Chapter 4 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Night had long since fallen on the small town of Middleton. After a relatively light dinner, Jia had gone to bed early to try to recover from the difficult events of the day. For her part, Ann Possible, a glass of whiskey in hand, had returned to sit on the living room sofa. In front of her, a holographic projection broadcast an old Monarch file but which had a particular value for her: the day she met Jia. At that time, Ann had just joined the organization for less than a year and because of her skills as a doctor and specialist in human anatomy, she had been designated to join the outpost team posted on Skull Island and come into contact with the local Iwi tribe who lived there. Unfortunately, a very violent storm hit the island and swallowed up more than half of it in one night. The Iwi village and the entire tribe were decimated by the hurricane, but in the middle of the night, pouring rain and strong winds, the Monarch rescue team found only one survivor.
Sitting on the couch, Ann watched the video recording again. Jia appeared, lost, dirty and still in shock from the catastrophe. Ann appeared on the video, equipped with her rain coat and taking the young girl in her arms to bring her to safety, escorted by the other members of the team. But in the night, the massive forms of several skullcrawlers appeared, leaping towards the team who began to flee. But Kong arrived in turn, grabbing one of the creatures by the head and hitting it violently, then fighting the others to protect the humans from fleeing to take Jia to safety in their base. A night that Ann could never forget, and from that moment, she had taken the young Iwi under her protection and over time, a real affection was born to the point that she decided to adopt her, not wanting that she becomes a curious beast in the hands of unscrupulous scientists.
But then Ann focused on Jia's drawings made today at school, constantly comparing them with the seismic results and their exact resemblance continued to confuse her. How had Jia been able to reproduce them before even seeing them?
Meanwhile, in her room on the first floor, Jia was having a more than fitful sleep, grimacing as she slept as if she was afraid. More than just a nightmare, the same visions assaulted his mind again like a merciless wave, bursting and repeating in her head, but sometimes new images were added... Elsa appeared in one of them, confronting a young woman with a warrior-like appearance and armed with a sword... Kong trying to block a ray of ice with his axe... Godzilla, seeming to be asleep in a sort of immense block of ice, opening his eye with an intense pink glow... and once again, this muddy, living and tentacular matter, little by little covering the planet as if to devour it entirely...
Jia gasped, waking suddenly and sitting up so much that she dropped the glass of water that was on her nightstand. The sound of breaking glass did not fail to attract Ann's attention, and she immediately went upstairs to see what was happening. Arriving in the room, she found the bed empty then noticed a small light emanating from the small cabin that Jia had made by arranging sheets on her desk. A sort of refuge where she came when she wasn't feeling well. Ann leaned over and pulled back the sheet slightly, only to find Jia curled up and crying in the corner, clutching her Kong doll. Ann had already experienced this situation with Jia before when she had nightmares, but this was different, she could see it. Ann joined Jia in the "hut".
_*Want to tell me what's going on?* signed Ann.
_*I'm scared something is wrong with me.* Jia replied in tears. *I keep seeing things that I don't understand in my head. I feel like I'm going crazy.*
_*What kind of things?* asked Ann, perplexed.
_*Like visions, I see Elsa, Godzilla, Kong, and other things that I don't know* Jia explained as much as she could. *I'm scared, mom, and I absolutely don't know what to do.*
Clearly seeing that her daughter was frightened and desperate, Ann let her snuggle against her and hugged her tenderly in an attempt to comfort her. It probably had to do with his power as the titan of life but nothing was certain yet for Ann. Such a weight should not weigh on the shoulders of such a young soul, but what could she do against forces that surpassed even logic? Since the discovery of the titans and their connection with nature, human beings had no other choice but to admit that they had no control over the universe around them and that certain things were immutable, like destiny.
_*Calm down, sweetie. I'll find a way. You are not alone, I am here.* Ann then said to reassure her daughter.
Jia managed to relax a little, snuggled up against her adoptive mother. For Ann, there was no more hesitation, she had to find a way to help her daughter when it came to these titan-related visions. And for that, only one person seemed to be able to help her: Elsa.
Having agreed to let Jia sleep with her that night, Ann let her go to the bedroom, then went to her work desk down the hall to get her phone.
_"Doctor Possible on the device. Prepare a transport shuttle for tomorrow morning to Ahtohallan."
Since their return to Ahtohallan, Elsa and Godzilla had remained quiet and had no trouble with the fleet of ships that surrounded the area. The king of monsters had returned to his ice cavern to go back to sleep and regenerate his strength. However, Elsa continued to worry about him and his sudden change in attitude caused him to become chaotically angry. When Godzilla killed, it was never for the simple pleasure of killing. But seeing him crush and shred Ebirah's remains with his teeth, Elsa had seen... it was more than anger, but visceral hatred. And to his knowledge, only one being had displayed such chaos: Destoroyah. But this one having been killed, Elsa asked herself a lot of questions... Having already seen that the spirit of the Shin Godzilla had been able to survive and take control of the Mechagodzilla... Was it possible that the essence of Destoroyah could affect Godzilla without his knowledge? This simple idea made her shudder in horror, but having no way of verifying this theory, she decided to keep an eye on her king, praying that it remained just a theory.
For now, the former queen of Arendelle had returned to the old ice sanctuary beneath the surface of Ahtohallan, the very place where she merged with the spirit of Sisu. For two years now Elsa had never stopped studying the memory that could be hidden in the frozen crystals of this room and desperately trying to understand some of them, like this baby reptilian titan that she held in her arms, or this giant menacing ape with blue eyes sitting on this throne...
This time, Elsa decided to explore deeper into the ancestral memory living in Ahtohallan, whether past, present or future. Placing her hands on the icy surface of one of the shrine's largest crystals, Elsa concentrated, connecting her magic to that of the river of ice as she usually did, but this time, seeking to dig even deeper. The link was made and once again the sequences of visions took place in the queen's mind, passing by at full speed. The same ones returned, but this time, she clearly discerned other things... She saw Jia, extending a hand forward, then Mothra, haloed by a luminous aura, standing in front of the young girl... Godzilla, full of radioactive energy leaving a powerful pulse of a blue bio-electric nature bursting from his body... This thing, this viscous and living dark sludge mass engulfing everything in its path... And this frozen aura emanating from the darkness, accompanied by its two big monstrous glowing blue eyes staring at her with overwhelming intensity...
At the same moment, Godzilla, in his cave, showed an increasingly restless sleep and grunted heavily. Because of his unique bond to Elsa, his own mind too had been connected and was actively receiving the same visions. The king of monsters then opened his golden eyes, inflamed with anger mut by what seemed like... a distant memory? He wasn't sure but deep down in his age-old instinct that didn't deceive him, he knew that something was on the way. Something really bad.
Elsa was then knocked out of her trance by a sharp, biting pain that made her stagger and drop to one knee. His hands hurt excruciatingly, covered in sharp frost. The deeper one looked into Ahtohallan's memory, the greater the price to pay was, she should have remembered. Managing to ignore the pain, breathing deeply and concentrating, Elsa managed to make the frost disappear from her hands and was able to move them again without having too much pain. But the pain was also in her head, like a migraine. Leaning against the wall, she ran her hands over her face. The more she discovered, the less she understood what it could mean and that frustrated her to no end.
Suddenly, she felt the floor, then the walls and the ceiling begin to vibrate. More than used to it, she guessed what that meant. He was awake. Without further ado, Elsa returned to the surface, fearing the worst. Usually, Godzilla slept for at least three days after a trip and he woke up to spend time with his queen, but he had never woken up so quickly.
Once outside, she saw Godzilla slowly but surely emerging from his cave, making all of Ahtohallan tremble with every step he took. He showed a more than harsh face, blowing heavily through his nostrils and growling ferociously. As Elsa suspected, something was wrong and she walked over to him. Noticing her, Godzilla leaned down on his four paws, bringing his head closer to her. Just by sharing a look with him, she guessed, having known him by heart for a long time.
_"You saw them too, didn't you?" Elsa said, stroking his muzzle.
In response, Godzilla let out a low growl and blew hot air through his nostrils.
_"Something is coming, I feel it too." Elsa admitted. "But, I... it's too confusing, I need more answers. I don't like it but there's no other choice. I'm going to have to go see Monarch, at least if they can give me an interesting lead."
Godzilla listened, growling again with some hostility at the idea of Elsa going to humans again, not liking them much, but he trusted her and knew she could defend herself. But for his part, he felt that what was happening would require more than just answers. He couldn't cope without... gaining some power. He knew what he had to do for what was coming.
_"You have to leave, don't you?" Elsa then said, guessing right. "I understand... Do what you have to do, for the sake of this world."
She placed a kiss on Godzilla's muzzle to say goodbye and the titan expressed a soft growl at her.
_"Good luck my love." Elsa added. "We will be reunited again, I swear to you."
Godzilla made a slight movement of his head to agree and affirm that they would meet again, as they always did, no matter where on this planet. Straightening up to his full imposing stature, Godzilla headed towards the water, entering it then starting to swim towards the abyssal depths, under the gaze of Elsa who one last time, with a loving but trusting look towards her king, wished him good luck. She didn't like the idea of being separated again, but they each had to prepare in their own way.
She then turned her attention, more reserved and less friendly, towards the fleet of Monarch ships stationed in the distance, and in particular towards the one where Henri Serizawa and James Possible were located. She also noticed the Monarch shuttle approaching from the air and coming in the direction of this same aircraft carrier. Without wasting any more time, Elsa moved forward, freezing the seawater beneath her feet as she walked towards the ship.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, dark night had fallen over the Pacific. Off the coast of South America, in annoying rain, stood a huge oil platform belonging to a huge company. Day and night, the imposing central drill drilled without stopping to the deepest depths in order to harvest the precious fuel, all under the supervision of dozens of employees who lived on the complex. The night shift had taken over, the day shift having gone to the building serving as staff quarters to have a meal and sleep a little despite the whistling wind and the terrible rain.
But suddenly, without anyone expecting it, something fell from the sky like a real ball of fire and turned out to be a space shuttle bearing the symbol of Monarch. Speeding at full speed, the shuttle, on fire from the speed during its entry into the atmosphere, plunged head on and crashed into the ocean right next to the platform.
Witnesses to the crash, the night team rushed to get a better look, gazing with their frightened eyes at the half-submerged wreckage of the spacecraft.
_"Holy shit... Boss, what are we doing?!" asked one of the workers.
_"Call the coast guards! Also send a report to the company!" ordered the team leader, also in shock at this incident.
But as the team leader turned around, a muddy and burning tentacle encircled his entire head and pulled him off the bridge, under the stunned and horrified eyes of his colleagues, who, paralyzed by shock, saw this large and ignoble living mass of gray-black sludge rising before them, revealing on its surface a myriad of small, bulging, inhuman eyes.
Screaming in fear, the men wanted to flee but the thing grabbed them all with its multiple tentacles created from its organic mass, burning them to the touch, crushing their bodies or heads, smashing them against the bridge or throwing them far into the ocean. Quickly leaping from catwalk to catwalk and using its tentacles to grab on and hoist itself up on the structure, Hedorah continued its carnage, absorbing and massacring all the workers who crossed its path, until finally reaching one of the giant tanks where was stored the oil already collected and waiting to be shipped. Starving to the limit, Hedorah used his tentacles and his strength to bend and tear the metal wall like paper, letting the oil gush out and flow towards him. The creature began its feast, absorbing the oil and letting it integrate into its body, strengthening it and making it grow bigger and bigger. The second and third tanks were also forced open, their contents also eagerly devoured by the alien thing. Eating, over and over again, never stopping. All this pollution, what a treat, but we needed more, much more!
Several smaller parts of Hedorah broke away from the main body, plunging into the ocean and splitting off in several directions. Their goal: to find more food, while the main body finished its feast of oil and human flesh.
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