Chapter 4 - A Kingdom of Isolation
Three long years had passed since Elsa had not returned to the North Mountain, and yet, deep inside her, she felt like she had never really left, as if part of her were stayed here, which in a sense, was the case. Walking the path slightly steep and covered with snow, the young queen looked around her, the mountain range extending all around her like immense stone teeth, and the night sky covered with clouds coming to make fall a fine rain of snowflakes. Sensing the cold wind of the mountain caressing her face and her hair, Elsa continued to move forward.
This slow march in the night and in the snow reminded her some memories. It was here that for the first time she had accepted her power and who she really was. Although running away from her problems was not the right solution, she had felt free for the first time in her life. In the distance, she could see a dazzling aurora borealis among the mountain peaks and it made her smiling. Reaching out, she dropped a few flakes in her palm and with her power make them levitated and slowly dancing in a small whirlpool, before releasing them into the air.
_"The cold never bothered me anyway ...." she hummed as she continued walking, remembering that moment of her life.
After finishing up climbing, Elsa saw with some nostalgia, the small ice bridge she had fashioned with her magic, crossing the precipice, and right after, rising like a huge ice arrow on top of the mountain , the great ice castle, which had been during a short time her home, and where she thought at first to finish her life, alone. Although it was her work, she was always impressed by what she was able to do with her powers. She could have chosen to destroy it after finding her sister and the support of her people, but she decided to leave it as a kind of memory. She crossed the bridge without hesitation, and walked by step up the ice stairs leading to the doors of the castle.
She knocked softly on the door, and a few seconds later, a familiar face came to open her. Marshmallow, the great snow monster she had created as her guardian, and made his home in the ice castle, first showed a face surprised to see her queen here.
_"Majesty?" he said in his deep voice.
_"Hello Marshmallow. Happy to see you again." Elsa smiles. The monster moved on the side and invited her in. As she crossed the hall, Elsa felt the memories reappear in her mind and heart. Nothing had changed since her departure. Marshmallow did not live alone here, Elsa seeing Olaf's little brothers everywhere, whom she had created by dozens and by mistake because of her cold, having fun with each other and showing happy faces on seeing the queen. Elsa had decided to leave them in order to please Olaf. Some came rubbing on Elsa's legs, expressing their joy at seeing her, and she stroked their heads. Marshmallow stood a little behind and seemed to wonder what the queen was doing here alone. Elsa turned to him.
_ "The situation is a little complicated in Arendelle, and I came here to think and be a little lonely."
For Marshmallow, that was reason enough and anyway she was its creator and saw no reason to deny her access to her castle. He pointed with his big ice finger at the stairs leading upstairs. Elsa thanked him with a nod and went up, leaving Marshmallow trying to hold up Olaf's little brothers unable to stay quiet.
Elsa pushed open the doors and entered a room she recognized as well. The room, round and high ceiling, had not changed either, except for the debris of the ice luster spreading all over the ground and remained as such since. That same luster that had almost crushed and killed her. A memory much less pleasant for the young snow queen. After staring at the room, Elsa went to the balcony of ice, giving a high and beautiful life on the mountainous expanses. The slight cold north wind greeted her again. Laying her hands on the ice railing, Elsa gazed silently at the mountain landscape, as well as the ever-increasing northern lights that covered the infinity of the sky. She sighed, the same feeling of freedom coming through her body, but she refused to make the choice of flight again. If she had come, it was to reflect on the events that had led to the current situation.
The majority of the kingdoms of the world seemed to have seceded from their quarrels in order to gang up against her, all because she had chosen to support and protect the guardian titans. Since Godzilla's arrival, her life had completely changed, but she could not blame him. Godzilla is a creature living here long before mankind was born, so it was illogical to hold him responsible for his presence among humans. If a species were to be judged, it was humanity, believing itself to be all-powerful and above the laws of nature, and should pay the price by declaring war on the titans. Perhaps this was the punishment reserved for humans for daring to challenge the real rulers of the world? Elsa dared not imagine this scenario that would inevitably lead to the extinction of the human species. Some of the beliefs of the titans cults she had studied in Ishiro's book came back in her mind: According to some, Godzilla was the one who initially protected mankind, but would eventually annihilate it. Elsa's heart beat hard in her chest. And if .... After all .... It was a possibility ..... Seeing the humans declare war to him, Godzilla could finally decide that ..... No, she drove these ideas out of her mind black. She could not conceive of such a thing. Although she did not know the monster king as well as she would like, she knew him well enough as a protector of the world and balance. In addition, the unique bond she share with him reinforced her sense of confidence in her.
With all these thoughts mingling in her head, Elsa sighed heavily and ran a hand over her face. She was tired, not only physically, but also of this situation.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a slight earthquake and a thud. A second, then a third, in a slow but steady interval, like heavy footsteps .... Elsa remained silent, showing some concern about the origin of these footsteps ..... The noise and tremors, of more and more near, came from in front of the balcony, from the immense cloud of mist which had come to cover the mountains in its vice and completely masked the view. Preparing some magic in the palms of her hands, just in case, Elsa stands ready.
Gradually, an immense shape, even exceeding the castle and most of the mountains by its size, emerged very slowly from the mist, even seeming to remove the mist of its mere physical presence. Elsa's face cleared, eyes shining and a smile appeared on her face. She recognized this form .... These two thick legs supporting a straight and huge body ... These two powerful and clawed arms.... These dark and indestructible scales .... This huge tail of reptile, this back covered with large dorsal spines, and this reptile head with golden eyes and showing an extraordinary strength .... Elsa lowered her hands, remaining silent and admiring, while the huge beast stopped at about ten meters in front of the balcony and put his gaze on her.
_ "Godzilla ...." Elsa sighed, happy to finally see him again after all this time. Godzilla made a loud, friendly grunt, also expriming his joy at seeing the young queen again. He leaned in delicately, approaching his huge head from the balcony, to a few inches. Elsa put out her hand and gently stroked the titan's muzzle. She could feel the heat coming from his huge body, just as he felt her magic of the cold on his snout, but accommodated it. Decidedly, she would never stop being impressed by its sheer size and the power that he embodied. Humanity believed itself master of the world .... what a joke, and the presence of Godzilla only confirmed this illusion that humans refused to see through the veil.... Elsa let out a tear of joy running down her cheek as she continued to stroke.
_ "I missed you so much ...." She said. The king of the monsters repeated a growl again, as if to say: "I missed you too, Elsa."
As she finished caressing him, Godzilla slowly raised his head to look both intrigued and fascinated by the huge ice castle standing on the mountain. With great caution, he placed one of his giant hands on one of the walls of ice, touching it and admiring it more closely. Elsa let him, knowing that he would do nothing to destroy it.
_ "When I was a child, I never thought I could do that one day." said the young queen in looking at this castle with some nostalgia in the gaze. "I had come here three years ago now, because I thought it was better for me, and for the safety of my family and my kingdom, that I live alone forever in the mountains, like the monster that I thought I was .... In my kingdom of isolation ..."
Godzilla listened as he continued to contemplate the ice castle. He looked at her and made her understand by his look and a little growl that he understood what she was feeling. Marshmallow and the little snowmen had seen Godzilla in front of the castle, but dared not intervene given the colossal size of the creature. For Godzilla, this castle made entirely of ice was a new proof of Elsa's strentgh, and the protector status she had obtained. She, able to create such wonders and bring light around her, while he was only able to cause massive destruction .... He sometimes wondered if he was really the one who should be the true keeper of balance. As he watched the castle, Elsa rubbed the back of her hands, looking embarrassed and nervous about the monster king. The latter felt it and looked back at her, as if to ask: "What's wrong with you, Elsa?"
Elsa knew that with his millennial instinct, Godzilla would quickly guess how she felt, it was useless to hide to him.
_ "Godzilla ...." she said, nervously and sadly "... The situation has become critical to Arendelle .... Some of the leaders of this world see your presence as a threat, and .... They hold me responsible for helping you one year ago."
Godzilla growled softly, puzzled but understanding what she was saying. She continued, trying to find the strength to say the words and dreading Godzilla's reaction above all else.
_"They gave me an ultimatum .... If I do not help them to kill you, I will be deprived of the power and I and all my family will be considered as traitors."
At the words "to kill you," Godzilla frowned and growled darker, as Elsa feared. The monster king seemed rather annoyed by what he had just heard.
_ "I know what you must feel, Godzilla ...." Elsa told him in all sincerity "... But I will never fight you, and I will never let them hurting you .... You saved my kingdom from destruction, saved our lives, and for that I will be indebted to you forever."
Godzilla trusted her, but he felt the urge to give a lesson to those who dared to threaten Elsa and her kingdom. But he changed his mind, having already learned in the past that anger and hatred led to nothing but suffering. In a sense, he was not surprised that human beings were acting against him, having already faced their misunderstanding several times. Calming himself, he gave a neutral grunt and bowed his head. Elsa felt bad for him. How many times in his life did he suffer the misunderstandings of humans? It must have been such a burden for him. She herself had felt lonely and isolated for most of her life, but it was nothing compared to the supernatural existence of Godzilla, who had lived so long that no one could say it with precision, and had spend most of his time alone .... Yes, she was not the most to be pitied.
_ "Godzilla .... Please .... Take me in your hand." Elsa asked softly, touching his scales skin. The king of the monsters raised his head, and after a few seconds, slowly extended his hand just in front of the balcony. Elsa stepped over the ice railing and sat down in the huge palm of the titan, who brought his hand closer to his head. Elsa felt so tiny in the middle of this hand, but at the same time free, feeling the winds of the mountain around her. Godzilla expressed a grunt of gratitude and placed her, very delicately, on the top of his head. Elsa was now standing higher than she ever imagined in her life, feeling like she was seeing the world around her. This is how Godzilla see the world. She remained stunned. Sitting on the top of Godzilla's head, the young queen thanked him. Both of them, the queen and the beast, gazed together and in pleasant silence, the aurora borealis coming to dance above them. A moment of peace in these troubled times. Their eyes glowed with admiration at the sight of some shooting stars crossing the sky at the speed of lightning to disappear a few seconds later.
_"It's beautiful ...." Elsa commented as she contemplated the horizon and the infinite, majestic mountains that presented themselves as a landscape of almost supernatural beauty. The king of the monsters gave a slight, peaceful growl as an answer, in agreement with her. Elsa also understood why Godzilla had been fighting this fight for so long. For despite wars, diseases, famines, destructive monsters and all the misfortunes that could exist, the world remained a place where beauty and hope was still allowed, and it was worth fighting for that.
But suddenly, Godzilla's expression changed. Frowning and roaring fiercely, he sniffed the air around him, as if he had felt something. Standing firmly on the top of her head, Elsa could see that something was wrong.
_"What is going on?" she asked, worried. Godzilla did not answer right away, but turning his entire body, looked in a precise direction .... Towards the south ..... Towards Arendelle.
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