Two years had passed since the end of the last Titan War which had irreversibly changed the face of the world. The abomination known as Destoroyah, despite its death, still continued to haunt hearts and minds and the destruction of New York and its millions of inhabitants was there to recall this terrible memory. Since then, the ruins of New York, prohibited from access by the army, had become like a place of pilgrimage where thousands of people came to pray for the souls of the deceased or to contemplate, even from afar, this battlefield which saw the very future of existence being played out. A fight that saw many sacrifices and offered a bittersweet victory, but at least allowed the world to be offered a new future.
Unfortunately, certain companies, eager for business and profits of all kinds, had decided to ride on this media drama in order to launch the production of new merchandising products based on the titans, such as figurines, t-shirts, mugs, posters, etc... Rumors even spoke that film studios, like Hollywood, wanted to start production of a movie or series.
With the disappearance of the terrorist organization Hydra following the death of their leader Syndrome, Monarch had been able to gradually recompose its numbers greatly weakened during the battle and was now fully focused on preserving the titans and trying to maintain as much as possible the different governments of the world away from their business. Indeed, since the Battle of New York, fear of the titans and their immeasurable power had only grown. And from this fear was born a visceral hatred that more and more people shared, going so far as to organize demonstrations and demand that the titans be exterminated. Facing them, stood cult movements venerating the titans as the original gods of this world, loudly proclaiming their omnipotence but unfortunately also denigrating other religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc., declaring that the titans were the only true deities. Such oppositions had inevitably brought out the worst in human beings and a global tension had set in in this more than fragile peace.
With the help of governments, Monarch had managed to keep the existence of the Hollow Earth a secret, but governments came under increasing pressure, demanding access to the countless resources of this underground world, to which Monarch remained. closed to the idea, by order of Henri Serizawa. Dr. Ann Possible, who became one of the most important researchers in the Monarch organization, continued to present her studies and discoveries on titans at major conferences around the world, and asserted her position in defense of titans and their usefulness within the world, stating that as long as Godzilla ruled the surface and as long as Kong remained in the Hollow Earth, there would be no risk of seeing a new war between the two alphas.
The case of Godzilla was also mentioned and faced with too much pressure from governments, Monarch had no other choice than to let the army post permanently armed aircraft carriers in a perimeter all around Ahtohallan and monitor the slightest movements of the king of monsters. Elsa was quick to react, expressing her dissatisfaction with this treatment and then decided to cut off all contact with Monarch, annoyed by the stupidity of the humans and then declared that any intruder who dared to set foot on Ahtohallan would suffer the consequences. For eight months now, Elsa and Godzilla had not been seen outside of Ahtohallan... Until this day...
On a slightly gray early afternoon, a helicopter bearing the Monarch logo arrived, flying over the parked army aircraft carriers about a hundred meters around Ahtohallan, having obtained permission to fly over the area . The helicopter then came to land on flat and stable ground near the large frozen river. Only one person got off the plane, warmly dressed in a hooded fleece coat and his face hidden behind glasses and a scarf. Contemplating for a moment this completely supernatural landscape of rock and ice which presented itself before his eyes, the man remained silent then began to advance in the direction of a large staircase made of ice leading towards the heights.
But he had barely taken a few steps when his advance was stopped dead by a javelin made entirely of ice which came at full speed from the air and planted itself in the ground just in front of the man's foot which stopped moving.
_"The first was a warning, but one more step and the next one will go straight between your two eyes." then warned the cold and firm voice of Elsa who then appeared at the top of the ice steps.
The former queen of Arendelle stood erect, her silver hair in a ponytail and dressed in a majestic white and light blue dress, displaying fine fragments of crystal clear ice crystals at the shoulders, chest and hips, almost like thin plates of armor. Two men with Monarch weapons got out of the helicopter but the man in the coat signaled them to lower their weapons and wait, which they did. Elsa came down the stairs, eyeing them with a visibly irritated look. The man kept his hands raised in a sign of non-aggression and then removed his hood, scarf and glasses, revealing himself to be Henri Serizawa.
_"Director Serizawa." Elsa then said without friendliness. "I thought I was clear in my last statement to your idiot governments. I am done with Monarch and humans."
_"I remember it very well, and believe me that I am not trying to provoke you." Serizawa replied without hostility. "I'm even reassured to see that you are doing well... And... Godzilla?"
_"This is none of your business." Elsa retorted distantly and keeping a distance between herself and Monarch's men. "You can already count yourself lucky that I'm staying with him. Without me, he would have already smashed all those iron ships to pieces."
_"I know, Elsa, and believe me, Monarch is grateful for what you and Godzilla did." Serizawa said sincerely. "We realize that without you two this world would no longer exist. But also understand that people are afraid, Elsa. Afraid of what the titans are capable of doing."
_"Oh yes, I know very well what fear creates in humans, I have seen it for myself much more than you can imagine." Elsa said, remembering very painful distant memories. "I know what it's like to be seen as a monster, to be singled out, shamelessly judged and hunted down like an animal. I've tried to be more than reasonable, but the more time passes, the more I know that my place is with the titans, because they and I are the same. We have offered you a new future, you are free to do with it what you want, but let us decide ours. For my part, I think the titans have suffered enough for humanity. From now on, we will fight for ourselves... now, go."
With these rather harsh words, Elsa turned around and began to walk away back up the ice steps.
_"Elsa, wait..." Serizawa wanted to say, taking a step forward.
_"I said GO!" the goddess ordered abruptly, bringing up, with a firm gesture of her hand, a barrier of sharp stalactites pointed in the direction of the director of Monarch and the guards who took a step back, surprised.
Giving them one last cold look, Elsa walked away and disappeared between the rocks and ice formations. Serizawa sighed heavily but didn't get upset, having expected this kind of scenario. Knowing that he couldn't get anything more, he left by helicopter to return to one of the army's aircraft carriers, where James Possible was waiting for him, also warmly dressed against the polar temperatures of the Dark Sea.
_"At least you're still alive, I take it that things went better than expected." James commented.
_"Her reaction was to be expected." Serizawa replied, concerned. "They have saved the world multiple times and yet governments continue to portray them as uncontrollable threats. This is typical of humanity, preferring to lock away or destroy what it cannot control. In a sense, I can understand Elsa for giving up trying to convince them, but Monarch cannot deviate from its mission: to ensure lasting peace between humanity and the titans."
_"Yes... let's hope that this will not lead to a new war, because seeing what is in front, humanity will not emerge victorious." James commented, also worried about the future.
But as the two men had gone inside to get warm and returned to the radio room of the aircraft carrier, an alert went off, attracting the immediate attention of Serizawa and James who hurried towards the Monarch operator's station in responsible for monitoring the origins of alerts from the global radar.
_"What is going on?" asked Henri Serizawa.
_"Titan alert confirmed." indicated the operator while the holographic map of the scanner indeed indicated an imposing life form emitting a fairly high level of telluric energy which had just emerged. "Identification Name: Titanus Ebirah. Behavior: Destroyer. Place of Appearance: Rome, Italy."
_"Show the satellite images." ordered James Possible.
The operators in charge of satellite transmissions obeyed and displayed the requested images on the room screens. From the air, the center of the city of Rome was in sight, bathed in a pleasant afternoon sun but the streets filled with panicked crowds as from the Tiber River, which crossed the city, emerged a gigantic creature resembling a monstrous lobster with a red shell, bulging yellow eyes and armed with two enormous serrated claws. The enormous crustacean measured 50 meters high and around a hundred meters long. Dripping with tons of water, Ebirah wasted no time in starting to wreak havoc, propelling several boats into the air with the flip of his claws as he placed his paws on dry land. For Serizawa and James, Ebirah's unexpected appearance was more than confusing.
_"But... What is Ebirah doing here?" James said. "I thought Monarch had lost track of him in 1966 after a confrontation with Godzilla."
_"It's the case." Serizawa replied. "But according to classified records, Ebirah is an opportunist living in the deepest abyss, capable of going centuries without eating and rarely returning since his defeat against Godzilla... Contact Monarch agents on site to begin the evacuation of civilians!"
The operators executed the order given and began the various communications to carry out the operation to evacuate Rome. In the satellite images, Ebirah had begun his wave of devastation, having already destroyed three buildings and also attacking the largest groups of humans trying to flee, managing to seize several dozen in one go with a pincer to then start devouring them. Faced with this horrifying vision, Serizawa became more and more lost. The abysses and oceans were full of food, why did Ebirah choose to come to earth to feed? Something was seriously wrong. Soon, a squadron of Italian army planes quickly intervened and fired a volley of missiles that hit Ebirah's back, who reacted with violence, roaring and managing to cut one of the planes in two with his claw.
_"It was to be expected that the army would intervene." James huffed as he checked the various screens showing Ebirah's progress through Rome. "All they're going to do is make him more angry. The only one who can do something..."
Suddenly, a loud noise, like a powerful earthquake, was heard and the vibrations were felt, confirming exactly what everyone in the room was thinking.
_"I think he already knows." Serizawa then said.
Knowing who they were thinking of, Serizawa and James rushed to the main outer deck of the carrier to get a view of Ahtohallan. One of the rock and ice formations to the west shattered and crumbled into thousands of pieces as slowly but surely the towering and powerful form of Godzilla rose, awakening from his slumber and showing, in his eye golden, an overwhelming ferocity. On the top of his head was Elsa, standing and just as determined to stop the threat that had just disturbed the natural balance. A predator had invaded and attacked their territory, he was going to regret it.
Elsa then jumped from Godzilla's head, letting herself fall for a few moments in the void then, her eyes glowing in blue, caused colossal magic to flow from her hands, transforming in a few seconds into her titanic form of a dragon of ice and water, deploying her majstuous wings made up of of thousands of ice feathers and flying with speed and grace through the air, while Godzilla looked up to the sky and expressed a mighty roar, accompanied by the dragon Elsa who also roared to support her king in this call to battle.
The king of monsters entered the water, kicking up huge waves in his wake, then, his back spikes protruding and tearing the surface in his wake, began to swim southward. From the air, Elsa took the same direction as Godzilla, even flying over the aircraft carriers while completely ignoring them. However, Godzilla was heading straight towards Serizawa's aircraft carrier and James who opened their eyes wide.
_"Avoidance maneuver!" James quickly warned by talkie.
But with its size and weight, the carrier ship could only move very slowly and the collision seemed inevitable, with Godzilla not slowing down. But against all odds, Godzilla dove just in time to the depths, passing just below the ship, before returning to the surface on the other side and continuing his journey after avoiding the obstacle. On board, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and Serizawa then watched, not without showing a hint of a smile, the two titans moving away, one in the water, the other in the air, towards their duty as protectors of the earth. The world was wrong about Godzilla and Elsa, he knew it and he hoped that one day they would receive the just reward they deserve.
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