Chapter 9 - Pawns of the Chessboard of Fate
Enchanted Forest, Norway
Elsa was more than confused about what she had just done. She had managed, without knowing how, to calm Rodan's fury, but also, to make him regain his senses. Realizing the power of a titan, what she had just accomplished was impossible for her. And that is surely what the others must have thought.
_ "Elsa!"
Anna's voice was heard and the latter quickly ran towards her sister, hugging him forcefully.
_"You're okay?"
_ "Yes ... I ... I think ..." replied the queen, still shocked by what she had just done. Around them, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Arendelle's soldiers and the forest people had advanced in the middle of the devastated clearing. The old woman then stepped forward, looking at Elsa with some fascination.
_ "How ... how did you do it? How could you stop the god of fire?"
_ "I told you ... the titans are my friends ..." said Elsa with a smile. It was the only explanation she could provide, herself still unaware of this unique bond that united her to the primordial giant gods.
However, the expenditure of magic was quickly felt in the body of Elsa, who a little tottering, had to be supported by Anna.
_ "Wait, Elsa ... let me do ... you need to regain strength ..." said the Princess of Arendelle, putting their mother's shawl on Elsa's shoulders. She smiled at her sister for this gesture. But the members of the forest people, seeing the shawl, gasped in surprise and came to see it more ready.
_ "Where ... where did you get this?" asked the old woman.
_ "It's a Northuldra shawl ... and according to these symbols, it belonged to one of our oldest and honorable families ..." then explained the beautiful young woman Norhtuldra.
_ "What? ... But wait ... it belonged to our mother ..." answered Anna, confused by what they said. Elsa too was perplexed, lost in thought, but suddenly came to some evidence ... taking Anna by the wrist, she brought her with her to the altar where the sculpted statuette was found, which fortunately, had been spared from Rodan's fire. The two young women examined in detail the object, in particular the human woman holding their father in his arms to protect it and both to be protected by Godzilla. She wore a shawl on her shoulders ... the same shawl, bearing the same symbols ...
_ "Elsa ..."
_ "I see it ... it's ... our mother ..."
Elsa and Anna felt their hearts beat in unison, and their eyes became moist as they smiled at this discovery.
_ "Our mother saved our father's life that day ..." said Anna, her throat tied with emotion.
"Yes ... and Godzilla saved them too ..." added Elsa. However, this discovery added another element of importance that flashed in Elsa's mind. Iduna and Agnarr were therefore aware from the start of the existence of Godzilla and the titans, and had chosen to hide it to everyone. Elsa guessed they had done it to protect Arendelle. Such a revelation could have had disastrous consequences.
Around the two women, everyone had gathered. Elsa and Anna, looking into each other's eyes, and taking each other by the hand, then decided to tell them.
_ "Our mother, Iduna, was Northuldra." Anna exclaimed, with a certain pride. All were very surprised by this announcement. Then again the echoes of the titans were heard in the rising wind, but this time Elsa was not the only one. Everyone heard them this time. Everyone listened with fascination, the Northuldra seeing this as an obvious sign. All around the clearing, thousands of lights appeared, like clouds of fireflies and flew slowly towards the sky, under the amazed looks of all. Faced with this new phenomenon, the Northuldra began to sing a song of their people. A ceremonial song, while joining their hands to each other, to form one.
_"Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana
Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana..."
While singing, some Northuldra struck their sticks on the ground. The old woman then came in front of Elsa and Anna, inviting them to join their hands in hers, which they did with pleasure while around them, the Northuldra finished the song.
_ "My name is Yelena ..." said the old woman with a smile "... and we are the Northuldra, the people of the sun. You are welcome here."
_ "Thank you, Yelena ..." said Elsa sincerely "... and I promise you, all, that I will free this forest and restore Arendelle ... me and the titans will bring balance back ..."
_ "It's a very big promise, Elsa ..." whispered Anna then, a little worried that Elsa made such a promise without having thought about it. However, seeing the joy and hope back in the eyes of the Northuldra seemed to be enough for the young queen.
_ "When I was with Rodan, he and I heard that voice again ... we have to go north ..." said Elsa determinedly.
_ "No, wait until the next morning to leave. The forest is not safe in the middle of the night." suggested the young woman Northuldra, who introduced herself as Honeymaren. Elsa saw no objection to it, and still feeling tired from spending magic, admitted that a night's rest would be welcome. She and the rest of the group accepted the Northuldra's invitation to come to their camp, located nearby.
Southern Isles
He had seen so many things, more than anything in this world ... yet, despite this immortal existence, he never felt like he was really living his life ... he hadn't had childhood, he was not born a baby ... he appeared as he was still to this day, while the world had also just been born, its first oceans and continents just formed and primitive life forms was not yet born ...
The first thing he heard was this melodious song ... this angelic female voice singing these unknown words ... and this powerful light, as white as the purest snow, more blinding than the sun ... And that voice, the voice of nature herself, whispering in his ears as he opened his eyes for the first time ...
_ "You, my first born ... you who was the first of everything and will also be the last ... you who hears the first breath and will hear the last... you will be the guardian, the messenger and the hangman of this world ..."
Godzilla opened his eyes, emerging from the souvenir that he had never been able to erase from his memory ... a moment dating back so long that he could not say when.
Standing in the middle of this ravaged and lifeless island of the Southern Isles, the king of monsters was there, lonely and dark ... with his powerful clawed hands, he gripped firmly the most mountain of the island, to express a deep roar, then an even more powerful and angry second turned towards the raging sky, spitting violent lightnings. Ariel had to cover her ears because the sound was deafening. She noticed the titan's furious blue eyes. Empty of all light. Impregnated by loneliness ... and hatred ...
Enchanted Forest, Norway
Elsa gasped suddenly, instantly feeling a deep negative feeling in her heart, to the point that she was in pain. Putting her hand on her chest, she felt the rapid beat, and this immense pain ... something was wrong ...
_ "Godzilla ..." she sighed softly, worried.
_ "Elsa ..."
The queen came back to reality, to see that she was still sitting by the fire, in the middle of the Northuldra camp. Everything was going well. Kristoff was chatting with the reindeer breeder of the tribe, a man named Ryder. Olaf was having fun with children and Anna was talking with Lieutenant Matthias. Elsa then saw Honeymaren, sitting next to her, looking at her, concerned.
_"You okay?"
_ "Yes. A little tiredness is all." said Elsa to hide her concern. Honeymaren seemed to believe her and then continued what she said, showing Iduna's shawl, in particular the star representing the four elementary gods.
_ "I wanted to show you ... you see, here there is the god of air ... fire ... water ... and earth ... but look here ... "
With her finger, Honeymaren pointed to the center of the star, a special little symbol in the shape of a crystal. Elsa looked with interest.
_ "You see? There is a fifth god." said Honeymaren, which fascinated the queen "... it is said that he is the bridge between the titans and the humans, to bring about a stable equilibrium. The Iss said that he would be the only hope for a future between titans and humans."
Elsa then reacts to the mention of her native people.
_ "The Iss? Did you know who the Iss were?" she asked.
_ "Yes, all the Northuldra know the ancestral people. They are the ones, who, a long time ago, came here and taught the first Northuldra to worship their gods, the titans."
Elsa was lost in thought again after all these revelations.
_ "But ... and this fifth god? Do you think it's the voice I hear?" asked Elsa.
_ "Maybe ..." Honeymaren shrugged gently "... But only Ahtohallan knows."
_ "Ahtohallan ..." sighed Elsa, remembering this name as if it were yesterday. With some sadness, she also remembered the lullaby that Iduna had sang to her when she was a child ... she now knew that this song about this lonely guardian, the god who watched over her in her sleep, was Godzilla.
The entire camp was brutally shaken by the brief earthquake which lasted only two seconds. They all fell to the ground, gasping for fear and the crying children ran into their parents' arms. Another similar tremor took place, then a third, and a fourth, on a regular basis. Several trees fell to the ground under the force of the tremors. Anna ran to join Elsa, followed by the others.
_"What is that?!" Kristoff asked in panic.
_ "A titan!" alerted Honeymaren as a warning signal.
A deep rumble then echoed in the night, and all of them, their stunned looks, saw this giant form emerge from the darkness, a hundred meters from the camp and moving slowly towards them.
They didn't know this titan. At a height of 322 feet, he was a quadruped, advancing on four thick clawed legs. But the most surprising was his appearance. He had a rocky skin and looked like a huge walking mountain, a forest growing on his back. Its rocky head was reptilian, carrying two large tusks.
_ "Methuselah ..." gasped Honeymaren, contemplating the creature with fear. "The First Mountain ..."
Elsa and the others had heard. Methuselah, that was his name. A new titan added to their knowledge. Earlier in the evening, Elsa and Anna had mentioned the other three titans seen at the entrance to the forest who had crossed the mist. Yelena had recognized them by the descriptions provided by the two young women. The one resembling a mammoth was named Behemoth, nicknamed The Colossus of Ancient Times, and was considered one of the oldest titans. The titan resembling a giant tentacle spider was named Scylla, nicknamed The Sovereign of Spiders. She is considered as the queen of all arachnids. The third titan, resembling a mixture of reptile and insect and having gray skin that was smooth and metallic in appearance was the least known, with the Northuldras having almost no knowledge of her other than the fact that her name is Muto.
And now, Methuselah, believed to be the very first mountain that appeared in the world. Decidedly, the existence of such entities was beyond all human imagination ... but after all, it was not so surprising... on the contrary, it demonstrated the divine status of these creatures ...
The titan made another roar, like the crash of a collapsing mountain. Shaking the earth with his steps and crushing dozens of trees in his path, he advanced, passing over the Northuldra camp without paying attention. Covered by the gigantic shadow of the titan, Elsa, Anna, and the others looked up, frozen, seeing the huge monster pass over them without worrying about them. Elsa noticed the direction he was taking. He was also heading north, like Rodan.
The stone titan finally passed the camp, having crushed several tents in its path, and continued without turning around. After the monster had passed, everyone in the camp checked that there were no injuries. Yelena showed a serious, even concerned face.
_ "First Behemoth, Muto and Scylla ... now Rodan and Methuselah ... what can that mean? Why do all the gods come back to the forest?"
_ "It's not the forest they're looking for ... I think they're looking for Ahtollahan ..." replied Elsa with conviction. Yelena and the other Northuldra gasped in surprise.
_ "Ahtollahan ..." said Honeymaren with round eyes "... the legendary river ... but ... what can the titans want to do with it?"
_ "I don't know ..." answered Elsa sincerely "... but that's what I intend to discover. And also, who is the mysterious voice that calls us all ... that's why we have to leave, now."
_ "Elsa ... are you sure?" asked Anna, worried, seeing the queen turning her determined gaze to the north. She didn't even need an answer. It was decided.
_ "Ahtollahan ... clairvoyant waters ... this is how this place will be called ... I entrust it to you, my dear guardian ... because it is here that all the answers will rest, including the ones you will seek ... but patience, one day, you will know ... "
As he swam again in the dark, deep waters of the ocean, Godzilla remembered this new memory with precision. His more than confused mind was all the more affected by the anger that poisoned him.
He felt it, deep inside him ... he was approaching more and more ... Ahtollahan ... he was going to find this answer, even if for that, he would have to boil the waters of the river until it completely disintegrated ...
Kingdom of Tabor, Poland
_ "Majesty!"
Queen Ravenna was brutally pulled out of her sleep. Painfully opening her eyes, dressed in her black dressing gown, she got up from her big four-poster bed while glaring at the guard who had just entered the room.
_ "How dare you wake me up like that? Do you want to die now?" she threatened him openly. The guard, although frightened, nevertheless did his duty, bowing and alerting his queen.
_ "Forgive me, your highness, but it's your monster ... he has plunged into the ocean and is moving away to the open sea!"
_"WHAT?!" gasped Ravenna in the moment. Just taking the time to cover herself with a coat, the queen ran as quickly as possible to her huge black stone balcony, to see the facts for herself.
On the surface of the sea reflecting the stars, the back and serrated spines of Shin Godzilla glided slowly, tearing the water in front of it and moving away more and more. Ravenna was destabilized by such behavior.
_ "But ... what's wrong with him? I didn't give him any orders!" she yelled, confused and furious. "Prepare the ships! We must catch him up!"
The guard obeyed and immediately ran out of the room while Ravenna approached his magic mirror.
_ "Mirror ... what's going on? Tell me what you know."
The mirror then expressed itself.
_ "My queen ... the titans have been called ... the hour of the last battle is near and will decide the fate of creation ... Queen Elsa of Arendelle is also on a quest ... All the pawns are now moving on the big chessboard of fate ..."
Ravenna, at first surprised by these revelations, then showed a sadistic smile between her teeth and sneered softly.
_ "You mean that ... Arendelle is now unprotected?"
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