Chapter 16 - The New Era
While the storm had finally ceased, the new dawn had just dawned, the sun, rising slowly from behind the ocean horizon, revealed in its light the monstrous damage of the battle that had taken place. The Apex Tower, the tallest building that towered over the entire city of San Fransokyo, had completely collapsed and was nothing more than a huge pile of smoldering metal and glass debris.
From the air in the Monarch helicopter, Henri Serizawa, Jennifer Lewis, Jenny Foxworth and Winston gazed in amazement and horror at the devastation. And from the ground, the Big Hero 6, surrounded by dozens of horrified civilians, were also looking all around them. The entire neighborhood around the tower had been completely devastated and was nothing more than a field of ruins. Even an atomic bomb or an earthquake could not have done so much damage.
Was that the power of these giant creatures? Not all of them could believe it, even though they had seen it with their own eyes. How could such a power exist? How could nature have created such entities, even more monstrous and surreal than all the gods and creatures of known mythologies?
The police forces, firefighters and hospital services had arrived in a veritable army of vehicles, and all were divided into teams in order to come to the aid of as many people as possible. Police and military personnel kept watch, while firefighters and paramedics helped injured citizens. Monarch agents joined rescue teams to help free people trapped under debris from homes or buildings. Baymax, thanks to its great strength, was able to lift the largest debris and thus allow firefighters to access certain areas faster. Wasabi, with his plasma blades, also helped, cutting through several walls blocking access. Honey Lemon, with her acidic spheres, melted the debris.
Monarch's black helicopter finally landed, and Serizawa, followed by Lewis, Jenny, and Winston, hurried down, to get a closer look at the extent of the destruction that had taken place.
Meanwhile, Hiro was going to something else that had caught his attention. What he saw, lying among the rubble of buildings, left him speechless. It was a giant, humanoid body, made entirely of ice that was slowly starting to melt and disappear. The chest of the body had burst from the inside, as if something had come out of it.
Then, looking around, Hiro finally saw her. Elsa was further away, alive, but looking completely distraught and standing on top of the tower's pile of debris, she was obviously trying to clear as much as possible, as if looking for something below.
_ "Elsa! What are you doing?!" Hiro then shouted at her, scaling as much as possible the giant mountain of debris to reach her at the top. But the queen didn't even answer him, and didn't even seem to have heard him, too focused on her search.
_ "Elsa, but answer me, what are you doing?!" Hiro insisted, taking her by the wrist to make her react.
The reaction of the woman was immediate and with a sudden gesture, she pushed Hiro back.
_ "Leave me! Godzilla is under there! I have to help him!" was the answer she gave, devoured by worry.
Godzilla? Was she looking for that monster that had caused so much damage? Hiro remained confused, speechless and watched her do it. Meanwhile, Elsa's mind was still in panic. She kept seeing Godzilla's vision over and over, pushing it back to save her life and holding Biollante back so the tall tower crumbles on them both. The image of her king being completely buried tore her heart. Was he ... no, she refused to think such a thing.
"Please, Godzilla, don't do this to me... we just found each other... I need you!" she was thinking very hard, praying to all possible and imaginable forces in the universe that her king would still be alive under these ruins.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Big Hero 6 gang, accompanied by Serizawa's group, in turn approached the ruins of the Apex Tower, seeing Elsa and Hiro at the top. But the presence of the Ice Woman had quickly also attracted the attention of the police and military, who immediately took up their weapons and surrounded the ruins.
_ "You, the ice woman! Stay where you are and put your hands behind your head!" ordered the police chief firmly with a megaphone.
But Elsa wasn't even listening, continuing to desperately search for any sign of Godzilla's presence.
_ "Captain, wait, please ..." Serizawa said then, coming to him to try to buy time, but nothing helped, the police captain refused to listen and motioned to his men to move forward, their weapons in hand.
But as the police and military began to scale the ruins to reach and apprehend Elsa, several shapes appeared before them, like a bulwark protecting Elsa. Hiro, supported by all his hero friends, stood there, staring firm.
_ "If you want her, you'll have to go through us first." Hiro asserted.
_ "Uh, Hiro, are you aware that it is the police and the army that we are facing here?" Wasabi suggested, not exactly optimistic about the idea.
_ "It doesn't matter who is standing in front of us. If you threaten one of us, you threaten us all." Fred said then, backing Hiro 100%.
One of ours? Elsa had heard this, and at first confused, could not help but be touched by such words coming from them. Honey Lemon and Go Go, like two real friends coming to support the struggling queen, came to her, making it clear by their looks that the first who dared to try to touch Elsa would be dealing with them.
_ "Gentlemen, police officers, according to my analysis, there is a 100% chance that you will be in great pain if you take a step closer to us. So I suggest caution and that you step back, for your own good." Baymax explained, still very calm and scientific. Hiro and the others raised an eyebrow, a little puzzled as they looked at the robot. Did Baymax really, in a roundabout way, threaten the police?
Both the police and the military were bewildered, looking at each other without really knowing what to do. From his car, the police captain fumed with anger at this opposition and was about to give a new order, but suddenly ...
Elsa, along with the Big Hero 6 and law enforcement, all felt it very clearly under their feet ... the ruins of the tower ... they were shaking, harder and harder, as if something was moving below and was going up.
_ "Quick, let's get out of there!" yelled one of the policemen, who was imitated by all his colleagues and fled as quickly as possible. The Big Hero 6 did the same and started to descend, but they noticed that Elsa remained where she was, hope rising in her eyes and forming on her lips.
_ "ELSA!" Hiro shouted, trying to get her, but was held back by Baymax.
Elsa showed no fear and remained erect, waiting for what she expected to emerge. Right in front of her, emerging from the ruins, the giant, dust-covered form of Godzilla rose up, under Elsa's gaze who couldn't hold back a tear of joy from falling. He was alive! She had never doubted it!
Immediately the whole crowd around the ruins had taken a great step back and all eyes, a mixture of amazement, fear and fascination, were speared on the titan.
Godzilla let out a deep growl, shaking his head a little as if to come to his senses after this tower literally fell on him. He was breathing heavily, very weakened and covered with wounds, but he was standing, victorious again. In one of his clawed hands, he held, like a trophy, the decapitated head of Biollante, bloody, which he let fall heavily at his feet, like a king letting the head of his defeated enemy fall at his feet. With one of his feet, Godzilla violently crushed Biollante's head, reducing it to a ball of flesh and blood, and uttered a great roar of triumph to the sky, which made everyone's air and eardrums tremble, proclaiming this new victory. Everyone was obliged to cover their ears as the roar was powerful, and all felt their bones and their blood tremble within them. While covering his ears, Henri Serizawa couldn't help but a smile forming on his lips as his eyes shone with boundless admiration for the titan he beheld. This giant god that his ancestor Ishiro had studied all his life.
Just after that, Godzilla immediately noticed Elsa, who was standing right in front of him and smiling at him with all the hope and love she could express to see him again.
Godzilla, in a calmer growl, leaned towards her, covering her with all his giant shadow. But Elsa walked forward without the slightest fear, and with her palm, came to touch and stroke the titan's muzzle. What joy she could feel to feel again those black, solid scales in contact with her skin. Their gazes met once more, each able to feel the bond of the other, unifying into an even more powerful one. Elsa closed her eyes and rested her forehead gently against Godzilla's muzzle, who gave another deep, friendly growl.
But their reunion was quickly interrupted by the arrival of numerous military tanks and army helicopters flying over and circling the area. Another helicopter, this time belonging to a television station, circled, the cameraman on board filming everything that was happening from the air, in particular the giant monster and this ice woman by his side.
Immediately noticing the human military devices encircling him, Godzilla straightened up, his gaze scowling and growling in hostility, baring his teeth and huffing through his nostrils. He roared loudly, his eyes starting to shine with that characteristic blue glow.
Seeing him do it, Elsa gasped in fear and turned to these metal machines unknown to her but whose destructive power she had been able to see. But their power was nothing compared to that of Godzilla, and she knew that the latter would not hesitate to commit total carnage to defend himself, but also to protect her.
_ "No! Stop! Don't do that!" she yelled, waving her arms to force the military back.
From the crowd, the Big Hero 6, seeing that the situation was starting to get very tense, decided to intervene and ran to Elsa to support her. Meanwhile, Serizawa and Lewis remained and went to the leader of military operations in the area, a general.
_ "General, immediately order your forces to withdraw, otherwise you will go straight to massacre!" Serizawa suggested, more than serious.
_ "Are you kidding? Did you see what that monster did? We have to get it under control!" replied the soldier coldly.
_ "Are you blind or what ?!" Lewis said in turn. "He's not our enemy! All he wanted was her!"
With that, Lewis pointed to Elsa. The general seemed more than puzzled at this explanation, but not really convinced to order his forces to back down.
Meanwhile, the Big Hero 6 had come to Elsa, right at the feet of Godzilla. Fred, for a moment, let his geeky side take over, looking up to contemplate the titan from his full height.
_ "Wow, this is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life."
_ "Fred, focus, now is not the time." Go Go told him with a pat on the back of Fred's head, and kept him from wanting to touch the titan.
_ "Elsa. What can we do?!" Hiro asked in a bit of a panic.
But the queen did not have time to answer. Godzilla, eyes shining blue, as well as his backbones, suddenly lifted his head to the sky. From his jaw he spat out a mighty and immense breath of hellish heat of blue flames, which rose and tore the clouds and the skies. The wave caused by the blast made everyone recoil in fear. After huffing for several seconds, Godzilla stopped and, jaw smoldering, gazed back down at the humans. His gaze more than firm, he clearly showed them his strength.
Sensing very clearly the growing wrath of the King of the Monsters, Elsa decided to use her fifth god power. Clasping her hands, as if in a prayer, and kneeling down, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Hiro and the others watched this, not understanding what she was doing and preferred to take a few steps back.
From her hands, Elsa created a powerful aura of light, as white and immaculate as her dress, which gradually covered her entirely. The light was so intense that the Big Hero 6 and everyone else had to protect their eyes. Only Godzilla seemed able to look at that light without his eyes being awkward. As attracted by this divine white light, the titan leaned towards her. Elsa, meanwhile, opened her eyes to him, and her glistening hands touched Godzilla's muzzle again.
_ "Godzilla ... first of the gods and king of the monsters ... hear my voice, I beg you ... appease your anger, spare their lives and forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."
Elsa's voice had redoubled in power, echoing like a divine echo through the neighborhood and heard by all. A very strong aura emanated from her, making everyone's hearts and minds tremble. Godzilla was the only one who didn't feel overwhelmed by this aura. He seemed to listen and let himself be soothed, his eyes turning golden again and his growls becoming more peaceful.
_ "Let's go home, my king." Elsa breathed softly between her lips, to which Godzilla seemed to nod. He let the queen climb onto the top of his head, where she clung tightly as he straightened his giant body. With a look, both firm and sorry, Elsa looked towards the Big Hero 6, especially Hiro, silently saying goodbye, or maybe farewell, but making them understand that for the sake of all, better that she and Godzilla don't stay there. Hiro didn't smile but understood completely and with a shy wave of his hand waved goodbye to Elsa.
Godzilla then began to walk, shaking the ground with every step, as he made his way towards the water of San Fransokyo Bay. The whole crowd watched as the giant monster slowly but steadily walked away, with the Ice Woman standing on top of its head.
_ "Where do you think they're going?" Honey Lemon asked Hiro.
_"At their home." he said sadly.
Hearing the tone of Hiro's voice, all his friends came to support him, and together watched the departure of these two exceptional beings that even the most advanced science could not explain the existence.
Elsa looked at them one last time, over her shoulder, also showing some sadness at leaving them. She had affection for them, this group of young heroes who had been the first in this world of the future to regard her as a normal living being. She would never forget them.
Once in the water, Godzilla slowly emerged, raising huge waves around him, but only letting his upper back and dorsal spikes protrude, allowing Elsa to hold onto one of them. The king and the queen, under the gaze of all and in the glow of the sun of the new dawn, moved away towards the broad ocean to gradually disappear in the horizon.
_ "Goodbye ... Elsa ..." Hiro breathed one last time, who nevertheless smiled, happy like his friends to have at least helped two beings to find each other. Because such was the duty of what they were ... heroes.
Once Godzilla and Elsa left, the Big Hero 6 quickly returned to Henri Serizawa and Jennifer Lewis who were still there, with Monarch teams arriving by helicopters and trucks to secure the area, and especially to recover the remains of the giant mutant Biollante, still buried under the ruins of the Apex tower.
_ "I'm sorry, Mr. Serizawa." Hiro admitted, a little ashamed. "We tried to stop Simmons, but he managed to escape."
_"I know." Serizawa replied. "But don't worry, young Hiro. We will succeed in knocking him off the pedestal he built himself out of the suffering of all these people ... like Eren Michaels."
Jenny Foxworth, holding her cat Oliver in her arms and followed by her butler Winston, walked over to the group.
_ "Me and my family could help you on this subject." she said optimistically. "My parents are the most influential lawyers in town and have been trying to prove to the world the wrongdoing of Walter Simmons and his corporation for years. With this incident and this discovery, I believe that this time we can without problem issued an arrest warrant against him and shut down his evil business, once and for all."
Thus, the suicidal act of Eren Michaels by transforming himself into this giant misshapen monster will have served. Was that his real goal from the start? From now on, no one would ever know, this secret having gone with him in death.
_ "But still remains to find Simmons, and who knows how many this bastard has secret lairs around the world?" then said Go Go darkly.
_ "Monarch will now focus on helping the government track Walter Simmons to justice. And if you wish, your help will be welcome." Lewis answered.
With that, Serizawa extended her hand to Hiro, who with a smile and a determined look, squeezed his hand to seal the deal.
After that, Serizawa and Lewis made their way back to their private helicopter, as their teams continued to lock down the area and evacuate civilians.
Once the two of them were seated, face to face, on the leather seats and their belts buckled, the helicopter took off, now flying over San Fransokyo Bay.
_ "What are we doing now?" Lewis asked. "You know that the return of Godzilla and Elsa is going to cause great changes in our world. How do you think the nations will react when they know the truth? That this world is not ours, but... theirs."
Serizawa, who was reading a holographic Monarch tablet in her hands, looked up at her and showed a wedge of determined smile on her lips.
_ "It will be up to Monarch to show people around the world that the only solution is peaceful cohabitation ... that all teams stand ready. We have a lot of work ahead of us. A new era has just begun."
With that, Henry handed the holographic tablet to Lewis who looked in turn. On the touch screen, appeared the photos of Elsa and Godzilla, as well as their files filed in the archives of Monarch. But around them appeared other archived photos and names, as well as their precise geographic locations: Rodan. Mothra. Kong. As well as many others, demonstrating to Lewis, who contemplated this impressive list with fascination, but also a shiver in the spine, how far the world in which humanity believed to live for several centuries now, was far from being subjected to the illusory all human power.
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