Chapter 17 - The Tyrant King part 2
Sad and suffering from the loss of his friend, Suko had stepped back, quite worried about the turn of events and the fight that was going to follow. First, Elsa, in her white dress, stepped forward, her gaze determined, separated by only a few meters by this woman, Raya, who was waiting for her firmly without any ounce of fear. However, Elsa, despite the anger that inhabited her because of the odious actions of the Skar King, tried to speak to Raya.
_"You still have a chance to give up this fight." said the former queen of Arendelle. "Believe me, you have no idea of my abilities and all those who underestimated me are no longer here to talk about it."
_"The very arrogance of the primordial titans." Raya then mocked in response. "You think yourselves so superior, stronger, wiser, smarter... And yet, it's you and your king who spend your time hiding from the rest of the world, like cowards."
With these deliberately belittling words, Raya unhooked her cape and took off her hat, letting them fall to the ground, freeing her arms and unsheathing her wavy-bladed sword. On the hilt of the weapon, Elsa then noticed this small fragment of crystal encrusted and shining with a dark purple glow that let feel a black, unhealthy, corrupt energy...
_"Show me what you're capable of, false goddess..." Raya growled, her eye shining with a desire to fight.
Elsa concentrated a first icy energy in her hand and projected it, but Raya, with a blow of her blade, blocked the spell which shattered into fragments of ice. Elsa tried other projections of ice, but Raya deflected them all with precision and speed, showing great dexterity in handling the blade. Elsa then tried to freeze the ground under Raya's feet to make her fall but Raya dodged the attack with an agile jump. Seeming disappointed and mocking the goddess' attacks, Raya quickened her pace and leapt forward, delivering a quick sideways blow. However, Elsa had the reflex to create two blades of ice in her hands which hit Raya's blade.
_"Ah, now we're talking..." Raya said with a wicked smile.
The two women, face to face, began to exchange sword blows, the steel and ice blades clashing in dull noises and creating sparks with each impact. Raya showed impressive agility and technique, sometimes forcing Elsa to have to retreat under her attacks.
Not far away, the Skar King observed the beginning of the fight between the two humans, sneering slyly as he saw that Raya, his apostle, managed to stand up to the titan of balance. But he quickly focused on his own opponent. Kong cast a concerned glance at Elsa but had to quickly focus, his axe in hand, for the fight that awaited him. The Skar King, more than confident, unhooked the titan's spine attached to his shoulder, then made it spin faster and faster above his head like a sort of immense whip, forcing the other monkeys around to retreat so as not to receive a blow.
Around them, the other great apes, in perfect unison, began to strike their fists on the rocky ground, at a regular and brutal rhythm, like a hammering announcing the confrontation. Kong remained focused, his fist clenched on the handle of his axe. Skar King spun his bone whip for a moment more, then in a more offensive gesture, attempted a first blow towards Kong's head, who then noticed that the end of the whip ended in a sharp and pointed fragment of blue crystal that threatened to cut his face. In a reflex, Kong dodged the blow, losing his balance under the blow of surprise and fell backwards but quickly got back on his feet.
The whip came back for another attack but Kong saw it coming and managed to grab the end to hold it back. But Skar King had anticipated it and yanked it out, brutally cutting Kong's palm with the crystal. Kong groaned in pain and could see the bleeding wound on his hand, much to Skar's satisfaction who smiled cruelly. Furious, Kong roared and charged, delivering a violent blow with his axe that the Skar King easily avoided with an agile leap to the side. Kong, much stronger but slower, tried other blows, but all were avoided. Skar King managed to block the axe, deflecting it, then in another quick leap managed to get behind Kong while hitting him violently in the back with the whip.
Not far away, Elsa and Raya continued their sword fight, but Elsa, with quick glances, could see with concern that Kong already seemed in trouble, this Skar King being much faster and more agile than him, but this formidable whip also giving him a certain advantage at a distance.
Unfortunately, because of this second of inattention, Raya took the opportunity to jump on Elsa in a spear tackle, the two women falling brutally to the ground and Raya trying to stab Elsa in the face, but the goddess blocking the blade with hers.
_"You care about him, do you? Good... you will watch him die at the hand of my king!" Raya said with dark assurance.
_"Your overconfidence will be your downfall!" Elsa replied curtly with a kick that pushed Raya back, making her roll a few meters on the ground.
_"Not bad... not bad at all..." Raya chuckled slyly as she got up and seemed to be pleased to see resistance from her opponent and immediately went back to the attack.
Elsa quickly noticed that the purple crystal fragment embedded in the hilt of Raya's sword was shining brighter than before, as if letting its energy spread through the weapon but also Raya's arm. She then seemed faster and stronger than before, her blows making Elsa's arm tremble with each impact of the blades.
The former queen of Arendelle then let out a wave of frost all around her, pushing Raya who rolled backwards but quickly got back on her feet. Raya then activated a mechanism of her sword, the wavy blade separating into several parts connected by filaments and extending like a sharp whip that she threw. Elsa, in a reflex, summoned a wall of ice right in front of her which was pierced by the blade but was stopped right in front of her face. However, Raya then shattered the ice wall into pieces by passing through it with a monumental aerial kick, enough to destabilize Elsa and send her falling backwards. Raya then attempted to impale her on the ground, but Elsa narrowly avoided it by rolling to the side.
As she got back on her feet, Elsa, thanks to her sharp titan senses, could however sense an inner chaos in this Raya, a hidden but very real suffering contained in her heart... A very recognizable pain, pushing her towards anger... Confused but wanting to get to the bottom of it, Elsa decided to try to probe the warrior woman's mind. To do this, Elsa waited for Raya to charge towards her, then at the last moment, summoned magical ice around Raya's legs, taking her by surprise and making her fall heavily to the ground. Elsa then quickly jumped on Raya, grabbing the sides of her head with her hands and concentrating all her titan magic on her mind...
_"RAAAH, no! Let go of me!" Raya roared as she struggled furiously.
But Elsa ignored her, managing to hold her and enter her mind to probe her, much like she could probe the ice in Ahtohallan. Suddenly, blurry images began to appear in front of Elsa... She could see flames... A fire ravaging an ancient village, with Asian architecture in the middle of the jungle and mountains... Dead people, many dead people lying on the ground... And Raya, already an adult but younger, on her knees and in tears, holding the body of an older man close to her, whom she begged to wake up, in vain... Then, another human form, dark and with an impossible to discern face, came to meet poor Raya devastated by grief...
_"My poor child... your father was wrong... Come with me, I will take you to a very powerful being who will know how to protect you and bring you what you desire most..." said the mysterious individual in dark in sentences that seemed incomplete, in a perfidious and strangely familiar voice.
Her face consumed by the pain and sorrow of losing her father before her eyes, Raya helplessly accepted this outstretched hand, causing a slight, sly smile to appear at the corner of the lips of the mysterious dark-clad individual...
Elsa would have liked to see more, but Raya managed to free herself from her grip, breaking the ice on her legs with her sword and pushed Elsa back with a violent kick. Elsa rolled on the ground but quickly got back on her feet, still troubled by what she had just seen.
_"You... you're going to pay for that!" Raya yelled, much less mocking and sure of herself than before, leaping furiously towards her opponent.
Meanwhile, Kong had managed to grab the Skar King by the throat and pin him against a rock wall, ready to strike him down with the ax, but the sneaky red ape cunningly stabbed Kong under the ribs with the whip's crystal, causing Kong to roar in pain. Skar King took advantage of the moment to deliver a nimble side kick to Kong's chin, knocking him backwards. Skar King then sent his whip to grab Kong's axe and disarm him, causing the weapon to fall further away.
Although deprived of his weapon, Kong got up and did not give up but the Skar King, always very fast, delivered other violent whip blows, the sharp crystal making other deep cuts in Kong's arms, body and legs who with each blow suffered and tried as best he could to protect himself under the incessant assaults of his opponent. The Skar King then leapt nimbly into the air, kicking Kong in the face while managing to pass behind him and wrapped his whip around Kong's throat, blocking him and starting to strangle him to death from behind. One knee on the ground, out of breath and suffering from multiple injuries, Kong was in a very bad position, under the unhealthy sneers of the Skar King who took sadistic pleasure in killing him very slowly, under the cries and hammering of the monkeys around them galvanized and indoctrinated by this violence, except for Suko who was eaten up with worry.
For her part, Elsa had managed to push Raya back and then noticed her friend's situation.
_"KONG!" gasped the goddess who then rushed to help him.
However, Raya jumped nimbly above her and blocked her path, raising the blade straight towards her.
_"Not so fast, we're not done, you and I." said the warrior woman.
_"Let... me... pass..." ordered Elsa, out of patience.
_"You don't have to intervene. Your friend accepted the duel, he must now pay the price for his audacity." retorted Raya.
Elsa gritted her teeth, glancing at Kong who was struggling and gasping, struggling to free himself from the Skar King's grip that was tightening tighter and tighter. Come on, Kong, fight, take over, I know you can do it... The world needs you... Jia needs you, Elsa prayed inwardly.
But just as he seemed about to succumb, Kong managed to find a second wind, managing to get the Skar King over his shoulder and violently threw him a few meters away, to the great amazement of everyone, even Raya who abandoned her fight against Elsa to come and help her king. But the Skar King, quickly regaining his senses, with a firm gesture of his hand, ordered his elite guards and even Raya to stay back, that this fight was his. Kong, beating his chest hard, emitted a roar of defiance, ready to continue the fight, and was joined by Elsa who also displayed a firm attention not to surrender, surrounding her hands with a magical icy aura.
Not at all worried, even seeming almost amused to face two enemies at the same time, Skar King emitted grunts resembling a sly laugh. He then took the translucent sharp crystal in his hand, making it shine with a cold blue energy whose powerful aura Elsa immediately felt awaken and which... presented a great similarity with hers, to her great amazement! Raya and the other monkeys stepped back while Skar King saw her blue eyes also start to shine with this same energy, brandishing the crystal in a specific direction. Distrustful but also confused, Kong and Elsa remained on their guard while Raya showed an evil smile, guessing what was going to happen.
Then, Kong and Elsa, looking behind them, saw some of the great apes dropping large rocks on the arrival of a large lava waterfall, blocking the continuous flow of the latter and making the curtain of thick lava disappear which gave access to a large, very dark space on the other side. However, Kong and Elsa, thanks to their titan instincts, immediately guessed a presence in this darkness... A non-human presence and above all very overwhelming, a power never felt before. Their concern increased when two large, threatening and reptilian bright blue eyes opened in the darkness, staring at them and accompanied by a monstrous, dull growl. Elsa gasped. This titanic power was as overwhelming as that of Godzilla!
_"What is it...?" she breathed.
Kong and Elsa took a step back as a frozen aura gradually spread out of the cavern, freezing the volcanic rock without difficulty. But what happened with the frozen aura almost paralyzed Kong and Elsa with shock.
First a large clawed reptilian paw, followed by a massive head and body covered in white scales. The size of the quadruped creature was beyond colossal, exceeding King Ghidorah by several meters. A mixture of salamander and dragon, a large jaw lined with teeth and a head adorned with a crown of blue crystalline spikes. These same crystal spikes covered its back and tail. A permanent frozen aura emanated from its enormous body. Letting out deafening roars, the massive ice titan advanced with slight struggle, chains made of thick titan bones encircling its head and holding it captive as several apes pulled on the chains to force it forward.
Faced with the imposing presence of this monster, Kong and Elsa had backed away a little together. Skar King, accompanied by Raya, had moved to one side and brandished his glowing crystal again, this time in the direction of Kong and Elsa, as if designating them as targets. But the giant ice creature seemed to protest with a roar, to which the furious Skar King made the crystal shine even brighter by squeezing it in his hand, which had the effect of making the ice monster react with pain. Faced with this scene comparable to torture, Elsa guessed without difficulty that this crystal was controlling this titan against his will. Moreover, looking more closely, she thought she noticed that one of the large crystals adorning the creature's head was damaged, a fragment missing.
Unable to resist the crystal's mind control, the giant ice monster took a deep breath and made its dorsal crystals shine brighter and brighter, in the same way that Godzilla made his spikes shine. With horror, Elsa knew what was going to happen and decided to act quickly.
_"Kong, watch out!" she warned, interposing herself.
The ice monster then spat out an imposing and powerful beam of icy energy, but Elsa concentrated a powerful dose of her magic to project from her hands a single powerful frost beam. The two rays collided, causing a shock wave that shook the entire cavern, but very quickly Elsa's beam was unable to resist for more than three seconds and burst under the power of the creature. The shockwave created violently threw Elsa backwards in a cry of pain, making her roll on the ground and leaving her unconscious and terribly weakened, but Suko rushed to pick her up in his hands.
Kong, shocked and worried to have seen Elsa being swept away like this, had to react quickly and rolled nimbly to avoid another beam of ice. He managed to retrieve his axe just in time and interposed it against the monstrous and continuous frost beam that the ice titan spat at him, intensifying the power with each second. Although the axe resisted, Kong quickly noticed that his right forearm was beginning to freeze under the force of the beam, which ended up exploding and throwing the gorilla brutally to the ground, injured, his forearm numb, bleeding and bitten to the bone by the polar cold. He could not even move his fingers, or even feel his forearm.
A little roar from Suko caught his attention and he saw that the young titan, holding Elsa carefully in one of his hands, was making hasty signs to him, indicating a way out to escape from here. Knowing full well that he could do nothing alone against such power and being seriously injured, Kong opted to leave and rushed. Seeing him do so, however, Skar King did not order his ice creature to spit another ray.
_"What do we do? Are you letting them escape?" Raya then asked.
But the Skar King smiled cruelly with his sharp teeth, visibly having another idea in mind as he began to follow Kong and ordering that no one follow him.
Following Suko, Kong took the dark tunnel but was slowed down by the severe frostbite he suffered from on one of his arms, no longer being able to lean on it to run on all fours. He nevertheless ended up arriving outside, on a rocky section very high up and where below was a large river of gray water flowing. Suko had crossed a small rocky bridge, signaling Kong to come quickly. But as Kong crossed the bridge, the Skar King's bone whip suddenly struck him in the lower back, making Kong roar in pain and making him lose his balance to the point that he fell off the bridge but hung on in extremis with his only good arm. Suko, panicked and too frightened, then saw the Skar King advance towards the edge of the bridge, looking at Kong sadistically and dominating him from above. Kong growled, fighting against the pain of his injury and drawing on his last strength to try to hoist himself up. The Skar King then crushed Kong's hand with his foot, making him suffer even more and making him gradually let go while continuing to look at him cruelly. Kong did everything he could to resist but...
In Suko's hand, Elsa regained consciousness, still dazed by the shock received and opened her eyes to see, with fright, Kong falling from a dizzying height, hitting several sides of the mountain before disappearing in the tumultuous waters of the river, under the gaze of the Skar King who expressed a monstrous laugh.
_"KOOOOONG!" Elsa screamed, accompanied by the saddened and frightened grunts of Suko.
The Skar King then turned his attention to them, his gaze filled with darkness and sadism meeting that of Elsa, a tear pearling from her eye for what had happened to her friend. Suko then fled, taking Elsa with him. The Skar King watched them do it but did not even try to pursue them, considering them too insignificant. He had gotten rid of the main troublemaker, that's what mattered after all.
Back in the great cavern of his mountain, Skar King, surrounded by his henchmen and Raya, approached Kong's axe which lay on the rocky ground and still partially covered in frost. The Skar King picked it up without delay, brandishing it high and with force in a roar of triumph, making this weapon a new symbol of his omnipotence that nothing and no one could question.
Meanwhile, in the Iwi temple located under the great pyramid, Ann Possible had continued to decipher the ancient murals engraved on the walls, discovering another terrible truth about this Skar King.
_"Imprisoned in his underground kingdom, the Skar King then discovered a phenomenal and very ancient power that he made his own: the primordial ice titan, the mother-goddess Shimo." Ann said. "Through immeasurable suffering, he controls her will. According to these engravings, Shimo would even be the original titan, the one who plunged the world into the ice age thousands of years ago..."
_"Wait, did you say the primordial ice titan?" James interjected. "But I thought that, according to the studies on titans conducted by Monarch, Elsa had been identified as the primordial ice titan?"
_"Indeed, but there is something else... It is said that Shimo would be at the origin of the creation of a people now extinct... An ancient people linked to the titans who were said to control the ice: the Iss." Ann replied. "It is only a theory but perhaps during her captivity, knowing herself incapable of fulfilling her role but that the balance had to be maintained at all costs, Shimo designated an heir to her status as primordial titan of balance..."
_"Elsa..." James breathed, understanding better now.
Ann nodded. Indeed, thanks to Monarch studies and discoveries around the world, Elsa had been identified as the last living member of the Iss people, the same people who apparently worshipped Godzilla as their protector and who were apparently created by the mother of all titans, Shimo. This discovery left everyone stunned, but Ann wasn't done, refocusing on a previously studied fresco.
_"If you think about it, everything comes together..." she said. "We brought Kong here, and since then he felt a presence, like fellow beings, which unknowingly pushed him to gradually get closer to their prison... The Iwis knew it was only a matter of time, which is why they called on the protectors of the surface... That's why Godzilla is transforming..."
_"He's preparing for World War III." Trapper whispered darkly.
That was one way of putting it, but unfortunately yes.
_"But... if this thing, this Shimo and this Skar King are as powerful as that, how could Godzilla and Elsa hope to defeat them alone?" James then said rather pessimistically.
_"No, they won't be alone..." Ann answered him, who, with her finger, then pointed to the final fresco, the one that only she had noticed until now and which covered the entire ceiling.
This fresco represented four monstrous and large figures, respectively representing the four primordial elemental titans, standing in a square around two smaller, human figures, holding hands and as if unifying all together with the four titans.
_"The Iwis believe that, when the end of the world is near and the cold and darkness will hide the sun, one of their own will appear. Supported by the power of the titan of balance, they will awaken the goddess Mothra from her sleep together... United all three, thus they will form the bond for the ultimate alliance of titans that will put an end to the reign of the last terror."
Everyone remained silent for a moment, contemplating this majestic giant fresco, seeing the figure of Mothra flying over the two human figures holding hands with her wings spread. The other titans, identified as Godzilla, Kong and Rodan, surrounded them, appearing to join them in this alliance.
_"Wait a minute... Elsa is the titan of balance, we know that, but what about this prophetic Iwi, you're not going to tell me it's..." James began to say, fearing he had understood.
_"Yes... She will come from Skull Island." Ann added.
All eyes then turned to young Jia, who was also still disoriented by all these discoveries but was supported by the Iwi queen who came to see her and supported her with her gaze. It was a heavy burden for such a young soul to bear, but Jia was determined to take it on, for the sake of all those she cared about.
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