Chapter 13 - Return of the King
The rain and the wind had redoubled force on the city of San Fransokyo now plunged in the beginning of this new night. But the storm would not be enough to stop the Big Hero 6 in their mission. Flying or leaping from roof to roof, the group of young superheroes moved as fast as possible, all showing in their eyes the same determination to go to the end, even if it meant having to face the entire army of the Apex Corporation. From the streets and sidewalks, and even from the windows of buildings, people watched them, especially the children who were smiling to finally see these heroes they had heard about.
In their line of sight, the Apex Tower, the tallest building in the city, came closer and closer, soaring into the night like a veritable spire of glowing metal and glass. But it didn't matter how big that building was, Hiro thought to himself. If he had to, to save Elsa, he would destroy that tower inch by inch.
_"Look!" Wasabi suddenly indicated, pointing downwards.
The others looked and immediately all had the same reaction of surprise. Several tens of meters below them, in the middle of the street facing the Apex Tower, a solitary form advanced ... which they recognized immediately because of the outfit he was wearing.
_ "Shockwave!" Fred gasped.
Indeed, it was him. The mysterious man who attacked the Apex warehouse. But what was he doing here? With all the things that had happened with Elsa and the arrival of Monarch, the group had almost forgotten this man, who nevertheless represented a serious danger with his high tech weaponry.
Fearing the worst when they saw him advancing towards the Apex Tower, the group of heroes decided to intervene and walked down to the street. Baymax landed smoothly, allowing Hiro, Honey Lemon and Wasabi to set foot on the asphalt, and were soon joined by Go Go and Fred.
Twenty yards from them, but sensing their presence behind him, Shockwave stopped in his lonely wakl, and dripping with rainwater, turned to face them. He allowed himself an unhealthy little laugh.
_ "Oh, but guess who's back ... the famous defenders of justice." he quipped.
With that, he tore off his mask and let it fall at his feet. Once his face was revealed, Hiro and his friends were more than surprised. They recognized Eren Michaels, a prominent botanist they had heard of, famous for creating several varieties of new plants. But there was nothing left of the vigorous young scientist, overflowing with optimism and life as he was known by many. Now his face was that of a man inhabited by hatred and sadness, it could be read on his expression as easily as reading the pages of a book. Of all the group, it was Honey Lemon who was the most shocked, because she greatly admired the work of Eren Michaels and what he had done for the flora of the planet.
_ "P ... Professor Eren Michaels? But ... no ... why did you do that?" Honey Lemon asked, still in shock.
_ "Why? Why? Ah, that's the big question ..." he sighed darkly, as he began to take off his Shockwave gear, until he took off his shirt to completely uncover his upper body. What he then revealed to the heroes was an even greater shock to them. On his chest, Eren Michaels wore the genetically modified rose bush that he had cultivated all these years in the greatest secrecy. The plant, covering most of the man's torso, had clung to him like a sort of parasite, its roots having penetrated his flesh. Faced with this vision worthy of a horror film, Honey Lemon had to cover her mouth not to scream, her eyes wide. The rest of the group behind her were as horrified as she was. Baymax, him, with his scanner, observed the thing attentively.
_ "This plant seems to have completely merged with this man's DNA. They are one and the same." Baymax indicated.
Eren Michaels, his body more and more traversed by the veins of the plant, then turned to the Apex tower and pointed at it with a vengeful finger.
_ "That's why ..." he growled, pouring all his hatred into each of his words. "Because of that bastard, I lost everything ... including the being I loved the most in the world ... and what justice did to help me? Nothing! ... but this 'is over now ..."
As he spoke, he took something from his pocket. A syringe, containing a translucent product of disturbing appearance.
_ "Professor Michaels ... I don't know what Simmons and Apex could have done to you, but let us help you. We have a common enemy." Hiro said.
But the broken scientists ignored these words.
_ "Now it's Simmons who will lose everything, thanks to my ultimate masterpiece... Biollante!" Michaels said like one possessed, and without the slightest hesitation, pricked himself forcefully, injecting the entire serum into his neck, under the dumbfounded gazes of the heroes.
Dropping the empty syringe which shattered into pieces on the ground, Eren Michaels was immediately taken in violent pains, to the point of twisting in all directions and screaming so strongly like tearing his vocal cords. His skin then began to turn paler and paler, then green. The parasitic rose clinging to it also reacts to the serum, stirring more and more, and beginning to grow and cover the scientist even more. The latter also began to change and mutate.
_ "Stand back!" Hiro ordered, grabbing Honey Lemon by the wrist to pull her back with them.
The group of heroes were forced to flee and move away as in the street, the bodies of Eren Michaels and the rose bush had completely fused to form a shapeless and restless mass, a mixture of animal and plant, and growing. more and more visibly. From the rooftop of a small, distant building, Hiro and his friends watched, in horror, the growth of that monstrous thing that had become Eren Michaels, which now exceeded in size the earlier buildings, even damaging them.
_ "Oh my god ..." Honey Lemon breathed.
_ "Please guys tell me I'm having a nightmare." begged Fred, unable to look away.
In just a few minutes, the monstrous thing had finished growing and forming, right in front of the Apex Tower. Its width had already crushed several nearby buildings.
Its size reached 120 meters high. A fusion between an animal and a plant. A gigantic trunk, composed of flesh and plants, and in the center, a shiny red sphere. The giant creature stood on towering tentacles capable of supporting its weight. Around his body there appeared a dozen long lianas, waving like tentacles, and at each end of the liana was a kind of jaw, like a carnivorous plant. But the most terrifying was his head. A huge crocodile-like mouth, adorned with six curved tusks, and inside, a row of equally monstrous fangs.
Unable to say a word and marked for life by what they contemplated, Hiro and his friends could no longer react.
Biollante, who had now completed full growth, opening his eyes for the first time, unleashed a mighty roar from his jaws that made the whole area tremble, and forcing everyone to cover their ears.
Without wasting a moment and animated by mad rage, Biollante turned to the Apex tower and began to attack it. With his monstrous lianas, the mutant titan began to deliver heavy blows that shook the entire building, crossing entire floors destroying them and killing all the staff inside. But around him, Biollante was causing further destruction, his giant tentacles crushing and destroying every other building that stood around the tower. Soon screaming and panic erupted in the neighborhood, locals pouring out into the streets to flee and escape this giant thing that had appeared out of nowhere. Biollante didn't care at all about the damage and death he caused around him, focusing all his rage on the Apex Tower.
Seeing this, the Big Hero 6 managed to come to their senses and decided to rescue the people who were stuck in the debris of the dwellings. Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, and Go Go would take care of that, while Hiro and Baymax would fly up to the tower to go find Elsa and save her before the whole building collapsed under the creature's assaults.
From the heights of the tower, in his office, Simmons was disturbed as he rose to his feet as the tower was violently shaken by those powerful and repeated shocks. He walked over to the large window to look down further. His eyes widened in horror at the sight of the great mutant plant monstrosity that attacked the building relentlessly, continuing to tear it open and hit it with its vines strewn with thorn-spikes.
Simmons' secretary, accompanied by guards from her personal escort, hurried into the office.
_ "Mr. Simmons, quickly, we have to evacuate you!" the secretary said in panic.
_ "Very well ..." said the boss of the Apex, disturbed by this thing "... call the helicopters! Let them destroy this thing, quickly!"
During this time, Elsa too had been violently shaken in all directions by the shocks. Still locked in the cell and held back by the chains, the queen looked around, seeing the lights starting to go wrong and already fragments of the ceiling falling all over the place. A deafening alarm had gone off, causing general panic upstairs. Elsa had also heard that monstrous roar outside and feared the worst. It wasn't Godzilla's, but something she had never heard before.
Moaning behind her gag, Elsa forced with all her might on the handcuffs and chains, but nothing to do, she could not free herself. If she couldn't get out of here as soon as possible, she would end up completely crushed by the collapse of the ceiling and walls.
Meanwhile, outside, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go Go and Fred used their equipment to save as many civilians as possible from the debris of the buildings and allow them to escape as far as possible, while keeping an eye on Biollante who stood nearby, but ignored them completely.
In the air, Baymax, and Hiro on his back, flew at high speed towards the upper floors of the tower, while agile avoiding the plant tentacles of Biollante.
_ "Baymax! Scan the tower! Look for Elsa's heat signature!" Hiro ordered.
The robot obeyed without arguing and began to scan the entire structure, while continuing to perform aerial acrobatics to avoid the monster's tentacles and the many debris of the tower falling in rain.
_"I found her!" Baymax then affirmed pointing to a particular floor.
No time to waste, the hero duo flew at high speed to the floor in question.
As Elsa continued to struggle in vain to free herself, she jumped in surprise when she suddenly saw the back wall of the cell being brutally destroyed by a propelled robotic fist. The woman then saw, through the smoke, the figures of Hiro and Baymax arriving in the cell.
_ "Elsa!" Hiro said running up to her and snatched the gag off her, while Baymax retrieved his powered fist on his wrist.
_ "Thank you ... quick, free me from these things!" Elsa said in a hurry and gesturing to the high-tech handcuffs that hobbled her hands.
_"Let me do it." Baymax said as he approached, and with the strength of his armored hands, broke the handcuffs and chain, finally freeing the queen from her bonds.
With her gaze and her sincere smile, Elsa thanked Hiro and Baymax for coming to rescue her, but they didn't have time to speak yet. The tower was shaken again and could collapse at any time. But as the trio got ready to leave through the breach in the wall, they suddenly stopped.
A huge shadow rose just in front of them outside. Biollante's huge head now stood in front of the breach, his giant jaw salivating and with his mutant eyes, gazed at those three insects he saw in that cell. Elsa was horrified by the appearance of this monster ... was it a new titan?
Hiro, Baymax and Elsa dared not move a single muscle, crushed by Biollante's giant eye watching them through the breach.
But suddenly a dull tremor shook the whole area ... then a second and a third ... slow but steady footsteps ... Although it sounded unknown for the Big Hero 6, to Elsa it was. otherwise ... she immediately recognized this noise, having heard it so many times, and immediately, a spark of hope resurfaced in her ...
_ "He ... he is here ..." she sighed, her lips shaping the beginnings of a smile.
_"Who?" Hiro asked the woman.
_ "Our savior." she replied with conviction.
Outside, Biollante, alerted by the ever closer noise, turned away from the building and turned his attention north.
In the storm and under the lightning exploding in the sky, something was advancing in his direction, making the city tremble under his feet ... he was imposing, black scales and golden eyes reflecting fury embodied ... Godzilla was here, ready to pour judgment on those who stand in its way.
Biollante growled at the sight of the King of the Monsters and roared loudly at him. But Godzilla was in no way intimidated, growling heavily and his nostrils puffing out smoke. In response to that defiant roar, Godzilla in turn roared with all his might. He had never seen this creature before, but he felt it ... this creature was not a natural titan ... an abomination out of control, spawned by human science, and which now threatened the very equilibrium of this world ... for Godzilla, this thing couldn't stay alive.
The two titans, both measuring about the same height, now faced each other in the midst of the rain and thunderstorm, surrounded by the city buildings. In the streets near the tower, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred, and Go Go had stopped, now looking to this new creature that had just arrived to face the other.
From the breach in the cell in the tower, Hiro, Baymax, and Elsa were also watching what was to happen. As soon as she saw Godzilla, Elsa regained hope and prayed that he would be victorious.
For his part, Godzilla, looking towards the tall human tower, noticed, through that breach in the wall ... his golden eye cleared and he gave a relieved groan ... there she was, Elsa, alive. Finally, he had found her. Although they were several tens of meters away from each other, their eyes could meet and they felt it ... However, the king and the queen were separated by Biollante, who roaring and waving his many plant tentacles, was preparing for battle .
Taking this as a challenge, Godzilla called out all his anger, his eyes glowing blue and roaring with rage, launched into the attack.
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