Chapter 1: All is Found
Arendelle, year 1818 ....
Agnarr, great king of Arendelle, and his wife, Queen Iduna, both dreamed of having children one day. Not only to ensure descent to the royal family, but also to fill a void in their lives. And yes, being the monarchs of a great kingdom did not mean being obviously happy. Unfortunately, Queen Iduna, for some obscure reason, had never been able to give birth to a child, but the king did not blame her for that. This was the inevitability that could fall on some women.
But everything changed on a cold night, much darker than the others, during the autumn season. Two people, a couple, had come to the gates of the castle in the middle of the night, and had heavily insisted on talking to the king and queen, saying it was a matter of life and death. Warned by the servants, Agnarr and Iduna, as good sovereigns, had agreed to shorten their night and had received the two strangers in the large salon. It turned out that the woman was carrying in her arms, in a blanket, a baby, a little girl.
The mysterious man and the woman had silver hair, pale skin, and eyes as blue as ice. They presented themselves as Dagmar and Elfride, former king and queen of the disappeared kingdom of the Iss. Both were wounded, exhausted and visibly terrified by something they thought was chasing them and resenting their daughter, whom they named Elsa. Faced with the explanations and supplications more than sincere of the couple in exile, Agnarr and Iduna, after reflection, agreed to take the baby and to rise her as if she were their own child, and promising not to tell her anything about her real origins, at least until she's ready to hear it. After the royal couple Arendelle gave his word, and after a last goodbye to their only child, Dagmar and Elfride disappeared somewhere in the wild, to attract the thing that followed them and put their child safe.
Three months had passed since. In this cool night, bordered by the northern lights, dancing in the immensity of the ink sky, the royal coach had left the court of the castle, drawn by four white horses directed by the coachman himself. Sitting in the carriage, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, both wearing large dark cloaks over their royal outfits, sat opposite each other on the comfortable banquettes. As the king looked thoughtfully through one of the windows, seeing the streets and houses of the sleeping city pass before his eyes, the queen held in her arms the little Elsa, now three months old, warmly protected in a blanket and slept deeply.
Holding preciously the baby Elsa in her arms, Iduna looked at her with a small tender smile. Although she was not their biological child, the royal couple of Arendelle had decided to love her as such. They did not imagine having a first child this way, they had to admit it. However, the king and queen also remained pensive about something else that really concerned them. During the first month following the unexpected adoption of Elsa, King Agnarr made researches about this ancient people, the Iss, by searching the oldest manuscripts of the castle library, or by consulting scholars among the taller. During his research, he did not manage to find much about the Iss, but made a discovery that changed forever his perception of the world: the existence of huge and ancient beings, that the oldest peoples, whose Iss, seemed to worship like gods: the Titans.
For more than two hours the royal carriage rolled across the great pine forest, plunging into the hills towards the mountains, to reach a remote corner of the forest at the foot of great mountains of granite rocks. Agnarr got out first, helping his wife get off and addressed the coachman.
_ "Wait here for us."
_ "Yes, majesty." replied the man, who was going to take advantage of this stop to check the equipment of the horses.
Side by side and the queen still holding Elsa in her arms, the royal couple advanced slowly but assuredly beyond the twilight and groves of firs, to reach a few meters further, a large open clearing, isolated from rest of the valley and dotted with round rocks. Agnarr and Iduna advanced without fear, already knowing this place.
Once in the center of the clearing, the rocks began to move, rolling towards them and changing shapes. The stone trolls looked at them without saying anything, saluting them respectfully. Among them, Grand Pabbie stepped forward, slowly, and smiling amicably presented himself before the King and Queen.
_ "My king, my queen, welcome. I thank you for coming ... Is it the child?" the old wise troll asked, looking at the blanket held by the queen. Iduna nodded and knelt to get to the troll and introduced him to the baby. Around them, the trolls began to whisper among themselves, seeming intrigued. Pabbie leaned over to see Elsa, asleep. With the utmost caution, Pabbie placed his stone hand on the baby's forehead, closing his eyes to focus, and reopened them a few seconds later.
_ "Yes ..." he murmured so as not to wake her up "... the magic of the Iss is already very present in her ..... she will become more and more powerful as the child grows older. So, I would ask you to be very careful."
_ "We'll be, Grand Pabbie." Iduna said confidently. The troll nodded, trusting the couple.
_ "But Grand Pabbie, tell me ......" asked the king, curious "... why did you demand to see the child?"
The troll stared at the king, showing in his eyes that he had nothing to do with it. The other trolls also changed their attitude, quieter and reserved.
_ "This is not my requirement ..... but that of a king much more powerful than all the monarchs of this earth, and much older than me ... come with me, he is waiting for us .... "
More than intrigued by the mysterious explanation that Pabbie had given them, Agnarr and Iduna followed him past the troll clearing, past other groves of thick trees for long minutes. Finally, as they came out of the groves, they reached the edge of a huge granite cliff. In front of them lay a real sea of gray and opaque mist, masking the landscape and the sky and bringing a heavy atmosphere. Agnarr leaned his eyes to look down, but the haze prevented him from seeing the bottom of the void. He swallowed. It seemed endless.
_ "And now?" Iduna asked, not really reassured, turning to Pabbie who stepped back a few steps.
_ "Above all, stay where you are and above all, keep calm. Don't say anything that could offend him, and everything will be fine." said the troll. Agnarr and Iduna glared at each other, but were going to follow their friend's advice. The couple stood firmly with one hand, remaining united, and Iduna with her other arm, continued to hold Elsa against her.
After a few minutes, muffled noises began to be heard in the mist, and seemed to be moving closer at a slow, steady pace. It looked like .... footsteps! The earth trembled slightly with each sound. Agnarr and Iduna, still holding hands, swallowed, feeling their hearts beating loudly. The beats accelerated as the royal couple perceived a gigantic, massive and humanoid shape advancing gradually out of the mist, spreading the mantle of fog by its mere presence and revealing itself to them in the moonlight.
Pabbie watched silently, hands clasped. Standing side by side near the edge of the cliff, Agnarr and Iduna could not move, their round eyes raised up, paralyzed with stupor and fear by what they were seeing in front of them.
The thing that had appeared was big .... very big! So big that he seemed even bigger than the mountains. The word to describe his corpulence was impossible to say for humans. A scaly black skin, a massive humanoid body, powerful and clawed arms, a back dotted with a row of large spades with rocky aspect.... his head was that of a reptile, with a short muzzle, a jaw filled with sharp teeth, and two piercing golden eyes, imposing an aura and overwhelming force on whoever looked at them. Stopping in front of the cliff that looked ridiculously small in front of him, the giant reptilian creature uttered deep rumblings, setting his almighty gaze on the royal couple of Arendelle before him, were like mice in front of an elephant.
_ "King Agnarr, Queen Iduna ...." says Pabbie "... I present to you the god of the Iss, as well as the only true king of this world ...... Godzilla."
The king and queen of Arendelle could not say anything, they were so stunned and terrified. The mere presence of this monster challenged all the perception of the reality and the world by humans.
Godzilla tilted her huge body forward, approaching her muzzle to the edge of the cliff, just in front of the couple. The titan's head now covered their entire field of vision and they felt even more crushed by his gaze, as if he were probing their souls. Despite the monster's muffled and noisy growls, Elsa stayed peaceful and asleep.
_ "We have to bow down ..." Pabbie said, kneeling on one knee. Agnarr and Iduna obeyed and knelt respectfully in front of the titan, who watched them do without acting. His golden eye fell on Elsa, whom Iduna held tightly in her arms, as if to protect her.
_ "What does he want from us?" Agnarr asked softly without looking away from the creature.
_ "He wants to see if you'll be worthy to raise the last royal heiress of the Iss ...." Pabbie explained, staying on her knees. "Queen Iduna .... go alone to him, with the child, and stay calm. Let him give his judgment."
Walk alone to him? Iduna swallowed, feeling her body tremble. Agnarr was not at all reassured, but had to obey. Resting timidly on her feet, the queen advanced as agreed to the edge of the cliff, only a meter away from the tip of the muzzle of the titan. She felt the warm breath of her nostrils on her, and looked him in the eyes. Elsa had been awakened by the monster's rumblings, but curiously, had not started to cry, and with her little blue eyes and emitting small moans, looked at Godzilla with curiosity, without showing the slightest fear. Godzilla looked at her for a moment, before focusing on the young human queen. Iduna was shaking, uncomfortable, feeling the god's crushing gaze on her, judging her for what she was. It seemed like an eternity. But finally, Godzilla put his head forward, opening his gaping jaw. Agnarr, terrified, wanted to intervene, but Pabbie held him by the wrist, beckoning him to do nothing and observe.
Seeing this giant jaw full of teeth open in front of her, Iduna closed her eyes, terrorized, expecting to be swallowed like an insect by the monster. But it was not so. A beautiful, supernatural blue glow appeared from the bottom of Godzilla's mouth, letting out a strong, pleasant warmth that surrounded Iduna and Elsa. Godzilla's eyes had turned blue, too. Iduna felt this divine warmth enter her body, erasing her sense of fear. Agnarr and Pabbie watched this incredible spectacle, and the troll smiled.
_ "He gives you his blessing."
Agnarr did not know what to say, but could not stop a smile from forming on his lips. The Arendelle couple were now designated by Godzilla as the new parents, and Elsa too, as the last heiress of the Iss, also received the blessing of her god, although she did not know it. After giving his blessing, Godzilla closed his mouth and straightened upright. Agnarr was allowed to join his wife at the edge of the cliff and the couple embraced with love. Elsa made small moans, and the king and queen looked at her together, happier than ever.
Agnarr, Iduna, and Pabbie then watched the mighty and powerful Godzilla turn back and start moving away from the cliff with his heavy, slow step, gradually vanishing into the mist in which he had appeared.
_ "Thank you .... King Godzilla ...." Iduna sighed, a tear of joy running down her cheek, holding Elsa snuggled against her. They stayed there, until the silhouette of the titan disappeared entirely in the fog, as if he had never been there. Elsa moaned and fell asleep peacefully in the arms of the woman who was now considered by Godzilla as her mother. Grand Pabbie smiled at the royal couple.
_ "King Agnarr. Queen Iduna. By your action in accepting this child, you have proven your worth, not only as sovereigns but also as human beings, and for that, someone else would like to give you her blessing."
The troll then looked up at the sky, just as the queen and the king did, puzzled. Suddenly coming from the clouds, a magnificent, supernatural glow coming through the night as a knife pierces the paper. From this light came a giant and elegant form, fluttering with its two gigantic and colored wings.
Agnarr and Iduna recoiled but remained more than fascinated by this divine vision of this giant moth that had just risen from the sky like an angel coming from heaven to see the mortals.
_ "My king, my queen, I present to you now the goddess of life and great queen of the titans .... Mothra." Pabbie said, bowing again to greet the great flying goddess. Agnarr and Iduna obeyed and did the same. Although the creature was an impressive size, they felt no threat, the light emanating from the wings of Mothra covering them and giving them a feeling of well being, security ... Elsa, she, was not awakened in any way and kept sleeping peacefully.
After being covered for several minutes by Mothra's powerful and benevolent light, the king and queen of Arendelle then saw the flying titan turn around, moving away and disappearing among the clouds.
_ "Now, Queen Iduna ...." said Pabbie with a smile "... you will never be despaired by the conviction that you can't give life."
The queen and the king opened their eyes wide astonished, but understood what the old troll meant in that sentence. Did Mothra's blessing really come to end Iduna's sterility, allowing her to have children? In the face of this news, the king and the queen looked at each other in the eyes, invaded by happiness.
_ "My love, that means ..." Iduna sighed, shedding tears of joy.
_ "Yes ... indeed ..." the king simply replied, also happy, putting his hands on his wife's cheeks and giving her a kiss. Grand Pabbie, although happy for the king and the queen, quickly became more serious and got the couple's attention for a very important subject.
_ "For the good of all, no one should know the origins of Elsa and the existence of the titans, not even Elsa, at least, until she is ready to hear the truth. What you discovered about the Iss and the Titans in the royal archives, seal it. Only you and I will know."
_ "We swear, great sage. And thank you again ..." said the king, promising.
Arendelle, year 1821
This evening, at the castle of Arendelle, the tension had been more than palpable but was now overflowing with joy and gaiety. In this summer solstice, Queen Iduna had given birth. A second princess for the kingdom.
As the midwives moved away from the bed, King Agnarr entered the royal chamber, accompanied by the little princess Elsa, 3 years old, dressed in a little light blue dress with lace. In the big royal bed sat the queen, in a night dress, her forehead still sweating from the hard efforts and sufferings she had endured to give life. And in his arms, preciously held in a sheet, was a pretty baby in tears, but in perfect health.
King Agnarr, unable to hold back his smile and the tears of joy from flowing, came to sit down next to his wife and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead, before lowering his gaze to the new child of the royal family. Their first biological child, although they prefer not to shed light on Elsa's origins, it was still too early.
Elsa had stayed a little behind. Shy, gently rubbing her hands, she dared not approach. The king and queen noticed it.
_ "Elsa ... come ... you can approach." Agnarr said to her, extending his hand to her.
_ "But ... what if I unintentionally hurt her with my powers?" asked the intimidated young princess.
_ "There is nothing to fear, Elsa ... come on ... come and say hello to your little sister ..." replied Iduna with a smile with a smile. Although hesitant, Elsa decided to approach timidly, coming on her father's lap and in turn looked at the baby who continued to moan, cuddled in the queen's arms. Elsa, seeing her little sister, smiled in turn, forgetting her stress, but dared not touch her.
_ "Hello ... uh ... what's her name?" asked Elsa.
Agnarr and Iduna looked at each other smiling, the queen having already chosen a name.
_ "Anna."
Elsa thought it was a very nice name and finally touched the baby's forehead with her hand.
_"Hello, anna."
Meanwhile, Queen Iduna turned her gaze to the window, giving a view of the fjord and its horizon, the ocean stretching in the distance.
_ "Thank you, goddess Mothra ..." thought Iduna in her mind, for allowing this miracle to happen.
Arendelle, the day before the accident where Elsa hurt Anna with her powers...
_ "The evil monster has trapped the princess and is about to devour her! Roar, roar! Oh no, please, don't hurt me!"
Kneeling in the middle of a pile of snow created by Elsa and modeled to resemble a forest, Anna held in her hands snow figurines, representing a princess and a monster, imitating their voices with her mouth. Elsa watched and seemed worried for the princess, lending herself to her little sister's game.
_"Something has to be done!" said Elsa.
_ "Quick, Elsa, make a prince! A handsome one!!" asked Anna eagerly. Elsa obeyed and with a movement of her hands, formed a small snow statuette forming a proud prince holding a sword and gave it to Anna. Without them noticing, King Agnarr half opened the door to their room and smiled when he saw his two daughters, in their dressing night gowns, having fun on this beautiful spring evening. The prince ends up defeating the monster and Anna again imitates the voices of the prince and the princess.
_ "Oh thank you, you saved me. Who cares about danger when there's love..."
Anna makes the prince and princess kissing, under Elsa's slightly disgusted look. Queen Iduna, carrying her purple shawl on her shoulders to warm up a bit, joined her husband to watch, with tenderness, their daughters playing together.
_ "The enchanted forest was now saved and they all lived happily for ever!" Anna then called out for the end of the story.
_ "It's a very beautiful story, my sweet ..." said Iduna coming to join them, to which the two young princesses turned to her with a smile.
_ "Indeed ..." said Agnarr, holding a candle in his hand to light "... but it doesn't really look like the enchanted forest that I saw when I was younger."
Following this revelation, Elsa was the first to react and turned to her father.
_ "You .... have you really seen an enchanted forest, dad?"
_ "Wait what?!" said Anna rising up her head, with round eyes.
_ "It's true ...." said Agnarr with a mischievous gentle smile, enticing the curiosity of his daughters as he drew the curtain from the window "... but I will only tell you if you promise to go to bed afterwards. "
_ "But why have you never talked about it before?" asked Anna with a slight authoritarian tone.
_ "Well, I'll do it now." replied the king simply. Iduna approached, seeming less appreciated the idea of telling this story.
_ "My love ... do you think it's a good idea to tell them?" asked the queen to her husband.
_ "They are old enough to understand." nodded the king, reassuring her with his gaze.
With these words, Anna and Elsa, their childish eyes sparkling with curiosity, immediately ran to one of the beds, Anna on her knees and the Queen and Elsa next to her. Agnarr came to sit down too, placing the candle on the bedside table and began his story.
_ "Far, far away in the northern lands, is an ancient and enchanted forest. No one knows when it was created, and we will probably never know. But there was no mention of goblins, unicorns or bad magic ... this forest was inhabited by the most powerful gods that can exist, entities beyond even human understanding ... but they were not alone... a mysterious human tribe lived in this forest. They were called the Northuldra. ..."
_ "Did the Northuldra have powers?" asked Elsa, curious.
_ "No ..." explained Agnarr "... but they took advantage of the magic reigning in the forest, and lived under the protection of giant and powerful gods embodying the forces of nature ... the Northuldra revered them, but four in particular, were honored: the gods of water, fire, wind and earth. The Northuldra lived in peace with the kingdom of Arendelle. One day my father, King Runeard, wanted to strengthen this alliance between our two peoples. How proud it was for me, as a prince, to go with him to the enchanted forest and establish this powerful alliance, with this people whose way of life was so different from ours. As a sign of friendship, my father made built a huge dam, which would allow the Northuldra to never run out of water. We could see with our eyes the magic, as well as the rituals of veneration in homage to the powerful gods of the elements ... but unfortunately, one day, everything changed .... the Northuldra attacked us .... a violent battle broke out and many lost their lives unnecessarily that day, including my father ... this battle had even more terrible consequences ... the gods entered a monstrous anger, and unleashed their power against us ... as for me, I was saved, but I never knew by whom ... all I remember is that voice, this angelic song resounding in my ears like a distant echo and that I could never forget ... since then, it is said that the anger of the gods was so terrible that a thick fog appeared and completely covered the forest, cutting it off from the rest of the world and preventing anyone from entering it, but also from leaving it ... this evening there, in returning to the kingdom, I had become, with suffering, the new king of Arendelle ... "
With these last words, his gaze darkened by these tormented memories, Agnarr gently blew out the candle he was holding. Elsa and Anna were speechless for several seconds, fascinated by this story.
- "Wow papa ... it's so epic ... I don't know who saved you, but I already love him very much ..." said Anna, her eyes bright with dream and dropping limply in back on his mother's lap laughing.
_ "Believe me, I would also like to know ..." said the king sincerely, thoughtful. Elsa looked more serious than Anna, looking more concerned and asked Agnarr a question.
_ "And these elementary gods ... what happened to them?"
_ "I don't know ..." replied the king in all honesty, to Elsa's disappointment "... nobody knows what happened to the forest and its inhabitants. The fog is still there, impenetrable and threatening ... nothing comes in and nothing comes out ... "
_ "Which means we're safe now ..." added Iduna to reassure his daughters. The king nodded.
_"That's right." he said "... but one day, the forest and its gods could wake up, and if that day comes, we will have to be ready, because that could change the face of this world forever ..."
_ "Okay, sweeties, it's time to go to sleep. Say good night to your father." Queen Iduna insisted gently. Elsa agreed, but Anna breathed a little, disappointed.
_ "I still had so many questions." she sighed.
_ "Save them for tomorrow." Agnarr said to her, pinching her cheek gently as a sign of affection. The king got up and left the room, leaving the queen to take care of sleeping the two princesses as usual.
_ "Pfff, tomorrow is too long, I couldn't wait ..." stamped Anna to Elsa "... why did the Nothuldras attack? Why attack someone who gives you a gift? It doesn't make sense."
Elsa, for her part, seemed more concerned about the forest and these mysterious gods with limitless powers. In her mind, she was trying to picture these entities ... what could they be like? Could they have answers about the origins of her powers?
_ "Do you think that one day the forest will wake up? And that these gods could return?" she asked Iduna who was coming back to the bed to tuck them in. The queen sits opposite them, showing a thoughtful face.
_ "Well ... only Ahtohallan can have that answer."
_ "Ahtowhat?" said Anna raising an eyebrow, puzzled. Iduna seemed reluctant at first to talk about it, but after all, her daughters were mature enough to understand.
_ "When I was your age, my mother sang me a song about a mystic river called Ahtohallan. It is said that this river has all the answers about the past and knows all the secrets ... but not only ... according to the legend, it would be guarded by the most powerful of the gods ... a god so monstrous and gigantic that a simple glance on him is enough to terrify you, and that his golden eyes reflect boundless anger ... this god would be as old as the world itself and would destroy all those who try to approach the river ... "
_Wow ... "breathed Anna, even more fascinated and gently letting her head fall on her sister's shoulder. Elsa had listened, feeling deep inside her a great shiver at the mention of this god incarnating according to legend the power and anger in itself.
_ "Could you sing this song for us, please?" asked Elsa. Before the adorable looks of her two daughters, Iduna smiled and accepted, coming to sit between the two.
_ "It's okay ... first, we get together, we snuggle up ..." she said tenderly. Anna and Elsa came to their mother, huddling against her and listening. Iduna then began, in her melodious voice, the lullaby of the mystical river and its millennial mysterious guardian.
_ "When the northwind
Meets the sea
There's a giant
Tall and lonely
Sleep, my darling
Don't be afraid
As your guardian is watching
Listening, Anna felt her eyes close on her own and fell asleep, starting to snore softly. Seeing her thus, Iduna then took her in her arms to put her in her bed, while continuing to sing.
In the waters
Deep and true
Lie the true king
Fighting to protect you
After sleeping Anna and covering her warm with her blanket, Iduna came to take Elsa in her arms, to rock her in turn with tenderness and love.
Dive down deep
You're not alone
Listen his song
Into your sleep
Elsa listened, with a smile, and huddled against her mother, closed her eyes to fall asleep softly in the melodious voice. Iduna looked at her, and while singing, turned her gaze to the large window, showing the view of the sleeping fjord. Iduna knew it but did not say it ... she felt that there, in the depths of the dark night, out of sight, he was there, watching ...
Yes, he will sing for those who hear
And in his roar, power will grow
But can you stand at his side?
And with him, face what you most fear?
Where the northwind
Meets the sea
There's a guardian
Full of bravery
Come, my darling
Listen in the night
His roar echoing
Calling your name..."
Meanwhile, in the darkness of the northern night, hidden behind one of the cliffs at the entrance to the fjord, Godzilla stood there, looking with his golden eye at the human city and the castle, knowing that in it was the one he had to watch over ... emitting a very slight neutral rumble, the monster turned around and very slowly, sank into the depths of the ocean, disappearing into the abyss and moving away from the continent ...
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