Chapter 25 - The Story Ends and Life Goes On
Shortly after the battle and the coronation of Queen Anna, Princess Belle and Prince Adam returned to the Kingdom of France with what was left of their surviving fleet and troops. Once back in the country, the couple did not fail to praise the tales of what had happened, especially the titans who had made this world survive. Unfortunately, many people did not greet the news with enthusiasm, and many remained convinced that the titans posed a threat. But despite these hostilities, Belle and Adam continued to show their support for Arendelle and the titans.
The Northuldra returned to their enchanted forest to continue living there in peace, under the protection of the titans Behemoth and Methuselah. Honeymaren, the new leader, formed a solid alliance with Queen Anna of Arendelle, the two women thus ending a rivalry born out of the deceit of a closed-minded and overconfident king.
Moana returned to the island of Motunui and was welcomed there like a true legend and lived there peaceful days alongside her parents. She later married Maui, and had several children with him. Kong, meanwhile, returned to Skull Island to continue to reign there and ensure that nothing would disturb the balance of this island of which he was the guardian. From time to time, Moana and Maui would come to visit the King of Skull Island, and this Moana did for the rest of her life. Once too old and feeling that she had come to the end of her life, Moana asked to return one last time to Skull Island, to see Kong again. Motunui's leader died peacefully shortly after her arrival, in the hand of Kong, who despite the pain of seeing her leave, accepted this reality of life. Kong deposited Moana's body in the sea, and the ocean transformed the body into water which merged with the element and became one with it.
Shortly after her coronation, Anna made Kristoff her king in an official ceremony. The couple's reign was long and prosperous, and they had a second child, a son they named Sven, in homage to the late friend of the young king. However, their reign was also sometimes clouded by the violent tensions prevailing between several kingdoms, in particular those which proclaimed loud and clear their hostility towards the titans and accused the other countries of traitors and heretics. However, no titan was seen for a very long time, as if they were completely gone ... Although happy in her family life, Anna waited the whole time, looking out to the ocean every day in the hope of 'a sign, but Elsa and Godzilla never reappeared ... life went by, little by little, and although it may be long and peaceful, life, one day, must end ...
Decades and decades had passed. Life had followed its path, as always. During all these years, the kingdom of Arendelle had prospered, its capital and its castle having been rebuilt.
It was a calm and silent spring night. Arendelle was emerging from a harsh winter and finally, the beautiful weather had returned. But despite the mild climate and the peace of the night, this evening was imbued with an atmosphere of the end ... a page would soon be definitively turned in the history of Arendelle, and for several lives marked by an incredible destiny. ...
Anna was lying in her royal bed ... to tell the truth, she had hardly been able to get up today ... the reason was her age ... indeed, old age, cruel but natural, was doing his work ... her once red and flaming hair had turned gray ... the wrinkles covered her face and her eyes showed great exhaustion ... The room plunged into semi-darkness, lit by a simple candle, the old queen calmly listened to the wind blowing against the window. Her tired gaze fell for a moment on the empty spot of the bed right next to her. The place occupied by her husband, Kristoff, until his death. It was a year ago, to the day, Anna remembered. Kristoff had lived a long time, and had done everything to be a good king, until he fell asleep one night, never to wake up, carried away by old age. Anna had suffered and cried that day, like the whole kingdom, but had accepted this fatality which one day strikes all humans. Only the gods could taste immortality, and this, Anna knew better than anyone, having witnessed it several times ...
_ "Anna? ..."
A small, familiar voice was heard and Anna smiled as she looked away. Olaf was standing in the doorway. With him was Prince Sven and Princess Iduna II, both now young adults and heirs to the kingdom. Anna smiled at them all and invited them in, unable to sleep. Olaf, who as a snowman suffered no damage from the time at all, walked over and smiled at Anna, coming over to her. Sven and Iduna arrived, sitting around their mother who was happy to see them all with her.
_ "How are you feeling, mother?" asked Sven, a strong and tough young man, but nonetheless touched by his mother's health.
_ "I feel ... in peace, Sven ... freed from the huge weight of life..." Anna replied calmly.
Sven gritted his teeth, as if to stay proud and not show his sadness. Olaf was sad too, guessing what was coming soon. Iduna couldn't hold back her tears and came over to hug her mother.
_ "Mother, no ... you can't leave us ... please..." Iduna cried, her face buried in Anna's shoulder, who although sad too, was smiling and stroking her daughter's hair.
_ "So is life, Iduna ..." said Anna "that's what makes her so precious, precisely ... that's why I don't regret anything ... all these years will have been the most beautiful of my life, and I'm happy to know that Arendelle will be safe with you ..."
_ "We'll do our best, mother, I swear ... you'll be proud of us, as well as father ..." Sven said sincerely, coming to hug his mother too. Olaf joined in the hug.
_ "We love you, mother ... we will love you always ..." said Iduna.
_ "I love you too, my loves ..." replied Anna.
_ "Anna ... by the way ... someone else would like ... to say ... goodbye ... you think you can get up, just this once?" Olaf asked, struggling to speak despite the sadness.
_ "Of course ..." Anna replied.
Warmly dressed and supported by Olaf and her two children, Anna walked under the spring night, leaving the courtyard and the city, admiring all the grandeur and splendor of the moonlit fjord, and reaching the top of the hill or were the tombs of Agnarr and Iduna I, but also the tomb of King Kristoff, buried a year earlier.
At the top of the hill, Anna then smiled at a sight she never thought she saw again.
Elsa ... she was there. Her free silver hair, her divine shiny white dress ... nothing has changed in her, not even her face. She had remained the young and beautiful woman she was all this time. This didn't really surprise Anna. Having become a primordial titan in her own right, Elsa now enjoyed the gift of immortality, like them.
Still supported by Olaf and her children, Anna approached Elsa, and the two sisters looked each other in the eyes, with a smile.
_ "I might think it's a dream, but I know it's not a ... good evening, Elsa ..." said Anna.
_ "Good evening, Anna ..." said the young titan woman. The two women embraced tenderly with love, after so long without seeing each other again. Anna could have chosen to lecture Elsa about it, but didn't want to ruin this reunion.
_ "I'm afraid, Elsa, that you're coming a little late ..." said Anna without anger "... as you see, life seems to have made its time with me ..."
_ "I know ..." said Elsa in turn, sad, but having obviously already accepted this reality, as hard as it is. "That's why I came ... and not alone ..."
From the water of the fjord then slowly rose a large and imposing shape, which all recognized without problem. The giant body dripping with water, Godzilla came to dry land, shaking the ground beneath his feet, and leaned towards the group of humans. He hadn't changed at all, too, but after all, several decades were just the blink of an eye in a god's life.
The king of the monsters' golden eye met Anna's, and the old queen, supported by Elsa, approached and came to rest her wrinkled hand on the scaly skin of the titan's muzzle.
_ "Good to see you again, Godzilla ... and thank you for taking care of all of us, especially Elsa ..." Anna said with a tearful tear. Godzilla gave a deep, friendly growl, as if responding to the queen. Elsa, in turn, approached and placed a kiss on Godzilla's muzzle.
Surrounded by all, Anna felt even more peaceful now. She admired, one last time, all that was around her ... the hills, the forest and the mountains of the fjord, the city and the castle of Arendelle ... the night sky and its sea of stars, and her moon so beautiful and radiant ...
Anna came and sat down on the soft grass of the hill by the gravestones. Elsa also sits down, and allows her sister to come and rest her head on her lap. Sven, Iduna II and Olaf came to sit around her. Godzilla hunched over the humans.
_ "Elsa ... do you remember the first time we saw Godzilla?" Anna asked, gazing at the titan.
_ "How could I forget?" Elsa laughs softly, stroking her sister's hair. "I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life ... who would have believed where all of this would take us ..."
Anna agreed with her. Arendelle's family had always been linked to the titans, and it was Elsa and Anna who were appointed to revive this buried secret.
Olaf had been very silent from the start, as though lost in thought, then looked up, seeming to have made a decision.
_ "Elsa ... if you will allow it ... I would like you to melt me, for good ..." asked the snowman timidly and sadly. This request surprised everyone.
_ "Olaf ... you ... why are you asking such a thing?" Elsa asked.
_ "Understand me ..." said Olaf, decided "... Sven is no longer there. Kristoff is no longer there. And, with your permission, I would like to be able to join them, to welcome Anna all together."
Elsa, Anna, Iduna II and Sven were all touched by this request. Although reluctant at first, Elsa agreed to respect her friend's last wish. Olaf thanked her and came to everyone for a last hug.
_ "Farewell Olaf ... thank you for everything you represented for us ..." Elsa said to him with sadness but acceptance.
_ "I will be with you soon, Olaf ... I promise ..." Anna said in turn during the hug.
_ "Some people are worth melting for ... and I'm more than happy now ... goodnight to all of you..." Olaf said with a calm smile. Then, with a modest wave of her hand, Elsa put an end to the magic that kept the snowman alive. Slowly, Olaf closed his eyes, as if falling asleep, and little by little, his body turned into flakes, little by little scattered and blown away in the wind. Elsa, Anna, Godzilla, Iduna and Sven watched the snowflakes disappear into the sky, knowing that now their friend Olaf would meet his friends in the other world.
Suddenly, Anna gradually felt a great fatigue take hold of her ... she had more and more difficulty keeping her eyes open ... all her strength had abandoned her ...
_ "I think ... the time has come ..." she sighed, having more and more difficulty speaking. Everyone dreaded this moment, but finally had to accept it. In a last effort, Anna held out her hand and Elsa, Iduna and Sven came to take it, all together. Godzilla pulled his huge head a little closer, his muzzle only three feet from the group. Elsa came to place her other hand on the titan's muzzle, to stroke it.
_ "I could not have hoped for better ..." said Anna very gently "... to be reunited with you, one last time ... my heart is filled ..."
With tears in their eyes, Elsa, Iduna and Sven listened to the queen. Godzilla was listening but not crying, but could feel Elsa's pain.
Anna turned her gaze to Elsa. Then the two sisters, smiling at each other, slowly began to sing together, a song that had marked their lives.
_"When the northwind
Meets the sea
There's a giant
Tall and lonely
Sleep, my darling
Don't be afraid
As your guardian is watching
In the waters
Deep and true
Lie the true king
Fighting to protect you
Dive down deep
You're not alone
Listen his song
Into your sleep..."
Anna's voice grew weaker and weaker and she closed her eyes. Elsa then felt her sister's hand loosen little by little from hers and distinctly heard, a last very discreet breath escaping from her smiling mouth. Elsa's heart sank and tears flowed. Sven and Iduna also guessed what had just happened. Godzilla had sensed it too, his gaze growing deeper and hinting at a dark growl.
_ "It's over ..." Elsa announced softly and sadly, caressing her sister's cheek with her fingertips, whose peaceful face could make you think she was sleeping. Iduna cracked and cried, Sven coming over to hug her to comfort her. Elsa looked up at Godzilla, who was genuinely sorry for her, but remained firm and hard, as he was. Elsa hugged Anna's body against her, one last time.
_ "Rest in peace, dear sister ... I love you ... I will always love you ..." were the last words Elsa could say to Anna.
Anna's body would be buried, as agreed, alongside her husband on the top of the hill. Sven would stay with the body, while Iduna II returned to the city, to publicly announce the death of the queen to everyone.
During this time, and in order not to worry the population of their presence, Godzilla and Elsa had moved away as far as possible, towards the high seas. Godzilla let his head protrude from the water, while Elsa stood on the head of the titan. Both, in the distance, could hear the echoes of the city bells ringing, announcing the death of Queen Anna. The sound of the bells suddenly squeezed the heart of Elsa, who despite the pain, could only smile at having been lucky enough to have in her life, such a loving, strong and wise sister.
In order to pay homage to the late queen as well, and hardly caring to be heard by all, Godzilla took a breath and roared with all his might skyward. The power of the roar shook everything, and spread through the air with great speed, as if to be heard by the whole world.
_ "Let's go home ... my king ..." Elsa said softly, looking towards him, and giving him a smile both sad for his loss, but also happy, to have him always. Godzilla growled softly and resumed his swim out to sea, to the far north, where no mortal could ever find them.
Thus, in the horizon of the night, disappeared the king and the queen, eternal sentinels of this world, who would forever contemplate the evolving world, but above all ... will remember.
Here! Thus ends my Disney / Monsterverse TITANS saga (2018 - 2021). A saga that was close to my heart and that I absolutely do not regret. Hope you enjoyed these stories as much I enjoyed writing them. It is with a certain emotion that I end this saga. And I would particularly like to thank all the readers for their messages of support and for allowing this saga to become a little known.
Thanks again!
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