Chapter 5 - A New World
In his messy apartment, plunged into semi-darkness with the blinds closed on all the windows, Eren Michaels had to continue, most of the night, working in his secret laboratory. But this time, he was not leaning over his genetically modified plant which continued to grow a little more under its glass cage, or its multiple test tubes and glass containers containing the different chemicals intended to create some sort of serum.
Eren not only had an aptitude for botany, but also for electronics, having studied at the technological institute of San Fransokyo.
Sitting on his stool in front of his metal table, Eren Michaels was hunched over his work, his eyes shielded by a visor and busy finishing welding something. One by one, and meticulously, he finished assembling the elements, down to the smallest but necessary.
When finished, he put the welder down and removed his protective visor, sporting a rather satisfied smile with his work, a reinforced metal glove and appearing to have shock wave thrusters on his palms, emitting a faint yellow glow. Eren put down the metal glove, next to other equipment, including a dark gray breastplate of the same material, shoulder armors, elbow armors, metal boots, a second identical glove, and finally, a biker helmet, modified and reinforced, to hide his face.
Eren then got up from his stool to walk towards a map he had prepared himself, as well as a map of the city, showing one point in particular, surrounded by a red circle: a warehouse on the docks, and which belonged to the APEX corporation.
_ "Prepare yourself, Simmons ..." Eren smirked, his eye shining with a desire to destroy, "... prepare your prayer, for soon the angel of vengeance will come for you."
_ "I will always be there for you, Elsa ..." Anna's voice said.
_ "The arrogance of mankind is to believe that nature is under its control ..." Ishiro Serizawa's voice said.
With these ghostly voices, arose series of quick flashes ... Godzilla ... Mothra ... Rodan ... Kong ... Ghidorah ... Leatherback ... Zilla ... Shin Godzilla ... all those titans appearing for a few moments in these images ...
In waking up, Elsa jumped up in the bed where she was lying, breathing hard and her eyes wide with fear after the visions that assailed her mind when she was unconscious.
Looking around, she noticed the room she was in. A modest room, lit by a simple window, but the walls covered with posters representing things that she did not understand and that seemed completely unrealistic to her ... on a desk there was also another of these flat objects and rectangular, but which this time did not emit light and seemed inactive ... looking at herself, she saw that she had no injuries and was still dressed in her big white dress ...
Her mind still clouded, she tried to remember the last things she had seen ... she had come out of her crystal, to discover this gigantic scary and metallic city ... then, this group of strange people with their outfits ... and... Godzilla... she sighed... where was he?
While thinking about it, Elsa looked vaguely around, still feeling a migraine in her head ...
_ "Aaah!" Elsa then gave a little cry of surprise and jumped in fear. Near one side of the bed, staring at her ... it was again this strange being who did not seem human, but who this time, was not wearing his red armor ... he was completely naked, his body all white and round with his chubby arms and small head ... he almost looked like some sort of snowman, even though the material he was made of was clearly not snow ...
Seeing that the woman was awake, the robot took a step closer and with a wave of his hand, greeted her.
_ "Hello, I am Baymax, medical assistant robot. I am glad to see that you are awake and that your metabolism has not suffered any after-effects due to the experimental sleep gas that you inhaled."
Medical assistant robot? Sleeping gas? Elsa didn't dare move, raising an eyebrow, wondering what that thing was saying to her. Baymax looked at her without moving, blinking those little black circles that served as his eyes, before speaking again.
_ "My sensors indicate that you are confused."
Was he laughing at her saying that? Of course I'm confused, Elsa thought in her head.
She remained very suspicious, knowing that this synthetic creature had managed to immobilize her with its arms. As she stood up on the other side of the bed, Elsa remained in her defensive stance.
_ "Listen, I don't know who you are and what you want from me, but I'm warning you ... if you don't let me go, I ..." she started to say.
Suddenly the bedroom door opened, letting in a teenage boy with spiky black hair. As soon as he saw that Elsa was up, he looked both reassured but cautious.
_ "Ah, luckily, you're fine. I was afraid the gas dose was too high. You had been sleeping for hours. Do you remember me? Hiro Hamada. I spoke to you earlier."
Elsa did remember this young man, even though he was no longer wearing his armor. He had sounded sincere when he said he didn't mean harm to her and just wanted to talk to her. But despite this good faith, Elsa could not reduce her mistrust.
_ "Tell me where I am ..." Elsa asked, keeping her distance.
_ "Oh ... well, you're in my house. Me and my friends brought you back here. Listen, I know you must have a thousand questions to ask, and I promise we will do everything to get you the answers. But for now you have to eat something. Come with me."
Hiro, always wanting to appear as reassuring as possible, held out his hand without a sudden movement. Elsa looked at him hesitantly. Then she felt his stomach make her realize that it was very hungry. Indeed, she had not eaten anything since waking up ... no choice, if she wanted to hope to regain her strength ...
_ "Why are you helping me?" she asked the young man.
_ "Because it's a hero's duty to protect and be of service to all who need help." Hiro simply replied. "You are very strong, you have shown it to all of us, but don't pretend otherwise ... you need help."
This young man from the future was telling the truth, Elsa recognized him. Behind him, the robot named Baymax had not moved from its position. Hiro, noticing that she was looking at the robot curiously, gave a small laugh.
_ "I present to you Baymax, it's a robot specialized in medical care, made by my brother Tadashi. He too is a hero, in many ways."
_ "What is a robot?" Elsa asked, unfamiliar with the term for this thing.
_ "Uh ... well, he's a being made entirely of synthetic materials ... he doesn't breathe, doesn't need to eat or drink, and as long as his battery is charged, he doesn't never needs to sleep."
Elsa was taken aback by this description. A false living being, feeling none of the natural needs ... in a way, Elsa found this concept being monstrous, but preferred to keep quiet.
But Elsa's stomach reminded her again that he needed food, and she felt it harshly, almost in pain and still feeling very weak. Giddy, she staggered and almost fell. Hiro intervened to hold her back.
_ "Come on, come with me, uh ..."
_ "Elsa ... you can call me Elsa ..."
Hiro, Elsa and Baymax all three descended the small staircase which led them to the lower floor, where was the kitchen of the apartment of Hiro and his aunt. Around the dining table in the kitchen sat Honey, Go Go, Wasabi and Fred, all in civilian clothes and eating their dinner. They had obviously ordered pizza, the boxes stacked on top of each other on the counter.
Seeing Hiro and Baymax arriving with the Ice Woman, the group stopped eating and turned to them, showing looks more or less reassured to see her.
_ "Guys, this is Elsa ... she ... I assure you, she is calm and open to discussion now ..." Hiro explained.
Behind him, Elsa was very reserved, intimidated and preferring to hide her hands, not daring to look them in the eye. Seeing her very uncomfortable and still confused by where she was, Honey Lemon was the first of the group to act, rising from her chair to come and see her.
_ "Nice to meet you, Elsa ... you can call me Honey Lemon." she said with a very welcoming tone, smiling at her and coming gently to take her by the hands, as if to reassure her. "I'm so sorry about the gas, but I had no other choice ... oh, and if I may, I love your dress ..."
_ "Uh ... thank you ..." Elsa replied, forcing herself to smile in turn, and surprised by the kindness with which this girl spoke to her, especially after what she had done to them.
_ "Elsa ... this is Wasabi, Go Go and Fred ... along with Baymax and Honey, we all make the Big Hero 6 team, defenders of San Fransokyo."
_ "Yo." just said Go Go with a wave of the hand.
_ "Hey Go Go, to greet someone we don't say yo but hello or good evening." Wasabi then said turning to her, causing her annoyance.
Fred, in turn, stood up with a smile and came over to Elsa.
_ "Hi. Want some pizza?" he said in all friendship, holding in his hands a still steaming slice of a pepperoni pizza.
Elsa, round-eyed, found herself with this piece of food in front of her, and the appearance of which disgusted her to the utmost, giving her a retching.
Immediately, Go Go intervened, coming to pull Fred by the ear and force him to sit down. Hiro looked at Elsa with a sorry expression and shrugged.
Elsa, feeling a little better not to have this thing in front of her eyes, was still more lost than before. This group of people, although friendly, was really very strange ... she had been hostile towards them, had even hit several of them, and yet ... they were there, friendly and ready to go. help?
For a moment her thoughts turned to Godzilla ... she hoped he was there ... my king ... my dear king, where are you? she said to herself in her mind.
_ "Elsa ... come and sit with us ... I promise we will explain everything to you." said Hiro who had come over to the table and offered a chair to the young woman.
Still hesitant, but having no other options in store, Elsa decided to stay here, with these people ... if at least she could get some answers ...
Back in his office atop his tall, majestic tower overlooking the city, Walter Simmons was upset, brooding incessantly, sitting behind his desk. He still hadn't digested the way that little plague, that Jenny Forxworth, had dared to threaten him like that, in front of everyone. Him, the precursor of the new technological era which had revolutionized not only this city, but also the whole world ...
_ "Damn Foxworth... don't think I've said my last word... who does she think she is? No one can judge me, not even god." he muttered as he took his glass of whiskey off his desk and took a sip.
Suddenly, the automated doors to the office opened, letting in Simmons' secretary, very elegant, and holding in her hands a dattapad on which she wrote down everything her boss said to her.
_ "Please tell me there is at least some good news ..." Simmons sighed in annoyance as he ran his hand over his face.
_ "Hmm, not really, Mr. Simmons ... to be honest, we've received a distress message: one of our terraforming ships, the one on an expedition over Norway, has been destroyed."
Walter then slowly lifted his head, biting his lip, and looked at his secretary.
_ "Are you fucking kidding me? ..." he breathed through his teeth, his hands tightening on the surface of his desk. "APEX's terraforming ships are the strongest and most imposing nautical machines in the world. Even the iceberg that sank the titanic couldn't even scratch their metal."
Faced with the growing anger of her boss, the secretary swallowed, but still had to do her job. She then pressed a few keys on the dattapad.
_ "Before she sank completely, the ship's radio had time to record a sound ..."
The secretary activated the recording. First, the sounds of the howling of the panicked sailors, then of the ship sinking in the water, were heard ... then, in the midst of this chaos, a noise appeared, dominating all the others in term. sound power ... it sounded like ... a roar ...
Listening to this sound, Simmons and his secretary remained silent, frozen ... Sitting in his high-quality leather seat, the APEX boss felt a great shiver run up his spine, as if he had heard the thing there. most terrifying of his life ... he was perplexed ... nothing in the world, whether animal or mechanical, was capable of making such a sound...
_ "That's not all, sir ..." indicated the secretary, also uncomfortable after hearing this sound "... one of the ship's cameras, just before deactivating, had time to save this image ..."
She pressed the dattapad, revealing on the small screen a frozen image, recorded by the camera of the center deck of the ship. Simmons looked, and immediately froze again ...
The image showed the darkness of the water, as well as the wreckage of the ship sinking to the bottom, as well as the lifeless bodies of several sailors ... but in the darkness of the water, a giant and bestial form was vaguely unveiled. .. and above all, those two shining blue eyes, showing unparalleled fury ... Simmons knew it wasn't a distortion of the image ... there was something in the water ... something gigantic ...
_ "What is that? ..." he sighed under his breath, his voice hinting, a brief feeling of dread ...
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