Chapter 13 - Trust
Lost in the middle of unfathomable and endless darkness, Elsa continued to run, looking for a way out. But as she advanced, an aura of intense cold manifested itself in a freezing and biting mist, which she herself managed to feel and be affected by. She had tried to control this cold with her powers, but impossible... The source of this frost, whoever it was, was much more powerful than her, which did not reassure her. Surrounded by this frost fog that was not hers, Elsa felt this presence in the darkness that was observing her... A non-human presence, overwhelming, filled with ancestral anger but also... great suffering and distress... Then, the frost of the mist began to form some sort of visions that were quite blurry but familiar... Once again, Elsa contemplated with confusion, finding herself facing the misty shadow of this dark simian creature with threatening blue eyes, sitting on a stone throne and surrounded by a mass grave of bones... In one of his hands, he seemed to hold an object like... an ice crystal. The threatening monkey then brandished the crystal with an iron fist, like a merciless warrior brandishing the most powerful of weapons... From this crystal, Elsa could discern cries of suffering and distress from something, so loud and piercing that Elsa had to cover her ears.
_"Who are you?!" Elsa asked with suspicion and also some fear in her heart.
The vision of the simian titan hidden in the shadows was content with repeated growls similar to a slow and sick laugh as it tightened its grip on the crystal, accentuating the roars of pain of the other thing... Her nature as a titan of balance was also very affected, as if entering into perfect resonance with this suffering, which disturbed Elsa even more.
Suddenly, a human-sized shadow, resembling a woman wrapped in a cape, wearing a conical hat on her head and armed with a sword, leapt out of the icy fog and tried to strike a blow at Elsa who reflexively jumped back. The mysterious warrior woman kept her face hidden in the shadows, her eyes a macabre purple shining.
_"You are nothing but a lie, embodying the hypocrisy of the false gods who believed they could shape the world in their image..." the warrior woman proclaimed in an ethereal and judgmental voice. "But soon, the true titan of balance will be reborn and with him will come the emergence of a new empire! The king is dead... Long live the king!"
Elsa remained silent, more than confused by these statements. What false gods? The true titan of balance?! The former queen of Arendelle did not have time to ask herself a question before the vision of the fog changed, this time presenting her with a spectacle that squeezed her heart to the highest point.
Godzilla was there, standing, but he was... changed, both physically and mentally... His eyes and spine glowing blood red, the king of the monsters had just caused a real carnage... Mothra and Rodan lay lifeless at his feet, horribly burned and mutilated... Kong was there too, on the ground and also very injured, breathing with difficulty as Godzilla stood above him, one foot on the gorilla's chest to keep him on the ground, a familiar sight that brought back horrible memories to Elsa.
_"Godzilla... NO!"
Too late... Godzilla spat a short but devastating atomic breath right into Kong's head, finishing him off. Elsa covered her mouth, horrified to the highest degree and a tear pearling from her eye. Victorious, Godzilla, his red eyes shining and filled with immeasurable hatred turned towards her... Meeting the possessed gaze of her king, Elsa immediately felt a chaotic and overwhelming presence staring at her through Godzilla's eyes...
_"No... no, not you..." Elsa gasped in shock.
It was him... Destoroyah. Suddenly, the tide of living and poisonous black mud began to manifest in all directions, raising giant tentacles gradually encircling Elsa and Godzilla. Showing no fear, the king of the monsters concentrated all the chaos within him to generate a devastating and burning pulse of red energy that at lightning speed hit Elsa head on...
_"Godzilla!" Elsa gasped as she opened her eyes, pulling herself out of the nightmarish visions that had invaded her sleep.
Immediately, Kong noticed the reaction of the former queen of Arendelle who had fallen asleep on his shoulder and emitted a soft and concerned grunt, asking her what was happening. Elsa did not answer right away, still in shock from what she had just seen and felt and took a few moments to recover.
_"I... I don't know... Everything is so confusing..." Elsa moaned in response, feeling a terrible headache. "But I'm fine, don't worry, Kong..."
Kong looked at her for a moment, really concerned by her condition but decided to continue walking, holding his axe in one hand. Guided by the young giant ape Suko, Kong and Elsa continued their way through this hidden part of the Hollow Earth, seeing life continue its course all around them. A swarm of Warbats hunting flying reptiles, caught some prey before continuing their flight south. Further on, on the ground, a large group of Hellhawks were also in the middle of a meal, digging the earth and turning over large stones in search of insects or larvae to devour, but quickly became afraid and flew away in a concert of hoarse squawks as the two great apes approached.
Helped by their large size, Kong and Suko had no trouble making their way through the dense jungle, and on the one hand, Elsa felt lucky to be with them, because she would have easily gotten lost in the middle of all this vegetation. However, she kept a rather wary eye on young Suko, ready to act for some trickery on his part. Suko then pushed aside some branches, revealing to Kong and Elsa a magnificent lake of fresh water with a heavenly appearance between the mountains. A place that seemed ideal to take a little break after such a long walk. However, as they approached the water's edge, everyone remained cautious, carefully examining their surroundings but no dangerous presence seemed to be detected. Suko emitted small cries of delight and dove first into the water, expressing his joy at cooling off. Kong watched him do so, still wary but admitted to being thirsty too.
_"I think a little break of a few minutes won't kill us." Elsa commented.
Kong emitted a slight grunt at that and nodded, delicately taking Elsa in his hand to place her on the rocky bank that bordered the lake. Not unhappy to find herself on dry land, the former queen of Arendelle sat on a rock and observed the two monkeys, but could not prevent the images of these visions from coming back to her, haunting her and leaving her confused about the role of the titan of balance who seemed to play a central role in these visions... She was also very worried about Godzilla... Not only did she miss him but she also knew only too well what could happen if they were separated for too long and she never wanted to experience that again... Again, a migraine took her...
Meanwhile, Kong had also entered the lake and advanced until the water reached the bottom of his thighs, coming to splash water on the back of his neck to cool down a little while Suko, not far away, drank with a certain reserve, often casting furtive glances towards Kong. He suddenly noticed the slight ripple that formed on the surface of the water, indicating the rise and approach of something, but remained silent and did not warn Kong, the latter nevertheless noticing the strange attitude of the young monkey. Elsa, who had been too absorbed by the impact of these visions, noticed it too late.
_"KONG! WATCH OUT!" she gasped as she jumped from her rock.
At the same time, the big gorilla noticed the giant shadow that rose behind him and turned around. A creature resembling a white aquatic snake with blue patterns had emerged from the lake and launched itself with its jaws wide open. Kong, in a reflex, interposed the handle of his axe against the jaws of the snake which attacked it relentlessly in an attempt to reach the head of the gorilla who, struggling with all his strength, roared ferociously.
Suko screamed in panic and hurried out of the lake while Elsa instead rushed into it, freezing the water beneath her feet in her race to reach the confrontation and help her titan friend. Concentrating her magic, she sent projections of ice into the giant snake's face to hinder and blind it and even sent a volley of sharp stalactites into its ribs. This intervention allowed Kong to lift the creature to throw it violently into the lake. The snake disappeared under the water, but Kong and Elsa knew very well that it was still alive, that they were circling around them to attack by surprise. Suddenly, Elsa was thrown into the air by the brutal emergence of the giant snake right under her. The creature prepared to grab her in the air with its jaws but Kong intervened, deflecting its head with a masterful punch while Elsa fell back into the water. Kong tried to strike a blow with his axe but the snake's tail firmly gripped his arm to block his momentum, before leaping with all his weight on the gorilla and dragging him completely underwater in an attempt to drown him.
Still shaken by the eddies underwater, Elsa noticed the giant form of the snake that was violently squeezing Kong and trying to drag him even deeper in the lake. Without hesitation, Elsa swam as fast as she could to help her friend. She reached halfway up the snake's body, clinging to it and firmly applied her hand to its scale skin, concentrating her magic at full power to begin to gradually freeze it. Feeling the cold and ice cover its body and invade its organism, the snake began to suffer and struggle, allowing Kong to free himself and prepare his axe...
From the beginning of the fight, Suko had taken advantage of the general chaos to cowardly flee, running as fast as he could through the jungle with a sly little smile between his teeth.
Suddenly, a projection of ice froze the ground under his feet, making him slip and fall violently forward into the vegetation. Barely having time to get up and understand, the decapitated head of the giant snake landed not far from him, surprising him. Suko then saw Kong, Elsa on his shoulder, arrive and both of them looking at him with an angry look.
_"You knew there was this thing in the lake, am I wrong? You deliberately tried to have us killed." Elsa then said as a direct accusation towards the juvenile titan.
Suko emitted grunts of protest and even hostility towards Elsa, but a low growl from Kong quickly silenced him and backed away. Suko even covered his head in fear believing that Kong was going to hit him, but the giant gorilla just took the snake's head and motioned for Suko to move forward.
_"Be lucky that Kong and I are the forgiving type." Elsa added. "For such a thing, my king would surely not have been so lenient."
Suko, sheepish, stumbled rather awkwardly as he wanted to move forward and resumed his walk, grumbling. Kong watched him do it, this time keeping an eye on him much more than usual. Elsa, despite her anger at Suko's deliberate act, could not help but make another observation of her own to Kong.
_"Still... why do that? Why insist on wanting to kill us? He looks so young... It doesn't make any sense." she said.
Kong listened and spoke in sign language, as he had learned by watching Jia do it. The titan expressed the fact that Suko seemed to be afraid, but not of them, of something else. Elsa also had the same feeling. Another detail that had also jumped out at them were the marks that the young monkey had on certain parts of his body and face... As if he had been beaten quite violently, and repeatedly...
Much later, at the edge of a cliff giving a splendid view of a forest valley below and the black mountain ranges beyond, the trio had decided to stop to rest and eat a little. Kong had cut the snake's head into several pieces and was enjoying eating one, tearing a large flap of flesh between his teeth. Elsa, sitting across from him on a small rock, watched with a rather disgusted but also amused air to see Kong eating. A king perhaps, but the titans were not known for their table manners, and she knew that only too well having already seen Godzilla eat. Not being a big fan of the idea of eating the raw flesh of a giant snake, Elsa had managed to pick up some fruit in bushes and trees nearby. Not a very copious meal but which would nevertheless allow her to regain her strength. At least, these fruits were edible and not bad. As she ate, she watched for a moment the twilight that was setting in, giving this magnificent red-orange hue to this most surreal landscape.
Suko, for his part, had stayed away from the beginning, sitting in his corner and not even daring to look at Kong and Elsa, as if he was ashamed, or even afraid of their slightest reaction to him. Kong noticed this and in a gesture of kindness tore off a piece of his own meat and held it out to Suko. Elsa watched him do it without intervening and in silence, but smiled to see such a gesture from her friend.
But Suko still showed distrust, or even incomprehension in this altruistic gesture, even expressing a few small frightened grunts and not daring to approach. Kong tried to insist, but seeing that it was in vain, simply decided to throw the piece of meat not far away and resumed his meal. Suko hesitated again, still looking confused but quickly changed his mind as he grabbed the piece of bleeding meat and began to devour it with gusto, in a way that did not fail to intrigue Elsa.
To devour this meat voraciously and without even taking the time to chew or savor it, he must have been really hungry. Besides, this young titan seemed emaciated, as were those other great apes with him during the ambush... They had neglected aspects, almost like the undead... Elsa then looked towards Kong, and saw that he too seemed troubled while eating. Had he noticed these details too? Surely, intelligent as he was. Elsa suddenly felt bad for Suko to know that he was probably the victim of something that forced him to act like this, out of fear...
After swallowing several mouthfuls, Suko expressed satisfaction and, at first a little shy, even dared to get a little closer to Kong and sit down next to him to continue eating and feel less left out. This effort on his part did not go unnoticed and Elsa and Kong exchanged a look.
After the meal, it was time to sleep a little before continuing the walk. Kong had lain down at the edge of the trees, the carpet of vegetation making an excellent mattress. The giant gorilla invited Elsa to climb into one of his hands to sleep there, which she accepted. But as she settled in comfortably, the former queen of Arendelle saw the young Suko begin to settle down alone, apart, to sleep and looking sad.
_"Hey... you can come sleep with us. You have nothing to fear." Elsa then said with compassion.
Suko hesitated once again, but Kong supported Elsa by growling in a friendly manner and signaling to the young monkey that he could come with them. Suko approached, with his usual wariness, then, seeing that it was indeed safe and even showing a shy but real expression of gratitude, came to snuggle up against Kong's body, like a child wanting to feel reassured by the presence of an adult.Suko yawned and closed her eyes to fall asleep. Kong watched her and even showed a small smile and yawned in turn and fell asleep. Elsa looked at the two monkeys, seeing the young one snuggled up against the adult and this vision almost made her think of a father and his son. She smiled softly, this vision bringing her back to her childhood, when she had nightmares and she came to sleep in her parents' bed to feel reassured, safe... Not to mention all those nights with Godzilla in Ahtohallan, snuggled up against him and his comforting warmth... It was in this hope of being able to relive these moments of happiness that Elsa settled on her back in Kong's giant hand and closed her eyes to try to find some rest.
_"Good night, Godzilla..." she murmured softly.
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