Two kings, taller than the mountains, more powerful than the earth, fighting for the throne ... One wanting to protect, the other wanting to destroy, both are fighting a war since time itself exists. ... But in the middle of this duel, a queen will surface, to bring back the balance in the heart of the titanic kings of the old times, who could in their final confrontation, take the world with them.... But which one will she choose?
Southern Isles, Denmark
01:00AM O'clock, local hour
Ding! Ding!
- "It's one o'clock, and all is well!" said the voice of the night crier, faithful to his post and as each night, walked through the deserted streets and dark of the royal capital, lazily hammering his little bell and pronouncing his same speech, in a monotony more than palpable. A very biting cold had settled on the Southern Islands, revealing a light mist coming to mingle on the paved streets and between the alleys of sleepy houses. The ink-black sky barely allowed the stars and the moon to appear, adding to the dark atmosphere lurking in the city. Everyone seemed deeply asleep ..... Or almost.
Walking discreetly but rather hurriedly, three silhouettes wrapped in long dark coats, with faces hidden under scarves and lifted hoods, headed without a sound towards the docks of the capital, crossing the various alleys that led to it, while taking care at times, to look behind them if they were not followed. A noise of scrap metal falling on the ground surprised the forms, two of which took crossbows under their coats, ready to shoot. They were reassured to see a simple cat running away, having dropped an empty tin can of a garbage can. The smallest person, the one who seemed to be the leader, signaled the others to put away their weapons and follow him.
On the docks, everything was as desert and silent, the boats wetting peacefully in their seats on the opaque water and a moving black ink aspect. Having left the city center, the few remaining buildings were nothing more than simple warehouses, most of them empty at this late hour, or a few shabby trocars and taverns. The three hooded people entered an alley between two buildings, and descended a small stone staircase at the end of the dead end. A small, ill-lit corridor with damp walls led to an old wooden door with a small hatch at the top. The little person knocked on the door a few times. A few seconds later, the trapdoor opened and from the inside, a man hidden in the shadows was watching them.
-"The password?" he asked, suspicious. The little person fumbled in his pocket and pointed to a scribbled paper bearing the Southern Isles' royal seal and a red arrow pointing to the painted sky on its side. The man behind the trap seemed convinced.
-"You can come in."
The door unlocked and squeaked heavily, letting in the three men, who finally arrived at their destination, could reveal their faces in the light of the lantern hanging on the wall. The two tallest had an athletic carure. One, more massive, had a rough face, short dark brown hair, a thick nose and favorites on the cheeks. The one at his side was thinner, hair lighter, and a face just as cold. Erik and Francis, such were their names, and they were the bodyguards of the little man, who also revealed himself. Old-looking, wrinkled face, half-bald head and some gray hair, a pointed nose with glasses, and a finely cut mustache. He wore an elegant black outfit, military appearance and many medals. He let appear some disgust as for the humid atmosphere and this smell of fish which reigned in this place.
- "Welcome, Duke of Weselton." the doorman said with respect. The Duke did not care about.
- "Have the others already arrived?" asked the duke with a certain eagerness. The doorman nodded.
- "Yes, please, follow me."
The next room was a little larger, but of a dilapidated aspect, lit by some lanterns arranged in certain places. At a large round wooden table sat several people, all of them very rich and refined, and seeming to wait without saying anything. The doorman opened the door to move aside and let in the duke and his bodyguards. All turned to the new arrivals, and one of them, a round man dressed in blue and wearing on his cloak the emblem of England, spoke to him with a certain mocking tone.
- "Well my dear duke, late, as always."
- "I did not come here to hear your remarks, Comte William." the duke answered coldly, taking a seat around the table. "Where is our host?"
- "He should not be long now. I look forward to find out why we are here." said another man, tall and slender, very well coiffed, his fingers bearing splendid gilt rings, and looking quite self-assured. The duke recognized him too. Lord Leo, one of the most powerful lords of Italy. All around this table were other powerful and influential lords of their country. Grigory of Russia, William of England, Leo of Italy, Adam of the Netherlands, Mattiesko of Finland, and even a certain Johnson, who came specially from the new world named America.
The door opened again and this time the doorkeeper let in two new people before closing the door behind them. All the attention was on them. The first person took off his coat and hood, revealing his identity. A young man with a square face, short hair of a red-brown, and wearing a very rich, light gray and embroidered with gold, and white gloves. Everyone seemed surprised to see him.
- "Prince Hans?! So it was you?" said the duke with surprise. The young Prince of the Southern Isles smiled and advanced to the table. "Is the king aware of this assembly?" added the duke.
- "Neither my father nor my twelve brothers know. They still believe me locked up in our castle under surveillance, but no one can hold me back." said the prince with assurance. Since his attempt to usurp the throne of Arendelle, Hans had fallen into disgrace with his family. His father, the king, had lost all confidence in him. Hans sat, about to explain his plan.
- "My lords, thank you for responding to my invitation." he sat down in his chair, while the other person accompanying him remained standing in a corner, without having removed his black cloak. Hans, after sitting down, looked at each of the lords around the table, all waiting with some perplexity for the reason of their presence here.
- "If I made you come here, my lords ...." Hans began in a rather dark tone "... This is for a reason most vital, which could concern the survival of our world."
The different lords raised their eyebrows and looked at each other in puzzlement. Hans continued.
- "As you surely learned, exactly one year ago, something happened: the kingdom of Arendelle was the theater of a catastrophe of a magnitude that none of us could have imagine."
"Are you talking about these ...... creatures?" Mattiesko asked, Hans looked at him and nodded his head sadly.
- "Yes ... these creatures, the titans, exist since immemorial times according to the legends, but it is also mentioned their appearances, all over the world, since the last six months.....The world is changing, my friends. It may be that these monsters come to challenge their place as the dominant species on this world."
- "It is out of question to let these monsters take over. We'll show them what humans are capable of." said Grigory firmly. The others seemed to agree with him, but Hans was less optimistic.
- "I admire your determination, Lord Grigory, unfortunately it could be more complicated. It seems that some countries have decided not to fight the titans, but rather to welcome them."
Everyone was almost shocked by these words. The prince turned to his mysterious companion and motioned him to come and sit at the table, which he did. In front of all, he also revealed his face, to the great amazement.
- "Good evening gentlemen, I am Thoran, ambassador of Arendelle." he said, taking off his hood and sitting down on Hans' right. Count William rebelled against him.
- "Prince Hans, what is an ambassador of Arendelle doing in your kingdom?"
- "Do not worry ..." reassured Hans "... Thoran is well aware of the danger posed by the titans, and he is determined to help us."
Thoran cleared his throat and spoke to the lords. Having witnessed the Battle of Arendelle, he was the most experienced of all here with regard to the Titans.
- "I have witnessed what happened to my kingdom, and I could never forget it, nor forgive it ... These monsters have ravaged Arendelle, because of them hundreds of innocents have lost life .... including my wife, and my son." the ambassador spoke, his voice trembling with hatred and sadness, but he recovered himself.
- "Three of these titans, named Leatherback, Otachi and King Caesar, were killed in this battle ... But unfortunately, the fourth survived, the one named Godzilla."
- "But .... How did you leave one of them alive?" Adam asked. Thoran sighed heavily before speaking again.
- "Queen Elsa, and Princess Anna .... To my amazement, they ordered to let this monster go alive, considering him as the savior of our kingdom."
The lords around the table remained speechless in the face of these revelations and exchanged the same glances. How was that possible? The Duke of Weselton did not seem so surprised and expressed himself.
- "I'm not really surprised ... I've always known that Queen Elsa herself was a monster since the revelation of her powers. She even tried to kill me, and yet she was crowned and accepted as a queen..."
The duke spoke with a slight feeling of revenge. Since Arendelle had ceased all commerce, Weselton's economy had been rather weakened, to the great detriment of the Duke. In secret, the little unscrupulous leader hoped to obtain, through this alliance with other countries, the means to restore his coat of arms, and by killing the titans, he could become the savior of Weselton and the world. Her two bodyguards, too, secretly dreamed of taking their revenge on Queen Elsa, still considering that it was up to them to kill her, like the monster she is in their eyes.
-"And that's not all." added Thoran even darker "... A few months after the battle, Princess Anna discovered a titan baby, in a secret cave under the castle .... She decided to adopt this baby and even gave her a name .... For a year this thing continues to grow and lives around the fjord, bringing insecurity on Arendelle... "
For the lords, it was too much. It was necessary to act as quickly as possible. How could the queen and princess of Arendelle leave these monsters unpunished after having caused so much havoc? The duke spoke again, striking his little fist on the table-wood, and with a determined look.
- "It is obvious that Queen Elsa and Princess Anna are traitors to our race, gentlemen.The presence of these giant creatures threaten our entire world. It is our duty to eradicate them to put an end to this threat!"
-"And how?" Leo interrupted. "Rumor has it that these creatures are invulnerable to all our weapons."
- "Nothing is indestructible, my dear." the duke told him confidently. "I can assure you that mankind will be victorious, and prove that it is the true ruler of this world."
Prince Hans listened carefully to everyone's advice. Arms crossed, he turned his gaze to Thoran.
- "Lord Thoran, what do you think? Do we have a chance?"
The ambassador did not answer immediately. His mind was still haunted by these visions of horror ... Arendelle in flames, the smoking ruins and the ash falling in rain .... The gigantic forms of the titans .... And one in particular, with golden eyes and ember, whose roar shook the earth gave him chills of anguish .... Godzilla .... Thoran goes back to reality and looked at Hans.
- "For the survival of our world .... It must be."
Hans got up, and looked at all his allies.
_"The time has come to begin the first phase of the plan."
Somewhere in the Arctic Circle
The Arctic Circle, an infinite and desolate land of ice and snow, one of the most hostile and unknown places on earth. Many brave explorers were lost in trying to defy this white hell, and the few wrecks that dot the depths of icy waters testify to their deaths.
But despite these extremely cold temperatures, life seems to be agitated on a large layer of pack ice. Small, humanoid creatures, with green skin, yellow eyes and pointed ears, and wearing coarse armors of poor quality, try to dig in the ice and the rock, using picks and shovels. A tunnel has already been dug for several weeks now in a thick layer of rock belonging to a kind of gigantic island floating in the middle of icy water. Goblins with a repulsive appearance continue their work with a certain determination. While his fellows continue, one of them, with a snout of pig, leaves with great eagerness of the tunnel, and runs running on his short legs, towards a person of human size, wrapped in a huge black cape and seeming to contemplate the horizon. The goblin cleared his throat, bowing respectfully to her and speaking with some fear.
_ "My .... my queen ..... we found him."
The woman hidden beneath her big coat made a vague, satisfied smile and turned to her disgusting servant.
_"Show me." she ordered with her carnivorous smile.
The goblin obeys without losing a moment. He and his mistress crossed the long tunnel dug into the ice and the rock. All the other goblins departed with fear and respect at the passage of the woman in the black cloak, walking with a scepter bearing a sphere. It took several minutes to reach the exit of the tunnel, which led to an immense cave located in the very heart of the island. In this cave is a thick block of ice the size of the highest mountains. But what seemed to interest the queen in black coat was not this block of ice, but what is trapped inside.... An immense dark form, motionless, with large reptilian wings as wide as a thousand sails of ships, a massive body supporting three long necks with three horned heads.... The woman in the black coat expressed a smile even greater, while the goblin could only tremble with fear at the immensity of this creature trapped in ice.
_ "Morg." said the queen to her servant, while continuing to contemplate the giant creature. "Send without delay a message to my dear allies. Tell them that I have finally found him."
_ "It will be done, majesty." the goblin bowed before leaving without losing a moment. Remaining alone in the cave, the queen stepped forward and put her gloved hand on the surface of the ice, feeling this biting freshness, but also something else .... A very weak heartbeat, coming from the inside .. ..She smiles, even more satisfied. She pulled off her hood, revealing black horns on her head, yellow eyes and red lips.
_ "Soon, the whole world will fall..... Soon, my name will resound again in hearts and minds of all as an echo of fear..... I could become again.... Maleficent."
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