Chapter 13 - The God, the King and the Devil part 2
At Monarch's Castle Bravo outpost somewhere in Bermuda, Serizawa and all the other members of the council were gathered around the large black table in the meeting room. No one said a word because everyone was frozen in amazement but above all in horror at what they were looking at. In front of them, the holographic screen transmitted live to the camera what Gipsy Danger was seeing. Thus, they had been able to see the appearance of Destoroyah, but especially its terrifying power and how much it put Godzilla and Kong in difficulty despite their numerical superiority.
_"By all the gods...It''s impossible...Such a thing cannot exist..." whispered Doctor Lewis.
_"And yet, it's there..." answered Serizawa in a worried and dark tone. "I thought nothing could surprise me anymore... What an fool I was."
_"What can we do?" asked one of the advisers.
_"Nothing, except praying that Godzilla and Kong are strong enough together to stop this thing. They must succeed. This abomination is far too dangerous to stay alive. Its mere presence has catastrophic consequences... Look... "
Serizawa pressed one of the buttons on the holographic keyboard in his office, displaying a series of virtual screens, streaming more live images from all the Monarch outposts scattered around the world. The results were beyond the imagined catastrophe. Everywhere, the titans, normally dormant and confined under high surveillance, had begun to awaken, moved by an unusual anger and had started to ravage everything in their path. Rodan. Behemoth. Methuselah. These three titans had broken free, causing havoc in their path. Other titans, such as Anguirus, Gamera, and Baragon, could never be found and contained, so Monarch was unaware of their current situation. However, in China, the titan Mothra had remained strangely dormant, still in her egg. The council members shared the same bewildered expressions.
_" is this possible?!"
Serizawa kept his face grim and gestured towards Destoroyah on the screen.
_"He did it... We don't know how he does it yet, but it seems that this creature is all chaos, madness and destruction incarnated in one and the same body, and that his mere physical presence is enough to infect other titans, making them becoming totally violent and uncontrollable."
This simple description was enough to instill more anxiety and fear in the hearts and souls of the council members, who then wondered how such a monstrosity could ever be defeated. But suddenly, the building was violently shaken by what appeared to be an impact followed by an explosion, nearly knocking everyone in the meeting room off balance.
_"Damn it! What's going on?!" said Lewis.
A guard stormed into the room and spoke to Serizawa.
_"Sir! Hydra forces are attacking the base!"
_"What?! But it's absurd! They never dared to do such madness!" said one of the advisers.
Serizawa and Lewis shared the same expression, not being that surprised. The appearance of Destoroyah and this sudden onslaught of Hydra... The director of Monarch immediately took matters into his own hands, looking determined and placing his hands firmly on the table.
_"Very well, if they want war, they will have it! Get ready to defend the base! Take no prisoners! On that day, mankind will fight alongside the titans in the defense of this world!"
Serizawa's orders were carried out without waiting for a second and spread through the base with lightning speed. Troops of soldiers, all equipped and armed, rushed to their posts while the scientific staff ran to take cover in the bunkers provided. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, and Violet, who had stayed behind to defend the base in case of need, joined the main outer landing pad and stood ready to defend it with all their might, in their super-heroes suits and under a budding rain.
_"All together." Mr. Incredible then said to his family.
_"Together." they repeated in unison with the same determination.
In the hangars, the other two Jaegers, Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha, were activated and deployed around the base to defend it. The defensive turrets on the towers of the base were also activated, turning in unison in the same direction and opening heavy and heavy fire towards a large armada of HYDRA shuttles and warjets, which at their turn began to shoot towards the base. The battle was beginning.
In the council meeting room, Serizawa opened a drawer just in front of his chair at the end of the table and pulled out a handgun which he checked and activated. Lewis followed suit, taking her own gun. Although being no expert fighters, they too would be ready to fight. However, one detail continued to bother Lewis and she told Serizawa about it.
_"How did Hydra manage to find the coordinates of Castle Bravo? I checked, none of our systems were hacked and it would have been impossible for them to find it without the access codes."
Indeed, Serizawa remained as perplexed as his friend. Then, while he remained pensive, his gaze fell on the councillors, one by one... One of them, Zykes, acted... strangely calm despite the situation, and did not even dare cross Serizawa's gaze noticing him looking at him. Zykes then began, very slowly, to reach for something in his suit pocket without anyone else seeming to see it.
_"No..." Serizawa whispered, his heart leaping as he just understood and wanted to grab Lewis to put her away. "LEWIS!"
_"HAIL HYDRA!" Zykes then shouted, suddenly getting up from his chair and immediately pressing a detonator which he brandished above his head. In the second that followed, the bomb that Zykes kept hidden on him exploded and the whole room was engulfed in the explosion without anyone having time to act.
Meanwhile, in the Hollow Earth, another most crucial fight had begun and continued. Elsa and Jia, still too weak from their captivity at the hands of Lucanger, had been evacuated in one of Monarch's HEAVS shuttles which had taken off and was heading away. Shego and the other soldiers had done the same and the shuttles took off, protected by Gipsy Danger.
Not far away, the battle continued. Godzilla charged and headbutted Destoroyah in the chest, then began to spit out his atomic breath, but Destoroyah immediately kicked him away. Kong had moved to attack the devil from behind and punched him hard behind the knee, but Destoroyah barely felt the attack and visibly annoyed with the gorilla, roughly grabbed his head in one of his hands, summoning his energy destructive chaotic to compress and burn Kong's head which let out a muffled roar of pain under Destoroyah's grasp, who then lifted Kong and threw him to the ground. Godzilla intervened to save his ally and once again spat out a continuous atomic blast, hitting Destoroyah in the chest but who soon managed to block the energy with his hand and began to move forward, slowly but surely, gradually backing the beam despite Godzilla's insistence.
Kong sat up on the ground, growling and moaning in pain, coming to his senses with his head still smoking and his fur slightly blackened. Seeing that Godzilla was struggling greatly to maintain his atomic breath in the face of Destoroyah's inexorable advance, Kong hurriedly retrieved his ax and ran to return to the fight and support his ally. Destoroyah managed to stop Godzilla's atomic breath and lifted him off the ground, ready to strike him. But Kong arrived in time and with a precise throw, threw his ax whose blade, still charged with the pale energy, lodged in the flesh of the devil's throat, who in a gasp of pain, let go, allowing Godzilla to step back and catch his breath for a few moments. But despite the injury, Destoroyah remained fully conscious and strong, his tail coming to wrap around Kong like a snake and throwing him further.
Destoroyah then ripped the ax from his flesh which was already beginning to regenerate and threw the ax with all his might towards Kong in an attempt to decapitate him, but the gorilla masterfully caught the weapon in his hand, his eye shining with defiance. Again side by side, the two kings were ready to try again their chance to annihilate this abomination. Kong raised his axe, and Godzilla, understanding his ally's intent, purposely spat an atomic blast at the blade to charge and strengthen it even further.
But the living chaos was far from having demonstrated the full extent of its power and growled cruelly. Letting the corrupting energy of his body explode, Destoroyah shattered the ground all around him, creating wide crevices from which swarms of creatures fully animated and corrupted by the aura of the devil emerged. Gyaos, creatures resembling a cross between a bat and a pterosaur, with burgundy red scales, measuring ten meters high and fifteen meters in wingspan, arrived by the dozen, flying all around Destoroyah, which from one simple gesture of his hand, ordered the swarm of flying monsters to attack the two kings. Glancing at each other, Godzilla and Kong stood ready together to resist.
With his ax and punches, Kong unleashed all his fighting rage, decapitating, cutting, crushing a dozen Gyaos in the first few minutes. Godzilla was not left out, and pulverized whole groups of creatures with his atomic breath, and tore apart with blows of claws and fangs those who managed to approach too close to him.
Gipsy Danger, further back, was also forced to defend himself and retaliated with a machine gun built into his giant arm, downing several Gyaos attempting to attack him and also to prevent them from reaching the Monarch shuttles which continued to move away. from the battle as far as possible. From the cargo bay, Elsa stared out the porthole, gazing in horror and great concern at Godzilla and Kong, totally surrounded by Gyaos, continuing to fight fiercely, their aura of warrior kings exploding in each of their gestures and blows. But upon seeing the uselessness of his creatures, Destoroyah doubled in anger and charged into the fray himself, grabbing the two kings by the throat and throwing them brutally against the cliff. Kong was beginning to be in bad shape with these wounds, groaning in pain and struggling to come to his senses, but Godzilla, becoming more and more furious, crawled on all fours to stand beofre him to protect him and roared mightily at Destoroyah.
In the cockpit of Gipsy Danger, and after having managed to kill all the Gyaos too close to them, Kim and Ron looked at each other.
_"We have to do something. Godzilla and Kong are going to get killed!" she says.
_"What? Are you serious? Have you seen the power of this monster?! There's nothing that can stop it!" Ron gasped, less serene.
_"Nothing is impossible for a Possible, just as nothing is unstoppable... For a Stoppable!" Kim replied firmly with a smile under her helmet. "We have to try, it's our duty! Let's show Godzilla and Kong that humans will fight alongside them!"
Ron, touched by what she had just said, was galvanized and nodded, clenching his fists. Entering into perfect symbiosis through the neural link, Kim and Ron brought Gipsy Danger into a fighting stance, the Jaeger shocking his fists into each other.
As they came to their senses after the brutal crash against the cliff, Godzilla and Kong were surprised to see the tall, humanoid form of this human machine, Gipsy Danger, advancing in the direction of Destoroyah, who was also intrigued by the came from this mechanical thing, growled fiercely and seemed determined to tear it to pieces. Gipsy Danger released large blades from his wrists, made of the rarest and strongest steel in the world, vibranium.
_"Okay Ron. This is going to be the fight of our lives!" Kim breathed, more focused than ever.
_"Let's show this giant evil crab what mankind is capable of!" Ron shouted.
Gipsy Danger activated his newly integrated jetpack, gathering speed and charging, his giant vibranium blades colliding with Destoroyah's claws. the Jaeger, inferior in terms of physical strength against this enemy who overwhelmed him by sheer size, relied on his speed and the combat techniques of his two perfectly synchronized pilots to dodge all the blows and deliver rapid attacks of blades on several parts of Destoroyah's body, but even if the vibranium managed to slice through the chaotic titan's thick flesh, it was regenerating at an alarming rate. Along with his blades, Gipsy Danger activated his arm machine gun again, unleashing a rain of shoots into Destoroyah's face and upper body, which blinded and hampered him more than hurt him. Quickly annoyed by the attacks of this human machine, Destoroyah roared and in a dazzling gesture, grabbed Gipsy in the body.
Godzilla had risen and returned to the fight to support the Jaeger. He charged and slammed into Destoroyah from behind, releasing Gipsy Danger from the grasp. The jaeger and the king of the monsters teamed up and together attacked at the same time, dealing blows to the devil who no longer knew where to turn. Gipsy then activated another of her weapons: the plasma cannon, and fired a powerful beam, at the same time Godzilla spat out an atomic blast. The two beams hit Destoroyah's head in unison from either side. Head smoking, Destoroyah looked dazed, swaying slightly to the point of even dropping to one knee to keep himself from falling.
_"He's weakened! Quick, you have to seize the opportunity!" said Ron.
Gipsy Danger then attempted to decapitate Destoroyah with his blades, but the demonic titan reacted immediately, effortlessly blocking the Jaeger's attack, and with a flick, violently ripped off the mecha's left arm in an explosion of metallic debris and sparks. In the shaking cockpit, Ron screamed in pain, clutching his own arm that was connected to the Jaeger's.
_"RON!" Kim yelled.
But the two pilots were again brutally shaken as Gipsy had received a violent kick in the chest, throwing him back against the wall of the mountain. Seeing this, Godzilla immediately came between the rather damaged Jaeger and the demonic titan.
Meanwhile, Kong struggled to recover his strength, staring at his injuries. Destoroyah is way too strong, even three against him they couldn't beat him. For the first time, the king of Skull Island was beginning to doubt...
"Don't give up, my child..."
This voice, feminine, soothing and distant, like an echo of the past, surges in Kong's mind, who at the same time relives sorts of flashes of his own past... Him, younger, with Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra, also younger, and all four being with this beautiful woman, their creator... Te Fiti... The day Destoroyah appeared and tried to destroy the Hollow Earth, the four young titans had fiercely fought, but in the battle Kong was very badly injured and on the verge of death... Te Fiti, also dying, drew on her last strength to take her youngest child with her and save him, bringing him back on the surface, on this island, Skull Island... Laying him on a grassy ground, Te Fiti then gave a last gift to Kong, still unconscious. She seemed to transfer something to him, a sort of yellow energy of an electrical nature which entered his body... Te Fiti then disappeared, smiling but sad, as if sorry...
Kong gasped, coming back to the present moment and as if remembering... Yes, his memory was coming back to him now... He had woken up, alone on this island, without knowing why or how... As the truth began returning to him, he also felt something awaken deep within him... A very great and raw strength, a unique power... Looking at his hands, Kong then saw electric yellow sparks begin to crackle from his fingertips and his eyes began to glow with that yellow energy. Looking up to see Godzilla attempting to protect Gipsy Danger from Destoroyah, Kong then looked down at his ax at his feet, which also seemed to be slowly connecting to this awakening power of the young king. Frowning, Kong picked up his ax firmly, letting himself be invaded little by little by this new anger, this new strength offered by Te fiti and which had been sleeping in him for all this time. In the sky above the battle, clouds began to gather and the roar of thunder echoed.
Kong gazed at the clouds, then at his axe, and no longer hesitated... Brandishing his ax with pride, Kong roared with all his ferocity while unleashing this power within him, and was suddenly covered by a huge lightning bolt that fell right on on its position and exploded in a powerful blinding flash.
The falling and sudden explosion of the giant lightning that shook the ground all over the area was enough to surprise Destoroyah, Godzilla and Gipsy Danger who turned their attention in the same direction.
Amid the clearing smoke, Kong was there, but very different from before. The King of the Hollow Earth, first on one knee, slowly rose to his feet, showing an expression of the most serious and ferocious. His eyes were bottomless, glowing with yellow energy. His whole body was traversed by electric currents. The ax in his hand was also coated in electricity having mixed with Godzilla's atomic energy already contained within the blade.
Godzilla raised an eyebrow, startled by the aura of power now radiating from Kong, and admitted that he never suspected he could contain such power, even though he also recognized the nature of this nature energy. Te Fiti. The king of the monsters groaned and showed the semblance of a smile between his teeth. Destoroyah showed otherwise, expressing deep frustration but no fear. Spearing the devil right in the eyes, carried by this new power of the earth, the almighty Kong was now here!
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