Chapter 5 - Call for War
On the main aircraft carrier of the Ahtohallan surveillance fleet, Godzilla's departure had not gone unnoticed and already, Henri Serizawa and James Possible had come as quickly as possible to the monitor room, looking at the screen which indicated Godzilla's vital and cerebral functions.
_"Godzilla's heart rate has suddenly accelerated and his adrenaline level is at an all-time high." indicated the operator responsible for monitoring.
_"Something really made him angry and we all know that when Godzilla moves, it's never for nothing." whispered Serizawa. "If he's this angry, we need to prepare for the worst."
_"Where is Godzilla now?" James then asked, turning to the operators sitting in front of the radar screens.
_"He is swimming straight towards the south, everything indicates that he is heading towards the Strait of Gilbraltar." one of the agents said, looking at the screen. "As for Elsa... She's heading straight towards us!"
_"Don't shoot, I repeat, no shots!" Serizawa ordered quickly. "Elsa can probably tell us what's going on, if at least she's in the mood to trust us, which isn't easy after all the drama medias have made about Rome."
The Monarch shuttle, after a perfect aerial maneuver, had landed on the main deck of the aircraft carrier, letting out the Doctor Ann Possible who, without wasting time, headed towards the main quarters of the ship, guided by a soldier. Although having been warned of her arrival, Henri and James could not hide their perplexity at seeing Ann arrive in the control room.
_"Honey, what are you doing here? I thought you were going back to the Middleton complex." James asked.
_"It's Jia." Ann replied bluntly, clearly showing great concern in her eyes. "For some time now she has been acting strangely, but now i'm sure, this is more serious than I could have imagined, and I think it has something to do with Godzilla waking up."
_"What do you mean? Explain yourself, you scare me." James asked, concerned now knowing that their adopted daughter was in trouble.
Ann opened her briefcase and took out of a folder the printed sheets showing the abnormal seismic readings recorded in Hollow Earth, then the drawings made by Jia during her trance at school and showed them to James and Serizawa who came to take a look.
_"These are seismic readings recorded in Kong territory three days ago, and these are drawings that Jia made, according to what she told me, while being victims of visions. Look closely."
The two men took a careful look and the obvious immediately jumped out at them.
_"The curves are... exactly the same, to the nearest millimeter." whispered Henri, more than perplexed.
_"That's not all." Ann added. "Jia keeps seeing titans in her visions, events she doesn't understand. She tells me she hears something constantly calling to her in her head."
_"I... But who is calling for her? It makes no sense." James said.
_"I think Ann is right." Serizawa intervened, showing the seismic curves better. "Look, the interval between each hit is way too precise for it to be natural. It's almost like... a signal. And I won't be at all surprised if Godzilla and Elsa felt it Also."
That last sentence left Ann and James even more confused than before. A signal coming from the depths of the Hollow Earth?
_"But the questions are : what is making this signal? Or who? And for what?" Serizawa added thoughtfully.
Ann liked this matter less and less, especially knowing that her adopted daughter was involved and knowing Godzilla was awake and looking visibly angry was not to reassure her. Really worrying about her daughter, Ann took the files back and put them in her briefcase.
_"I'm going back to Middleton immediately. Jia needs me."
_"She needs us you mean. I'm coming with you. If there's anything I can do, I will." James said, to which Ann smiled at him, thanking him.
Serizawa had no objection, deciding to stay here to monitor Godzilla's movements.
_"I'm coming too." then said a voice that everyone recognized and turned around.
Elsa arrived in the room under everyone's gaze, her face firm and her eyes resting on Ann and James. Guards were preparing to react but Serizawa signaled to lower their weapons and anyway, with the look Elsa gave them, the guards preferred to stay back.
_"Elsa, I came to ask for your help about..." said Ann.
_"Visions, I know." Elsa replied without rushing her. "I also witnessed visions when I searched Ahtohallan's memory and I'm willing to bet that they are the same ones that Jia suffers from. If there's one thing I learned when joining the world of the titans is that we must never rely on coincidences. Godzilla has gone to gain some power and on our side, we must do everything to discover the nature of this signal. I think it's no exaggeration to say that the future of the world could depend on it."
What Elsa said did not really reassure both parents but she was not there to spare them but to tell the facts. Although having cut off most contact with humans, Elsa wanted to help the Possibles, knowing them to be loving parents who had never given up wanting to protect Jia, who herself had become like a little sister for Elsa. If she could help her solve the mystery behind their visions, she would. This was her duty as a protective titan.
The Monarch shuttle took off a few minutes later, with Elsa and the Possibles on board, heading towards Middleton. After Serizawa witnessed the shuttle take off and returned to the control room, he was challenged by one of the radio operators.
_"Mr. Serizawa. We received a message from our agents located in Colombia. The space shuttle Selene returned from the moon but crashed near an oil platform."
The shuttle sent on a mission to the moon to inspect the deserted Hydra base? Serizawa immediately rushed to the operator.
_"Are there any survivors?" asked the director, worried.
_"Unfortunately no, but our agents were able to recover the images recorded by certain surveillance cameras at the oil station. They have just sent them."
_"Show me." asked Henri.
The operator obeyed and started the first video on the screen. Immediately, both men's eyes widened in horror, their faces turning pale, their expressions a mixture of incomprehension and fear at what they were looking at. The operator couldn't even stay in his seat and left quickly because the fear and disgust were too strong and he vomited on the ground in front of his colleagues. Serizawa, having a stronger stomach but unable to hide his horror, continued to watch the video of what could have happened to the oil station but also to the space shuttle and its occupants.
_"Almighty Lord... protect us..." was the only sentence that could come out of his mouth, the shock was so great.
Meanwhile, in the Hollow Earth, worry was beginning to spread among the small team of agents and for good reason: Kong was nowhere to be found. Every surveillance camera and motion detector had been checked, every area of the territory had been thoroughly searched, but the titan was nowhere to be found. The team had tried to contact the surface to warn them but the frequencies were completely jammed. Curious, it was the first time.
But as the outpost technician went outside to check the cables at the base of the transmission tower to see if it was a technical problem, he noticed something approaching slowly from the perimeter of the base. At first believing it was a hallucination, he opened his eyes wide in astonishment when he noticed that what he saw was very real.
Emerging from the thick jungle, walking with a slow but confident step, was a solitary young woman, wrapped in a red cloak and wearing a conical wide-brimmed hat on her head and armed with a sword at her belt. The shadow of the hat hid the top of her face, leaving only the bottom, impassive.
_"Guys, I have an intruder approaching!" the technician warned into his talkie. "An unknown human woman dressed really strangely."
_"A human?!" replied the biologist with astonishment. "It's impossible. We're the only humans in the Hollow Earth."
_"Yeah well, that's not the case. There's something weird, she doesn't seem very friendly." added the technician, not very comfortable.
_"We're coming!" said the biologist.
While waiting for his colleagues to arrive and as a precaution, the technician takes his weapon, a pistol. Although not a soldier, all Monarch agents received standard firearms and self-defense training. The warrior woman continued to advance without the slightest hesitation.
_"Stop! Don't move! State your identity and show your hands!" the technician then ordered nervously, aiming his weapon.
But the stranger remained deaf to his threat and continued to approach with frightening confidence, gradually raising her head to reveal a look of firmness and strength that left the Monarch technician almost frozen.
_"I... I said stop! Stay where you are or I'll shoot!" the Monarch agent then stammered, his hands trembling on his service weapon.
_"All these years you have stayed here, thinking you have appropriated the place." then said the warrior woman in a chilling tone. "As for my identity, I am but a messenger, bringing the word of the only true master of this land, to you who dare to defile his kingdom with your loathsome presence."
Absolutely not understanding what she was talking about but guessing the threatening tone of her voice, the technician fired. The shot rang out, the bullet went off, but everything happened at incredible speed. The female warrior drew her sword then deflected the projectile with her blade with extraordinary dexterity while continuing to walk without pressure. Speechless, the man wanted to shoot again but in barely a second, the woman warrior reached him and cut the air with her blade. The technician stood frozen, lost, then saw that his hand holding his weapon had fallen at his feet, cut clean. He screamed in pain, falling to his knees as blood flowed freely from his wound.
The rest of the team finally arrived, also armed to discover the horrible vision of their colleague writhing in pain on the ground, and near him, this warrior woman who glared at them with her fighting eye.
_"But if you want to know the name of the one who brought you to your knees, so be it... I am Raya."
The agents stood petrified as the woman who introduced herself as Raya raised her sword one-handed above her head, pointing towards the sky. The small fragment of purple crystal embedded in her sword glowed. From the jungle, powerful roars were heard and the ground began to shake. The team of agents then stood speechless, paralyzed with fear as several gigantic, humanoid shadows rising from the jungle covered them.
When he had completed more than half of his crossing, getting closer to his first objective, Godzilla had decided to make a stop, emerging from the water on a small rocky island devoid of vegetation. If the king of monsters had stopped, it wasn't for nothing. Although pressed for time, his ancient instincts were in complete confusion. Aware of the immense danger that loomed and that he had to strengthen himself to face it, he also felt something else, but was unable to guess what it was or locate it precisely on the planet. But his instincts weren't deceiving him, something was definitely wrong. Not being able to be everywhere at the same time and absolutely having to gain power despite everything, Godzilla decided that the time had come to show why he was the king of the titans.
Positioning himself in the center of the small island, he inhaled with all his strength and emitted towards the sky the most powerful alpha roar he could, to the point of vibrating the water and air around him, the waves spreading his call for tens and tens of kilometers in the surrounding area.
While waiting to discover what the problem was that he couldn't clearly identify, other titans who had submitted to him would take care of it. He hadn't called on them during the battle against Destoroyah, but this time he wouldn't make that mistake. If his enemy wanted total war, he would have it!
At the same time, elsewhere on the planet, above the Atlantic Ocean, the Monarch shuttle continued its rapid flight towards the United States. Sitting alone on a seat in the back, Elsa then opened her eyes as she tried to get some sleep. Thanks to her connection to Godzilla, she had been able to feel him deep within her and even hear him in a way, being a titan herself and his queen... the alpha call of the king. It was the first time he'd used it since they'd been together, but if he did, the situation was much more critical than anyone could have anticipated. Seeing the former queen of Arendelle's somber expression, Ann and James shared a puzzled look.
_"What is going on?" James asked.
They saw that she did not respond immediately, coming to hold the silver flake of her pendant against herself, as if to pray, and they saw in her serious expression that this did not bode well.
_"Godzilla..." Elsa breathed. "He did it. The new titan war has just begun."
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