Chapter 6 - Duel on the Sea
On the aircraft carrier, the general alert had just been triggered, causing on board a beginning of panic as to the nature of this alert, because everyone more or less guessed what was happening. All the soldiers on the ship were now running in a hurry to reach their respective posts. In the main cabin, radar screens panicked all over the place, as a large, swift shape clearly appeared, approaching dangerously close to the position of the fleet. James Possible rushed over to the ship's captain, who was showing a grave gaze as he watched the screen, while Berg and his Connections men prepared their weapons.
_ "It's Godzilla. He's coming straight at us!" the captain alerted, not hiding his concern, as did James swallowing.
In the hallway, Ann, turning pale with terror at the revelation of danger, hugged Jia to walk with her to the main cabin to join James and the others. But as she turned to speak to Elsa, she noticed that the latter had completely disappeared.
_ "Elsa? Elsa!" Ann called several times, without getting an answer.
Outside on the main deck, Kong was shaking more and more angrily, shaking his chains and pulling on them to free himself, looking around frantically while clearly sensing what was approaching. A very old power, that of a former ally, but above all a very dangerous rival.
At the same time, and immediately after sensing Godzilla's presence, Elsa had been able to recover and run as fast as possible, running out onto the main deck of the aircraft carrier, under the glare of the dazzling sun. Not far from her, she could see Kong growling, and even roaring in anger as he tried to undo his chains. With her gaze, Elsa stayed at the edge of the deck, peering very carefully all over the ocean to try and locate her king, while swallowing and praying that she could make him listen to reason. She felt her hands shake slightly but took it upon herself not to let her fear overwhelm her. The stake was too high.
But to Elsa's amazement and horror, the aircraft carrier's large guns suddenly began to fire, deafening explosions occurring and sending huge projectiles into the air. The noise was so loud that Kong had to cover his ears briefly, but immediately roared in annoyance. What idiots, Elsa thought. All they were going to manage to do while shooting is angering Godzilla even more. And unfortunately, all other ships were quick to emulate the aircraft carrier.
The rain of shells raced through the air, crashing into a row of giant rock spikes ripping through the water and advancing towards the fleet at high speed. Uninjured by the explosions on his back, Godzilla continued to swim straight ahead. However, this attack against him would not go unpunished. These humans seemed to protect his rival Kong, and for that, they were going to pay the price.
The King of the Monsters accelerated sharply through the water while rising slightly to the surface. Elsa was paralyzed, covering her mouth in horror, as Godzilla's backbones crashed into and sliced one of the fleet's ships in half, as easily as paper. A violent explosion created as both parts of the ship began to sink and much of the crew perished in the blast.
Meanwhile, Ann, with Jia in her arms, came running into the main cabin, finding James, the Captain and Berg and his men, all in a state of great worry. Immediately, Jia jumped out of Ann's arms and walked over to the cabin windows, and for a moment noticed Elsa, outside, looking petrified by the situation. But Jia mostly saw Kong in a rage and pulling on his chains. Jia tugged at Ann's sleeve to signal her what to do, without further ado. Ann understood and seemed to agree with her before turning to James.
_ "We must free Kong now!" Ann said eagerly to her ex-husband.
_ "What?! No, he's too precious for what's at stake! We can't afford to lose it!"
_ "Forget about this expedition, damn!" Ann snapped. "We must allow Kong to defend himself, and to defend us too!"
_ "You say it's after that big monkey that Godzilla is? What are you waiting for to drop him overboard?!" Berg almost ordered.
_ "Another word from your mouth, and it's you I'm throwing overboard, is that understood?!" Ann replied fiercely, looking at him contemptuously.
Meanwhile, planes from the second carrier had taken off, circling in the air before firing a volley of fast missiles right into the back of Godzilla, who roared furiously underwater, angered by this new attack. Its long and powerful tail, like a whip, emerged from the water like a monstrous tentacle and violently struck one of the planes which was pulverized. The titan's tail then fell heavily and like a huge boulder, crushed two other ships in the fleet, destroying them in utter chaos as well.
Still on deck and paralyzed by the horror of the carnage unfolding before her eyes, but also fully affected by Godzilla's growing and boundless rage, Elsa was on her knees, trembling all over her body and tears from her round eyes. .
_ "GODZILLA!!" she screamed in despair, but sensing that her king would not hear her.
Kong, still a prisoner, raged more and more, as he saw Godzilla's back now swimming in the direction of the aircraft carrier, only to then suddenly disappear under the waves too murky to allow one to see beneath the surface. Calm seemed to return suddenly, but Kong was not fooled. He could feel it just below the ship. Kong slammed his fists on the ship, roaring as if to order Godzilla to show up. And that's what the king did, in his own way.
Rising out of the ocean like a devil again, Godzilla struck the ship with all his strength and momentum, knocking it down as if it were nothing. The shock was so violent and sudden that in just a few seconds the aircraft carrier made a U-turn on itself, knocking everyone on board down and now finding themselves upside down. With the shock, Elsa was brutally thrown into the air and fell into the water.
Struggling to regain some stability amid the bubbles and eddies, Elsa managed to regain her senses, flapping her arms and legs to keep herself in the water and noticed in horror that the top of the aircraft carrier was now underwater. Kong was now submerged, and still chained, pulling with all his might to free himself while running out of air.
In the aircraft carrier, seawater began to infiltrate in liters into the corridors and the main cabin, the windows of which were breaking more and more. Ann, James, Jia and everyone else were now under the water, struggling and swimming in despair for a solution.
Elsa began to swim as fast as she could towards the ship, also feeling her breath gradually diminish. But her heart leaped in fear when she saw the giant, menacing form of Godzilla, dashing through the water with swiftness and agility, and beginning to return towards the aircraft carrier. Godzilla didn't even seem to notice Jia or even Elsa's presence. All his anger was focused on Kong. And the latter being immobilized by chains and under water, he was no more than an easy prey for the king of the monsters.
Seeing that Kong would never have time to free himself in time, Elsa decided to save him time and swam quickly towards Godzilla. With her hands, she summoned a row of large blocks of ice and projected them. Godzilla was hit by all of them, the ice projectiles crashing into his head and upper body, failing to injure him, but enough to get his attention. Furious and roaring, Godzilla gazed down at Elsa, identifying her as the one in charge but not seeming to recognize her. Elsa gasped and had to swim even faster when she saw Godzilla swim towards her at high speed and came close to grabbing her in his powerful jaws. Although she had avoided the attack, Elsa felt that the bond was too crushed by the king's blind anger. Impossible to speak to him and resound him, not until he was so dominated by fury.
Meanwhile, Jia had tried to swim with all her might, getting closer to the control panel, on which was the big red button that opened Kong's shackles. But feeling her breath caught and rapidly losing her strength, the young girl felt that she would not be able to reach in time. But suddenly, she felt the water moving around her, as if invisible arms were coming to take her and push her towards the button. Again, she felt it ... that same benevolent and familiar presence ... Without further ado, Jia put her hand on the button, triggering the chains to release.
Immediately, the mechanism clicked and Kong was finally released from the chains of the ship, starting to float freely in the water. But his release was short-lived when Godzilla arrived swiftly, roaring fiercely, and crashing into Kong to attack him. Obviously, Elsa could see that her diversion was no longer working.
In the midst of the dark waters, the two titan alphas, ancient allies and eternal rivals, began a bitter struggle. Godzilla, staring mad and eyes filled with flames, was snapping his jaws, trying at all costs to bite into Kong's face or throat, who in turn was firmly holding both Godzilla's arms to keep him from scratching everything. keeping a distance from the fangs. The two monsters roared, putting all their might into the fight, but with his gills, Godzilla had a lethal advantage over the gorilla who felt his strength slowly being undermined by the growing shortage of breath. Kong looked at Godzilla, as if to ask him why he was attacking him, when once they had allied to fight the same threat. But Godzilla remained blinded by his own hatred, as if to say that this is all over and now nothing else matters but bringing the balance back, even if for that he would have to destroy old allies.
Kong head butted Godzilla hard, causing him to step back and let go. Kong took advantage of this moment to swim to the surface and get back on the aircraft carrier. The heavy weight of the titan served as a pendulum, allowing the ship to turn in the right direction, the water draining and thus saving the lives of the entire crew. In the main cabin, Jia coughed, spitting some water out of her mouth, like Ann and James, and the rest of the team were catching their breath, all soaked to the skin. Elsa, on the other hand, used an ice geyser to propel herself onto the deck of the damaged but fortunately still floating aircraft carrier, only to find with relief that everyone was fine. Kong, dripping with water but catching his breath, tore off the metal collar around his neck, shattering it to pieces and forcefully slapped his chest, hinting at a loud roar and that now he was ready to fight with all his strength.
But Godzilla was still there, lurking around the ship and preparing to launch another assault at any moment. Kong, sensing that Jia was thankfully still alive, knew he had to lure Godzilla away from this ship to keep her safe. Spotting the second aircraft carrier nearby, Kong gained momentum and under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, jumped as far as possible, leaping from ship to ship to finally reach the second carrier, on which he crashed a few planes in landing. Despite the titan's colossal weight, the great ship swayed dangerously but managed to keep afloat.
Elsa had guessed what Kong was doing, and without hesitation leaped out of the first carrier in her turn, creating disks of ice under her feet as she ran across the water as fast as she could to reach the second. From the main cabin catwalk, Jia, Ann, James and everyone else contemplated with tension what was to come. Jia, in her head, prayed that Kong would come out alive.
For his part, Kong, now free to be able to fight without risking endangering Jia, roared with all his might, provoking Godzilla to come and confront him. And the coming of the King of the Monsters was not long in coming, his backbones ripping through the water faster and faster as he approached the second aircraft carrier. Kong even grabbed one of the planes still on the dock and threw it on Godzilla's back, as a further provocation.
Angered, Godzilla gained momentum under the water and propelled himself with all his might in a furious roar, managing to hoist himself onto the deck of the aircraft carrier while causing the carrier to tremble. While running across the water, Elsa gasped at the sight of the two titans who now stood face to face, roaring against each other. The sight brought back distant and terrible memories to Elsa's mind, remembering their first encounter, of supernatural violence, in Ahtohallan.
It was Kong who attacked first, and punched Godzilla hard in the face with a punch that made the king wobble slightly but failed to knock him down. Godzilla responded immediately with a brutal slap of the front paw in the face of Kong, who fell heavily back under the force of the blow. Seeing that Kong was in trouble, Elsa sped up her run across the water, approaching and summoning other blocks of ice around her with her magic, only to throw them. Godzilla was about to crush Kong's head under his foot, but the blocks of ice slammed into his back at high speed, crashing into him without injuring him, but enough to annoy him and briefly attract his attention, which was Elsa's goal.
Elsa finally arrived, leaping with an ice propulsion onto the ship's deck and, arms outstretched, came between Kong, who was still ashore gently shaking his head to regain his senses, and Godzilla, standing and enraged, who then watched the woman who had just placed herself between him and his enemy.
_ "Godzilla, stop it, please! It's me, Elsa!" She begged, a tear growing in the corner of her eye.
Godzilla growled fiercely, his eyes filled with fire, but his gaze met Elsa's, and for a brief moment, seemed to recognize her and calm down. Elsa's hope was unfortunately quickly swept aside as the king's blind hatred took hold and he was about to crush her with his enormous foot.
Fortunately, Kong took advantage of the diversion to quickly stand up and land a powerful punch in the head and made Godzilla take a step back. Standing between the two titans, Elsa leaped to one side, narrowly avoiding one of Kong's feet, who had risen to his feet and violently pushed Godzilla out of the carrier, causing him to fall back underwater.
Repulsed and angry, Godzilla was far from having said his last word. On the badly damaged and burning aircraft carrier, Kong and Elsa suddenly noticed the water under the ship starting to emit a large, growing blue glow, accompanied by a strange but ominous noise. A noise and a gleam that Elsa recognized immediately, her heart leaping in her chest with fear.
_ "Oh no ..." she sighed in terror.
Beside her, Kong also knew what that meant. Gently, he grabbed Elsa in his hand. Under the water, Godzilla lifted his head, releasing his atomic breath, the great blue and deadly ray of which pierced through the water. Kong, with Elsa in his hand, leaps into the water, just before the atomic blast cuts the aircraft carrier in half and completely detonates it. From the bridge of the first aircraft carrier, everyone was paralyzed in amazement and terror, especially Jia, at the sight of this immense ray of devastating blue energy that rose up to the sky and pierced the clouds and whose wave made the surroundings tremble. Jia was scared at how strong Godzilla was. Never could she have imagined that a titan possesses such power, and that only heightened her concern for Kong.
Again underwater, Kong wanted to rise to the surface to breathe, but Godzilla had it all planned and being to his advantage in this element, threw himself on the gorilla, and a new bitter struggle began between the two titans. Due to the brutal collision, Elsa was kicked out of Kong's hand. Shaked in all directions from the eddies, she managed to stabilize nonetheless. Amid the debris of the sinking aircraft carrier wreckage, Godzilla and Kong struggled furiously, but very soon the lizard gained the upper hand, circling its tail around Kong like a snake and began to take its prey to the dark depths to drown it. Kong roared, struggling with all his might, but was unable to move and his breath began to dwindle.
Faced with the urgency of the situation, Elsa concentrated, surrounding herself with a powerful aura of ice and let it explode around her. The induced wave shook the whole area, but at least she had achieved what she wanted to do. Stunned by the shock wave of Elsa's magic, Godzilla had let go.
After very long seconds of tension, Kong's hand came out of the ocean, followed by the rest of his body, much to the relief of the team, especially Jia who smiled and shed a tear of joy to see him alive. Kong painfully hoisted himself onto the deck of the aircraft carrier, spitting out a large amount of seawater from his mouth and collapsed onto his back, panting heavily to slowly catch his breath. Beside him, Elsa was also back on the ship, on her knees, dripping with water and breathing with difficulty. His gaze met Kong's, and the latter with a weak nod of his head thanked her for helping him. Elsa smiled at him, also nodding to answer him.
From the main cabin, Jia came to one of the windows and gestured to Kong to show him that she was there and safe, thanks to him. Kong had enough strength to move his head and look at her, and smiled at her.
_ * Thank you, my friend. * Jia signed then with sincerity.
Unfortunately, the ship's radar made it clear that Godzilla was still close and seemed to be coming back on the charge. It was then that Ann had an idea and came to see the captain.
_ "Turn off the engines and all systems." she ordered.
_ "What? Are you nuts? If we do this, we'll be completely defenseless." the captain told her, looking at her as if she had lost her mind.
_ "Do as she says." James added, joining in on his ex-wife's idea. "If we don't emit any more signs of life, Godzilla will think he wins and with luck he will leave."
The captain hesitated, really not liking the idea, but decided to take this advice. As expected, all of the carrier's systems were deactivated, leaving it only as a silent and damaged floating object.
On the deck, Elsa, still on her knees, looked up and her heart contracted with worry. A hundred yards away, Godzilla's backbones resurfaced, swimming amid the wreckage of half-submerged and flaming ships, the first aircraft carrier being the only ship in the fleet to be spared. Godzilla's head and upper body emerged from the water, and his fierce gaze instantly fell on the only remaining ship. Despite the powerful shock wave he had suffered, the King of the Monsters did not seem at all weakened, on the contrary, even more wrathful. On the ship, everyone froze, silent, and praying that it would work. Lying on his back and still too weak to move, Kong looked up at his rival. Godzilla also looked at him for a brief moment, but made him understand by his growl and his gaze that he was the winner of this round, and that he had no interest in crossing his path again. He looked at Elsa too, but still didn't seem to recognize her, and turned around, plunging back into the depths of the ocean to slowly move away.
_ "Godzilla ..." Elsa sighed sadly.
However, she wasn't determined to let him get away like this and was still determined to save him from himself. After one last glance at Kong and Jia, trusting them to stay safe, Elsa jumped out of the ship again, running across the water again with her magic to pursue Godzilla and catch up with him. Jia watched Elsa walk away, wishing her good luck with the thought, and continued to watch Kong who gradually seemed to be recovering from the fight and rubbed the back of his head, grumbling.
_ "So, what do we do now?" Ann asked James. "If we ever reactivate the ship's systems, Godzilla will sense it and he will come back immediately to finish us all."
James knew this, and thought for a few moments, before smiling and showing Ann that he had a new idea for transporting Kong to Antarctica.
_ "Tell me ... is Kong dizzy?"
Elsa had never run so fast and for several hours had followed Godzilla's trail across the ocean, thinking she could find him. But unfortunately, the titan had plunged and completely disappeared into the abyss. Now lost in the middle of the ocean, Elsa had to stop on a tiny rocky island to rest a bit and give her powers time to come back a bit. Sitting on a rock, Elsa couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes, her face plunging into her hands and utterly devastated.
What had just happened with Godzilla was terrible. She could never have imagined having to fight him one day. The bond that united them both was still there, but very weakened and on the verge of breaking. Elsa refused to believe that this could happen, not after everything they had been through together.
Pursuing Godzilla like this was not the solution. She thought back to what had happened in this Florida town ... Pensacola, and the abandoned Apex Corporation factory. It was all gone from there, and Elsa knew that the coincidences with the titans did not exist. The factory ... that was surely there that she could get the start of a response to Godzilla's wave of destruction ...
Resuming a semblance of confidence in order to save her king in the midst of chaos, Elsa now knew where she needed to go.
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