Chapter 7 - The Quest for Truth
Godzilla's sudden attack on the fleet had upset all of Monarch's plans for Kong's move to a new protected site. For all now, there was only one solution: to use the giant gorilla to lead them to the Hollow Earth, the birthplace of the titans, in order to find there the source of their power which could thus make it possible to stop Godzilla's fury.
However, the appearance of the King of the Monsters and his confrontation with Kong had been discreetly recorded by Berg, one of the men from the Connections, and working secretly for Simmons and who had sent the video of the fight directly to his real employer. Connections ... A name that sounded futuristic and unfamiliar, but actually was founded by Simmons and Drakken in collaboration from the ashes of APEX. In the eyes of the general public, Connections was just a very young corporation eager to fix the mistakes made by APEX, but the truth was quite different...
Sitting in a large office, Simmons and Drakken watched the video on the holo-projector, the latter showing Godzilla and Kong, face to face and clashing in great violence on the aircraft carrier. Just seeing the King of the Monsters again made Simmons wince in hatred, seeing this monster as one of those responsible for his downfall. Drakken, meanwhile, let out an unhealthy glow of fascination with giant creatures.
_ "Such a power ... Such a size ... Even nature could not have imagined such creatures ... But in this case, what power would have been able to create such ... masterpieces of immortality? " Drakken hissed with a sly smile.
_ "But despite all their power, they remain only beings of flesh and blood, like you and me ..." replied Simmons, less admiring and more contemptuous of the titans. "You'll see, when our "prodigy" is fully operational, the titans will be a thing of the past. But tell me, Drakken ... Did you planned for Godzilla to attack the fleet that was to take Kong away?"
The blue-skinned criminal scientist smirked and huffed out cigar smoke before responding.
_ "It was a possibility yes, and without knowing it, Godzilla did exactly what we expected. Thanks to him, our little puppet James Possible managed to convince the others to use the titan Kong to lead them straight to 'at the very source of the titan's power, in the heart of Hollow Earth ... Once that's done, Berg and our men will just have to take control."
_ "And ... What are we doing about Queen Elsa?" Simmons asked, also resenting her.
_ "No worries, colleague ..." Drakken replied confidently. "She is far too preoccupied with saving her dear king. When she realizes, it will already be too late ... Now stop worrying yourself, and let's go and see where the preparations for our 'prodigy' are."
The two men exited the office and walked through several long hallways of the lair before finally reaching a large spherical room filled with scientists and technicians all going about their tasks, all under the supervision of Shego who was watching it all and appearing to be all. in the same way being a little bored, sitting on a chair.
_ "So, Shego, how's it going?" Drakken asked.
_ "Oh, well, we were waiting for youu to start the first phase of testing. At least that will put some atmosphere on this boring day to die for."
_ "Patience, Shego ... Very soon, we will all be able to admire the future at work." Drakken sneered.
He and Simmons approached the large bay window at the back of the room, which overlooked a huge metal pit, very dark, and where in the center, stood a large figure, motionless, reptilian and humanoid, but appearing made of non-organic alloy.
Simmons, gazing at this thing a hundred yards tall, rested the palm of his hand against the glass, his eye gleaming with a pronounced vengeance.
_ "You took my throne, Godzilla ... But from now on, I will take yours."
With those words filled with hatred from Simmons, right in front of him and Drakken, the tall mechanical reptilian figure began to lift its head slightly, revealing a glowing red glow forming some sort of eerie and artificial eyes ...
Pensacola, Florida
Once again, very late at night, Kim Possible, accompanied by Ron and Rufus, had played with her connections to be parachuted by a pilot friend. The twilight of the night and the light fog coming from the sea was an excellent camouflage to allow the two young agents to land ashore without being detected by the military patrols which had surrounded the area of the Apex factory, now reduced to rubble since the attack on Godzilla.
Once the parachutes were hidden, Kim had no choice but to knock out a patrolling guard, take his magnetic access card and enter through one of the service entrances. Ron followed closely behind, watching the rear, with Rufus in his pocket. The corridors and the completely destroyed rooms were a challenge to cross, the duo having to make their way in sometimes very narrow passages and having to be careful that nothing collapsed even more.
_ "Wow... and to say we were there to see that. Did you see the power of Godzilla's rays? It's a miracle we were able to survive." Ron commented while lighting up the devastated place with his flashlight.
_ "What will be a miracle is if we finally manage to find out what Simmons is up to with Drakken. You know very well that it can't turn out to be good." Kim replied, who remained focused on the main objective.
After several minutes, the duo finally managed to reach the great hall where they had discovered the actions of Simmons and Shego, just before Godzilla launched his assault. Like the rest of the factory, the great hall had been completely ravaged. Nothing remained intact. Kim immediately directed her attention to a huge gaping hole that had been created in the ground by the explosion of Godzilla's atomic blast. She remembered vividly that the sort of giant mechanical eye they had discovered was somewhere upstairs in the basement. Seeing no other access to get off, Kim huffed softly.
_ "I think it's gone for a session of abseiling." she commented, starting to pick up the gear from her belt to prepare cables to go down to the bottom.
_ "Uh ... Kim ..." Ron moaned suddenly, with a worried tone.
Kim Possible turned, also hearing Rufus' fearful squeals, and gasped in surprise at what she saw. A layer of ice had magically appeared and was slowly starting to cover Ron's legs, pinning him in place. Rufus had climbed onto his master's shoulders, looking with incomprehension, just like Kim.
But very quickly, the answer came when they saw a person come out of the shadows and come towards them, letting a frosty aura emanate from his hand. The woman with the silver blonde hair and in the white dress was looking at them with undisguised hostility in her eyes. Kim got into a defensive position, ready to fight, but she and Ron immediately recognized this woman.
_ "It's you ... The woman with the ice powers they talked about ... Elsa." Kim Possible gasped.
_ "Good, then you must know what I'm capable of. With a mere move of my fist, I can make your friend's legs crumbling into thousands of chunks of ice. We'll buy some time. Tell me who you are and depending on your answer, maybe I'll let you live." Elsa replied with absolute firmness in her voice, as well as wariness, keeping her fist clenched, covered in frost.
_ "Hey no, wait ... Ah brrr, so cold, I can't feel my legs anymore ..." Ron muttered, shivering.
Kim Possible wanted to take her grapple gun to shoot Elsa, but seeing in her eyes that she wouldn't hesitate to carry out her threat, slowly took her hand away from her gun and raised her hands in a gesture of submission. Elsa nonetheless remained cautious and aloof, keeping Ron in the grip of her ice as she waited for the demanded response.
_ "My name is Kim Possible, and he's my friend, Ron Stoppable, and Rufus. We came here to investigate to find out what Walter Simmons is up to with a criminal like Drakken."
Walter Simmons. This name made Elsa tilt, bringing back in her a deep anger in her heart.
_"What do you know about Simmons?" Elsa asked.
_"Like everyone else, he is a former multi-billionaire and creator of the now defunct APEX Corporation. believed dead when his tower collapsed during the San Fransokyo incident two years ago." Kim explained.
Elsa believed her, besides, she would have no reason to lie to her. Elsa suddenly released the grip of her power, the ice evaporating and freeing Ron who fell to his knees, shivering, while Kim came to support him waiting for his legs to warm up a bit. Elsa had turned away, staring into space and looking at her hands shaking with anger.
_ "Of course he wasn't dead..." she growled, glaring "Like all cowards, he preferred to flee rather than face the judgment of his own fate. Some facets of humans does not change despite the passing centuries."
Suddenly, the goddess began to giggle softly, with a bitter laugh, before speaking again.
_"Sometimes, I come to understand that Godzilla can come to feel hatred towards the beings he has sworn to protect."
Kim, Ron and Rufus had listened and exchanged somewhat uncertain looks at this pessimistic speech.
_ "But in that case... What are you doing here, Elsa, if I may ask?" said Ron very shyly.
_"Like you, I am in search of answers, but above all, I am here to save my king." replied the goddess, looking up at them. "Unlike most fools, I refuse to believe that Godzilla attacked for no good reason. God would never descend to earth except to fight the Devil. Something is at work and threatens the entire balance of this world. And for the good of us all, it would be better if Godzilla found it and destroyed it."
Kim and Ron said nothing, listening again, but guessing from Elsa's tone that she really knew what she was talking about.
_"I came to the same deduction regarding Godzilla." Kim affirmed coming to Elsa. "After much research, I noticed that whenever Godzilla attacks, he only targets buildings that belonged to Apex Corporation, like this factory. It's like...he's looking for something."
_ "Uh, Kim... What if it had something to do with that... thing we found, remember?" Ron added as a relevant remark.
_"What thing?" Elsa asked, raising an eyebrow.
_ "Well, it looked like some kind of red eye, fully robotic, made with super-complex and advanced technology, the kind only Apex Corporation would be able to create." said Kim.
The teenager girl didn't even have time to say more than Elsa's hand grabbed her by the collar, bringing her face closer to hers.
_ "Show me right now." Elsa ordered eagerly.
_"It will be difficult..." said Ron who had approached the huge hole in the ground. "The thing was in the basement, and apparently that hole seems to be the only access now."
Elsa approached in turn, not seeing there any obstacle too complicated. Concentrating her power and under the fascinated gaze of Kim, Ron and Rufus, she created a perfect spiral staircase of ice descending to the bottom. Once her creation was complete, Elsa began to descend the first steps, followed then by Kim Possible and Ron, who could not hide their surprise at a manifestation of such magic right before their eyes.
After long minutes, the trio had finally descended to the lowest floors of the factory, fifty meters below the surface. The place was totally destroyed, silent, damp and dark, immersed in a deathly silence. Kilm and Ron lit up with their flashlights, and Elsa followed them through the various corridors and rooms, or what was left of them. Kim was forced to push open a metal door with her strength, only to end up in the storage room down the hall. However, she gasped in surprise.
_"The giant robotic eye... It disappeared." she says.
Indeed, at the very place where she had seen him the first time, lit by the beam of the lamp, there was nothing left.
_"But... how is it possible? He was there, I remember, I even took a picture of this thing." Ron added, picking up his cell phone and showing the picture to Elsa.
She was finally seeing this thing they were talking about, even if it was just an image. Sure enough, it looks like some sort of giant artificial eye, emitting an unhealthy, overwhelming red glow. Elsa felt bad just seeing it, like that thing was staring at her through the screen.
But suddenly, everyone heard the small calls of the rat Rufus, who had jumped from Ron's shoulder and headed for the metal wall at the back of the room. The little hairless animal waved its arms, pointing at something in the wall. Elsa approached, leaned over to examine it better, and finally, she noticed it, or rather, felt it... A slight puff of air, coming from behind the wall.
_"There is something behind this wall. Your little rat is clever." Elsa commented.
_"It's not really a rat, but I'll explain later." Ron replied.
_"I advise you to move away a little." said Kim, who activated one of the functions of her gadget watch.
A red laser beam came out of the bracelet, coming to cut a rather large opening in the wall, which collapsed heavily on the ground, and revealed on the other side, what everyone suspected: a hidden corridor!
_ "Not bad..." Elsa commented with a slight smirk.
_ "Alright, let's go." Kim said entering first, followed by the others.
The trio advanced as discreetly as possible through this new series of gray and metallic corridors, which they had been spared by the attack. And suddenly, noises of activity were heard a little further, pushing the small group to be even more discreet. They weren't alone here.
Arriving by another exit, they discovered, with astonishment, a new underground room, intact and quite large, seeming to resemble... a launching room! On a towering line of power rails was a row of rocket-like capsules, looking like they were ready to be sent somewhere through long tunnels dug into the ground that seemed to go on for miles.
_"Fuck... But what is this place?" Ron gasped, snapping pictures with his phone.
_"The beginning of an answer." Kim replied, still focused.
Elsa said nothing, swallowing, but she too remained focused on the main goal that brought her to this futuristic hell.
Seeing no one in sight, this room appearing to be self-contained, the trio headed for the nearest pod.
_"This one should normally be sent to Hong Kong." Ron said, looking at the holographic panel that appeared next to it.
_ "Well, let's see what's inside." Kim said opening the door.
Inside, lit by a red glow, were stacks of crates, surely equipment, but in the background, revealed something much more singular and sinister. Kim, Ron and Rufus' eyes widened in horror, as Elsa clenched her fists, her gaze hardening. Lined up side by side were six slimy, repulsive-looking egg-shaped shapes, stuck to the walls with secretion, and containing within them, embryonic and reptilian shapes. Elsa recognized their forms, although having never seen them in person, she had already seen their form in Serizawa's book once.
_ "These are... Skull Crawlers." she breathed darkly.
_"What?" Kim asked, turning back to her.
_"Degenerate and evil creatures from an island, Skull Island." added the goddess. "I thought they were all destroyed by Kong a long time ago. How is that possible? How did Apex get some back?"
_"The other question is, what do they want to do with them?" said Kim, pensive and concerned.
_ "Oh, looking at the look of those critters, I have a feeling it's really not a cool thing..." Ron moaned, shuddering in terror. "We shouldn't stay here."
But suddenly, the pod door slammed shut behind them, locking them inside.
_"Damn!" said Ron with fear.
_"Oh no!" gasped Elsa, who immediately, was about to cast an ice spell to destroy the door.
Kim was ready to help her with her laser, but suddenly everyone was violently shaken and thrown to the ground by a movement of the capsule, the latter having just been thrown by the power of a reactor and spinning now at the speed of a TGV through the tunnel lit by thousands of neon lights. Trapped in the pod en route to Hong Kong, Elsa, who was helping Kim and Ron to their feet, showed a most worried look, having no idea how she was going to get out of this situation. Her thoughts also turned to her dear king, Godzilla, wondering where he might be.
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