Chapter 3 - The Cursed Name
The general alert had been triggered within the Monarch outpost, half of which had been destroyed. Members of the personnel still able to move were in charge of evacuating the many wounded as far as possible from the debris and the smoke. Unfortunately many others were unlucky, killed instantly by the violent emergence of the titan or by the pieces of buildings. Having joined the evacuation convoy outside the walls of the outpost towards the nearest heights, Ann ran, and in her arms, Jia could not hold her gaze more than worried to turn towards the fierce fight that would ensue.
Amidst the ruins, Kong and Gorosaurus faced each other. The giant gorilla roared mightily, his ax in one hand and struck his chest with the other. The giant allosaurus responded with its own roar of defiance, and the two titans charged at each other, beginning their fight.
Kong leapt into the air and delivered a vertical swing with his ax in hopes of decapitating Gorosaurus, but the latter dodged the attack with a sideways movement and retaliated with a brutal swipe of its tail that slammed against the chest of Kong who groaned in pain as he was thrown back against the cliff behind him. Gorosaurus then followed with his most devastating attack. Using its powerful tail as a support, the giant allosaurus rose up in the air and with its huge hind legs, like a kangaroo, struck Kong head-on, who once again slammed into the collapsing cliff. From her position, Jia had a beating heart, dead worried for her friend and to see him in such a bad position from the start of the fight.
Pushing the shards of rock away from him, Kong groaned and sat up, hurting from the blow he received and seeing the marks on his chest. Disarmed, he had to restrain the jaws of Gorosaurus with his bare hands, which threw itself on him and tried to bite his face. Kong fought with all his might, holding back the jaws, feeling the reptile titan's hot, dastardly breath on his face, and with a masterful punch to the chin, managed to stun and push his opponent back. Kong took the opportunity to leap onto Gorosaurus's back, delivering more blows to the head to destabilize him and hanging on as the lizard thrashed about, roaring in anger.
Gorosaurus then had the idea of throwing himself against the other half of the cliff still standing, thus getting rid of Kong who was thrown to the ground by the shock. Gorosaurus attempted his murderous kicking attack a second time, but Kong narrowly dodged it and in order to lure his enemy as far away from the humans as possible, retrieved his ax and began running towards the jungle. Blinded by his fury, Gorosaurus chased him.
_"Look Kong... he's luring Gorosaurus away from us..." panted Ann who had finally taken refuge towards heights outside the base. Beside her, Jia watched in silence, praying with all her heart that her friend would be careful and emerge victorious from this fight.
_"Clever tactic I must admit... Ah Kong... he has always been the most subtle in his strategies... But in the end, at least Gorosaurus provides the perfect diversion."
This male voice, cold and sinister made the two girls jump in surprise and fear. They turned to see a very strange young man emerging from the tropical vegetation behind them and taking a few steps forward. He was tall and thin, had a pale, almost morbid complexion, worrying eyes and smile, short black hair and was dressed all in black, like some sort of gothic wizard.
His gaze, which looked first towards the two titans, then plunged straight into Jia. Immediately, the girl felt very uncomfortable, the aura of this stranger showing an overwhelming and terrifying malevolence, to the point of giving her a headache.
Seeing Jia wince in pain while holding her head a little as if she had a migraine, Ann became worried.
_"Jia? What's going on?!"
_*We have to run now!* signed Jia who was beginning to panic.
Ann was confused but looking away, taking her adopted daughter in her arms for protect her and took several steps back.
_"Who are you and what do you want?" Ann asked suspiciously. "It was you who brought Gorosaurus here?"
_"Tsss... always the same questions, such boring." sighed the stranger. "You humans are incapable of being original."
Feeling great fear towards this man, Ann started to run but in barely a second the stranger moved supernaturally, effortlessly catching up with her and kicking her hard in the back, knocking her and Jia down. Jia rolled on the rocky hill, suffering from the fall but not having a serious injury. Looking up, she saw Ann sitting up moaning and facing the approaching more than confident stranger.
_"No... you won't touch her..." Ann breathed.
But the stranger completely ignored her, contenting himself with breaking her arm with disconcerting ease after grabbing her. Ann screamed and collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain under Jia's horrified eyes whose tears began to flow as the stranger approached and covered her with his shadow.
_"Okay... now you're coming with me." he said.
With those gruesome words, he grabbed Jia on the shoulder and disappeared with her into a dark vortex that materialized around them, in front of Ann in tears, hurt and helpless.
_"" cried the woman.
Meanwhile and unaware of Jia's situation because too focused on his fight, Kong had managed to lure Gorosaurus far enough away from the outpost and the two titans would now fight in the middle of the surrounding jungle and cliffs. Swarms of birds flew out of the trees and the animals fled in all directions before the face to face of the two giants.
Gorosaurus charged, roaring but Kong avoided the bite and swung his ax in the right side of his enemy. The allosaurus roared in pain, blood beading from its wound but with a violent headbutt pushed Kong back and he fell backwards and crushed a patch of trees. Gorosaurus leapt at Kong to try and bite his head off but the gorilla shielded himself and the dinosaur's jaws closed on his forearm, feeling the teeth pierce his flesh, making him roar in pain but at least helped protect his head.
The pressure of the jaw increased but Kong made him let go with a punch in the eye. Kong then grabbed Gorosaurus by the head and slammed it hard against the wall of a cliff, and continued in his tracks with several knees to the head of the allosaurus, crushing it ever more between his knee and the wall.
But Gorosaurus, despite the blows, regained his senses and now closed his jaws on Kong's knee, who again roared in pain and received a violent blow from his tail in the chest which knocked him to the ground.
Growling, Kong wanted to get up but was now knocked to the ground by several violent tail smacks to his back by Gorosaurus which prevented him from getting back up and bombarded him relentlessly with blows.
Weakened by all the repeated blows to his bruised back, Kong struggled not to fall unconscious, gritting his teeth and trying to reach for his ax that lay on the ground nearby. But Gorosaurus' shadow covered him, and the dinosaur slammed his foot down on the gorilla's back, pinning him down and making him suffer even more. Gorosaurus, in a position of dominance, roared and opened its gaping jaws to bite down and snap the neck of the King of Hollow Earth.
But suddenly, from the thick depths of the jungle, the ground began to shake, heavy and rapid footsteps approaching and the titan Baragon came roaring and charging, and with his forehead horn violently impaled the ribs of Gorosaurus who roared with force in pain and was pulled away from Kong who rolled away and saw help coming.
Then, from the air, spinning on herself thanks to hot jets issuing from the cavities of her shell, Gamera came to the ground, rearing up on her hind legs, roaring and from her mouth spat a torrent of infernal red flames towards the head of Gorosaurus that flailed and screamed excruciatingly, blinded and burned by fire despite its tough skin. Baragon backed away to avoid being caught in the furrow of flames too, his forehead horn covered in his enemy's blood.
After several seconds, Gamera stopped his breath of flames, and roared at Kong while Gorosaurus growled and roared in thrashing, his head smoking and blinded, his eyes completely burned. Kong understood Gamera and seized the opportunity, grabbing his ax and sweeping the legs of Gorosaurus who collapsed to the ground. But as he was about to deliver the coup de grace, Kong noticed something strange with Gorosaurus... This one was in terrible pain because of the damage suffered, but not only... Gorosaurus, even blinded, seemed to look towards Kong and roared after him, but no almost sounded like pleading... Kill me please, make it stop, don't let him control me any longer... Kong in was baffled, but chose to act on it and free Gorosaurus from this torment and with one final blow, slammed his ax into the dinosaur's head which then stopped moving. It was finished.
Silence fell and Kong took a step back, his bloodied ax in his hand. His gaze rested on the lifeless body of Gorosaurus. Although he won, Kong expressed no sense of victory, remaining silent but also confused. Who was Gorosaurus referring to when talking about controlling him? He didn't understand, but nevertheless, knelt down and placed his hand on Gorosaurus' body, expressing a sorry groan for him and granting him that he could rest in peace.
Gamera and Baragon remained in their places and Kong then turned to them and thanked them for their help with a brief nod. The two titans bowed their heads to him, to the King of Hollow Earth. But suddenly, Kong gasped and groaned, his gaze shifting to the outpost beyond...Jia...something had happened, he could feel it.
It all happened in just a second for Jia. The moment before she was still on the edge of that cliff with her mother Ann, then now she found herself thrown to the ground by the hand of this scary stranger who towered over her and looked at her with an evil smile.
Frightened, holding her sore shoulder from the fall, Jia looked around uncomprehendingly. She was now underground, in the middle of a huge dark rock, a huge empty room. The stranger summoned a sphere of blue flames from his hand and let it fly away to light up the great hall. The glow then revealed the presence of a wall of brown rock, several kilometers high and long. Kneeling on the ground, Jia stared in terror at the imposing wall that rose up before her eyes. Most terrifying was the presence of many huge red and ancient symbols painted along the entire length of the wall. Anarchic and incomprehensible symbols, but some of which almost seemed to resemble some sort of pentagram. Jia then saw the stranger come forward and then gently pass the palm of his pale hand on the rocky surface, spreading a little dust.
_"A little more patience my old friend... very soon, you will be free..." whispered the stranger in a sinister voice.
Who was he talking to? Jia shuddered with dread. The stranger, by telekinesis, moved the sphere of blue flames so that it came to better illuminate the center of the wall. The light then revealed the central and ancient painting, and Jia opened her eyes filled with incomprehension but also with fear. This drawing had a scarlet color and the shape of a huge horned head, monstrous and demonic, almost like some kind of infernal demon straight out of biblical beliefs. Unnatural awe shot through Jia as she stared at this carving, as if she could sense something truly monstrous emanating from it.
_"You can feel it too, don't you?" then said the stranger telepathically to Jia with a sneer and coming to touch the drawing with his hand. "Behind this wall, from immemorial times, has been the ultimate life form of all creation... All that power just waiting to be awakened again... A power that even kings, gods and the demons fear... And soon his name will once again resound across the expanse of the cosmos and thus mark the beginning of a new reign... The reign of Destoroyah."
Destoroyah... Although she had never heard this name in his whole life and did not know what it was, Jia was again overcome by this feeling of absolute fear, as if the very pronunciation of this name was enough to stir up fears in hearts and minds. The stranger turned to her.
_ "And for that, I need the strongest and purest blood that can exist... The blood of the guardians of balance. Yours will be a good start, and then I will pay a little visit to Elsa."
Jia gasped with tears in her eyes and began to back away as the stranger sadistically stepped forward. But suddenly, a tall and very muscular human form emerged from the shadows, landing between them and interposing to protect Jia, who was more than surprised by this unexpected arrival.
The individual who had just arrived was very stocky, with dark skin, long black, wavy hair and a body covered in tattoos. In his hand, he held a more than strange weapon, resembling a kind of a large bone hook.
_"You won't touch a hair of that child, Outsider." declared the man in his imposing voice.
_"Maui. Demigod of the wind and sea..." whispered the Outsider without surprise and without fear. "I should have known you'd be around. Always trying to put a spoke in my wheels."
_"And I have done well so far and I intend to continue." Maui said forcefully. "If this thing was sealed it's for an excellent reason. If released, irreversible consequences would be impossible to imagine."
_"Oh stop, you're going to make me cry." The Outsider hissed in annoyance. "I don't care about the consequences, only the result counts. I waited too long to back down!"
_"But you are completely crazy!" Maui added. "Nothing in the universe can control this entity! If you release it, reality itself will be threatened!"
The Outsider then sketched a sadistic smile.
_"You're scared, Maui. I can feel it." sneered the Outsider. "You're so scared you don't even dare to say his name out loud, or even think about it."
_"Yes I'm scared, and you should be too." said the demigod bluntly. "What would Te Fiti say if she saw you doing that..."
At the mention of that name, the Outsider quickly lost his smile and this time showed a scowl.
_"I forbid you to say her name!" he roared, as Maui took a defensive stance, Jia hiding behind him. "I tried to make her understand, but she didn't listen to me! I had to take matters into my own hands, for our own good!"
Suddenly, the ceiling of the hall exploded and Kong burst in with a roar of fury and shook the floor as he arrived. Maui and Jia backed away, showing reassured faces while the Outsider remained scowling, now facing the giant gorilla towering over him and growling at him.
_"It's only the beginning... you'll all see..." said the Outsider, who then disappeared into a new vortex and evaporated as if he had never been there.
With the threat gone for now, Maui huffed a little and then saw Jia running towards Kong who knelt down and gently took her in his hand. The young girl snuggled up, more than reassured to see her friend again and vice versa. Maui smiled at the sight, then her gaze met Kong's.
_"Good to see you again, old friend." Maui said with a wave.
Kong gave a friendly growl this time, nodding in thanks to the demigod for standing up for Jia. But the attention of the giant gorilla was very quickly attracted by the presence of this giant wall behind him. A very strange and bad feeling was felt. Kong's wary eye then landed on that ancient engraving of that giant demonic face that almost seemed to be staring at him too. Kong growled fiercely at this drawing and took a few steps back, really sensing something powerful but also terrifying just behind this wall... Jia could see wariness in Kong's gaze, but also... fear.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, Godzilla seemed to snap back to reality, opening his eyes and emitting a confused growl that Elsa noticed.
_"Goji? What's going on?" she asked.
The king of the monsters remained silent, his gaze lost in the void... For a very short moment, his mind had been traversed by a kind of sharp flash... In the unfathomable darkness, he had thought he first perceived inhuman eyes of an unhealthy red watching him, on a monstrous and demonic head advancing little by little towards him and opening gaping jaws to let out an indescribable roar... At that very moment, doubt and worry had crossed Godzilla , just like the feeling of a memory more than distant, of a past life... No, that was not possible... It could not be him, refusing even to express a thought on this cursed name.
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