Chapter 6 - The Titan Doctor
Elsa, Ann and James had finally arrived at the Middleton complex and upon disembarking on the landing platform, the former queen of Arendelle was able to see with her own eyes the large vortex in the water, surrounded by the electrical pillars preventing it from spreading too much. But if she was there, it was not to admire the landscape and without wasting time, she asked Ann to take her to Jia. For their part, Ann and James remained thoughtful about what Elsa had told them in the shuttle. Godzilla had unleashed his alpha call, thus declaring the start of the new Titan War.
The young Iwi, meanwhile, was in a room in the complex set up especially for her. Sitting on a single bed, Jia had been drawing for hours. Haunted by these visions, she had tried to reproduce some of them on paper, like those two piercing blue eyes staring at her through the darkness. The bedroom door then opened and Jia had the pleasant surprise of seeing her adoptive parents together, coming to see them. But the surprise was even greater when she saw Elsa behind them, standing in the doorway and smiling friendly at her.
_"Hello Jia." Elsa said, waving at her.
Happy to see the one she considered a second big sister, Jia came to see her and the two shared an embrace. After that, Elsa, although not wanting to rush her reunion, wanted to get straight to the point of her coming so far from home.
_"Jia..." said the former queen of Arendelle while signing, having learned to do so. "Your mother told me what was happening to you lately with these strange visions, and I would like to help you. I myself keep seeing things in Ahtohallan's memory and I think that two we could lift the veil that hides these visions."
Jia smiled and nodded with relief, accepting Elsa's help without the slightest hesitation, trusting her.
_*I'm glad you're here Elsa.* signed Jia. *When the governments blamed you and Godzilla for New York and that you clamed you were done with humanity, I was afraid you'd never want to see us again.*
_"It's true." admitted Elsa, more serious. "But if I do it, it's for you and the titans, because in this world, you are my new family."
Suddenly, the discussion was interrupted by the complex alarm going off. At the same moment, Jia and Elsa felt the same thing, like their titan instinct warning them of the imminent arrival of... Yes, he was coming, through the Hollow Earth vortex. The door to the room opened, letting in one of the base operators.
_"What is going on?" asked Ann, coming to see him.
_"It's Kong! He's coming through the portal!" the man replied immediately.
Everyone then rushed towards the bay window of the room, giving an overview of the large beach and the ocean, but also of the portal. From it, the enormous Kong gradually emerged, growling heavily and appearing to be in great pain. Jia, without hesitation, ran out of the room to go outside, followed by Elsa and the Possibles.
_"But... what is Kong doing outside of his territory? It doesn't make sense." James said as he ran.
_"We'll think about that later." Ann replied. "For the moment we must pray that Godzilla does not detect his presence, otherwise we will just have to evacuate the area."
Elsa heard them but chose not to say anything. It is true that the pact between Godzilla and Kong stipulated that neither should encroach on the territory of the other. But Elsa knew Kong and knew that he would never do that out of simple provocation towards the king of the monsters. Something was wrong. Jia arrived first on the small observation deck from outside. Kong had dragged himself along the beach sand until he leaned against the slope of the grassy hill leading towards the heights. The giant gorilla was breathing heavily and looking towards Jia, he made a grunt of pain, revealing his teeth and in particular his infected canine which seemed to have gotten worse, the gum being horribly red and irritated. Elsa and the Possibles joined Jia to see for themselves the cause of the problem.
_*Kong says he's in a lot of pain.* Jia signed, concerned.
_"Um... does anyone know a dentist for titans?" James then asked.
_"I have better than that." Ann then said, knowing who she should call for this kind of case.
A call and a few moments later the solution to the problem presented itself, a shuttle of a very particular model of Monarch arrived through the air, yellow in color and almost resembling a flying crane arm. During this time, powerful amounts of sedative had been administered to Kong in order to put him to sleep while ensuring that his vitals remained stable.
A man then came out of the cabin of the shuttle parked in the air just above the sleeping titan. Clinging to straps using a harness, the man seemed quite sure of himself, even listening some music he had programmed into the shuttle's radio. Wearing sunglasses, a Hawaiian red shirt, shorts and sneakers, his detached look and attitude clashed with his position within Monarch. He was known as Trapper, a veterinarian specializing in the anatomy of titans, the only one in the world. Hanging onto a giant hook, he took his talkie from his belt.
_"Go ahead, take me down!" he said to the pilot in the cabin.
Connected to two cables, the giant hook slowly descended with Trapper, towards Kong's giant jaw. From the balcony, Jia, Elsa, James and Ann silently observed the operation in progress. Once in place on Kong's snout, Trapper securely attached the hook to the infected tooth, ensuring that it would not come loose during extraction and also checked that the reinforced Kevlar cable would not break up. Kong then snored loudly, letting out a hot breath and then blowing his breath right on Trapper.
_"Wow, what the fuck did you eat for lunch?" laughed the vet. "Okay, here we go. Let's take this crap off him and get the replacement tooth ready." Trapper said on his talkie.
Trapper was hoisted back to the top with his harness to the cockpit. The intervention shuttle then began its maneuver, tightening the cable more and more. Then, with a sharp acceleration, the infected tooth was pulled out without any burrs or injuries and Kong, completely asleep, did not even react. The operation was a success and from then on another team arrived with the replacement tooth to begin the implantation.
A few moments later after the operation was over, Trapper arrived towards Ann, Elsa and James who had come to the sand of the beach. Jia remained on the balcony. Kong was slowly starting to come out of his torpor, the anesthetic no longer having any effect, and a little groggy, the giant gorilla grunted, even yawning but also felt that his tooth was no longer causing him pain at all. With the tip of his tongue, he touched his new canine, made entirely of metal.
_"A true goldsmith's work, Trapper." Ann said to the vet. "You outdid yourself on this one."
_"You know me, I never do things by halves." replied the veterinarian with the same sympathetic assurance. "We can't take the risk of leaving a titan with a toothache. He'll still be a little stunned because of the general anesthetic, but in an hour he'll be able to go back down into the portal. As for this new tooth, it made of the same alloy that is used to protect rockets when they enter space. He could easily chew through the Eiffel Tower with this."
_"It's impressive, I admit." Elsa then said while observing the metal tooth. "But a steel tooth won't be able to protect him if Godzilla decides to come after him, and I sincerely pray that doesn't happen."
_"You must be Elsa, right?" replied Trapper friendly. "Ha, I was waiting to finally meet you. You are a true legend and I must say thank you because without you and Godzilla we would have died a hundred times already."
Trapper held out his hand to greet her. Elsa, still a little hesitant and distant towards humans since her voluntary exile, was however touched by Trapper's friendliness and sincerity. Not for a second did he judge her by her nature, which surprised her a little because she was no longer used to it. Out of politeness she agreed to shake the man's hand. Trapper remained smiling and then turned his attention to greet James.
_"And you are Professor James Possible, one of the pioneers of the Jaeger program." continued Trapper, shaking his hand. "Very nice to meet you, Ann has told me a lot about you."
_"I uh... nice to meet you too..." James stammered.
_"This is Travis Beasley, but everyone calls him Trapper." Ann then intervened, pointing to the man in question. "Trapper is a childhood friend and we studied together. At university, he dedicated himself to the study of animal medicine and I to human medicine. After our diplomas, our paths separated but we stayed in touch over the years. And it was always me who reframed him when he stopped being serious."
_"What do you want, I've always been the type to enjoy life to the fullest." added Trapper wistfully. "And I never forgot our college years. Even though we separated, there were some beautiful times."
From the way he described those years in the past, Elsa and James easily guessed that Ann and Trapper had surely been a couple during their studies. However, Trapper didn't seem at all jealous of the fact that Ann had married James.
_"It's curious. You say that Ann has spoken to you a lot about me, but I have never heard of you." James then said, a little distant.
_"Oh it's normal." Trapper explained humbly. "Even though we separated on good terms, I didn't want to interfere too much in Ann's life as a couple. I followed my own path and continued to accept the gifts that life had to offer."
Elsa stayed behind to observe and listen. Even though James seemed distant and a little jealous, this Trapper didn't seem like a bad person, but rather eccentric.
_"I... excuse me." James then said, deciding to go back inside the complex.
_"I'll go too." added Elsa as she left.
Trapper watched them leave, a little perplexed.
_"Um... Did I say something I shouldn't?" he asked.
_"No, it's just that James has always been a little... jealous, but he'll get over it." Ann replied to reassure him. "As for Elsa, I think she just wanted to give us some privacy."
Trapper was reassured but hoped that this jealousy of James would not get too big, he was not here to wreak havoc in the life of his childhood friend, on the contrary, he cared a lot. His attention rose to the balcony higher up, where Jia was.
_"And your children then? How are they?" Trapper asked.
_"Well, Kim graduated and is now working at the Castle Bravo base in the Tartarus sector. Jim and Tim continue to work at the Los Angeles Space Center and have even just completed a new rocket prototype." Ann told him as the two of them walked a little on the beach. "As for Jia, well... let's say it's more complicated. She's really struggling to find her place in this world, and I can understand her. She is the very last of an extinct ancestral people, a people who were linked to the titans in a unique way that we can never truly understand. Lately she keeps hearing something calling to her from the Hollow Earth but we all don't know what it is and it scares me. I'm afraid for her, of losing her."
Trapper listened to his friend and could see that she was really distressed even if she tried not to show it directly, distinguishing the beginnings of a tear beading from one of her eyes.
_"Do not worry." said the vet with a reassuring smile. "She has nothing to fear with the best mother. After all, nothing is impossible for the Possibles, right?"
Ann thanked Trapper for these words. Although he had always been this young, eccentric, rather rock n roll and detached student who had exasperated more than one teacher during their classes, he had always known how to maintain his natural benevolence and never abandon his friends.
At the same moment, Elsa had joined Jia on the balcony higher up. The young Iwi continued to observe Kong who remained leaning against the hill and slowly recovering from the operation.
_*You'll see, the pain will go away quickly.* Jia then signed to the attention of her titan friend. *Your new tooth looks great on you, it's cool.*
Kong responded with a friendly growl and even smiled. Elsa observed all this with a smile, happy to see that the bond that existed between Jia and Kong had remained as strong as ever. Thinking of this, Elsa couldn't stop her thoughts from turning to Godzilla and her thoughtful gaze wandered towards the ocean and its horizon. Her dear king... where was he now? The coming of this new war of the titans did not leave Elsa's mind and this reinforced her concern for Godzilla, although she had every confidence in him. The king of the monsters had never backed down in the face of adversity and he would put all his strength into battle. She only hoped to arrive in time to support him when the time will come. But in the meantime, she was going to have her own battles to fight. A war on several fronts.
Jia's gentle hand on hers pulled Elsa out of her thoughts.
_*You'll see him again, don't worry.* signed Jia with kindness towards her second "big sister". *Godzilla is strong and he will do anything to protect this world and also for you. And we won't let him down. Together, nothing can stop us.*
_"Thank you, Jia." Elsa then said, signing at the same time.
The former queen of Arendelle expressed great inner pride for the young Jia who had become so mature despite such a young age. She almost saw herself in Jia during her own younger years, when she was forced to become a serious and responsible adult before her time in order to be ready for the day when she would be crowned queen while having to live with the loss of her parents. Thinking about it, she and Jia were the same: two young souls, last of their people and on whom had rested burdens far too heavy but in the face of which, despite the obstacles, they had managed to remain standing and worthy of the trust placed in them. The Titan of Balance and the Titan of Life, united again in the face of an unknown enemy, and with the support of the King of the Monsters and the King of the Hollow Earth, they would stand until the end.
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