Chapter 7 - Nature and Humanity
While Kong continued to regain his strength before returning to the Hollow Earth, Ann had gathered everyone in the meeting room of the Monarch compound in Middleton. Elsa, James and Trapper were present, while Jia go back to her bedroom. The reason for the meeting was revealed when Ann's chief operator and second-in-command, Gretchen, arrived around the holographic table.
_"A few hours ago, director Henri Serizawa sent us these images." Gretchen said, activating the holo-video projection. "This is a recording recovered by our agents from the remains of an oil rig off the coast of Colombia."
Everyone looked then showed the same surprised then horrified expressions at the sight of this gigantic mass of gray-black living mud massacring the workers while devastating the station and feeding on the oil.
_"Damn... What is this horror?" whispered Trapper.
_"We don't know because this thing doesn't appear on any of our radars and doesn't emit any signatures of any kind." Gretchen explained. "But the most disturbing thing is that we have been informed of similar incidents occurring recently around the world. In Africa, several factories were attacked as well as an oil tanker off the coast of South Korea which was apparently sucked underwater. All the testimonies agree on the presence of the same muddy and living mass. Several large landfills around the world are also believed to be invaded by this unknown substance which absorbs all types of waste and is aggressive towards any form of life that attempts to approach it."
The group shared the same puzzled looks, no one, not even Elsa, having ever seen a phenomenon like this.
_"Really strange." James said. "But you noticed that this thing is only reported in places where the levels of elements like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxides are very high. It's as if... This thing was attracted to pollution and fed on it."
_"Not just pollution, it seems." Ann added, looking better at the recording. "This thing doesn't seem closed to the consumption of living beings."
Elsa had said nothing from the beginning, remaining in the background, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed but not showing herself to be indifferent to the situation. On the contrary, she was thoughtful regarding this entity. Was that why Godzilla left? Quite possible, but if this thing didn't emit any vital signs of any kind, how could Godzilla detect it?
_"That's not all." Gretchen then said, changing the subject and playing other recordings on the holo-video, this time showing videos taken by surveillance drones all over the world. The various videos showed titans having escaped from their places of confinement and were now moving freely. "Egypt, Canada, Peru, Scotland... Several outposts have reported that titans have awakened from their slumber and broken free."
Indeed, everyone could only see the fact by watching the different videos. The titan Sekhmet was shown flying into the air after breaking free from confinement near Cairo. Baphomet was free too, crossing the Canadian Rockies heading south. Leviathan had broken its underwater confinement in Loch Ness and disappeared from radar as it crossed the rift at the bottom of the lake. Quetzalcoatl had flown from Machu Picchu in Peru and was now flying towards Colombia. Anguirus had currently appeared in Mongolia from a rift in the Hollow Earth but was now heading towards South Korea. Gamera too had left her lair in Mount Fuji and headed towards France, just as Rodan had left his lair on Isla de Mara to fly towards Colombia.
Everywhere there were alerts of titan escapes, to everyone's incomprehension, but not Elsa, who easily guessed the reason for such a mass awakening.
_"It's Godzilla." she said with conviction. "He has declared the start of war and now the titans answer their king's call."
Ann, James, Trapper and Gretchen noticed that in the videos, the titans on the loose showed no aggressive signs and simply ignored the human towns and villages they passed and even ignored the pathetic attempts of the armies of the various governments to stop them, they were just moving around, as if they had received orders to reach a very specific location. Elsa then walked forward, looking at each of the titans in each of the videos.
_"Did Monarch really think that simple prisons could hold such entities?" Elsa continued coldly. "These titans remained in their place because they had received the order. But nothing opposes the will of the true masters of this world and especially not humanity."
_"To hear you, you really admire the titans." Trapper commented with some admiration for the frank character of the former queen of Arendelle.
Elsa didn't answer him but recognized that he had a point and she didn't hide it. However, the escape of all these titans did not seem too much to the taste of Ann, James and Gretchen.
_"Unfortunately, many do not share your same admiration." James whispered darkly.
_"What do you mean?" Trapper asked, raising an eyebrow.
_"For years now, the governments of the nations have continued to put pressure on Monarch and with the incidents in Hong Kong and then the appearance of Destoroyah, it has only gotten worse." Ann explained. "The leaders of the world believe that we are incapable of handling the case of the titans and would like to have access to the entire Hollow Earth. So far we have managed to hold out, but for how much longer?"
_"So basically, they claim to be better than Monarch but in reality they just hope to be able to exploit the Hollow Earth and all its resources." Trapper guessed.
_"Typical of humans' greed and desire for control." Elsa judged without being surprised. "But if they think that me and the titans will let them do this, they are sadly mistaken and will have to face the consequences."
Elsa's firm voice gave everyone shivers and her eye proved that she wasn't joking. Since the war against Destoroyah, she had really changed, disgusted with this humanity which tirelessly continued to treat her and the titans as threats, after all the sacrifices they had to suffer for the preservation of this world and its dangerous balance. Elsa then left the room calmly under the gaze of the others.
_"Well, I wouldn't like to be her enemy." Trapper said.
_"She was tough, but besides, who could blame her after everything she's already been through." Ann replied, understanding.
Trapper didn't add anything but remained thoughtful about what Elsa had experienced. As for Gretchen, that wasn't the only bad news she had to share.
_"I also have to tell you that... well... We have lost all contact with Outpost 1."
The Hollow Earth Observation Outpost? Ann gasped at this most disconcerting news. Outpost 1 had, however, been instructed to report every day on its situation and the last one was two days ago. It really wasn't normal. With the titans on the loose, this unknown entity attacking the planet's polluted sites and Godzilla on his crusade, and now the unsual silence of the Hollow Earth outpost, Ann really feared the worst. She would have liked to have more time to prepare for the expedition but...
_"Prepare the HEAV." ordered Ann Possible. "We're leaving for the Hollow Earth in less than an hour."
Gretchen obeyed the order received and immediately transmitted to the technical team for the preparation of the machine. Ann's gaze met James's and he made her understand that he was coming with her, to which she did not object. She then turned to Trapper.
_"We'll need all the help we can get. Will you join us?"
_"Though you would never ask." replied Trapper with pleasure and being up for the expedition.
While the expedition was setting up, Elsa returned to Jia in her room. Sitting opposite each other on the large bed, they had discussed a most crucial subject which concerned them both: visions. Jia had described as best as possible what she had been seeing for some time and this only confirmed to Elsa what she suspected. Most of Jia's visions were the same ones she had seen in Ahtohallan's memory. Eager to find out more, Elsa knew there was only one real way to get to the bottom of this: she had to return to the Hollow Earth. With Godzilla and the other titans patrolling the world, she knew the surface would be defended during her absence.
But despite her determination to go through with it, Elsa didn't want to risk Jia's life.
_"I want you to be really sure of yourself, Jia." Elsa said while signing with her hands. "You have already risked your life many times and if something bad happened to you, I would not be able to forgive myself."
_*I thought about it and my decision is made.* Jia signed in response. *I'm tired of being afraid and constantly searching for who I really am. The answer is in the Hollow Earth, I feel it deep within me. Only like this can I fully fulfill my role as Titan of Life and make you, Kong and Moana proud of me.*
Elsa could see all the determination in the young girl's eyes and it made her smile. Such strength of character at such a young age commanded respect. She almost reminded her of Anna in a way.
_"They are already proud of you, Jia." Elsa then replied sincerely. "You defeated the demon Chernabog and prevented the collapse of our universe. The world could not be in better hands than yours."
_*Don't put yourself down like that, Elsa.* Jia then humbly signed with a shy smile. *You and Godzilla have also saved the world numerous times and it was you two who defeated Destoroyah.*
_"Perhaps, but that hasn't stopped humanity from turning its back on us." sighed Elsa more morosely. "Over time, I came to realize that deep down, me and Godzilla are the protectors of the natural balance of the world, but not of humanity. Maybe deep down, protecting humans is your role to you and Kong."
Jia was thoughtful about this possibility. Godzilla the protector of natural balance and Kong the protector of humanity? Was that why they were so opposed? It is true that during his fights, Godzilla never paid attention to the colossal damage he could inflict on cities or the numerous humans he had already killed, voluntarily or not. Godzilla embodied nature, its majesty but also its strength and its anger, and Kong embodied the best of humanity: altruism, courage and tolerance. Two kings, two opposite sides of the same coin, each embodying a primordial force.
_*Since the dawn of time, humans have tirelessly tried to impose their domination on nature, like a perpetual war and Godzilla and Kong, despite their different alliances, have never ceased to be in constant rivalry.* Jia signed. *But what if nature and humanity managed to unite, even just once... Perhaps Godzilla and Kong are the key to this alliance?*
Can they stop the war between Godzilla and Kong? Elsa wanted to believe it but knew it would be difficult, knowing the impulsive nature of her king and knowing that neither titan would bend the knee to the other.
_"We will do our best, "little sister"." Elsa then said.
Jia smiled and leaned against Elsa and the two shared a gentle embrace.
Later, the time had finally come. The Monarch HEAV shuttle had received all possible checks and settings and a pilot, Mikael, a rather gruff looking guy, but one of the best in the complex, had been assigned as pilot for the mission. In the hangar locker room, Ann, Trapper, and James were finishing putting on their exploration outfits and walking boots. Jia then entered the locker room and walked towards her adoptive parents.
_*I'm coming with you.* then signed the young girl without hesitation.
_*What? Out of the question, it's far too dangerous.* replied Ann.
_*You will need me and I want to help Kong.* Jia retorted. *And then my place is with you as yours is with me.*
_*Really? You're using my own words against me?* Ann then signed.
Jia then showed a small smirk, indicating the fact that she had just caught her adoptive mother in her own trap. Ann sighed heavily, then met James' gaze, who although reluctant to take Jia with them, admitted the fact that this mission concerned Jia as much as them. Ann finally gave in and agreed, but insisted that Jia stay close to them at all times. The young Iwi thanked her adoptive parents and Trapper then gave her an exploration outfit to fit her. Ann watched her adopted daughter go to get ready in one of the locker rooms, looking worried, but felt her husband's hand on her shoulder.
_"Our daughter is already a woman." James said with some pride. "She reminds me of Kim, the same determination and inner strength. We will protect her, my love."
Once everyone was ready, Ann, Jia, James and Trapper, all ready for the mission, crossed the corridor leading outside to the takeoff platform where the HEAV and pilot Mikael were waiting. Around the shuttle, Monarch technicians were finishing the final checks. Mikael then saw Ann give him a thumbs up, indicating that everyone was ready and that everyone could come on board.
At the same time, Kong had fully recovered and was standing up, stomping across the beach, towards the water's edge towards the large vortex. Elsa had reached the beach, alone, walking towards the giant gorilla. Kong noticed her and looked at her, giving a friendly growl with a nod, guessing she was coming with him. Elsa smiled back then summoned a magical aura of ice around her hands, completely surrounding her like a real blizzard then transformed back into her titanic ice dragon form, spreading her majestic wings and emitting a powerful roar before fly into the air.
From the takeoff platform, the HEAV crew was able to watch Elsa's transformation into a titan and saw her fly away with strength and grace. Even though it wasn't the first time she had seen her do it, Jia was still fascinated by this transformation.
_"Ha ha, that's so cool!" Trapper laughed enthusiastically.
James and Trapper sat in the two seats just behind the cockpit while Ann and Jia sat side by side in the two back seats, installing their seat belts.
_"Ok ladies and gentlemen, here are the rules." indicated pilot Mikael rather coldly. "First of all, I'm the captain, so you follow my instructions. If you vomit, you clean up yourself. And if you die, you do it off my ship, that's not my problem."
The pilot's departure speech cast a chill among the crew.
_"Well... what enthusiasm." James said ironically.
_"Oh, don't pay attention to Mikael." Trapper told him. "It's his way of expressing his affection."
Outside, the vortex towards the Hollow Earth had fully opened, like a veritable whirlpool. Kong walked towards its edge without fear, hovered over by the dragon Elsa who was waiting for the signal to enter. The HEAV ship took off with its crew, and everyone held on tightly to their seats. Ann and Jia exchanged a look, then held hands.
_"Let's go to Hollow Earth!" Trapper shouted. "And be careful not to swallow your tongue!"
_"What?!" James gasped.
Ann shook her head as Trapper looked at her and winked, proud of her statement.
Kong was the one who would lead the way, leaping without hesitation through the immense vortex. Elsa then followed, gaining momentum from the air and dropping in a quick dive like a hawk directly into the vortex. It was the HEAV's turn to make an agile positioning maneuver then dive at full speed into the wormhole.
_"ROCK N ROLL!!" Trapper laughed.
_"OH MY GOD, I HATE THAT!" James yelled.
Ann and Jia continued to hold hands tightly and closed their eyes as a blinding glow like the sun filled the space in front of them, then all went black and silent.
Meanwhile, Godzilla had just arrived in the Mediterranean Sea, having almost reached his first destination. Returning to the surface, he raised his head above the water, looking around him. While he was swimming, his instinct had warned him in a curious way, like the detection of a nearby danger but the exact nature of which he was unable to guess. Then, the king of the monsters noticed something washed up on a small rocky island nearby. He decided to approach, feeling that this curious sensation was guiding him there.
When he arrived, he discovered that the thing washed up on the edge of the island was... a titan! And not just any one. Gamera! The giant turtle was lying half submerged in the water, its eyes closed and no longer moving. Godzilla set foot on the island and leaned towards Gamera, and saw that she was still breathing but very weakly. He also noticed these burn marks and wounds on her body and shell, as if she had been in a fight recently. But also, there was this weird slime residue on her. Godzilla frowned, growling darkly and closely monitoring his surroundings. However, he could no longer feel this unknown danger, as if it had fled or disappeared. Godzilla didn't understand, but deep down he knew that his current strength wouldn't be enough. He had to become even more powerful. Gamera opened her eyes weakly, emitting a slight groan and managed to get up, with difficulty. Godzilla looked at her and let out a growl, asking the turtle what happened. Gamera was unable to tell, however, because everything had happened too quickly and this unknown thing had been able to knock her down in just a few minutes.
Godzilla left it there, deciding to stay on guard while focusing on his initial objective. Gamera then decided to wait here for a few moments to recover her strength, then she would leave for South Korea to support Anguirus. Godzilla went back into the water, speeding up his swimming more and more.
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