Chapter 4 - The Encounter
_ "Patrol 14 to central! Several agents ashore! We need reinforcements now!" yelled a police officer hidden behind the wreckage of a overturned car on its side. Around him lay several of his colleagues, all stunned after being struck by ice projectiles.
Elsa, standing in the middle of the deserted road, continued to look around her in terror and incomprehension. She who had succeeded in escaping from this monstrous tower of glass, now found herself lost in this terrifying city filled with these people with wacky accoutrements and metal machines, like these carts advancing without horses.
Another of those magic wheeled machines, in black and white, and with red and blue lights above her, came through a street, making its horrible sound heard. Through one of the windows, one of the policemen started firing his pistol. Elsa summoned a wall of ice in front of her that stopped the projectiles before they hit her.
_ "No! Leave me!" Elsa shouted.
Still in the grip of fear and the desire to survive, she waved a hand, unleashing a great wave of snow and ice that hit the police car head-on, diverting it from its path and going strike a streetlight. The car's engine then caught fire, but the two officers on board had time to get out and run away before it exploded in a geyser of flame.
Elsa was panting, starting to feel a deep fatigue growing inside her. Her body hadn't quite recovered from the long hibernation yet, and this heavy use of her magic since waking up mixed with her ever-increasing stress wasn't helping.
Looking around, she could see a terrified woman, curled up against a wall and holding a little girl, probably her daughter, in her arms to protect her. The little girl, only five or six years old, was looking Elsa in the eye ... with great fear.
That gaze brought back dark memories in Elsa ... the same expression she had once seen in the eyes of the people of her kingdom, when her powers were revealed ...
_ "Hey, look!" then shouted another citizen, pointing at something to the sky.
Alerted, Elsa also looked and saw a red, flying and very fast shape passed over the buildings. Other figures also appeared from the roofs of the buildings around, to leap and come together in the street, about ten meters from Elsa, who was taken aback by the appearance of these newcomers.
There were six of them ... all wearing different kinds of armor in different colors ... there were two women, three men, and the last one, the most imposing of all and wearing red armor with wings ... didn't look human ...
_ "Look, these are the Big Hero 6!" said one of the citizens, appearing to regain hope.
The Big Hero 6? Elsa did not understand what this meant, but noticed the joy in the eyes of the people when they saw them, as if they were reassured.
For their part, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred and Go Go, all wearing their high-tech hero outfits made by Hiro, stood side by side, all focused, looking towards the Ice Woman. Hiro got off Baymax's back and stepped forward a little more than his friends, in order to speak directly to Elsa, who seeing him do so, took a step back and took a defensive position.
_ "No ... do not approach!" Elsa warned defensively.
_ "Wait, please ..." Hiro answered without showing hostility and raising his hands prominently, stopping to move forward. "... we just want to help you and find out who you are and what you are doing here."
_ "How would I know?" Elsa replied coldly "... I was taken from my land, and brought here ... tell me where I am and what happened to the world ... what era are we?"
Hiro listened to her and could see that she wasn't trying to manipulate him with these questions. She was truly lost, he could guess from the sound of her trembling voice and the spark of confusion in her eyes.
_ "Baymax, did you scan her?" Honey Lemon quietly asked the robot next to her.
_ "Affirmative. Her heart rate and stress are over the safe line. She is in deep uncertainty. In addition, her metabolism appears to have been plunged into a stasis of indefinite duration."
Meanwhile, Hiro continued to speak with her to try to calm her down.
_ "My name is Hiro Hamada ..." he said, while remaining perfectly where he is and without abrupt gestures. Behind him, the rest of the group did the same, but stood ready. "You are in San Fransokyo, Japan, and we are in the year 2150."
The date of the era was a real shock in the already weakened heart of Elsa, who remained silent, in shock. The year 2150? ... She had been in hibernation for so long ... all those decades, and the world she had known, all the people she had known ... gone, transformed into dust by the ravages of time ...
_ "No ... it can't be ... it can't be true ..." Elsa sighed sadly, tears streaming from her eyes and her hands clenching and shaking more and more. Frost began to form on her hands.
_ "Oh-ho, I have a bad feeling about this..." Fred muttered under his costume.
_ "Baymax?" Wasabi asked as he stepped back, looking worried.
_ "The ambient temperature of her body is in free fall ... I detect a very powerful energy. Origin: unknown." explained the robot, which was scanning again.
_ "Hiro!" Go Go gasped.
_ "Listen to me!" Hiro said, still trying to reason with Elsa "... I see you aren't doing this for the sake of destroying! You are in distress, and we can help you. Let us help you and explain everything to you ..."
_"ENOUGH!" Elsa yelled, unable to contain her sorrow and let a wave of violent frost explode around her. Baymax quickly spread his red wings and then took off at full speed, grabbing Hiro just before the wave of ice hit him and injured him. The induced wave hit several walls and cars, damaging them. Fortunately, no citizens were injured.
In the air, Baymax put Hiro on his back, who thanked him for the intervention. Once safely on the robot's back, Hiro communicated with his friends stayed on the ground.
_ "Guys, listen! Try to immobilize her, but don't hurt her!"
_ "It's rather to her that we should say that." Go Go retorted into the communicator, but agreed to the plan anyway.
In the center of the street, Elsa, who had fallen to her knees, hardly got up on her feet, surrounded by this aura of ice and cold which grew constantly.
Honey Lemon then had an idea and began to prepare, in her high-tech bag, the right chemical formula to create spheres of soporific gas to launch.
_ "Get her attention during this time!" Honey asked.
_"Let's go!" the others shouted in unison and walked in formation towards Elsa, who was waiting for them firmly.
Wasabi made his green plasma blades appear on his handles. Go Go, thanks to its leg wheels, began to run at superhuman speed, and Fred, in his reptilian monster costume, leapt as high as any animal.
Although surprised by this, Elsa did not let herself be intimidated. No matter their futuristic magic, she was ready to show them what the power of a primordial titan was.
Elsa attacked first, summoning a group of stalactits which she sent in deadly rain. But Wasabi, although surprised, was ready and had been practicing since. With his blades, he struck the projectiles one by one, destroying them or avoiding them.
Go Go, meanwhile, began to run faster and faster all around Elsa, catching her attention and dodging several of her ice splashes. While running along the facade of a building, Go Go leapt into the air and boomerang-style, threw one of her discs at Elsa, who deflected it with a wall of ice in front of her.
Elsa froze the ground just in front of Go Go who didn't have time to avoid her and slipped, losing her balance in her race and rolling several meters on the asphalt.
Elsa got ready to freeze Go Go to prevent her from intervening again and launched an explosion of frost at her.
_ "Fredzilla to the rescue!" Fred yelled, leaping and spitting out of his costume a geyser of fiery flames that vaporized the ice before it reached Go Go.
As Wasabi came to help Go Go to rise up, Fred stepped in and faced Elsa, who looked at him with hostility.
_ "It's between you and me, Ice Woman!" Fred snarled, still taking himself for a real monster in his costume. Elsa raised an eyebrow, puzzled. Ice Woman? What was that silly nickname?
Fred ran and jumped as hard as he could to reach Elsa. But the latter, with a simple wave of her hand, make appear a fist of ice from the ground which hit Fred full force and pushed him aside.
_ "Ouch! Not cool!" Fred moaned as he fell.
_ "She is stronger than one would have expected ... we did not even manage to touch her." Go Go growled in frustration.
Suddenly, from the sky, Baymax, with Hiro on his back, came in like a rocket and doing aerial acrobatics while dodging the ice projectiles Elsa was throwing at them.
Honey Lemon finally arrived, holding in her hands the three soporific gas spheres she had made. But the hardest part remained, to get the ice woman to breathe this gas.
Wanting to take advantage of the attention of the woman being drawn to Baymax and Hiro, Honey sneaked up a few yards and tried her luck by throwing two of the spheres, with all her might.
But Elsa had felt the attack from behind, thanks to her titan instincts, and with two blocks of ice invoked from her magic, destroyed the two small spheres whose gas evaporated in the air without touching anything.
_ "Oh no ..." Honey said, who only had a single sphere of gas in her hand.
Elsa turned in her direction, with an angry gaze and decided to take her as a new target, preparing another explosion of ice in her hands.
But from the air, Baymax and Hiro had observed and now that they were no longer being targeted ...
_ "Baymax, now!" Hiro ordered.
The robot obeyed and thanks to the reactors in its boots, accelerated its flight course, to fly at full speed towards Elsa, who sensing the threat, turned around. But too late, Baymax came too quickly and grabbed her between his two big arms, immobilizing her completely against him, like a real padlock, but making sure not to crush her.
_ "N ... No! Let me go!" Elsa moaned, trapped in the arms of the robot in red armor.
_ "Honey Lemon, now!" Hiro said coming over to hold Elsa's head and keep her from moving too much.
Honey came running and immediately broke her last sphere and made Elsa breathe the gas wire, who could not resist for long. The gas seeping into her nostrils and mouth, Elsa felt an irremediable sleep invade her and fell unconscious. Once she was asleep, Baymax released her hold and held her to come and lay her carefully on the floor.
Calm had now returned to the downtown district. The inhabitants came out of their hiding places, only to find that the heroes had finally succeeded in overcoming the dangerous Ice Woman.
From the limo pulled up on one of the side roads, Jenny and Winston also gazed in silence, having seen the entire fight from their position. Jenny, deep inside, had also noticed the distress of this woman with the powers of ice.
In the center of the street, the Big Hero 6 gathered around Elsa. Baymax knelt down beside her to scan her again with his eyes and holding her arm to feel her pulse.
_ "Her condition is stabilizing. The heart rate is returning to normal." the robot said to his friends.
_ "Great ... but what do we do with her now?" Go Go asked.
The group of heroes didn't even have time to ask themselves the question. From the main street, in a concert of mechanical roars, came a group of black trucks, all bearing the logo of the APEX Corporation. Everyone recoiled as the trucks doors slammed open. Groups of men in black and gray outfits, very similar to military uniforms, and all armed with machine guns, deployed in formation and gradually surrounded the group of heroes and Elsa in juste few seconds.
_ "Oh boy, it's the guys from APEX Corporation." Fred gasped in his suit.
_ "Thanks, captain obvious." Wasabi sighed.
Hiro didn't like it at all, like his friends and frowned at the sight of all these gunmen around him.
Soldiers moved away, then let pass a man whom the group of heroes immediately recognized. Walter Simmons himself, who walked steadily forward, one hand in his pocket and then noticed the damage done in the street, but didn't seem to pay more attention. His gaze fell mainly on Elsa, still asleep on the floor and surrounded by the group of heroes, whom like everyone else he had heard of.
_ "The Big Hero 6 ..." he said "... finally, I meet you ... on behalf of the APEX corporation, I would like to personally thank you for your intervention and for allowing me to recover what belongs to me."
_"What do you mean?" Honey Lemon asked, kneeling beside Elsa.
_ "Wait ... you mean ... that this woman ... is your creation?" Hiro said in turn, as puzzled as the others.
_ "Hmmm, not really ..." Simmons replied with a smirk. "Let's say rather that I found her ... and it is well known: what is found, is kept ... of course, I would be delighted to reward you for your action ... gentlemen, embark this thing in one of the trucks."
Found? What did he mean by that, Hiro wondered, confused. Simmons snapped his fingers, and immediately, a group of his gunmen began to advance to retrieve Elsa.
But Walter and his men were surprised to see the group of heroes intervene. Wasabi, Fred and Go Go formed a circle, standing up to the soldiers, while Honey stayed with Elsa, holding her close to protect her, and Baymax protecting them both.
_"But what are you doing?" Walter said to Hiro who was standing in front of him.
_ "You say that this woman belongs to your company ... from what I saw, she was scared and lost, as if trying to escape... I don't know what you dared to do to her, but one thing is certain: I know who you are, Mr. Simmons ... and as heroes, we will not leave someone in distress, especially not in the hands of people like you."
Hiro asserted himself in his words and went to join his friends to protect Elsa and prevent the men of the corporation from approaching her. At this sight, Simmons became much less friendly, his face darkening and walked over to Hiro to speak to him directly. Baymax wanted to step in to block him, but Hiro motioned for him not to move.
_ "Listen to me carefully, young hero..." Simmons hissed, like an open warning."You might know who I am, but you have no idea what me and my company are capable of ... this woman is a valuable discovery and legally owned by me ... so, good advice : give her back to me, or I can assure you that I would make you bitterly regret having defied me ... I will sue you and my lawyers will be happy to support me ... you defend this woman, but who will defend you?"
_ "Me, I would defend them!" suddenly shouted a female voice, young but determined, which caught everyone's attention.
Jenny, despite her butler Winston's advice to stay away, stepped out of the crowd of people to the center of the street, coming to stand in front of Walter Simmons and glaring at him. Hiro and his friends were surprised by this intervention but recognized Jenny Foxworth, one of their fellow students from the institute. Walter seemed to recognize her too, knowing her at least from her wealthy parents who ran one of the city's most important companies.
_ "Miss Foxworth ... are you serious? Come on, you're far too young and inexperienced to be involved in adult affairs." Simmons said, not intimidated.
This arrogance in her voice annoyed Jenny already, but she did not let this pretentious old man crush her and dared to challenge him even more.
_ "Think again. I learned everything thanks to my parents, and I know how much you fear them, Simmons ... after all, they are the only ones to have stood up to you in your life, and their company is the only one in this city that has managed not to be eaten up by your corporation ... go ahead, send your lawyers, while my parents' lawyers will defend them ... do you really want to risk your reputation in a new legal battle?"
The Big Hero 6 were more than impressed with Jenny's strength of character, having always seen her on campus as a sweet, lovable but shy girl. Like what, you should never trust appearances.
Walter Simmons clenched his fists, feeling the urge to crush this teenage girl who dared to stand up to him in front of everyone. But he preferred to restrain himself, seeing that many people around were observing what was happening.
_ "As you wish ..." he said, turning around and returning to the trucks of his corporation. "But know one thing ... in this world, it is always the most powerful who have the last word."
On Simmons' orders, the men of the corporation withdrew to return to the trucks. Jenny then turned to Hiro and his friends, and looked at Elsa as well, being curious to see this ice woman up close.
_ "Thank you ..." Hiro told her, hoping she wouldn't recognize him behind the visor of his helmet.
_ "No, thank you ... thanks to you, we have proved that Walter Simmons does not have all the rights in this city." Jenny answered him, who then returned to her limousine, under the gaze of the Big Hero 6, who now would have to find the next solution: where to lodge the ice woman and wait for her to wake up ...
Godzilla didn't know how many miles he had traveled since leaving Ahtohallan, and he didn't care. No matter what, he would cross the entire planet if necessary to find Elsa.
The King of the Monsters had to stop for a moment on a small rocky island lost in the middle of the ocean. He would rest there for a few minutes before leaving.
Arriving on the island's beach, causing the ground to tremble beneath his huge clawed feet and spooking the colonies of seagulls that lived on the cliffs, Godzilla sniffed around him, inspecting the place. He then discovered, in the center of the island, a source of water which cascaded between two cliffs and fed a small lake. Seeing this as a providence, Godzilla leaned down and began to drink large sips of water to quench his thirst and regain some strength after such a long journey.
After quenching his thirst, the titan decided to wait a little longer to recover, and to pass the time, looked skyward. Her thoughts turned to Elsa again, but also to other things. How long had passed since his last hibernation? He wouldn't know how to say it and after all, for him, it didn't make a big difference, one more or less time. He, who had lived through all the ages of the existence of this world ... he who had been lonely most of his life and who had finally found a soul with whom to share his heavy burden of guardian and protector king of this world ... that's why he had to find her, and make these humans, these ungrateful creatures, pay for what they had done.
But as he waited, Godzilla felt his instincts warn him, as well as his keen sense of smell. He was not alone on this island. Something was also awakening from a long sleep.
The ground began to shake again, but this time it wasn't on her part. Growling in suspicion, Godzilla turned to see, a few feet from him, the island's floor being literally lifted and then gutted from below. Columns of dust rose in the air, and from the rocky ground emerged a giant and very massive form, emitting a loud roar while he was awakening.
The creature, resembling in a mix of a dinosaur and a turtle, was four-legged, standing on four thick clawed legs. Its head had two curved horns on the head and one on the tip of the muzzle. His back was a huge shell bristling with sharp spikes, as was his lizard tail snapping behind him like a whip. He was about forty meters high on all fours, and was 160 meters long.
Godzilla kept a safe distance, although he seemed to recognize this titan, although he had not seen him in time immemorial. His name was Anguirus, one of the oldest titans in the world. Like many titans, Anguirus was originally from the interior of the planet, the Hollow Earth, whose nucleus radiations had been able to nourish the titans and allow them to acquire, over the ages, a size and a strength even beyond possible, making them living and almighty gods that no mortal creature could stop.
Anguirus rarely came to the surface of the planet, and generally, he never intervened in conflicts, having given up his role of guardian to lead a solitary life.
Seeing Godzilla, Anguirus looked confused and roared after him, asking him what he was doing here.
Despite the strength of Anguirus's voice, Godzilla didn't let himself be impressed at all and roared back, making his voice heard much louder, so much so that the island land and the water and the air all around shook, as if thunder had struck full force.
"Remember where you belong, Anguirus. Don't make me, in my own way, remember you who your king is." was what Godzilla said with his brutal roar.
Faced with the titan who dominated him as much in size as in strength, Anguirus took a step back, and before Godzilla's firm gaze, chose not to challenge him and lowered his head, in a sign of submission and begging for forgiveness to his king for being so offensive.
Godzilla saw him do it, and decided to give him a second chance, but one that would be the last. That same second chance he had once given to humanity, but which once again was wasted by them. Were they never going to learn where is their true place?
Over the ages Godzilla had not only protected mankind ... many times he was forced to destroy entire empires, the latters posing too great a threat to the natural balance... he had saved as many lives as he had destroyed ... for such was the duty of a god like him ... was he going to have to start all over again?
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