Chapter 11 - Return of the Living Chaos
Arendelle, in the past...
Fear... on that cold and grim night, she reigned supreme, accompanied by her most terrible companions of chaos and death... From the window of her royal apartments in the castle, Queen Iduna II, daughter of the late rulers Anna and Kristoff, now in her forties, gazed in sad silence on the city of Arendelle as it engulfed the flames of discord, several houses having caught fire and the howls of poor people echoing in the 'air.
The anarchists had managed to increase their power and muster enough supporters to storm the kingship and overthrow it, deeming the monarchy of Arendelle no longer worthy to rule the country. The reason for this revolution? The titans... Fear and misunderstanding of the power and very nature of these ancient gods had only grown in hearts and souls, then inevitably giving rise to anger. The anti-titan movements had multiplied over the years, to turn into a real revolution whose sole purpose was now to erase these "false gods" from the memory of humanity.
Still in the dying silence, Iduna II slowly walked over to the portrait of her parents hanging on the bedroom wall and looked at it with some shame.
_"Forgive me..." she sighed sadly, failure echoing in her cracked voice.
Suddenly, the door to the chambers opened and a servant girl entered in a panic, her face filled with fear as she ran towards her queen.
_"Majesty, the anarchists have managed to enter the courtyard! A betrayal among the guards! You must flee, quickly!"
_"No, that would be useless..." replied Iduna II as if resigned to her fate. "I did everything to defeat this anarchist movement, but I failed, fate wanted it that way... You can't open the eyes of such blind fury... I now know what I have to do."
With these determined words, the queen took a key that she kept preciously around her neck and entrusted it to her servant who looked at her in confusion.
_"Go hide the paintings, you know which ones, in the secret room of the castle. I'll make sure to give you the necessary time... After all, if these anarchists came, it's for only one person..."
_"Majesty, no... You can't do that... they... they'll kill you." moaned the young maid, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
Iduna II was touched and smiled at her servant, but made her understand by her look that she had already made her decision.
_"We all die one day or another, but history remains immortal..." said Iduna II. "I leave this life for another, knowing that the truth will never be erased, that it will come back to light to enlighten this world."
With these strong words filled with unfailing conviction, Iduna II, last queen of Arendelle, silently placed her tiara on the desk, then with unhesitating step and being escorted by no guard, began her walk. inexorable and fateful in the direction of the stairs in order to reach the court and present himself to the anarchists who so desired her death. During this time and knowing that their queen was sacrificing herself in this way in order to save them as much time as possible, the young servant, helped by others to remain faithful to the royal family, hastened to take down several important paintings in the castle, all representing titans like Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan or Kong, but also a painting representing Elsa and Godzilla together. All these paintings were thus taken away by the servants, in order to be hidden where they could not be found, at least not immediately, because sooner or later, the truth always ends up resurfacing...
As she slowly regained consciousness, Elsa felt her head like being caught in a vice, her entire body still feeling the effects of an overwhelming dark magic that was still invading her body and sapping her own powers. Opening her eyelids with pain, Elsa still saw these images in her mind... Iduna II sacrificing her life in order to allow the servants to hide the paintings of the titans in the castle of Arendelle... Why her mind had shown her that? She didn't know.
Elsa straightened up, sitting on cold, rocky ground, and realized that she was no longer in the valley of the trolls, but in the middle of a huge, dark cavern. She wanted to move but soon realized she couldn't get up, chains tightly binding her ankles. Her hands were also chained, behind her back, and seeming to prevent her from being able to use her powers. Elsa struggled in vain against her restraints, but the white fabric gagging her only allowed her to emit a few stifled grunts. She quickly gave up trying to free herself, seeing the uselessness of the thing and permanently felt this black magic emanating from these black chains which kept her weakened. But very quickly, the goddess noticed the presence of someone else not far from her. It was Jia, lying on the ground, her hands and ankles tied too, but not moving. Elsa gasped, saying Jia's name under her gag and crawled as close as she could to her.
_"Don't worry, she's not dead. Only asleep."
This calm and sinister voice caught the attention of Elsa who then saw this pale-skinned man dressed in black, the Outsider, or rather by his true name: Lucanger. The fallen god of death stepped forward out of the shadows, neutral as he looked towards the two girls. Elsa glared at him but Lucanger didn't show any fear and walked slowly.
_"You are definitely an amazing creature, Elsa. Deep down, you and I are not so different." Lucanger commented in his sinister voice but nevertheless convinced of his words. "I myself once hated what I was, considering my power as a curse that destroyed everything I touched, until I met Te Fiti, who brought out the best in me, as it was the case for you with your adoptive sister, Anna, and then, with your beloved king, Godzilla."
The Death God approached Elsa and lowered the gag so she could speak, which she did without holding back.
_"I am not like you... You are a madman and a murderer." Elsa growled angrily as she still thought about Pabbie's death.
_"Maybe, but you?" answered Lucanger. "Aren't you a murderer too? How many lives have you taken with your magic? You're in no position to play the moralizer."
Elsa didn't answer, guessing what game he was trying to play with her but refused to take part. Lucanger half smiled seeing her like this.
_"Why?" Elsa then asked.
_"Why what?" said Lucanger in his turn.
_"Why did you show me this... The fall of Arendelle... the death of my sister's daughter by the anarchists... Was it simply to torture me?" Elsa added.
_"Why would I want to torture you? That was never my goal." Lucanger replied calmly. "I simply showed you the truth. Show you what mankind is capable of doing to erase entities like us from history, because they refuse to accept this reality that scares them so much, that reduces them to rank of mere mortal and fragile creatures. And yet, despite all they have done, despite the fact that they despise us, you and Godzilla tirelessly continue to protect them. Why continue to defend those who seek your destruction?"
Elsa had listened to him in spite of her anger and had to admit that he was not wrong on certain aspects, but despite these parts of truth, she refused to believe that mass genocide was a solution. She had always fought her inner demons and refused to become the monster we thought she once was. She thought back to Godzilla, for he had been able to bring out the best in her, just as she had been able to bring out the best in him.
_ "I do it... because it is my duty." said the goddess with conviction. "I am Elsa, daughter of King Dagmar and Queen Elfride, last of the Iss and titan of balance. I'm not doing this for humans, but for life."
Lucanger looked at her and sighed softly, as if disappointed by this answer, then between his fingers frozen by death, came to grab Elsa by the chin.
_"I'll tell you... This world, this gigantic anthill of creatures, has only one goal: to serve exceptional beings. You, me, Jia... we are exceptional... What a waste to see that you refuse to recognize this point. Te Fiti refused to see it too, alas..."
Elsa could then see a spark in the iris of the god of death when he seemed lost in his own past... She thought she discerned... a very tenuous ounce of sadness but also of guilt.
_"You loved her... and you killed her, didn't you?" said Elsa.
The fallen god's gaze darkened as he met Elsa's and even though he chose not to answer her, the expression on his face turned out to be as revealing as words, which horrified the goddess even more. Suddenly, a ringing of a mobile phone was heard in the pocket of the coat of Lucanger who took out the small device. In the touch screen, a swarm of green pixels appeared in a swarm and formed a face.
_"Syndrome... What do you want? I'm pretty busy." Lucanger asked.
_"What a coincidence, me too." replied the head of Hydra with his synthetic voice. "Sorry to bother you at this lovely gathering at the center of the earth, but I want to let you know that Monarch is about to spring into action. And our satellites tell us that Godzilla is headed straight for your location."
Though she wondered who this Syndrome that Lucanger was talking to was, Elsa gasped and a spark of hope flashed in her eye at the mention of her beloved king's name. The god of death gritted his teeth at this bad news for him but did not panic, keeping a morbid calm.
_"Never mind, we will continue with the plan as agreed." Lucanger ordered.
_"As you feel." replied Syndrome. "I'm already at our Secret Complex 000. We've just completed the final preparations for my 'future body.' As for you, I hope that ultimate weapon you've been telling me about for months proves to be up to the job."
_"Oh don't worry, he will." Lucanger replied grimly with a smile, then the conversation ended and he hung up the phone then turned back to Elsa.
_" Giving orders to your faithful slaves?" Elsa asked scornfully.
_"Who, Hydra? They are only tools, which will be of no use to me after use." replied Lucanger without qualms. "Syndrome is nothing but a frustrated child hungry for revenge, convinced that he can succeed where criminal geniuses like Walter Simmons or Drakken have failed. Let him keep his pathetic little weapons of destruction, because I own the supreme one."
With these convinced words, Lucanger walked to a gigantic wall of dark rock, the surface of which was covered right through with very frightening painted red symbols, but the one that caught Elsa's attention was the central, giant symbol, the size of a house. This symbol represented like a red, bestial, horned face, which even words like monstrous, terrifying or demonic could not match. This was the representation of a being worthy of the greatest of hells. Elsa gave a great shiver of unease through her body when she looked at him. An overwhelming aura of chaos, death and darkness emanated from this symbol. Lucanger placed the palm of his hand on the symbol.
_"Be a little more patient, my child... Very soon, you will finally be free... Free to complete what you once started." said the fallen god with terrifying conviction.
_"What is that?" Elsa asked.
_"Where there is a god, a devil is never far..." answered Lucanger coldly without looking at her, continuing to contemplate the symbol. "Behind this wall, imprisoned for millennia, is the ultimate form of life. A perfect organism, nor alive, nor dead, which with its almighty hand, will come to shape the new order that I am about to create. And you, Elsa and Jia, are going to help me, whether you like it or not."
_"Rather die than help you, old crank!" growled Elsa defiantly.
_"Oh believe me little goddess, there is much worse than death." replied Lucanger with a small chuckle.
Elsa then remembered what Grand Pabbie and also the demigod Maui had been able to explain about what was behind this wall, or rather, this prison... An abomination capable of causing fear in gods and demons . An insatiable, living magma of chaos, madness and destruction. This name that once was erased and forgotten from everyone's memory, she remembered...
_"Destoroyah..." Elsa breathed in horror and fear.
At the mention of the name, the red giant symbol began to glow with an evil energy, as if the mere mention of the name stirred the power that imbued it. At this, Lucanger didn't hold back his treacherous smile as Jia slowly began to regain consciousness.
_"Yes... Very well... The time has finally come." whispered Lucanger.
The god of death moved without delay towards Jia to seize her, lift her up and bring her with him to the rock wall, under the horrified gaze of Elsa who struggled violently against the chains that held her back.
_"You bastard! Leave her!"
With teary eyes, Jia was helpless against Lucanger's grip as he held her firmly by the neck, then took a ritual dagger from under his coat, which he used to very gently slash Jia's shoulder, who winced in pain in a silent cry and with the tip of the blade collected a few drops of blood which he then smeared on the giant demonic symbol. The girl's blood then seemed to be absorbed by the symbol and accentuate its energy. Already, a few cracks began to form on the rock wall, weakening it and the whole cave was shaken by a small jolt. Lucanger seemed satisfied with the result but kept Jia close to him, as a hostage. With a snap of his finger, he freed Elsa from her chains, then threw the dagger at her feet.
_ "Now my dear Elsa, you will collect your own blood and imbue the symbol of Destoroyah with it." Lucanger ordered. "And I warn you, if you try anything against me, I'll break Jia's neck, and be sure I won't hesitate for a second. Now that I already have her blood, she is no longer essential to me."
What a monstrous bastard, Elsa thought angrily but stopped herself as she took the dagger in her hand. Her gaze met that of Jia who was held hostage and held tightly around the neck by Lucanger. A simple wave of the hand and he killed her. Jia's eyes were filled with tears, but also with pleading, not for her life to be spared, no... She was begging Elsa not to. The goddess was torn, tears streaming down her cheeks. Of course she refused to unleash such an abomination on the world, but she couldn't let a child die either. She had already lost too many loved ones and couldn't bear the loss of another. Jia didn't deserve this.
_"I...I'm sorry, Jia...I can't let you die..." Elsa moaned in her tears.
Lucanger smiled at this choice of the goddess and counted on her compassion for her friend. Jia lowered her head. Elsa walked up to the wall, her gaze tearful and fixed on the giant symbol that crushed her in stature. Hand more than trembling, she looked at the dagger.
_"May you all forgive me..." she cried.
She injured her palm, letting a trickle of blood flow, and placed her hand on the symbol, which in turn absorbed the blood of the goddess into it. The crushing energy reached a climax as the cracks grew larger, the shaking grew more violent and suddenly, as if by magic, the demonic symbols glowed with a powerful glow before blazing like braziers, a red fire beginning to extend over the entire rock wall which was beginning to crumble. In front of this spectacle, Lucanger did not hold back his joy and pushed Jia to the side, no longer interested in her.
_"YES! YES! FINALLY!" shouted the god of death in ecstasy.
Taking advantage of the god's inattention to her, Elsa broke the chains that bound Jia and took her with her, running as fast as she could to escape from here as the entire cave continued to vibrate and shake and the rock prison continued to burn under the hysterical laughter of Lucanger. However, the Death God noticed the two girls fleeing.
_"Oh no, you're not going anywhere my dears!" he said preparing a spell.
Lucanger started bombarding with dark energy spheres he launched from his hands, but Elsa, while shielding Jia, retaliated with ice projectiles, the two magicks slamming into each other. But the magic chains had too much weakened Elsa who was quickly overtaken and was hit by one of the spheres in the chest and fell to the ground, suffering. Jia came to her to support her but was also scared, not knowing what to do as Lucanger strode forward triumphantly.
But suddenly, right behind Elsa and Jia, the rock ground was violently ripped open and heaved up as a huge, dark, reptilian shape emerged with a deafening roar that sent Lucanger back a few steps. Elsa and Jia found hope from then on... It was Godzilla!
The King of the Monsters himself rose to his full stature and power, his face filled with rage towards Lucanger whom he seemed to recognize immediately. Elsa, helped by Jia, stood up and started to walk to one side to make room for Godzilla and not get in his way. The king was far too concentrated to pay attention to them, but above all, an unbounded fury animated him towards the fallen god whom he wanted to massacre more than anything for what he had done.
_"We finally meet again, king of the monsters..." Lucanger said with a sick smile. "Unfortunately for you, there's someone else dying to see you again."
Godzilla's attention then shifted to the huge wall of rock which continued to burn and gradually crumble and for the first time, Godzilla's fury died down giving way to confusion, but also, and Elsa noticed it... Godzilla was disturbed, as if he had in front of him a ghost being reborn. Elsa felt truly miserable for giving in, for allowing this power to be released, even though she did it to save Jia's life.
_"I'm really sorry my love... I never wanted to do it, believe me..." Elsa cried towards Godzilla while holding Jia in her arms.
But the King of Monsters didn't even seem to hear her, staring at the stone prison as Lucanger still let out his satisfied laugh.
_"Yes, you feel it too, don't you?!" the fallen god shouted to the titan king. "This force, this chaos, this madness... What are you going to do now knowing that everything you have done so far has been for naught? That it is the blood of your beloved that will have ended everything?! Now contemplate and prepare for the creation of the new order!"
The first boulders had loosened and crumbled to the ground, forming holes and revealing a burning, red glow worthy of hell escaping from the other side. The energy charged with chaos and madness had been released in the cave and was growing in an unstable way, coming to assail the spirits from all sides. Jia snuggled up to Elsa and made silent cries as if she was scared and in pain as she held her head. Elsa held her, almost like a mother holding her daughter and gritting her teeth, feeling that overwhelming, indescribable power that was attacking her mind as if trying to drive her crazy. Godzilla still seemed able to resist, but his gaze showed a form of uncertainty.
Then, suddenly, a giant, monstrous arm, armed with three huge pincer-like claws, violently pierced the rock, and then a second similar arm. And where the symbol in the shape of a face was, an identical face gradually emerged, but much larger and above all much more real. Elsa was left horrified by the appearance of this giant demonic face which was gradually breaking away from its prison and hid Jia's eyes to prevent her from seeing this nightmare vision. A face that had haunted Godzilla for so many nights in his life and that he hoped never to see again in his life. But he had to face the terrible evidence... This time, for the first time, he doubted his chances of victory...
Destoroyah was back!
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Hollow Earth, Kong had tirelessly continued to search for Jia, and was accompanied by the two titans Gamera and Baragon. But suddenly, the three titans felt in unison the emergence of this unhealthy and unnatural power that burst into the air and made their spirits tremble. The flashes of a monstrous, demonic face had exploded in their heads, as if to haunt them. And an aura imbued with unprecedented madness and chaos...
To Kong, it seemed almost familiar, as if from a very distant past. But above all, his concern for Jia grew, as he sensed that she was in great danger. His ax in hand, the King of the Hollow Earth growled fiercely and began to run as fast as he could in one direction, following the source of this dark power.
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