Chapter 8 - Rebirth of Evil
Arendelle, several years ago, one year before Elsa hurts Anna accidentally.....
_ "Elsa, please, another magic trick!" Anna asked, jumping in impatience, her eyes bright.
_ "Okay .... ready?" Elsa asked him. Anna nodded quickly. With a mischievous eye, Elsa made a few movements of her little hands, her fingers and her palms surrounding with an icy aura, and showing a star of floating snow in her hands.
_ "Wooow ..." Anna sighed of admiration in front of this magic. Elsa threw the star into the air, which exploded in thousands of tiny blue sparks. Anna applauded, enjoying herself a lot, while Elsa smiled to see her like that. The two sisters, still being children, continued to enjoy themselves in the snow covering the castle gardens, laughing and dancing among the snowflakes created by Elsa and her powers.
From one of the windows of the castle's grand salon, the king of Arendelle was watching his two daughters playing together, looking peaceful, and finishing drinking his hot cup of tea, which he placed on the small carved wooden table near the fireplace. The servant Kai arrived to pick up the tray and the cups. The queen sat in her large armchair and read a book, the flames of the fireplace bringing a pleasant feeling of warmth during this harsh winter.
_ "Look at them as they both have fun ..." commented the king, always looking at them with a smile "... Despite the harshness of winter, they still find a way to have fun together This union is what makes their greatest strength, even if .... "He continued, but suddenly stopped, knowing that he was going to come to the forbidden subject. The queen felt it and gently lowered her book to turn to her husband. The king let out a sigh, passing his hand over his face.
_ "Excuse me, my love, I should not have." he apologized. Seeing her so, she got up from her chair to come to her side, she also looking out the window, to see Elsa and Anna continue laughing and throwing each other, innocently, balls of snow. After a few launchs, the two sisters stopped, a little breathless.
_"What shall we do now?" Elsa asked, removing the snow from her hair. Anna thought very seriously, and had an idea.
_"You want to build a snowman?"
Elsa gladly accepted the idea and the two began to work on it. In the living room, the queen leaned her head against her husband's shoulder while looking at the two girls.
_ "Sooner or later, we'll have to tell her the truth." the queen said, wrapping her arm around her husband's.
_ "I know .... but not right now." the king says, "It's still too early. I want Elsa to enjoy her childhood. The fatality of this world has already deprived her of too much things....I want the same for Anna. This news could be as destructive for both."
_ "Remember that we did it for a good cause, for them ..... for her .... and for us." the queen reminded him, trying to give faith to her husband, to the heavy secret they had to keep since some years now. As they played, Elsa and Anna saw their parents at the window, and gestured with their hands. The royal couple gave them back, forcing their smile to hide their conversation. Once the two girls left for their games in the snow, the king walked away from the window, resting his elbow on the chimney, his gaze plunged into the logs devoured by the fire.
_ "And .... what should be done about what they told us .... Of these .... giant creatures ..... These titans?" asked the queen, returning to her husband. The latter sighed heavily.
_ "We will not say anything, as we have sworn in. The news of the existence of such creatures would plunge the whole world into confusion and chaos, and I don't want to bequeath such a world to our daughters."
The queen understood her husband's point of view. The king sighed again, tired. The weight of this secret began to be felt. He had the impression that he was silent in betraying not only the confidence of his daughters but also of the whole realm, and that affected him. Seeing him in doubt, the queen hugged him.
_ "You do more than your duty, my dear husband, and I'm proud of you. We'll tell Elsa and Anna when they're old enough to understand."
The king seemed hesitant, but nodded nonchalantly. Small footsteps nearer and closer drew their attention to the door of the large living room, which opened. Anna and Elsa entered, both leaving behind snow prints on the carpet.
_ "Elsa, Anna, what did I say? Leave your boots at the entrance!" the queen said sternly, but also amused, and ran after the two girls who ran away in the corridor, laughing. The king looked at them, smiling, but very quickly, became serious again by turning his eyes towards another window, that giving sight on the bay, the ocean and its distant horizon... Last night, when he could not sleep, he had come to this room to reflect .... And through the window, he had seen him, on the horizon .... That giant and terrifying reptilian creature, humanoid, back spiked with rocky spines, and with his golden eyes, seemed to monitor the Fjord, and particularly the castle ..... And in the morning, this creature had disappeared again, without anyone to have noticed, apart from him....
Arctic Circle
_ "Elsa ...... The daughter of King Dagmar and Queen Elfride ..... The last of the ancestral people of the Iss ..... I never imagined that luck could be at this point on my side." Maleficent chuckled all alone while pacing the frozen ground of the Arctic, enjoying the discovery she had made to the assembly, under the credulous gaze of her minions, the most shivering with cold. Behind them was still the huge block of ice enclosing the giant three-headed dragon inside. The creatures of Maleficent, after much work, had finally unearthed the ice prison to expose it to the open air of the surface. One of the goblins came forward, scratching the back of his head.
_ "But, my queen, I thought you were there for the dragon." he said in his coarse voice, pointing to the monster in the ice. Maleficent gave a slight sigh of dismay.
_ "Oh, he's only part of my plan. My real goal is this little snow queen." She said, smiling and eyes sparkling with mischief.
_ "But, you said that Godzilla protects this girl." continued the goblin, always so gullible.
_ "Exactly, you idiot, and thanks to this dragon, Godzilla will no longer be an obstacle in my way. Now stop asking stupid questions ..." she said, becoming more menacing, invoking a flash that hit just next to the goblin, making him jump out of fear. The goblins obeyed and were waiting for orders, until another ask the authorisation to talk. Maleficent has accepted.
_ "And you have a plan to get the dragon out of this giant ice prison?" asked the minion, to which Maleficent replied with a broad smile and turned her head towards the south.
_ "Oh yes, I have a big one!"
The goblins first did not understand, looking at each other, then were all frozen with fear by the resonance of a deafening roar from the south, in the sky. Maleficent showed no surprise, but a great satisfaction and sneered. Tearing the clouds as he passed, Rodan's massive winged form appeared, frightening all the goblins who fled to hide behind the rocks. Seeing the huge ice prison, Rodan went there, descending from the sky, and approaching the ground little by little, raised huge clouds of snow and dust under his mighty wings. When his legs landed, the ground shook. The tall, winged titan, now resting on the mainland, looked around him like a predator watching his territory and uttering fierce grunts. Maleficent had not even hidden himself, advancing to the titan. Six meters from him, she stopped, while he leaned his huge head, armed with its sharp beak, towards her. Maleficent greeted him with a little bow.
_ "Rodan, King of the Skies, as promised I took you to Godzilla on the Island of Frotz, and now I have led you to your master, so that you can finally free him from his prison." she said almost ceremoniously, pointing at the ice prison, which Rodan examined with great curiosity. Seeing the big three-headed dragon trapped inside, Rodan uttered a neutral roar and stepped back a few steps, while Maleficent moved away, letting him go, and was joined by her minions who did not understand what was going on. Rodan rose from a few meters in the air with a flapping of wings, then two, three, raising the snow again in all directions. The titan's skin was covered again with ashy veinlets, becoming incandescent like lava in a few seconds. Maleficent's smile was even bigger. That's exactly what she expected from him and moved back a little further, knowing very well the strength of the winged titan and the fact that he had no qualms about hurting even his own allies to achieve his goals.
Without the slightest restraint, Rodan spread his wings in a quick and powerful first beating, triggering a first giant shock wave and hot hit the walls of the ice prison, cracking in many places. About ten goblins of Maleficent not cautious had been caught in the shock wave, and were projected like puppets dislocated in the air. The witch did not care, she also did not feel for her own servants. Wave after wave, Rodan unleashed his burning shock waves on the ice, destroying it around the dragon. After long minutes, when the ice had nearly melted completely, one of the dragon's heads still caught in the ice opened his eyes, a supernatural bright yellow and showing unparalleled fury. The earth began to tremble on all sides, and the atmosphere became suddenly heavier. In the sky, the clouds darken quickly, leaving a very close storm. The two other heads of the dragon also opened their furious eyes. The rest of the ice prison began to shake, cracking and crackling more and more.
The giant ice prison exploded suddenly in thousands of fragments, while the huge three-headed dragon, finally released, unfolded his whole body, his outsized wings spreading, while his huge paws trod the frozen ground, making it crack and shake under the enormous weight of the monster. The three heads, each on a long undulating neck resting on a massive reptilian body, roared in unison, their jaws skyward. The roar was deafening, vibrating the air and the earth, and even unleashing the dark clouds in the sky that began to swirl. The storm intensified, as if the earth itself were screaming in terror at seeing the rebirth of this nightmarish dragon, whose height far exceeded that of Godzilla. Rodan lowered his head, as a sign of submission to the titan much more imposing than him. Terrified to the highest degree, all the goblins had hidden, while Maleficent, unable to conceal her satisfaction, admiring the great three-headed dragon, and spread her arms as a sign of welcome.
_ "Peoples of the world, be afraid and prostrate before your one and only true master ..... King Ghidorah!!!" Maleficent exclaimed with demonic enthusiasm, sneering with all his might, while in front of her stood the three-headed titan, unfolding its infinite wingspan, all his eyes shining with that ominous yellow glow and emitting super-powered roars, the storm raging all around him. The biggest threat the world has ever known ..... Ghidorah was back.
Having lost track of Rodan after a long chase and now swimming in the middle of the vast ocean, Godzilla was thoughtful, continuing to swim slowly in front of him beneath the surface, making flee the schools of fish and the most terrible marine predators in his path. Godzilla no longer even thought of looking for Rodan, and having him lost did not even matter to him. He kept thinking of Elsa, and that this witch, Maleficent, had been able to show her. How could Elsa bear the weight of such a truth when she would find it, knowing that he himself knew it from the beginning but still had to keep the secret of the parents of the woman he had always protected, and whom he loved more than everything now. What irony! He, the king of the titans and one of the most powerful creatures of all creation, and yet for one of the very few times, he felt completely helpless. Even worse. Despite the fact that he protected Elsa all her life, he felt as if he had betrayed her by hiding the truth. This feeling of betrayal weighed on his strong mind. How could he now find the strength to return to Arendelle and look Elsa again in the eyes....
But suddenly, Godzilla was stopped in his progress and his thoughts with a very distinct and heavy sensation, to see uneasily. His instinct never deceived him, and once again he was sure of it. His huge heart rose, but yet a deep anger and an immense desire of revenge took hold of him ..... He knew it now ... His old enemy had returned, more dangerous and furious than ever .. .. Godzilla's face scowled, emitting deep rumblings..... This time, he would not just imprison him ..... He was going to destroy him, once and for all, even if for that he must have lost his life. But despite the fury and revenge, the anxiety also won the king of monsters .... Arendelle! He had to go back to Arendelle immediately to defend them, because Zilla alone could not do anything about what would happen ... Godzilla turned around and began to swim faster. He knew it ... this time, the fate of all creation would be played out in this war...
After learning the cruel truth about her origins, Elsa had not been able to find the strength to return to Arendelle, and after leaving the troll sanctuary, had returned to take refuge, alone, in the northern mountain, in her castle of ice. Sitting in the middle of the large balcony with a superb view of the mountains and its surroundings, the young queen did not marvel at the landscape, too disturbed, and was content to remain curled up, sad and silent, the face snuggled in her lap and the north wind coming to caress her blonde hair. Although strong, Elsa felt more lonely and helpless than ever. Her world had collapsed under her feet, her whole life was a monstrous lie. She was both sad and angry, the two feelings mingling into an infamous bitter feeling devouring her like a chimera lurking in the shadows. A slight blizzard had risen around the castle, unconsciously created by the queen, who did not even realize it. Her wet red cheeks showed she had cried a lot, and she continued to do so. She looked at the palms of her hands, trembling with anger and pain, and squeezed them, intensifying the blizzard around her.
Clenching her teeth, Elsa stood up again and went inside the room, then without being able to hold back her chagrin, exploded again. Shouting with all her strength, she unleashed her powers, creating and throwing stalactites and splashes of ice all around her, causing extensive damage to the walls and floor. A few minutes later, Elsa managed to calm down a little, breathing heavily and contemplating the room around her reduced to ruin.
_ "Elsa? ....." suddenly made a soft, familiar voice behind Elsa, who made her heart leap in her chest. Anna stood at the entrance of the room, and by her side, Kristoff, holding Iduna warmly protected in his arms, as well as Olaf and Grand Pabbie. All of them showed concerned faces, but Anna she, especially showed a very sad face. Elsa saw it. Anna had visibly cried a lot too, and once again meeting Pabbie's eyes, he made Elsa understand that the secret was no longer just for her. Elsa bit her lip, feeling again shame and sadness overwhelming her. Pabbie patted Kristoff's leg.
_ "Let them talk between them." he said very calmly. Kristoff nodded to the troll and before leaving, spoke to his wife.
_ "Are you sure it's okay?" he asked, to which Anna gave him the answer with a slight nod of her head. Olaf says nothing and obeys too, following Kristoff and Pabbie out of the room to leave the queen and the princess together. Once the doors were closed, the two young women looked at each other for long seconds, without one of them being able to say a word. The atmosphere was heavy like lead. Then, after a most difficult hesitation, Anna advanced very slowly, until standing right in front of Elsa, who on her side, hardly dared to meet her eyes.
_ "So you ..... you know ....... about ....." Elsa was trying to speak, but her throat was so tight and new tears were coming from the corners of her eyes. Anna nodded again very gently, and she could hardly hold back the tears, her lips trembling. Unable to resist any longer, the two women hugged each other with force, letting the tears flow.
_ "I'm sorry, Anna ..... I'm so sorry ....." Elsa cried, constantly apologizing, each word being a real torture that was tearing her heart.
_ "You ..... You do not have to be forgiven, Elsa ...... Pabbie ..... Pabbie told us everything ..... No one deserves such a thing, especially not you ..... "Anna, too, spoke with pain, but still trying to stay strong and comfort the one she had always believed to be her sister.
Elsa looked at her, confused and drowned under her tears.
_ "But .... We are not ..... We have never been ....." she stammered between her tears, accompanied by those of Anna, who to hear these words tore her up even more heart, but took Elsa's hands in hers.
_ "I know ..... I .... I know ...... The words can not describe what I'm feeling now ..... You may not be my ...". she could not bring herself to say such a sentence as it was painful, knowing that it was true. But she finally found the strength to say it.
_ "We may not be related by blood, but for me, you were, you are and you will remain forever my big sister.... You are my family."
Anna had drawn in her strength to be able to say it. Hearing this, Elsa could only cry again, both sad at this cruel truth, but also admiring how her "sister" Anna, despite the shock, despite the tears and the suffering, could find deep within herself the strength to struggle and accept, as painful as it may be, and that it took her very long minutes, even hours, to realize and accept this truth. This revelation of Grand Pabbie had also been a shock for Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, who for the moment were the only others in the know, as well as Kai and other servants of the castle. Very touched by the words of Anna, Elsa hugged her again, this time a few tears of joy coming to mingle. Anna was right. Although fate has been very cruel with her, Elsa also have find in the person of Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Godzilla ..... They had become her new family.
The two young women spoke with each other for almost two hours, each accusing the blow, but accepting despite the sadness the truth that it was now hanging on them. Anna managed to convince Elsa to return to Arendelle. For Anna, it did not matter to her that Elsa was not the heiress by the blood or the name of the royal family. She was the queen, she had been appointed and crowned as such, and the kingdom needed her more than ever.
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