Chapter 10 - Time for Assemble
Doctor Ann Possible had finally arrived by helicopter to the base of Castle Bravo, to the great relief of her husband James and her daughter Kim who had come to see her. Ann had reassured them about Jia's absence, telling them that she was with trusted people. But the reunion had been short-lived and a most urgent meeting had to be set up in the conference room. Henri Serizawa, although happy to see Doctor Ann back, wore a serious and gloomy expression as he activated all the large screens on the back wall with a remote control. Footage filmed around the world clearly showed anomalous activity from titans.
_"As you can see, a few hours ago most of our containment outposts around the world suffered heavy damage and the titans trapped inside escaped." Serizawa explained.
Sure enough, the footage from the movies showed several titans like Behemoth, Methuselah, Anguirus, and even Rodan, all now free, yet their behavior puzzled everyone around the table.
_"But contrary to what we thought, the titans are content only to wander without causing the slightest destruction and their attitude seems to indicate that they seem more than disturbed by something that obviously only they seem to feel."
_"On the other hand, the Mothra specimen remained totally inactive and is currently still in a state of hibernation in its cocoon as can be seen in the images from the outpost in China." Lewis added.
The incomprehension could be read on the faces of the members of the council around the table, with the exception of possible Ann who remained thoughtful, but then decided to speak and rose from her chair.
_"The titans are much closer to the earth than any other creature. Their sudden awakening cannot be a mere coincidence, just like Gorosaurus who suddenly went mad. As for Kong, I have studied him for many years and I could see in his look and his attitude... Something was wrong and he felt it, and I'm sure Godzilla did too."
Serizawa and the others listened to Ann, trusting her with her analysis.
_"Speaking of Godzilla... do we know where he is now?" Kim asked then sitting right next to her mother.
_"Well, no..." Serizawa confessed darkly. "Our radars lost track of him as he plunged into the abyss, but his last known position is in the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on earth."
The King of the Monsters' disappearance in the depths of the world's deepest ocean trench left the Monarch council wondering, though James Possible established a theory years ago that the Mariana Trench might actually be the one of the passages leading to the Hollow Earth but that due to the depth and the too great water pressure no human machine would be able to resist it, but a force of nature like Godzilla surely could.
However, the disappearance of Godzilla and the recent disasters at the containment sites weren't the only issues on Monarch's mind. Kim and Ron, along with the Incredibles family, had returned from the Antarctica mission and reported in detail on what they had seen. The terrorist Jaeger known as Obsidian Fury had indeed been destroyed and it was now confirmed that Hydra was performing experiments to combine titan DNA with Jaeger technology. But more than that, the identity of Hydra's leader had finally been discovered. At first, everyone had a hard time accepting this reality, but it was: Syndrome, the supposedly dead supervillain had somehow survived, but in another form.
_"And what do we do about Syndrome?" Lewis then asked the council. "According to the Parr family report, he would have survived by managing to copy and download his mind to become a kind of completely independent Artificial Intelligence able to move through the global network... If this is the case, he could be anywhere in the world right now."
_"Our best researchers are currently tracking him through the network. They will find him." asserted one of the rather confident advisers.
_"Far be it from me to belittle the skills of our men but Syndrome is far from being an idiot. If he managed to escape us during all these years, nothing says that he will not be able to do so new."
At Dr. Lewis's remark, the counsellor, outraged, rose from his chair.
_"How dare you say such words?! It's unworthy of a Monarch board member!"
_"I'm just stating a possibility!" replied Lewis. "I want more than anything to stop him, but we must not let ourselves be blinded by our confidence!"
Henri Serizawa, visibly annoyed by this conflict which was beginning to rise between the two, stood up and banged his fist hard on the table, immediately calming the situation and all eyes on him. Ann and James, side by side, glanced at each other.
_"Quarreling will only serve the interests of our enemy, so please stop immediately." Serizawa ordered calmly despite still sounding slightly annoyed, then sat down heavily in his chair at the end of the table.
The other council members, not daring to speak at first, saw Serizawa begin to gently massage his temple and huff as if he was tired. But Ann Possible noticed something else on his facial expression... Deep concern.
_"Mr. Serizawa? Tell us what's bothering you." Ann asked.
The Japanese scientist looked at her, and knowing that she was far from being stupid, didn't try to hide it and decided to tell the council everything.
_"A few moments ago, I received a communication from our special agent in the field, Emerald Blade... She was in Norway, in Arendelle, monitoring Elsa's movements... something happened: Elsa, as well as Jia, were kidnapped."
This revelation sent a chill through the entire council chamber, especially Ann and James who went pale with fear, their hearts leaping in their chests and their eyes going round. Ann jumped up from her chair and ran towards Serizawa.
_"Jia?! Kidnapped?! No, it's... it's impossible! How?! By whom?!"
The young woman was starting to lose her temper but James, although also shaken by the news, arrived to hold Ann and try to calm her down a bit. Serizawa sounded sorry for her, readjusting his glasses on his nose and resumed his explanation.
_"Agent Emerald Blade has confirmed the presence of an unknown male, dressed in dark but who has shown absolutely phenomenal magical powers. He was able to overpower Elsa and Jia in a very short time and would have taken them into what she described as a kind of vortex... Until now I thought that we had no way to find them, but deep down I think that on the contrary there is a way. "
_"Which one?" Lewis asked, puzzled.
_"Godzilla." Serizawa said confidently. "As we know, the bond between Godzilla and Elsa is one of the strongest, so much so that their minds can come together and be able to feel what the other is feeling and find each other... The disappearance of Godzilla is not a coincidence. He sensed Elsa's disappearance and went to save her... And if he's sunk into the abyssal depths, he can only have one destination..."
_"The Hollow Earth!" James said then, understanding what Serizawa was implying.
Serizawa confirmed his colleague's answer with a nod.
_"But the Hollow Earth runs through the whole of our planet." Ann indicated, less optimistic but more realistic on one point. "Elsa could be anywhere, and we no longer have a way of locating Godzilla's location."
The other members of the council had to recognize this fact. Serizawa felt caught off guard and as if he was going to be unable to find a solution. Ann and James meanwhile, especially had a thought for their adopted daughter Jia, and prayed that she was still alive. But what they didn't know was that nearby the council chamber, Kim Possible was standing out of sight with her back against the wall and had overheard all of the conversation. Looking shocked at first to know that her adoptive sister was in mortal danger and that her current position was unknown, the teenager's face grew firmer, determined and holding back tears. With a quick step, she returned without further delay to the wing of the base where the quarters of the personnel were. The automatic door let her into the quarters she shared with her boyfriend Ron, who lying on the bed and busy watching a video on a tablet, saw his girlfriend with a serious expression, which worried him.
_"Kim? So? What did they say?" he asked as he got up from the bed and put the tablet down on the bed.
_"Godzilla has disappeared, and Jia and Elsa have been kidnapped..." Kim explained, concerned. "The council is completely overwhelmed I'm afraid. Between the Hydra attacks and the emergence of the titans, they don't know what to do... So we have to do something, Ron."
_"What? What do you want us to do?" he asked.
_"Do you remember that day..." Kim said, looking sad. "When Jia and Elsa together were able to end the war between Godzilla and Kong... Only they will be able to save the world, that's why we must save them."
Ron understood his girlfriend's intentions and determination, but took her hands in his.
_"Kim, I assure you that I understand, but we don't even know what could await us... Even with Gipsy Danger, we won't make the weight if we are alone."
_"You will not be alone." Then said a female voice that they recognized immediately.
Turning around, Kim and Ron saw Helen Parr, aka Elastigirl, who had just spoken and was wearing her superhero outfit, entering the room along with the rest of her family, all also outfitted in their red and black outfits.
_"The Incredibles..." Ron said with a smile.
_"As long as Syndrome is alive, the world will never be able to sleep in peace." said Mr. Incredible coming to his wife's side. "This technology that he developed by mixing titan DNA and jaeger mechanics absolutely has to be wiped out... We don't know this Elsa as well as you do, but we trust you. If you think she's our only hope, then it is our duty as heroes to help her in this task."
Elastigirl, Dash, and Violet nodded in unison, joining Mr. Incredible in his sentence and all showing the same intent in their eyes: they were ready to fight to save this world, like the heroes they were. Faced with such proof of strength, Kim and Ron were admiring and also grateful.
_"Thank you." Kim said sincerely, finding a little more hope that she could find Jia and Elsa alive. "We'll need all the help we can get, not just Monarch or the Guardian Titans...I know of a few contacts who can help us."
Without further ado, Kim Possible walked over to the bedroom desk where her communicator was and picked it up, activated it and got in touch with her other friend and computer whiz, Wade, who appeared on the small screen, as usual sitting in his lair and surrounded by his computers.
_"Hi Kim. What can I do for you?" Wade asked as he finished sipping his soda.
_"Wade, trigger the Assemble protocol." Kim asked.
Wade looked at her like she was joking at first but soon saw that she was dead serious. At that command, Wade nodded then began to engage the boot protocols through the keyboards of his computers which began to send call signals across the globe, to specific destinations.
_"Assemble protocol engaged." Wade said successfully.
Kim smiled upon hearing this, then looked up at the bay window that was in front of her and offered a splendid view of the ocean and its horizon.
_"Hold on Jia... Your big sister is coming."
The invisible but real waves emitted by the signal sent by Wade crossed the world at the speed of light, reaching different points on the planet. In the city of San Fransokyo in Japan, the signal was received on a computer screen, located in the garage of a young science and robotics student, who while he was busy working on his new project for the university, abandoned his work, took off his goggles and stared at the holographic screen that was playing the Assemble signal on a loop.
Wasting no time, Hiro Hamada sat down at his computer, then got in touch with his friends from his very special team.
_"Big Hero 6... Assemble." he said.
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