one, and also causing colossal damage in his attacks. Putting one foot in the Seine, he crushed an entire ship and all its occupants, without even paying attention to them, content to walk while continuing his carnage, roaring in the storm of fire and death he had just started...
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