Chapter 19 - Dawn of the New Gods
In the Iwi city, Kong's condition was not improving much, quite the contrary. Trapper had quickly gone down and come to the titan to be able to observe and analyze the wound on his arm better thanks to the small portable bio-scanner that he kept on him at all times.
_"So, Trapper? How does it look?" Ann asked by walkie-talkie.
_"It's really not great..." Trapper admitted while looking at the scan results. "He has several damaged nerve connections and significant tissue loss. If we do nothing, it will get infected and he will die in just a day or two."
This revelation squeezed everyone's heart, especially Jia. Elsa clenched her fist, categorically refusing to let this scenario happen and turned to the Possible couple.
_"With all the resources that Monarch has, isn't there a way to save Kong?" she asked.
_"We still can't communicate with the surface, but... There's something... The Powerhouse Project." James admitted.
_"The... what? Tell me you're not serious, James. It's never been tested yet!" Ann interjected, looking at her husband as if he were crazy.
_"What's the Powerhouse Project?" Elsa then asked, confused.
_"After Mechagodzilla, the Jaeger program was launched." James explained. "But in parallel, other secret projects were set up by Monarch, one of them aimed at... how to say... allowing titans to become more powerful through improvements... But making already powerful titans even more powerful was not unanimous with the governments and they decided to cut funding for the Powerhouse project. In order to avoid the research being confiscated, we had the only existing prototype transferred to the Hollow Earth outpost."
_"And with a bit of luck, it's still there." Trapper intervened into the walkie-talkie. "If we hurry, I can be back in a few hours with the glove."
_"Guys, I know this may be the only way to save Kong, but we're taking a huge risk." Ann told them. "The prototype has never been tested and if it ever doesn't work, it could kill Kong even faster."
Jia, more withdrawn, had made sure to read the lips of the others to try to understand what they were saying. Her gaze then turned to Kong, who was struggling more and more to stay conscious and seeing his strength diminish by the hour. There was no question of letting him die without acting, the time for doubt was over. Without hesitating, Jia came to see her adoptive mother.
_*Do it, mom!* she signed.
_"Jia..." Ann whispered.
_"Mrs. Possible, I know you're afraid for Kong's life, like all of us." Elsa said, supporting Jia. "But we can't let fear dictate our choices... Believe me, that's a lesson I learned a long time ago."
Ann listened to her, then looked at Jia, then Kong. With her hand slightly trembling on the walkie, she hesitated for several seconds, then finally...
_"Okay, Trapper. Go get the prototype." she said, hoping that by this choice she wasn't condemning Kong to a quicker death.
_"It's as good as done, doc." Trapper replied into the walkie.
With that decision, the titan specialist veterinarian had taken the shuttle again and set off in a rapid flight towards the ruins of the outpost. Happy with her mother's decision, Jia snuggled up to her in a hug, to which Ann returned her hug, accompanied by James. Elsa looked at them, smiling and relieved to see that there was still hope for Kong. However, the former queen of Arendelle remained consumed by the many unanswered questions that had haunted her since the meeting with the Skar King and Shimo... Deep inside her, her mind as a titan of balance felt that something much deeper was at stake, and, as if guided, her attention turned to the great crystal pyramid in the center of the Iwi city... Something in her heart was calling her, a call very similar to the one Ahtohallan once sent her... Without further ado, Elsa came to see the Iwi queen.
_"I have to go to the heart of this pyramid, now." Elsa said.
The Iwi Queen looked at her with a slight smile and nodded, as if expecting her to ask that, as if having anticipated it.
So, having left Kong under the surveillance of Jia and the Possibles, trusting them, Elsa followed Queen Iwi and her priestesses to the central room of the pyramid, where the immense resonance crystal was located. As soon as she entered the room, Elsa felt the powerful vibrations emanating from it, resonating with her titan nature, but not only that... This crystal had a nature identical to the ice that made up Ahtohallan, in addition to being inhabited by a significant amount of Hollow Earth energy... The crystal was calling her, she could hear it clearly now...
Elsa turned her gaze towards Queen Iwi and the priestesses, the latter stepping back and inviting her to approach. The former queen of Arendelle nodded, thanking them, then creating an ice staircase under her feet, Elsa climbed gradually until reaching the crystal. All the answers were there, she could feel it... But sometimes seeking the absolute truth was taking the risk of drowning in it... Elsa was aware of this, but for the good of all, it was essential that this truth be brought to light. Not letting fear guide her choice, Elsa kept the faith and firmly placed her palms on the surface of the crystal.
Elsa then concentrated to her maximum, awakening all her titan magic and making it enter into perfect resonance with the great crystal which seemed to react, the pyramid vibrating stronger than before. The mass of power released made Elsa's whole being tremble but she remained strong and focused despite the pain. Then, little by little, she gradually let herself be absorbed into the heart of the crystal, curling up and plunging into a deep trance and her mind gradually receiving a truth that had been hidden for far too long...
Shimo was the mother goddess, the first titan as well as the original titan of balance, symbolized by the element of ice. With the goddess of Life Te Fiti and Lucanger the god of Death, they formed a Trinity governing the very balance of a world then in full birth. If Te Fiti created the first human peoples of the Hollow Earth like the Iwis, Shimo created, with her help, a special human people: the Iss, granting them the ability to control ice and created with them a special place that would embody the memory of the world: Ahtohallan, which would become for a time the home of Shimo. But this balance was one day threatened by a danger coming from the stars: King Ghidorah, the latter wanting to take over this young world and the power that lived there.
Shimo fought valiantly and although she managed to drive the three-headed hydra off the planet, Shimo emerged from the battle half-dead. In order to save her, Te Fiti and Lucanger had no choice but to take her into the depths of the planet, to the heart of the Hollow Earth where Shimo fell into a deep sleep and would have to let the heart bring her back her strength. Knowing that she would not be able to fulfill her role as titan of balance for a long time, Shimo then entrusted this power to her own daughter, the water dragon, Sisu, through Te Fiti to whom she entrusted her power of balance to find a worthy receptacle. It was soon after that Sisu met an exceptional young water titan, Godzilla, with whom she would bond and fall in love with.
With Godzilla and other young titans standing out from the others, Rodan, Mothra and Kong, Sisu then formed the first balance of the primordial titans, supervised by Te Fiti and Lucanger and controlling the other titans, including the great apes who became the protectors of the human peoples of the Hollow Earth. But an ape different from the others, Skar, driven by a desire for power and refusing to submit to these other gods, managed to rally several other apes to his cause and led an uprising against the gods and their titans whom he considered as puppets. However, Godzilla defeated the revolt and banished Skar and his followers to the forgotten depths of the Hollow Earth, sealing them forever.
But during his forced exile, Skar King encountered the spirit of the demon Chernabog, also once banished by Te Fiti and Lucanger. Sharing this same unhealthy desire for revenge, Skar and Chernabog formed an alliance. First, Skar King lured the god Lucanger into a trap so that Chernabog could take over his body and incarnate and gain power. Now possessing the combined powers of a greater demon and a god, Chernabog harnessed the energy from the depths of the Hollow Earth, corrupting it and using it to infect a primitive lifeform that he captured, transforming and horribly mutilating it to create an abomination of pure chaos, the ultimate lifeform: Destoroyah.
However, Skar King preferred to stay behind to savor his revenge without having to get his hands dirty, deciding to use Chernabog and his abomination as tools. Thus, Destoroyah, controlled by his monstrous master, ravaged the Hollow Earth and decimated entire human populations and many titans in his wake. During Destoroyah's attack on the Hollow Earth, Sisu lost her life, which triggered the fury of Godzilla who, unable to kill Destoroyah who seemed indestructible, managed to seal the abomination in an eternal prison of rock with the help of Mothra and Rodan. During the battle, Kong, the youngest of the primordial titans, seriously injured and left half dead, was taken to the surface by a dying Te Fiti, to a hidden island called Skull Island, so that he would be safe there, just before her physical body disappeared. Thus, Kong woke up alone on the island, made amnesiac by the shock received by Destoroyah and will live and grow up on Skull Island, convinced that he has always lived here and is alone. Chernabog, meanwhile, will be forced to flee into exile once again after Destoroyah's defeat. Godzilla, meanwhile, deeply affected by Sisu's death, will set out on a solitary and angry crusade, returning to the surface to make it his territory and vowing to annihilate any new threat that comes to the balance of this world.
Enraged by Chernabog's defeat, Skar King remained a prisoner, but it was then that he made a discovery: the great Shimo, sleeping deeply in the heart of the Hollow Earth. Seeing this as a new opportunity to gain power while waiting for his revenge, Skar King seized a fragment of crystal from Shimo's crown, using it to control her against her will with relentless pain, the same pain that was accentuated when Shimo felt that her daughter, Sisu, was dead. However, the memory of her daughter endured through the water and ice of Ahtohallan and would give Shimo the strength not to lose hope despite her captivity and to discover the relationship she shared with this very powerful and worthy titan, Godzilla, who had also become over the centuries a protective figure for the Iss. As a result, Shimo later decided to grant er power as a titan of balance to another being who proved worthy: Elsa, queen of Arendelle and last living member of the Iss, who was able to establish a strong bond with Godzilla and the other primordial titans.
Still in a trance, Elsa finally saw the whole truth, but also received other visions of the past that the crystal sent her. In one of them, Elsa relived the tragic day when Raya lost her entire village, but this time much more distinguishable. The dark form that presented itself to her was none other than Chernabog, disguised as a benefactor and taking the poor traumatized Raya under his "protection", bringing her to the Skar King and assuring her that she would be protected with him. The Skar King then gave a small piece of the control crystal fragment to Raya, in order to better manipulate her through his crystal. The last vision also concerned the Skar King, the latter sitting on his monstrous throne, his control crystal in hand. Before him, the two titans Leatherback and Otachi stood prostrate, as if submissive and controlled by Skar who, with a bestial roar, gave them an order, sending them into the surface world to sow chaos...
Assailed from all sides by the visions, Elsa gasped, finally opening her eyes to see that she was now standing alone in the middle of a gigantic empty space, covered in ice and snow. However, the goddess did not admire the landscape any more, still very upset by all the discoveries she had just made about Shimo's origins, the origin of the power of the titan of balance, the tragic fate of Raya who was manipulated like a puppet, but above all, the involvement of the Skar King in all these events... He had allowed the reincarnation of Chernabog and therefore the creation of Destoroyah, but also... Leatherback and Otachi's attack on Arendelle long ago ... It was the Skar King, from the beginning! Elsa still had trouble believing it, but had to admit that it was all true, the memory contained in water and ice could not lie.
_"The truth is always more painful than lies, isn't it?" a feminine voice said, ethereal and soft.
Elsa turned her gaze to see the tall and majestic Shimo appearing like a ghost from the blizzard and advancing towards her. However, Shimo seemed very calm and benevolent, not behaving at all like the possessed beast she was in Skar's lair. Although remaining cautious, Elsa dared to slowly advance in front of her.
_"I am glad to finally meet you, "little sister"." Shimo added, who spoke but whose mouth did not move, communicating telepathically thanks to the common bond she and Elsa shared.
_"But... how..." Elsa breathed.
_"The Skar King may control my will, but he cannot control my memories." Shimo answered peacefully. "The crystal you are in, Elsa, is a piece of Athohallan that was once offered to the Iwis by your people, the Iss, as a sign of alliance and peace, and as you have seen, Ahtohallan and I are one."
_"It was you..." Elsa breathed. "The call of Ahtohallan that I once heard... It was you, wasn't it?"
_"Indeed." the mother goddess admitted, nodding. "You had proven the value of the strength and will of your heart, Elsa. Unity among the primordial titans had to be restored and it was therefore time for you to accept your true nature, at the cost of a great sacrifice alas."
Elsa remembered... The violent confrontation between Godzilla and Kong in Ahtohallan, and she who, for the common good, had to sacrifice her mortality to become the fifth titan and restore balance, but then condemning herself to eternal life and to see the others die over the years, like Anna...
_"I understand your pain, Elsa, but unfortunately this is not the time for remorse." Shimo said softly. "A plague is ravaging the surface right now and the Skar King is preparing the advent of his new empire. There is only one way to prevent the end of this world: a last alliance, united as one by the absolute truth that you will bring to light."
With that, Shimo blew forcefully, clearing the snow from the ground over a wide perimeter and revealing below, on the rocky ground, a gigantic fresco representing the precise figures of Elsa and Jia, side by side and holding hands, overlooked by Mothra and surrounded by Godzilla, Rodan and Kong, all united as one and the same power.
Elsa contemplated all this, silent, then looked at her hands, and then at Shimo, letting see in the sparkle of her eye that she understood what the titan wanted to tell her.
_"Balance... Memory... Memory allows the balance between truth and lies and balance makes it stronger, alive... The two are one."
_"And now, you are ready to accept it." Shimo added.
With these words, Shimo's entire body, or that memory projection of her, changed entirely into a cloud of bluish and swirling energy that formed a sphere that came to float gently right in front of Elsa, who, finally accepting this new part of her nature, spread her arms and let this energy enter her...
Meanwhile, in the central room of the pyramid, Queen Iwi and her priestesses had remained perplexed, waiting after seeing Elsa enter the crystal for long minutes now. Suddenly, the central crystal lit up like it had never done before and the entire pyramid began to shake quite violently, making Queen Iwi and the priestesses fall to the ground. From outside, the tremor was felt throughout the valley and the entire pyramid lit up with this prodigious energy. Jia, Ann and James could see it. Around them, the rocks containing filaments of crystals imbued with Hollow Earth energy also began to glow significantly, as if awakened by this force coming from the pyramid.
_"Oh my god... What is that again?" Ann gasped.
In the pyramid, the shaking finally stopped, and as the queen and the priestesses stood up, the crystal let out a blinding glow from its breast, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. From this divine light emanating from the crystal, a solitary figure emerged, walking with a slow but sure step and gradually descending the steps of the ice staircase... The Iwi queen and the priestesses could now see with their astonished eyes... Elsa had reappeared, but her appearance had changed... She now wore a majestic blue and white outfit similar to a mixture of a queen dress and armor knight, armored shoulders covered with ice spikes and a long translucent cape in the back. On her head, a large and splendid crown also composed of ice and resembling a snow star and large curved horns of ice in the center. Her hair was once again styled in a long braid falling on her shoulder. Although her face hadn't changed, Elsa now showed a much stronger gaze than before, the depths of her irises shining with an overpowering magic...
The Iwi Queen and the priestesses, almost as if hypnotized by Elsa's beauty and power, approached and bowed in a position of veneration. Elsa, silent and remaining straight and strong in her position, then looked at her hands and then at her new outfit, also feeling all the new power that lived in her, but above all, a new vision... She saw everything now, the currents of the past traveling through the water and ice of the world, powered by Ahothallan, she could see it now too... She was Elsa, heiress of Shimo, titan of balance and memory of the world!
Meanwhile, on the surface, in the Arctic Circle, another new power was about to awaken and reveal itself. Tiamat's lair, completely drained of the energy it contained, collapsed on itself in terrible tremors, while in its heart, Godzilla, his spines glowing like miniature suns, suddenly opened his eyes, bursting with this newfound power.
The surface of the gigantic iceberg exploded like a volcanic eruption, forcing the nearest Monarch military helicopters to have to maneuver to back away and avoid the projectiles. In the midst of this chaos, emerging like a mountain rising from the ground, Godzilla rose slowly but surely... His dorsal plates seemed to have developed and changed, as did the small spikes adorning his head and elbows... The radioactive energy that inhabited him, now a blinding pink-purple, made his back and eyes shine... Inhabited by all this power beyond all imagination, Godzilla let this new transformation, this new rage, be expressed by a deafening and all-powerful roar towards the sky, announcing to all creation that no one would escape his implacable judgment. The roar was so powerful that the water and even the air shook over a wide area.
However, something seemed wrong with this change in Godzilla... Deep inside him, the surviving essence of Destoroyah that had clung to him like a parasite, had also fed on this overload of energy, almost merging with it and gradually infecting Godzilla's brain, accentuating his already great aggression to a point never before reached... Possessed by this new anger, Godzilla was now ready to unleash it, and all those who would get in his way would then meet an instant and brutal death.
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