Chapter 14 - The Point of No Return
From Monarch's HEAVS shuttles, everyone could witness and feel the powerful vibration generated by the giant lightning that magically fell from the sky. But it was Jia and Elsa who were most marked by it, because at the same time, as heirs and guardians, they had been able to feel in their whole being the awakening of this power in Kong. However, they were reassured, because they still managed to feel his presence, finding that his nature had not been consumed by this new power. However, Elsa couldn't stop her fear from hugging her. Destoroyah seemed invincible despite all efforts to stop him. Staying here doing nothing was unbearable for the goddess, who, after casting a last look at Jia and Ann, got up from her seat and quickly activated the opening of the cargo bay door.
_"Elsa! No!" gasped Ann guessing, but too late.
As everyone looked on dumbfounded, Elsa leapt out of the shuttle, dropping into the void and using her powers to create an ice ramp beneath her that slid down to the ground and then began to run. as quickly as possible to the place of the battle.
On the battlefield, the king of Skull Island now sported that electricity-strong gaze, fiercer than he had ever been and ready to do battle with his opponent. Above, the black clouds had intensified, the simple rain gradually turning into a real storm.
Growling in anger at this unexpected event, Destoroyah began to step forward to confront the gorilla. But Kong threw his ax with uncanny dexterity, the giant weapon slicing through the air and spinning on its own and severing one of the devil's arms clean at the shoulder in a blast of sticky black blood. Destoroyah let out a roar of pain doubled with rage when he saw the loss of one of his arms which now lay on the ground as the bloody ax returned to Kong's hand. Enraged by this affront, Destoroyah roared again and charged at Kong.
Godzilla, for his part, who had witnessed the whole scene, was about to return to fight and help Kong who was alone, but Gipsy Danger's giant hand held the titan back by the shoulder. Intrigued, Godzilla turned to the Jaeger who was getting up with difficulty because of the damage he had suffered.
_"Godzilla wait..." said Kim Possible from the cockpit. "We would have liked to do more but our mech is no longer able to fight. However, we can still do one thing to help you."
Kim motioned to Ron, who although badly injured in one of his arms, gritted his teeth, fighting the pain and activated a device. From Gipsy's wrist came a large syringe, containing in its reservoir a kind of moving orange energy and looking rather unstable. Immediately, Godzilla felt powerful and familiar radiation, very similar to his own, emanating from that syringe. At first perplexed, the king of the monsters understood where these humans were coming from, and he seemed to acquiesce. Gipsy Danger then approached and thrust the syringe into Godzilla's scaly skin and began to gradually inject the contents of the syringe into his system. Very soon, Godzilla began to feel the effects, feeling the radiation in his body growing, strengthening with prodigious speed, and causing a searing, hellish rage to rise within him, glowing orange veins beginning to form on his skin and eyes. covering itself more and more with orange flames...
Heart pounding as if it was about to explode out of her chest, a thousand thoughts running through her mind, Elsa had never run so fast in her life, brushing aside the dense vegetation in her path to reach the battlefield. Despite Destoroyah's overwhelming superiority, she would do anything to focus her titanic nature and help Godzilla and Kong. Destoroyah was definitely not to reach the surface world!
But as she approached, an obstacle stood in her way. Emerging from a veil of dark magic, Lucanger reappeared, his cruel little smile on his lips. Elsa immediately covered her hands with frost and took a defensive stance.
_"Well... Where do you think you're going, poor helpless little goddess?" he asked cynically.
_"Let me pass!" she ordered, then summoned a projection of sharp icicles.
But the god countered or avoided them without the slightest effort, as if he saw them coming before they even arrived.
_"Is this what you know how to do best? You, the famous guardian who managed to defeat the witch Maleficent and the dark queen Ravenna? What a joke!
But as he cruelly laughed at her, Lucanger quickly changed his demeanor and began to hold his head, grimacing and growling, as if a terrible, searing pain seized him, much to the surprise of her. 'Elsa.
_"Raaah... No, not yet... I... I forbid you to..."
Then, under Elsa's complete incomprehension, Lucanger seemed to have emerged from a nightmare and addressed her with a completely different attitude.
_"Elsa, please help me... It's not what you think, I..."
_"Silence, miserable insect! I did not authorize you to speak!"
_"No, that's enough! I...I can't let you go on...That...that wasn't what was agreed!"
_"A contract is a contract, you idiot! You should have paid more attention to your desires!"
Elsa was in complete confusion, seeing Lucanger who seemed to be in the midst of an inner struggle. His demeanor changed all the time, as if two personalities were fighting for control of his body, one being scared, the other being evil.
But for a moment, the "reasonable" part of the god seemed to take over, holding its own hand.
_"Go ahead, Elsa! I don't know how long I can hold him off! Go, NOW!"
Although still misunderstood, Elsa very quickly focused on the importance of her main objective and resumed running towards the battlefield, while behind her, Lucanger resumed her fierce and painful fight against himself.
Meanwhile, Kong, having become completely berserk, had climbed up the back of Destoroyah's head and was relentlessly striking him with violent electrified ax blows in the various parts of his face, causing him deep bloody gashes. Destoroyah howled and roared furiously, struggling to get rid of the gorilla. But Kong seized the devil's frontal horn between his two powerful hands, broke it and brutally tore it from the flesh of Destoroyah who screamed once again. But this pain, the devil fed off of it, accentuating his own anger and power, and eyes shining, face bleeding, grabbed Kong by the throat and threw him against the mountain wall. But despite the violent impact, Kong barely felt the pain, quickly scrambling to his feet, leaping from the pile of rocky debris and, his body covered in yellow electricity, his eyes bottomless and gleaming, let out a mighty bestial roar mixing with the sound of thunder that exploded from his mouth.
Destoroyah wanted to kill him and make him suffer, but suddenly sensed Godzilla's power growing abnormally behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he then saw Gipsy Danger continuing to inject this unstable radioactive substance into the body of the King of the Monsters. Godzilla meanwhile, seemed like in a kind of trance, channeling little by little the power that was instilled in him. Refusing to let that happen, Destoroyah changed his target and headed towards them. Seeing this, Kong tried to stop him and leaped towards him, but with his tail, Destoroyah struck the gorilla and threw him back, against a group of rocks. Suffering this time from the blow received in the chest, Kong, on his knees, roared at his two allies to warn them. Noticing this, Kim and Ron, in the cockpit of the Jaeger, did everything to speed up the entire injection process.
_"Come on... Faster! Faster!" Kim breathed between his teeth, nervously watching the percentage bar filling up and having almost reached 90%.
_"Kim! He's coming at us!" Ron gasped in fear.
_"A little more! We can do it!" Kim insisted.
In the cockpit, sparks were exploding everywhere.
_"System error! System error!" Jaeger's AI kept repeating.
_"Kim, all the systems are dying one after the other!" Ron panicked as he checked the current status of the suit on the holographic screen which flashed all over and was red.
But Kim remained focused on the injection process which held firm despite everything, refusing to leave without completing the mission. Then, finally, the bar reached 100%.
_"Injection process completed." announced the AI.
Blinded by too many malfunctions in her helmet, Kim took it off and dropped it, unplugging herself from all the cables and quickly joined Ron who did the same and slumped back against the metal wall, moaning in pain as he held his arm which seemed to be broken. Kim took off his helmet and the two young lovers looked at each other with the same tender smile, but also sad.
_"We... we succeeded." Ron breathed feverishly.
_"As we have always done you and me." Kim replied softly.
Destoroyah was still far away, hurt, but he was closing in on them and Godzilla still seemed to be in his trance, unable to act.
_"It's weird... I never thought I'd die this way..." Ron confessed. "But...I'm glad I got to complete this last mission with you, Kim...You're the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life."
Kim shed a tear, both of sadness but also of joy for the beautiful compliment that her boyfriend had just given her. Slowly, they kissed, then keeping their eyes closed, forehead to forehead, they decided to stay together, until it was all over.
_"I love you Ron." Kim Possible breathed, wanting those to be her last words.
Destoroyah began concentrating a destructive beam in his mouth, ready to spit it out and pulverize this pitiful human machine and its two pilots. But suddenly, the devil was stopped in his action and roared in pain, one of his legs having just been pierced right through by... huge stalagmites having risen from the ground and having literally nailed him on the spot. Cautious, Destoroyah then noticed this woman, Elsa, who had just passed and was now running towards the Jaeger. Furious, he wanted to spit his beam again, but a boulder thrown by Kong hit his head from behind, distracting him again.
Using her powers, Elsa scaled the smoking carcass of Gipsy Danger until she reached her cockpit. Kim and Ron couldn't hide their surprise to see her.
_"Elsa... What the...?" Kim asked.
_"No time for questions! Come, quickly, we must leave!" Elsa ordered.
The two women helped Ron up and the three of them quickly hurried out and down the ice ramp that Elsa had summoned. Glancing at Godzilla, Elsa noticed, and more importantly felt, all the unstable power beginning to awaken within her king, the flaming veinlets covering his entire body, and an infernal heat growing around him.
_"Quick, Godzilla will become unstable! We must not stay here!" insisted the goddess even more.
It was then that a HEAV shuttle from Monarch came through the air, levitated a meter above the ground and opened its rear hatch.
_"Come, quickly!" shouted Ann Possible amidst the chaos and holding out her hand to them.
The trio wasted no time, running and leaping inside the shuttle, Jia even reaching out to help Elsa board, the goddess thanking her with a nod and a smile. As soon as the hatch of the hold began to close, the shuttle set off again at full speed, having to get as far away as possible before everything exploded. Looking out the window, Elsa and Jia with heavy hearts prayed for the success of their kings.
Suddenly, Godzilla finally opened his eyes, bottomless, suffused with fiery orange energy like burning braziers. The veinlets on his body and his spines crackled, like molten magma. Under his feet and around him for several meters, vegetation, rock, everything began to burn and melt. Roaring with immeasurable rage, the King of Monsters, now in his unstable, or Burning, form immediately turned his attention to Destoroyah.
No longer able to contain all the unstable power accumulated in his body, Godzilla deliberately let it explode. A veritable dome of hot-as-hell energy burst out of him with the power of thousands of bombs, pulverizing everything in its path for hundreds of meters. Kong had taken cover behind some rocks, but it was largely his own power that protected and preserved him from Godzilla's deadly, searing wave, otherwise he would have perished for sure. Monarch's shuttles were accelerating with all their power to escape the hot, radioactive wave that was catching up with them. Everyone had to look away, the glow was so blinding, Kim and Ron hugging each other, and Ann hugging Jia and covering her face so she wouldn't be blinded. Elsa, on the other hand, concentrated and summoned a magic frost blizzard in the area of the shuttles, in order to protect them from the burning wave.
Destoroyah meanwhile could not escape in time and was hit hard by the burning wave that charred his wings and his entire body. Godzilla unleashed a second thermal shockwave that damaged Destoroyah even more, having caused his skin and flesh to blacken almost to charcoal, his wings being burnt skeletal membranes. Emitting groans of pain and anger, Destoroyah, very weakened, tried to retaliate with a destructive beam, but this one was ineffective on the king of the monsters who swept it away with his own thermal blast which hit the devil in the chest and the burned even more, cutting into the flesh of his chest which was crumbling like ash. For his part, Kong, still protected and reinforced by his electricity, came out of his hiding place, ran and leapt into the air as high as possible, his ax in hand ready to strike. Guessing his ally's intention, Godzilla changed his target and sent a continuous blast to the ax blade.
Horribly weakened and wounded, Destoroyah barely had time to react and roar when Kong fell from the sky like a vengeful executioner, roaring with all his might, the ax imbued with his power and that of Godzilla, which he brought down firmly on the head of the devil, in an explosion of power just as violent as that of an atomic bomb, shaking the earth for miles and giving way to a gigantic flash as blinding as the sun in which the three titans disappeared.
The explosion had been so great that the Monarch shuttles, despite the enormous distance which separated them from the combat, were violently shaken, but the skilful pilots managed to maintain stability. Everyone had to hold on tight not to fall and everyone checked that the others were okay. But very quickly, all eyes turned to the battlefield to see the magnitude of the result.
The whole area for miles had become a wasteland, blackened and smoking, covered in ash and dust and devoid of any trace of vegetation.
In the midst of this devastation, Godzilla came to his senses, getting up and taking in his surroundings. His Burning form had evaporated, all energy having been expended in this final attack. He saw Kong, also still alive but who was getting up, grumbling and seeming to be sore all over. His ax had unfortunately been broken due to the impact and also the overload of powers in his blade and now lay in pieces in the ashes. The electricity in his body seemed to have lessened a bit, but was still present in him, he could feel it. In Destoroyah's place now lay a huge pile of ash and charred earth.
The two kings exchanged a look, then a mutual nod.
_"They did...they killed him!" Ann huffed with a tear of joy streaming from her eye.
Everyone started rejoicing in the shuttles, but suddenly...
_"Oh no..." Elsa gasped in horror as she still looked towards the battlefield.
Godzilla and Kong turned their gazes in unison to the same place, they too having sensed something. From the giant heap of ash and scorched earth, like an undead, the giant, horribly charred and disfigured form of Destoroyah slowly rose to its feet. He was barely breathing, barely seeming to stand on his legs, having lost both his arms, his wings, his horns, his face deformed... But yet, he was back on his feet! A sickly and ominous green glow began to emerge from his excruciatingly torn chest, spreading all over his body, under the dumbfounded gaze of Godzilla and Kong.
From the Monarch shuttles, incomprehension, but above all terror, once again crept into hearts and minds.
_"No... it's... it's impossible..." Ann breathed, horrified.
_"It's a nightmare..." Kim said next to her mother.
Jia, terrified, huddled against Elsa, who remained paralyzed in front of such a vision worthy of the greatest nightmares. It couldn't be possible, she thought. She had seen Godzilla's Burning form in action before, and even a powerful entity like King Ghidorah hadn't been able to resist it!
Godzilla and Kong were left baffled by what they saw and yet it was true! He was still alive! Slowly but surely and thanks to this extraordinary regenerative power, Destoroyah was recomposed. His skin became intact again, his arms, wings and horns reformed, all his wounds disappearing as if they had never been there.
Clenching their fists, Godzilla and Kong stood ready. For her part, Elsa, began to wonder if such an abomination could be stopped. Newly reformed and fully regenerated, the Devil of Hollow Earth spread his wings, roaring with all his chaotic might, as if asserting his invincibility for all to see.
_ "Hear our voice, you born of the union of the blood of the gods and the flesh of a star... Help us to undo what has been done and should not have..."
_"Elsa... Elsa is the key to the future that will be decided... "You must warn her king... Godzilla... Only he can save her... as only she can save him from himself."
While he was still in stasis in this giant crystal which had seen him born, he had been able to see them, as in a dream. Jia, Maina and Miana, talking to him through the crystal wall and managing to enter into symbiosis with his titan nature, as if they themselves were, in their own way.
Now he was flying, at the speed of light, even further than the sky, gradually entering the stratosphere of this dead and devastated world. As if endowed with an innate talent, he concentrated his power, managing to create a breach in space-time and engulfed himself there, still carried by the voices of the three young women in his mind...
_ "Good luck... our future is now in your hands and theirs."
Meanwhile, in orbit around the earth, in the International Space Station, bringing together several of the countries of the world, a general alert went off, prompting all the men and women of the various countries present on board to hasten towards the control center principal, the very heart of the space station. On the many screens flashed the same signal that one of the officers hastened to open and analyze.
_"What is happening?!" one of them asked.
_"The station's sensors have detected a distortion in the space stream! It's... it's not possible... All the sensors are unable to measure the power, they're all going crazy!"
_"Oh my god... Look!" another officer said.
Far away in space and around the moon, the interstellar void seemed to begin to twist and then tear in two as colossal energy surged, creating a veritable vortex almost like a black hole. Then, as soon as this hole in space was opened an explosion occurred within it and something came out, flying at high speed like a gigantic flaming projectile in the direction of the earth. Immediately, stunned, the members of the space station launched the scanners to determine the nature of this thing that had appeared out of nowhere.
_"Quickly inform the United Nations Space Federation!" ordered the chief officer.
_"What is this thing? A shooting star? An asteroid?"
_"No... Wait... god damn it... the ... the scans show... it's organic! It's a living thing!"
As panic and confusion settled in the human station, the giant, reptilian, humanoid form, surrounded by an aura of powerful energy and the flames of its own speed, continued its lightning-fast flight towards the ground, guided by his instinct and guessing exactly where he had to go, because as soon as he had arrived... He had felt them, exactly where they would be at this precise moment as it was announced. There was no more time to waste. From now on, every second would be crucial for future events to come. The point of no return was reached.
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