Chapter 23 - Together we Stand
Godzilla was starting to feel the effects of the many injuries he had received. Moreover, he had not been able to fully recover his strength after his fight against Kong. For his part, despite all his severe injuries, Shin didn't seem to show any signs of fatigue, as if he didn't feel the pain and continued to roar and growl with his mad gaze. Shin's body temperature was rising dangerously, his back rays exploding randomly. It was as if the mad titan was slowly losing control of himself as time went on. Godzilla growled in anger at such an abomination. This misshapen creature having been created from its own DNA was a real insult to the race of titans. He had to destroy it at all costs.
Having to wait a few more seconds before he could spit out another stream of flame, having drawn too much into his energy, Godzilla rushed forward, fangs and claws ready, roaring with all his bestiality. The two Godzillas collided again, unleashing another shock wave. Godzilla bit Shin deeply on the throat, trying to pry his head off his body. Shin roared, struggling with fury. He managed to free himself and this time it was Shin who clawed and bit Godzilla several times, causing the King of the Monsters to take several steps back. Shin took advantage of his dominance of the fight to deliver a powerful blow of the tail that made Godzilla fall into the bay. Completely stunned by the blow, Godzilla groaned, but painfully felt Shin's massive, heavy foot land on his throat, locking him to the ground. Shin watched him, dominating him with all his stature and roared in triumph, before preparing to spit out a final ray that would pulverize Godzilla's head, too weakened to stand up. But Godzilla showed no fear, roaring at Shin in challenge. He wouldn't beg.
Suddenly a powerful roar exploded and Kong appeared, leaping from the top of one of the destroyed cliffs, and with all his might, struck an ax in the back of Shin, who was destabilized and pushed aside, allowing Godzilla to free himself and regain some strength before getting up.
Kong, more furious than ever, was now facing Shin who turned his attention to the giant gorilla, and intended to make him pay for his audacity. Shin wanted to spit out a new ray, but Kong threw down his ax with all his might, violently hitting one of Shin's legs which again lost his balance and fell half forward. Kong rushed at his weakened foe, grabbing him by the head and punching him several times in the skull and jaw, causing Shin to spit some blood.
But Shin managed to come to his senses and savagely bit Kong on the nearest leg, causing him to roar in pain. Shin then began to heat up his jaw, starting to burn excruciatingly on Kong's leg, who was roaring more and more in pain as he tried to remove Shin's jaw. But the mad titan reacts immediately and with a force of the most supernatural, manages to lift Kong while holding him by the leg, and threw him. Kong crashed hard against one of the cliffs and was half buried under the rocks.
The giant gorilla, half stunned by the shock, pushed some debris of rocks away from him, to see Shin approaching him, and about to finish him. Suddenly, Godzilla's blue flames erupted and hit Shin on the head and upper body, injuring him and forcing him back several feet. Godzilla had risen to his feet and spat with all his might, giving Kong time to get up.
His body half burnt and smoking, Shin straightened up, now watching the two kings stand side by side. Kong rose to his feet, thanking Godzilla with a nod and the two now faced Shin, who although alone, showed no fear.
The titans weren't the only ones continuing the fight. In the throne room of Arendelle Castle, another duel had begun, the outcome of which would also determine the future.
Carried away by her anger, Elsa had thrown forward, armed with two ice swords she had created from her powers. Ravenna, also armed with a sword, openly continued to laugh and provoke her opponent. The blades clashed violently, echoing the shocks in the room. So far, neither of the fighters managed to gain the upper hand, each blocking or avoiding the other's attacks. While fighting with their weapons, the two queens let their magic manifest openly. All around them, ice and darkness struggled, causing more damage to the room. The only witnesses of the fight were the paintings on the walls of the hall, depicting portraits of the royal family of Arendelle, whose lifeless eyes seemed to contemplate the duel.
_ "I conquered death, fool!" Ravenna sneered madly as she continued to try and hit Elsa with her blade. "I'm the only one who did! She tries again and again ... It took decades to achieve this result, but my patience has paid off! Now I can't be beaten anymore! I'm the only true queen! And you are nothing but a vestige of a extinct race, which deserves no consideration! You are weak! Weak! WEAK! "
Elsa tried to ignore the abominations uttered by the evil queen and continued to defend herself as much as possible. But suddenly Ravenna managed to claw her shoulder with her little steel claws at her fingertips. Elsa gritted her teeth, seeing small streaks of blood running down her skin. Ravenna then brought her bloody fingers to her mouth and tasted Elsa's blood.
_ "Hmmm, royal blood is the most sketchy of nectars ..." she said slyly. What a monster, thought Elsa, who froze her wound a bit to keep it from bleeding, but was in great pain doing so.
Elsa then summoned rows of stalactites which she hurled at her enemy. Ravenna, openly mocking, summoned before her a veritable wall of shadows which stopped the projectiles which shattered into pieces. Elsa however took the opportunity to leap forward and try to strike her with her ice swords, but Ravenna blocked with her own blade.
_ "What you don't know is that I am a new hope!" Elsa yelled at her with determination.
_ "A new hope, how beautiful!" Ravenna scoffed. Elsa had been carried away by his eagerness, however, and let her guard down. With her other free hand, Ravenna summoned a small dagger which she used to stab Elsa in the ribs. The young Queen of Arendelle gasped in pain at the feel of steel piercing her flesh and stepped back, resting her reddened hand on her bleeding wound. The pain was excruciating, and once again Ravenna came to taste the blood on the dagger.
Elsa looked weak from her wound and was struggling not to pass out from the pain. Ravenna walked confidently to finish her off. But suddenly, a column of water arose like a real projectile and hit Ravenna who was pushed back against a wall. Elsa then turned her attention to the origin of this water. Moana had just arrived through the large hole in the wall of the room, her spear in hand and walked towards Elsa, seeing her injured.
_ "Elsa? Are you okay?" Moana asked worriedly.
"This ... it's nothing ..." Elsa replied, freezing her wound again. "How are the others?"
_ "They are fine! Anna and Iduna are alive and safe with the others." Moana told her to reassure her. At the mention of Anna and Iduna, Elsa was very surprised but reassured. She felt stupid for having believed that lie from Ravenna and that bloody pendant that had made her lose her means. Elsa and Moana could not speak for long however, Ravenna standing up, slightly annoyed by this surprise intervention.
_ "Ah, two now. A fake queen and a savage? Interesting. But don't think your numerical superiority will change anything. Victory is already mine." Ravenna said.
_ "So come and take it!" Moana growled, taking a fighting stance and glaring at Ravenna. Faced with this defiant response from this unknown woman in tribal dress, Ravenna smiled cruelly and jumped towards her. Spear and sword clashed against each other and Moana managed to grab the Queen of Tabor's attention, while Elsa tried to regain some strength out of the way.
With her agility and quick movements, Moana was managing to dodge Ravenna's attacks for now while trying to throw her spear blows. But the Queen of Tabor was once again proving untouchable, managing to easily block or dodge the blows, almost as if sensing them in advance.
On the side, Elsa was gathering strength, resisting the pain of her injuries as best she could. His gaze was then drawn through the breach in the wall of the room, overlooking the bay of the fjord. She could then see with anxiety the clash between Godzilla and Kong, who had joined forces against Shin. The latter, despite being alone, demonstrated an abnormal resistance and managed to resist the two kings despite all their power. Elsa's gaze was then lost on the city of Arendelle and the fjord, which once again was nothing but ruins, flames and desolation. Bodies of soldiers and civilians lay on the ground. In the hills outside the city, the fighting had ceased, with Tabor's soldiers visibly choosing to flee. The soldiers of Arendelle and the surviving Northuldras had also left for safety. Towards the other titans, the fight was also over. Scunner, Raiju, and Shrikethorn had all been defeated, and Muto and Scylla, unfortunately, did not make it out alive. Behemoth and Methuselah were still alive, but badly injured and unable to move anymore.
Elsa's gaze then returned to the last three titans still standing in the bay. The King of Monsters and the King of Skull Island, fighting together the King of Abomination in the midst of this hellish storm, relentless earthquakes and devastated kingdom. A real vision of the end of the world.
Ignoring her distress, Elsa clenched her fists and returned her attention to the duel that concerned her. Summoning a new Ice Sword, she got to her feet and rushed as fast as possible to aid Moana in the fight.
In the bay, Godzilla and Kong were breathing heavily, feeling the effects of all their injuries. In front of them, Shin, still as demented as ever, was starting to show some rather worrying signs. Gradually, his body began to heat up and smoke and become covered with luminescent veins. Shin was shaking and growling. Godzilla and Kong could feel all the inordinate, ever-increasing power in their enemy's body. They then guessed. Having been created from dark magic and mutating, and having suffered a tremendous amount of damage accentuating his anger, Shin's body had become completely unstable, and he was willingly allowing this instability to grow inside him. In no time, he would turn into a real giant bomb that could wipe out half the planet. They absolutely had to stop him before he purposely blew himself up.
Godzilla and Kong, teaming up, rushed at Shin. The latter roared with rage and let his back rays explode once again. Godzilla and Kong were hit hard, sustaining further burns and causing them to recoil and wobble.
Shin then opened his mouth, concentrating a new blast of flame. Seeing him do it, Godzilla straightened up in pain, and he too, inhaled hard to spit out new blue flames. In unison, the two Godzillas spat out their respective flames with all their might. The two beams collided in a shock wave that shook the entire bay. Neither backed away or flinched, maintaining their beam as much as possible.
However, Godzilla's diversion had worked. Too focused to spit out his flames, Shin didn't see Kong coming from the side. The big gorilla leaped forward and with all his might, with his big ax, landed a brutal blow in Shin's throat. Blood spurted out, as Shin's neck was half severed by the edge of the weapon. Breathlessly, Shin began to wobble more and more, however, landing another tail swipe at Kong's chest which was pushed back.
Still alive despite his half-decapitated head, Shin then planned to unleash all his accumulated power and detonate it. But Godzilla, with a final roar, intervened, striking with his tail with all his might, which ended up beheading Shin and making his head fly out of his body. Shin's decapitated and bloodied head fell into the bay, while the body, at first motionless, began to wobble and collapsed heavily in the bay, at the feet of Godzilla and Kong, who after a most difficult fight, had managed to put an end to the threat of this abomination.
In the throne room, and not suspecting what had just happened in the bay, the three women continued the fight tirelessly. Despite their teamwork, Elsa and Moana failed to weaken Ravenna.
_ "She's way too strong ..." Moana gasped while defending herself.
Then Ravenna, visibly tired from this fight which had lasted too long, used her magic to take Elsa and Moana by the throat, by telekinesis, and lifted them off the ground. Half strangled, the two women struggled.
_ "You defended yourself well, ladies. But I am invincible and there is no point in trying your luck!" Ravenna hissed between her teeth. Still by telekinesis, Ravenna then levitated a dagger which she used to stab the ribs of Moana, who could not defend herself. Moana screamed in pain, seeing her blood flow.
_ "NO! LEAVE HER!" Elsa screamed, struggling, still gripped by the magic of the Queen of Tabor. Moana was crying from the pain, and Ravenna reveled in it. Faced with Elsa's anger, Ravenna then propelled Moana against a wall, and focused on her. The woman from Motunui Island fell heavily to the ground, seeming not to move.
_ "If you insist, then I'll have fun with you first." Ravenna sneered, coming up to Elsa while keeping her under her power. With her clawed fingers, Ravenna stroked Elsa's cheek.
_ "Such beauty and such power ... what a waste ... we could both have been like sisters ..." Ravenna said.
_"Rather die!" Elsa replied firmly, looking her with defiant in the eye. Ravenna gave a sadistic smile, seeming to enjoy this. Laying her hands on Elsa's cheeks, Ravenna put her sly lips on hers, almost kissing her as she bit her lip. Elsa turned her head, not accepting the morbid kiss at all. Ravenna, she licked her lips again. Then, by telekinesis, she forced Elsa to kneel in front of her, completely at her mercy.
_ "As you wish ..." Ravenna said, bringing up a new sword and preparing to execute the Queen of Arendelle. "... it's time to end this adventure."
Ravenna raised the sword above his head, ready to behead Elsa. But suddenly Ravenna gasped in sudden pain and wobbled forward, the tip of a spear sharply piercing her right shoulder from behind. Across the room, Moana had crawled to the floor, very hard, and struggling with pain and exhaustion, had managed to throw her spear at the Queen of Tabor.
_ "W ... What?" Ravenna hissed, suffering and weakened by the attack, seeing her blood flow. Elsa, freed from telekinesis, was able to stand up, and with all her might, pierced Ravenna in the heart with her ice sword. Ravenna froze in a silent cry and her eyes wide, the blade of ice staining with her blood.
_ "Your reign of terror ends here!" Elsa confirmed fiercely, looking her straight in the eye. However, the Queen of Tabor darkens, brutally grabbing Elsa by the shoulder.
_ "I'm dying ... but you will all come with me!" growled the queen of Tabor in her blood. With her hand, the evil queen concentrated a final magic, concentrating in a sort of moving dark sphere, which she threw with all her might. The black sphere flew through the breach and moved away outside, to the north.
After casting this magical sphere, Ravenna breathed her last, collapsing back onto the ground, in a pool of her own blood. Her blade of bloodied ice in hand, Elsa was breathing exhaustedly and had to lean against a wall to keep from falling. She then heard Moana's moans at the back of the room, who was coughing heavily and suffering from his injury. Dropping her ice blade, Elsa rushed over to help her, freezing her wound to block the bleeding and help her up, supporting her by the shoulder.
_ "Is it ... is it over?" Moana asked, managing to stay conscious.
_ "I don't think so ..." Elsa answered sincerely with fear, and with reason.
During this time, the dark sphere launched by Ravenna before her death had continued to fly at very high speed across plains, hills, forests and mountains, until reaching the target location. Gaining even more speed, the sphere crashed violently against the wall of the barrage of the Enchanted Forest. The explosion was such that the wall of the dam cracked more and more and finally gave way, releasing a real tsunami which began to sweep everything in its path and spread at great speed.
In Arendelle, the battle had finally ended. Queen Ravenna and her abominable titan, Shin, were no more. Not having escaped unscathed from their fight and supporting each other, Elsa and Moana had crossed the ruins of the city to come to the side of the quays, where their two kings were waiting for them. Godzilla and Kong, also very marked by the confrontation but still alive, saw with relief the two women still alive and leaned towards them.
Kong put his hand on the floor, allowing Moana to step on it. Kong brought his hand to his head, allowing Moana to come and snuggle up to his muzzle in a big hug. Elsa did the same, coming to snuggle up against the large muzzle of Godzilla, who purred relieved to see her still alive.
But the reunion was short-lived. All four suddenly felt the ground start to shake more and more, and a very powerful noise coming closer and closer. Godzilla and Kong felt it even more, and their eyes darkening, turned to look.
Godzilla, Elsa, Kong and Moana then contemplated with surprise and horror the arrival of a gigantic wave of water, destroying everything in its path and rushing straight towards them. Elsa then remembered the dam in the forest, and what Ravenna had done before she died. So that was it. This witch had destroyed the dam. If nothing was done, the whole country would be completely submerged under water.
_ "We have to stop it, all together!" Elsa said, to which the other three agreed without hesitation. Elsa climbed to the top of Godzilla's head as Kong put Moana on his shoulder. The wave, several hundred meters high, approached even closer, passing the entrance to the fjord.
_"NOW!" ordered Elsa, who with all her might held out her hands, releasing icy thrusts. Godzilla inhaled and spat out his blue flames with all his might. Moana used her bond with the water to try to hold it back as much as possible and prevent it. Kong roared and used his ax to block and contain the wave. But despite their combined strength, the wave was pulling them back little by little, very slowly, but surely. They would not be able to last forever. Their fights had weakened them too much.
_ "Don't ... weaken ..." Elsa moaned, feeling her strength diminish dangerously. Godzilla continued to spew his flames as much as possible, accentuating their power even more, but surely couldn't do it for long.
_ "I ... I will not be able to hold out ..." Moana sighed at the end of her strength. Kong roared furiously and with all his weight, desperately continued to press against the wave to push it back.
Suddenly, two new roars were heard in the sky, catching their attention. All four then regained hope at the unexpected and providential sight of Rodan and Mothra descending at high speed from the sky towards them. Anna rode Rodan, and the two twin priestesses, Miana and Maina, rode Mothra.
_ "Let's go!" Anna ordered forcefully, pointing at the giant wave with her finger. Rodan roared enthusiastically and with very beating wings, unleashed violent shock waves against the giant wave, managing to stop it a little longer. Mothra also spread her wings, causing them to glow with their maximum power and raining sunlight. Together, humans and titans were joining forces and managing to hold back the tidal wave. From the cliffs, Kristoff, Iduna II, Olaf and all the survivors watched this spectacle with the greatest amazement. Grand Pabbie and the trolls had come, also witnessing this final fight.
On top of Godzilla's head, Elsa looked around, seeing with pride and hope the four primordial titans, all gathered and united and unleashing their divine power. Elsa then felt it invade her body. This united power which manifested itself, emanating from the four titans and which strengthened it. She was the fifth titan, the bridge between the two worlds, the balance between humans and titans ... she could do it!
Concentrating all this new power that had invaded her, Elsa spread her arms, summoning a power that manifested like a gigantic ice star materializing as a barrier against the wave, and stopping it completely.
Seeing the Fifth Element do its work as intended, the Four Primal Titans could now deliver the final blow. Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and Kong ... all roared in unison and unleashed their powers one last time against the giant wave, which before the outburst of force, could only be pushed back and little by little calmed down and fell back. The water gradually regained its calm.
Standing in the peaceful bay again, but completely exhausted from these efforts, the four titans gazed with some pride at what they had just accomplished. Elsa, too, managed to regain her smile. This time it was over ... they had won.
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