Chapter 3 - Awakening of Ancient Hatred
At the Monarch containment site located on Skull Island, the situation was becoming increasingly tense. The natural habitat under the dome continuing to deteriorate significantly, Kong had increased his attacks against the walls of the dome which constituted his prison. More than a dozen tree trunks thrown by the angry titan now strewn across the dome, and Kong's repeated assaults prevented construction crews from coming in and repairing the damage.
On this new day of detention on his own territory, Kong walked slowly among the trees, his eyes dark and heavy and hinting at deep rumblings.
Although it was sunny and day inside the dome, outside it was night and a very violent storm. The rain poured down in fury on the complex in constant state of alert, and the waves, giants and furious, kept pounding against the strong and thick metal walls built around the site to protect it.
Meanwhile, safe in her bedroom, Jia hadn't gone out much today, not minding that. She had gone to see Kong of course, as she did every day, only to find that her anger only grew. Thoughtful and worried for her friend, Jia sat on her bed, finishing eating her meal while reading a book to try to pass the time and clear her mind a bit, but to no avail. Her gaze lifted for a moment to the small brown bookshelf against one of the walls, on which was a photograph taken a year ago. Jia was there, smiling and happy, surrounded by the Possible, this American family who was now hers after adopting her. Ann Possible, her adoptive mother, also smiling, holding her in her arms with love. James Possible, her husband, but who had since gone to Boston. The oldest child in the family was Kim, standing next to Jia. She hadn't really had the chance to get to know Kim better since her adoption, but already knew she was no ordinary teenager. And finally, Jim and Tim, the two twin brothers, who apparently were studying in America right now.
Jia smiles softly as she sees this photo again. She who had lost her blood family and all her people, she felt happy to have other people who could love her. But yet, deep inside her, Jia still felt this mysterious presence ... this woman whose voice she had heard in the water and who seemed to watch over her, like a guardian angel ... she would like so much to know who she is.
Another thought continued to haunt the young girl. This nightmare or this vision where she had seen Kong and this other titan, Godzilla, enter into a most bloodthirsty confrontation ... and also, this woman with silver blond hair and angelic beauty ...
Jia snapped out of her thoughts to then look at Ann who had entered the room and seemed to be eagerly searching for something. Jia guessed right away and with a mischievous little smile at the corner of her lips, pointed to the book she was looking for. Ann sighed softly but thanked her adopted daughter with sign language before coming to sit on the bed.
_ *You're nervous.* Jia then signed pointing to Ann.
_ *Everything is fine.* Ann replied, but who saw that the young girl was not at all fooled and replied immediately by insisting.
_ * You can't lie to me. I'm not a kid anymore, you know. *
Ann recognized this fact and smiled tenderly, that feeling so proud to have two daughters so brilliant, even though one of them was not of her blood. Ann gave Jia a loving little kiss on the forehead to thank her. Her thoughts turned to Kim for a moment. She missed her dearly, but she trusted him to lead her life.
_ "Doctor Ann Possible. A helicopter has just landed on platform 3. Someone wants to see you, they say it's urgent." suddenly announced the voice of a Monarch agent in the communicator hanging from her belt.
_ "Who? This outpost is isolated from everything. Who could come?" Ann asked then.
_ "Professor James Possible. He's waiting for you in the dome." the agent's voice answered without wasting time.
This answer made Ann's heart leap in her chest, but she didn't smile. On the contrary, her face turned bleak. Really wanting to know what her husband was doing here, she took Jia with her to the dome. The two girls, dressed in rain coats to protect themselves from the raging storm, left the staff quarters building to cross the courtyard, dark and dripping with rain, to reach one of the doors in a few minutes. thick and metallic which allowed access to the dome. Ann showed her accreditation card to the guard who then let them through.
Meanwhile, inside the dome, James Possible, also dressed in a rain coat and his hair and face being wet, contemplated with some fascination how Monarch had succeeded in building this containment site, but had yet to could see the titan Kong. But his contemplation was interrupted when the airlock behind opened and let in two people he knew well. As soon as she saw him, Jia smiled happily to finally see her adoptive father again, whom she hadn't been able to see for a year.
_ "Jia! Come here." James said delighted to see her too.
The little girl came running and leaped into James' arms who hugged her and then hugged her for a closer look.
_ *My god, look at you. In barely a year, you've grown so much.* James said in sign language that he had also learned to communicate with her.
_ * I know. * Jia replied. * And if I keep going, I'll be taller than you. *
James laughed softly at this joke from his adopted daughter. Ann, who had stayed behind, remained silent and watched the scene, her face neutral but showing some bitterness at seeing her husband again. Jia, on the other hand, noticed something on James's neck. Like a slightly reddened swelling, like a sting.
_ * What happened to you? * She asked, pointing to the red dot.
_ * A spider bite I think. To tell the truth, I don't remember anymore. * James answered honestly.
Ann Possible stepped forward as James laid Jia down on the floor, and the couple, after more than a half of separation and not seeing each other again, came face to face again.
_ "Ann ..." James said then, a little embarrassed but still smiling to try to calm a little the atmosphere which he already felt heavy.
_ "James ... can I know what you're doing here? You don't work with Monarch anymore if I remember correctly and no civilians are allowed on this site."
Even though she couldn't hear anything, Jia could guess from the expressions on their faces and the movements of their lips how the situation between them was and hadn't changed. She decided, however, not to intervene and to remain seated in the jeep which was parked next to it.
_ "I know, Ann, I know ..." James said apologizing for the unexpected arrival. "But believe me, if I came here, it's for a good reason ... listen to me: as you know Godzilla has grown out of control and way too dangerous to ignore. If I'm here it is. is precisely to tell you that I have the solution that could save us all from him, and who knows, maybe even bring a new era to all of humanity ..."
For several minutes, Ann had agreed to listen to her ex-husband's plan, but almost immediately regretted it. She had heard all about Hollow Earth, and this powerful and mysterious energy that would be there, and which apparently was the very source of the power of Godzilla and the titans ...
Pacing nervously, Ann did everything to stay calm and not put her hand in the face of James who expected such a reaction from her and tried to calm her down, all under the eyes of Jia who did not. did not understand.
_ "So you want us to use Kong to find this ancestral energy? Have you gone mad or what?" Ann spat in anger.
_ "I assure you, it's the only solution." James explained calmly.
_ "The second we take Kong out of his confinement, Godzilla will sense it and come to kill him!"
_ "But you told me that anyway, you couldn't contain Kong here any longer." James retorted, looking at the damage done to the dome.
_"Yes, it's true." Ann sighed heavily, having to recognize this fact. "The environment continues to deteriorate and Kong is getting more and more aggressive. But anyway, I refuse to let you take him away and use him as a weapon for another of your crazy projects!"
_ "Not as a weapon, but as an ally!" James explained to correct this error in judgment. "To save us all! To guide us!"
Tired of her ex-husband's insistence, Ann turned to him and grabbed him by the collar firmly. Seeing this, Jia got worried but stayed where she is.
_ "And what makes you think that he will agree to go down in there?" Ann asked.
_ "Ann, listen..." James replied with conviction, calming her a little by taking her by the shoulders. "You have always been convinced that Skull Island was like a fragment of the Hollow Earth that had risen to the surface, like a crossing point connecting the two worlds to each other and that it is from there that some titans, like Kong, are native, right?"
Looking into James' eyes, Ann could only confirm the words, having indeed come up with this theory some time ago. James then spoke again to explain his plan in detail.
_ "And thanks to the site located in Antarctica, we know that there is one of its passages leading directly to this world. Thanks to that, we could allow Kong to find a new home, and at the same time, to save ours. Hers."
With this last word, he pointed to Jia, who had approached her adoptive parents and was waiting without really knowing what was going on. James' crazy look scared her a little.
_ "This power is surely our last hope. We must stop Godzilla at all costs. If this is our only chance, we must seize it." James asserted as the ultimate argument for his plan.
Ann, arms folded against her body, would have wanted to say no to this completely insane plan and send James where he came from. But looking back at that dome, this prison slowly being destroyed from the inside that made Kong completely unstable. What if the titan goes completely mad and unleashes his rage? Ann also looked Jia in the eye. She knew the love her daughter had for Kong, and the very thought of making Kong suffer in front of Jia made her sick.
After minutes of hesitation that seemed like an eternity and changing her mind every second to hurt her head, Ann made up her mind and agreed, reluctantly, much to the relief of James who almost jumped in joy.
_ "But, on one condition: everything that concerns Kong, I'm the one who makes the decisions, okay?"
_ "You name the terms!" James replied, easily agreeing to Ann's terms, and even went so far as to thank her to come and place a quick kiss on her lips, which left Ann frozen and a little embarrassed.
_ "You will not regret it!" James exclaimed enthusiastically as he ran back out of the dome to confirm the deal.
_ "I regret it already ..." Ann sighed, but who on the other hand, could only blush a little after the kiss obtained. But very quickly, she refocused on Jia who continued to look at her in perplexity, but seemed to have understood a few points by reading the lips of the two adults.
_*It's his house. Ours. "Jia signed, not at all convinced by the plan.
_ *Our house ... it's together. You and me.* Ann replied, trying to reassure her a bit, even though deep down, she herself wasn't exactly relaxed.
Jia felt it well and was not really reassured. Ann noticed this and knelt down next to her adopted daughter, coming over to hug her to comfort her a little.
Outside the dome, James, as he made his way to the helicopter pad to make contact and confirm the plan, felt a sharp pain in his neck, but paid no more attention to it. He almost seemed to have sensed as if a tiny little thing was moving under his skin, but was convinced it was ridiculous and resumed his activity.
Far away from here, somewhere in the middle of the sleeping ocean under the night vault, Godzilla had found an isolated and deserted island, where there was a great cascade of fresh water tumbling down between two cliffs of black rock. The King of the Monsters bent down, opening his jaws and coming in to gulp gallons of water to quench his thirst after swimming for miles without stopping.
But very quickly, he stopped drinking, his millennial instinct awakening in him. He turned in a definite direction, looking up to the dark horizon ... his golden, scowling eye filled with flames, and he let out a very deep growl ... he felt it clearly, as if he could already see him ... once an ally a long time ago, but always had been a rival for his reign as king ... Kong!
On Skull Island, Kong, who was then busy preparing another tree to throw on the walls of the dome, felt this sudden wave of anger come up to him ... that of a once-allied rival, whom he readily recognized. right now. Growling fiercely, the giant gorilla straightened up and smacking his chest with all his might, roared with all the might possible, causing the entire dome to shake. Jia and Ann, who were still in the dome at the time, jumped in fear and gasped at the sight of the enraged titan. Kong grabbed a huge boulder and threw it violently against the dome. But this time it was like he was trying to throw that rock at something that was outside.
Jia, in turn, felt this explosion of rage in her heart and her mind, coming both from Kong, but also from something else ... yes, that was him ... Godzilla! Jia fell to her knees, in tears, and passed out in front of Ann, who immediately got scared and called for help.
At the same moment, somewhere in Norway, Elsa, dressed in her modern clothes to go unnoticed, her hood pulled up over her head, was sitting on a deserted beach in the middle of nature, contemplating the immensity of the black, sleeping waves. But suddenly she gasped, opening her eyes and feeling a great pain coming from her heart, so much so that she had to hold her chest ... Godzilla ... she felt an anger, no, a rage that was coming from within, awaken in him, at this very moment ... she also felt that the bond which united them both had just weakened again ... this hatred which possessed her king was slowly but surely devouring the bond between them two , and could well transform Godzilla into a true soulless destroyer forever ... so he would become the one who, according to some legends, was one day destined to bring about the end of time ...
No, Elsa shook her head to get the doomsday idea out of her mind. She would never allow such a thing. Luckily, she now knew where Godzilla was, and was determined to find him before it was too late.
Godzilla and Kong, separated by hundreds or thousands of miles, not seeing each other, but feeling nonetheless. Each standing, continued to roar with all their strength, each feeling the anger and hatred of the other, but wanting to impose their own as being the stronger. Around the King of the Monsters, the storm increased in intensity, the waves getting bigger, and the lightning bolts exploding in great numbers across the sky, as if nature itself was affected by the wrath of the two kings. This time, they both knew it ... one of them would fall.
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